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Ian Forrester

Robo Hobo Bamboozles Passers-By | Hackaday - 0 views

    "Tripling as a feat of engineering, a social commentary on homelessness, and an interactive puppet show, [Ables] causes us to pause on the issue of homelessness and human-robot interaction. For a more whimsical interaction, a robot ball that follows you around is a pleasant way to get used to the presence of robots in society."
Ian Forrester

MorphCast - 0 views

    "MorphCast is a new adaptive interactive format that engages audiences whilst protecting their privacy. MorphCast combines interactive video with emotional and demographic response to create a new type of adaptive video experience within the mobile device, powered by artificial intelligence and without the need for plug-ins, apps or the user's personal data. It runs on nearly every smartphone, tablet or PC through a URL."
Ian Forrester

Lightbeam for Firefox - Mozilla - 0 views

    Lightbeam is a Firefox add-on that uses interactive visualizations to show you the first and third party sites you interact with on the Web. As you browse, Lightbeam reveals the full depth of the Web today, including parts that are not transparent to the average user.
Ian Forrester

TwArχiv - 0 views

    Twitter archives are a rich source of data for doing research into numerous things: Learning about social media and interaction networks, gaining insights into movement patterns based on geolocations and even doing sentiment analysis based on the tweets. And the best part of it: Unless you have a protected Twitter account this data is already public. So why not share it? The TwArχiv takes in your Twitter archive and generates interesting visualizations from your own tweets, including tweet volume over time and your interaction/movement patterns.
Ian Forrester

Karen | Blast Theory - 0 views

    Karen is a life coach and she's happy to help you work through a few things in your life. You interact with Karen through an app. When you begin, she asks you some questions about your outlook on the world to get an understanding of you. In fact, her questions are drawn from psychological profiling questionnaires. She - and the software - are profiling you and she gives you advice based on your answers.
Ian Forrester

The behavioural science of online harm and manipulation, and what to do about it | The ... - 0 views

    "This discussion paper explores the rapidly evolving landscape of how we behave and interact online, and how businesses respond. The internet has transformed how we live, work and relate to one another. We can make 'friends' around the world without ever saying 'hello', compare products from dozens of shops without leaving the house, or plan a date with a stranger without breaking a sweat. Overall it has proven a powerful force for good; delivering significant benefits to the economy and to consumers in the form of greater choice, personalisation, and incredible convenience."
Ian Forrester

Click - 1 views

    Demonstration of mouse tracking on websites using JS
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