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Resume, references, password: Some employers ask job seekers to share their Facebook lo... - 2 views

    A company asking for applicant's Facebook logins during interviews.
Joe Wright

The Best Web Tools for Students to Create Visually Powerful Digital Resumes and Portfolios - 2 views

    It's hard to stand out from the crowd as a graduate. This may help when it comes time to apply for jobs.

Research into Ideal Digital Learning Spaces - e-O'Hagan - 0 views

  • , it is daily struggle of teachers and administrators coming to me with computer programs and websites that guarantee student growth and engagement – a “Box of Magic,” if you will. Most of these products cannot provide peer-reviewed research that demonstrates the basis for the design of their products
  • e-O'Hagan onmia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis Resume
  • And yet, if your school district has an “ill” there is a vendor ready to sell you a “cure”.
    Brief blog post talking about what is known about creating digital learnign spaces that produce student knowledge creation.
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