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Carlos Vaz

Proyecto Biosfera - 0 views

    El proyecto Biosfera consta de unidades didácticas multimedia interactivas, herramientas y recursos para las materias de Biología y Geología en la Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria y el Bachillerato, que aprovechan las ventajas que ofrecen el ordenador e Internet.
Carlos Vaz

Interactive Websites - 0 views

    Contém uma série de links úteis com os mais variados temas (alguns são bastante interessantes)
Carlos Vaz - NLT - NASA Learning Technologies - 0 views

    Espaço educativo da NASA, onde se encontram aplicativos como: ----------------------- WORLD WIND - World Wind lets you zoom from satellite altitude into any place on Earth. Leveraging Landsat satellite imagery and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission data, World Wind lets you experience Earth terrain in visually rich 3D, just as if you were really there. ------------------------- NASA SVS (Scientific Visualization Studio) has a collection of visually intense animations on a global scale as well as a variety of samples up close. These animations are accessable via any browser capable of using the WMS standard. ------------------------------- MATH TRAX - bridges the visual divide when it comes to modeling graphs ----------------------- What's the Difference is a highly accessible and a simple to use "compare and contrast" tool for students. It is easily customizable to go well beyond the included module that covers the Solar System. "Solar System Explorer" covers every planet in depth with important facts such as atmosphere, composition, diameter, distance to sun, gravity strength, and simulated views of the surface. --------------------- Virtual Lab completely emulates a scanning electron microscope and allows any user to zoom and focus into a variety of built-in microscopic samples. It also comes with a set of educational materials such as a demo on how a SEM works and movies of the real thing in action. Virtual Lab is freely available with a growing library of samples to choose from. --------------------------- CELSTIA EXPLORATION ACTIVITY
Carlos Vaz

images gratuites, illustrations gratuites : Picto - 0 views

    Este sítio apresenta uma boa colecção de imagens gratuitas. Para cada imagem, existem quatro opções: animação gif, animação flash, imagem em cor, imagem em preto e branco (apenas contornos)
Carlos Vaz

Myths and Legends Story Creator 2 : Editor - 0 views

    Aplicação para construir histórias ilustradas. Com bastantes personagens, cenários...
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