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Victor Hugo Rojas B.

Digital literacies: What are they and why should we care? | TeachingEnglish | British C... - 2 views

  • An umbrella term for the media literacy skills and digital competences which appear in national curricula, digital literacies refer to our ability to effectively make use of the technologies at our disposal.
doris molero

Keynote New Media 3 2009 - 0 views

    New kids, new media, new literacies - How do we cultivate digital literacy with our kids
mbarek Akaddar

Delta Teacher Development Series - ELT and the Crisis in Education: Digital Literacy | ... - 0 views

    ELT and the Crisis in Education: Digital Literacy
Cara Whitehead

Summer Program - 1 views

    VocabularySpellingCity has a new summer word study program that allows children to sharpen academic skills as they play. These simple assignments are a daily workout for the brain, building literacy skills such as vocabulary, spelling, and writing.
Elysio Soares

blog of proximal development | - 1 views

  • the students would not respond well to a teacher who enters the class blogosphere only to assign work or to evaluate their writing.
    • Elysio Soares
      Teachers who start using blogs sometimes play the old-fashioned role. It's great when they become aware of the importance of being there as one participant. Thus, teachers are more likely to be accepted and treated as a valuable source rather than the one who decides what has to be done and how good a piece of work is.
  • I was very impressed - the students had turned to the community of their peers to request feedback. Then, I realized that none of the children asked me for feedback.
    • Elysio Soares
      Asking for peer help is one of the new patterns. Do you believe adults would have the same behavior? I don't think so. Actually, they turn to teachers as the only legitimate source of knowledge, as the ones who can tell what is right or wrong.
  • they were not ready for corrections yet - they were simply interested in having conversations about their ideas.
    Thoughts on assessment and adolescent literacies
doris molero

Challenging E-learning in the university - 0 views

    Challenging E-learning in the university. A literacies Perspective. By Robin Goodfellow and Mary R. Lea
Paul Beaufait

How can I tell if a website is credible? - 1 views

    This webpage suggests six factors to consider when assessing website credibility, and adds, "If you are unsure whether the site you're using is credible, verify the information you find there with another source you know to be reliable" (retrieved 2016.12.22).
doris molero

22gd1qhtzocn0svo5z2v.pdf (application/pdf Objeto) - 0 views

    teaching english by andrew goodwyn
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