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Paige Coker

Harvey's Homepage - 1 views

    Click on the links below to access the Smartboard Lessons Number and Number Sense Computation and Estimation Measurement Geometry Probability and Statistics Patterns, Functions, & Algebra Problem Solving Puzzles Utilities
Cara Whitehead

Math Vocabulary | Articles - 1 views

    From addition words and elementary math to geometry vocabulary and every type of number word in between, students can find the right list right here with all the math definitions they need to be successful in math.
Ced Paine

SMARTBoard files for Geometry - 2 views

    An entire course!
Nicole Mays

Fun Mathematics Lessons by Cynthia Lanius - 49 views

    Mathematics lessons for elementary, middle, and high school including geometry, fractions, and algebra.
Kathy Malsbenden

Math Games - 1 views

    Practice your skills with fun and challenging games from Math Playground.
Ced Paine

Hitting the Target - Learning Angles Through Sports (Key Stage 2) - 3 views

    Great interactive elementary site on learning about angles using sports
Ced Paine

protractor - 1 views

    Interactive protractor with many practice activities. Great for IWB
1 - 18 of 18
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