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English language teacher educators' pedagogical knowledge base: The Macro and Micro categories - 0 views

    PCK on English

Search - Scootle - 1 views

    • debgran
      possibility for A2 - content descriptor and scootle resource
  • A resource with information and resources on responding and creating digital and multimodal texts to support the Australian Curriculum in English. It provides teaching resources, advice and strategies for students.
    Yr 4 English content descriptor and scootle resource for A2
lisastewart6 - 2 views

This has some good ideas for improving literacy outcomes for secondary school English students with regards to effective application of pck

pck English

started by lisastewart6 on 17 Aug 15 no follow-up yet
Penny Delmodes

W200 Digital Story- Secondary English with iPads - YouTube - 0 views

    A student made video for a digital story task. She shows how many ways an iPad can be used in a secondary English class.

Blogsenglish.pdf - 2 views

shared by lucas008 on 30 Mar 15 - No Cached
    Research also suggests that educators help motivate students by using materials and implementing activities that students consider meaningful (Spratt, Humphreys, & Chan, 2002). As one of Pinkman's students wrote, "...once or twice a week I check my blog and then other students write comments for me, my motivation is up, usually teacher check my blog, so if I read teacher comments my teacher thought about me, my motivation up" (Pinkman, 2005, p. 20). Due to the popularity of computer and Internet technology and the growing interest in blogging, it was expected that our group of learners would also find the use of blogs in their English language study highly motivating.
Alannah Young

ICT Games - English and Maths - 3 views

    The link above is a site which has a number of games for English and mathematics. The games are fun and interactive for all students. (they are even great for students in primary upper who are at a low level for English and mathematics.
Brittni Brady

"You're Gonna Hear me Roar!" English Unit Plan - 4 views

Hi guys, if you're interested (and I'd also love your feedback!) you can access my initial ideas for my unit plan (year 9 English). It revolves around a Katy Perry song. here:https://u1046237.wordp...

draftUoW year9 english

started by Brittni Brady on 31 Mar 15 no follow-up yet

what has technology enabled you to do? - Guardian Witness - 0 views

    A project from an English newspaper's online presence gathering contributions to the question "What has technology enabled you to do?" Not directly learning and teaching related, but interesting.  Perhaps as a project for students?

5 Misconceptions about Grammar | CDMSystems - 0 views

    Some insights into some widely held beliefs about teaching English Grammar.

PCK (not just another acronym) - 2 views

    I found three articles useful in my quest for PCK-knowledge, not all specific to English learning, but mentioning aspects of literacy. In this blog post I briefly discuss them but you should read the original journal articles for yourself, they may come in handy for your 500 word rationale!

IOE LONDON BLOG | Expert opinion from the UK's leading centre for education research - 0 views

    research into English Education
kiakenny87 - 0 views

    Victorian differentiation in English

Conditions on Convict Ships - 0 views

    Interesting facts, neatly organised and accessed. Could be useful for history, maths, English, arts and other subjects.

Pck English - 4 views

    I found this interesting in regards to English PCK, though I will continue to look

Love of Teaching - 2 views

    Assignment 2 is all about constructing a unit plan. My next prac will be in a year 5/6 composite class and I thought it would be a good idea to focus on year 5 English and use the Learning Place to see where the students will be at so that I can focus on that area.

Primary curriculum content « English for the Australian Curriculum - 6 views

    Units of work for English and cross curricular strands of Science, Geography and History, aligning with the Australian Curriculum V4.1.

Humble book loses shelf life - 0 views

    How ICTs are changing English. A range of approaches and perspectives discussed. Including discussion of engagement.
Melinda Chandler - 1 views

    ABC podcast about Barramundi farming.  Could be used in conjunction with English literacy learning, eg. kids listen, draw pictures, identify technical vocabulary, order events, identify parts of speech etc.
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