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António Teixeira

Social Media Classroom - 0 views

    Uma plataforma baseada em Drupal que permite a criação de um site que proporciona a professores e alunos "an integrated set of social media that each course can use for its own purposes-integrated forum, blog, comment, wiki, chat, social bookmarking, RSS, microblogging, widgets , and video commenting"...
    O que eu gostava era que me instalassem isto pronto a usar...
António Teixeira

SIMILE Widgets | Exhibit - 0 views

    Exhibit lets you easily create web pages with advanced text search and filtering functionalities, with interactive maps, timelines, and other visualizations.
Hugo Domingos

6 Free Tools to Create Your Own Chat Room - 0 views

  • Just sign up with any email account and start creating your chat rooms.
  • You can completely customize the look and Feel of your chat room. Invite your friends and their is no registration involved to enter in your chat room
  • TinyChat
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • Yaplet
  • You can add your chat room to any webpage or your blog. The only downside is that you cannot configure the look and feel,
  • Meebo Chat
  • You can create a chat room and embed it in your blog or website. Send the URL of the chat room to your friends and they can join even if they are non-Meebo users.
  • You can also sign in with your twitter account
  • You can create a chat room for any webpage and start chatting around it without leaving the site
  • You can set Moderator options in your chat room (requires registration) and ban a particular user.
  • The chat logs are saved forever and you can see what others have talked about when you were offline.
  • Unlike other widget enabled chat rooms this does not hinder your blog loading time as the chat widget loads only when a user clicks it.
  • Gabbly
  • Just grab a URL and append in front of a webpage�s URL, you will be able to chat with anyone visiting the page at the same time!
  • You can completely customize and embed your chat room in a webpage.
    & soluções de live chat para embeber no seu site, reforçando a interactividade.
Carlos Vaz - 0 views

    ferramenta para embutir diversos tipos de ficheiros num blogue ou site supports most common file types: * Documents: doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, pdf, wpd, odt, ods, odp * Images: png, jpg, gif, tiff, psd, bmp, eps, ai * Text: txt, rtf, csv
Teresa Pombo

Don't Tell Your Parents: Schools Embrace MySpace - 0 views

  • Some of these features might cause tutors to balk, but Elgg's creators say the collaborative, conversational exchanges in which today's students have become so fluent outside class are the best way to deliver learning inside it.
    • António Teixeira
      Se não podes com eles, junta-te a eles...
  • Broadly, Elgg represents a shift from aging, top-down classroom technologies like Blackboard to what e-learning practitioners call personal learning environments -- mashup spaces comprising feeds, blog posts, podcast widgets -- whatever resources students need to document, consume or communicate their learning across disciplines.
    Onde também se fala do Ning...
    Artigo na Wired sobre a utilização de redes sociais em contexto educativo.
Hugo Domingos

JS-Kit ECHO - 0 views

    "next generation commenting system. It's the way to share your content, and watch the live reaction. You can quickly embed Echo on WordPress, Blogger, or any website"
Carlos Portela

Cure Writer's Block: Skribit - 1 views

    Uma ferramenta para bloggers
António Teixeira

TEDxNYed: This is bullshit « BuzzMachine - 0 views

  • What does this remind of us of? The classroom, of course, and the entire structure of an educational system built for the industrial age, turning out students all the same, convincing them that there is one right answer
  • But that is what education and media do: they validate.
  • Do what you do best and link to the rest.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • We tell them our answers before they’ve asked the questions. We drill them and test them and tell them they’ve failed if they don’t regurgitate back our lectures as lessons learned. That is a system built for the industrial age, for the assembly line, stamping out everything the same: students as widgets, all the same.
  • Google, he said, is looking for “non-routine problem-solving skills.”
  • “In the real world,” he said, “the tests are all open book, and your success is inexorably determined by the lessons you glean glean from the free market.”
  • We must stop our culture of standardized testing and standardized teaching
  • We must stop looking at education as a product – in which we turn out every student giving the same answer – to a process, in which every student looks for new answers. Life is a beta.
  • The school becomes not a factory but an incubator.
    As notas de Jeff Jarvis para uma TED Talk que ainda não está disponível em vídeo.
Hugo Domingos

TalkShoe™ - About the TalkShoe company that creates Community Calls - 0 views

  • TalkShoe is a service that enables anyone to easily create, join, or listen to Live Interactive Discussions, Conversations, Podcasts and Audioblogs.
  • You create, schedule and run a live show, and you’re in control. You can do it live with others, or upload existing podcast episodes.
  • can be listed on your blog, iTunes, and other podcast directories.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • TalkShoe has created a number of widgets that you can easily integrate into your blog, website, Facebook, MySpace page, and more.
    Serviço web2.0 que permite a criação de discussões live através de telefone ou computador. Com interface para edição e gestão e exportação para blogs e iTunes!
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