Context *School is a small coastal rural school with approx 250 students. There is 2 year 2 classes. The school has accessing to the following resources (ipads, computers, internet, IWB, cameras) *The students have had access to all of the above ICT and have explored them in prior years. *There are staff training days in which leaders in each area will discuss strategies to teach within the classroom *Special events..
Learning objectives and Criteria
Constructing Knowledge Science Understanding Year 2 Biological Science
Living things grow, change and have offspring similar to themselves (ACSSU030)
Elaborations *recognising that living things have predictable characteristics at different stages of development *exploring different characteristics of life stages in animals such as egg, caterpillar and butterfly
*observing that all animals have offspring, usually with two parents
Science Inquiry Skills (Transform)
*Participate in different types of guided investigations to explore and answer questions, such as manipulating materials, testing ideas, and accessing information sources (ACSIS038) *Elaborations *Criteria *researching with the use of simple information sources *sorting objects and events based on easily identified characteristics
*School is a small coastal rural school with approx 250 students. There is 2 year 2 classes. The school has accessing to the following resources (ipads, computers, internet, IWB, cameras)
*The students have had access to all of the above ICT and have explored them in prior years.
*There are staff training days in which leaders in each area will discuss strategies to teach within the classroom
*Special events..
Learning objectives and Criteria
Constructing Knowledge Science Understanding Year 2 Biological Science
Living things grow, change and have offspring similar to themselves (ACSSU030)
*recognising that living things have predictable characteristics at different stages of development
*exploring different characteristics of life stages in animals such as egg, caterpillar and butterfly
*observing that all animals have offspring, usually with two parents
Science Inquiry Skills (Transform)
*Participate in different types of guided investigations to explore and answer questions, such as manipulating materials, testing ideas, and accessing information sources (ACSIS038)
*researching with the use of simple information sources
*sorting objects and events based on easily identified characteristics
*Possible Unit Idea: Living Things or Life Cycle