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Spain 'in huge crisis' as unemployment hits record levels - Telegraph - 3 views

    • Erica Nozawa
      This suggests Spain's involvement in the Euro crisis, and how unemployment rose as a result. 
    • Erica Nozawa
      'Record unemployment' gives us an idea of the magnitude of the impact the euro crisis had on Spain. I could discuss the type of unemployment and what could be done to improve the situation. In this case, the type of unemployment would be cyclical, as it occurs partly as a result of the business cycle.
    • Erica Nozawa
      Unemployment is macroeconomics. 
  • ...1 more annotation...
    • Erica Nozawa
      Consumer spending is one of the key factors of macroeconomics. Consumer spending could have dropped partly because of the increasing unemployment rate, causing consumers to hold off spending. This means a drop in demand, thus a drop in supply, a decline in GDP, the shifting inwards on the PPF curve, the increase in government spending to pay for unemployment benefit, thus an increase in deficit, and in some cases the outset of deflation.

Lost in inflation: the trap of focusing solely on the consumer price index | The Japan ... - 3 views

  • interest rate policy since February 1999
    • Edward Pearson
      -Increase borrowing and decreasing savings -however, real interest rates are positive due to deflation 
  • the government's fiscal policy options are starting to run out
    • Edward Pearson
      Increase in budget deficit as spending increases and tax revenue decreases - along with debt of 215% of GDP
  • This is reflected by globalized Japan's descent into its first trade deficit since 1980
    • Edward Pearson
      GDP=C+!+G+X-M  demand for domestic products decrease because foreign products are relatively cheaper - increase in M and decrease in X, so AD decreases and GDP decrease causing deflation
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • prices in Japan remain very high by international standards.
    • Edward Pearson
      Lack of factors of production - mainly land need for importing from foreign countries possible solutions- Free trade
  • This is one factor behind Japan's high prices.
  • cannot pin their hopes on wage increases
    • Edward Pearson
      should be a decrease in wages as revenue decreases - sticky wages 
  • They should step back and take a look at the big picture, including Japan's abnormally high prices,
    • Edward Pearson
      deflation possibly could be advantages - increase in spending power, international competitiveness etc 

BBC News - India growth rate slows to 5.3% in first quarter - 0 views

  • India growth rate slows to 5.3% in first quarter
  • India growth rate slows to 5.3% in first quarter
    Indian economy slowing down 

U.S. Growth Slows to 2.2%, Report Says - - 1 views

    • Shoko Kuroda
      It clearly states that the increase in consumer confidence shifted the AD curve to the right and how this lead to the stable US GDP growth
    • Shoko Kuroda
      can draw a graph describing the growth in GDP by a AD curve shift to the right
  • Business investment, which had been a bright spot, declined in the most recent quarter.
  • ...24 more annotations...
    • Shoko Kuroda
      Business investment is stated as another factor which contributed to the decrease in GDP growth 
    • Shoko Kuroda
      Explanation as to what is GDP, its definition and the major factors which influence GDP. GDP= C (consumption)+G (government spending) +I (investment) +(X-M) (exports- imports)
    • Shoko Kuroda
      Could give an insight to some statistics as to what the GDP growth rates are for few countries around the world 
    • Shoko Kuroda
      Evaluate on the two different perspectives and the extent to both are valid 
    • Shoko Kuroda
      reducing unemployment is another factor which affects GDP. State and explain how employment increases GDP. When people are employed this increases consumer confidence and results in consumers to be more willing to pay for goods and services and therefore increases consumption which is a big part of GDP. 
    • Shoko Kuroda
      Explain the relationship between the GDP of other countries. Such in this time period, Greece as a country was going the path of becoming bankrupt. The Euro-crisis contracted the economy of many countries. When they have a smaller economy, they have less amount of exports and therefore this could have made the difference between exports and imports significant and influenced GDP. 
  • Government spending also fell
  • particularly large drop in military outlays.
  • Many economists pointed out that consumer spending, mostly on cars and other large items, seemed to have come at a cost. Consumer savings declined.
  • decline in business investment.
  • Businesses spent more on equipment and software but much less on infrastructure.
  • decline in investment in
  • construction related to mining, oil and gas
  • series of external shocks, like a spike in gas prices (this year’s was less severe and is already subsiding) and the Ja
  • panese earthquake.
  • where many countries are already in recession and where this week Britain announced that it had entered the dreaded “double dip.”
  • slowing of China’s breakneck
    • Shoko Kuroda
      Decline in business investment, infrastructures invest more money therefore bring a bigger influence on growth of GDP whereas equipment and software have little affect since it is not as expensive as building roads and buildings. 
    • Shoko Kuroda
      Investment on construction of mining, oil and gas is similar to business investment on infrastructure since they acquire a lot of money whereas spendings on factories and office buildings are not as expensive as construction related spending. 
  • Shipments of durable goods increased last month, but new orders showed the steepest drop since January 2009.
  • unemployment benefits have risen.
    • Shoko Kuroda
      Unemployment benefits have risen, indicating that since there is a population who dont have a job, the government has to afford them unemployment benefits which reduces GDP. 
    • Shoko Kuroda
      Natural hazards such as the Earthquake and Tsunami which hit Fukushima on March 11, reduced the exports of Japanese goods to foreign countries due to the news of radiation. Because of a decrease in demand for Japanese goods, this could have reduced imports for America and a smaller difference between exports and imports of goods. 
    • Shoko Kuroda
      Because China has such a global impact on the world's economy, the slowing growth of the Chinese economy could reduce consumption of goods, considering the fact that the prices of Chinese goods could increase. 

Paul Krugman attacks Britain's austerity drive as 'deeply destructive' | Business | gua... - 2 views

  • increasing it by 2% of GDP
    • Isabella Yamamoto
      I can talk about the multiplier effect and how increasing in spending can lead to a boost in AD
  • austerity policy as "deeply destructive"
    • Isabella Yamamoto
      I can look at the argument made for increasing spending during a recession, and look at the argument made against.
  • to do so would be to admit its mistake
    • Isabella Yamamoto
      Perhaps I could look at how political interests can mean that policies do not always pass policies that are in the best interest of a countries economy.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • 30% of unemployed people having been out of work for 52 weeks or more, compared with 9.5% in 2008.
    • Isabella Yamamoto
      How austerity measures reduce spending in public + private sectors. How that leads to more jobless. Can also look at structural unemployment and how AD will continue to fall because of lower income per capita.

Euro-Zone Inflation Slows - - 0 views

    • Derek Schwung
      Macroeconomics - Government Policy Tools ECB and Monetary policy Inflation level is slowing down. 
  • The annual rate of consumer-price growth in the 17 nations that use the euro slowed to 2.4% in May from 2.6%
    • Derek Schwung
      Consumer-price growth is states as cause. 
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • The statistics office's preliminary release didn't give a breakdown to show why inflation fell.
    • Derek Schwung
      Doesn't give reasons to why --> gives you more room to analyze. 
  • May's reduction in the euro-zone inflation rate still leaves price growth above the ECB's target level of just below 2%
    • Derek Schwung
      Reaches target 

BBC News - Spanish unemployment hits record 5.64 million - 0 views

    • Derek Schwung
      Current unemployment rates in Spain
  • Monday are expected to confirm that Spain has fallen back into recession.
    • Derek Schwung
      A result/consequence of the unemployment levels. 
  • ...17 more annotations...
  • 0.4% in first three months of this year, after shrinking by 0.3% in the final quarter of last year.
    • Derek Schwung
      Decrease in GDP is a cause for the high unemployment. 
  • Spanish retail sales were down 3.7% in March from the same point a year ago, the 21st month in row sales have fallen.
    • Derek Schwung
      Sales = consumer spending. Less consumer spending/confidence will result in a decrease in GDP
  • The rate has risen sharply since April 2007, when it stood at 7.9%.
    • Derek Schwung
      Comparison to what the unemployment figures before the recession. 
  • The new government has announced reforms to the labour market, including cutting back on severance pay and restricting i
  • nflation-linked salary increases, that it hopes will ease the problem.
    • Derek Schwung
      What spain is doing to remedy the unemployment. 
  • The government has also introduced drastic spending cuts designed to reduce its debt levels and meet deficit targets agreed with the European Union. These cuts are contributing to Spain's economic contraction.
    • Derek Schwung
      Even though government expenditure would increase the AD/GDP, which would result in more employment, Spain is being forced to reduce government spending. 
  • S&P predicts the Spanish economy will shrink by 1.5% this year, having previously forecast 0.3% growth.
    • Derek Schwung
      Large decrease in GDP 
  • "We believe that the new government has been front-loading and implementing a comprehensive set of structural reforms, which should support economic growth over the longer term," S&P said. "In particular, authorities have implemented a comprehensive reform of the Spanish labour market, which we believe could significantly reduce many of the existing structural rigidities and improve the flexibility in wage setting."
    • Derek Schwung
      Solutions to the problem by analysts. 
  • The yield on 10-year bonds rose to 5.96%, up from 5.81%, suggesting investors were becoming more wary of Spain's ability to repay its debts.
    • Derek Schwung
      Investors are also key in GDP, which would boost economy, but they are weary. 

U.S. Growth Slows to 2.2%, Report Says - - 0 views

    • Shoko Kuroda
      GDP, Growth Domestic product is in the section of macro economics
  • The economic recovery slowed more than expected early this year,
  • an annual rate of 2.2 percent in the first quarter, down from 3 percent at the end of last year,
  • ...18 more annotations...
  • It was the first deceleration in a year, but it was not nearly as severe as other setbacks in the last couple of years.
  • Mitt Romney
  • insisting that the president has held back the recovery and intends to do further damage.
  • White House focused on
  • solid growth in consumer spending and a surge in residential building.
  • the private sector is continuing to heal from the financial crisis,” said Alan Krueger, chairman of the president’s Council of Economic Advisers.
  • subsidize the employment of teachers and first responders to emergencies.
  • Economists initially predicted a much weaker showing in the latest quarter, partly because of a large accumulation of inventories in the fall and winter that needed to be worked off. But in the last few weeks, expectations rose on strong jobs reports and rising consumer confidence.
  • Consumer spending did turn out to be the major strength
  • Business investment, which had been a bright spot, declined in the most recent quarter.
  • Government spending also fell more than anticipated,
  • thanks in part to a particularly large drop in military outlays.
  • Consumer savings declined.
  • decline in business investment.
  • Businesses spent more on equipment and software but much less on infrastructure.
  • in construction related to mining, oil and gas, while manufacturers actually increased their spending on factories and office buildings.
  • another significant slowdown, saying that last year’s hiccup was the result of a series of external shocks, like a spike in gas prices (this year’s was less severe and is already subsiding) and the Japanese earthquake.
  • Stagnation in Europe and a slowing of China’s breakneck expansion have weakened global demand even as corporate profits have continued to outpace expectations.

Wesfarmers upbeat on retailing - 1 views

  • cheaper, unbranded groceries were good for customers.
    • Kat Whatley
      These are inferior goods
  • ''Offering a choice of quality private label products alongside their favourite brands is one way Coles can help,'' he said.
    • Kat Whatley
      Given the option, consumers are willing to opt for the cheaper, unbranded version amid high economic costs.
  • Coles is ''supporting the creation of 10,000 new jobs by suppliers through volume growth'' - with $1.6 billion in extra fresh food sales per year and a doubling in the value of produce sourced directly from Australian growers.
    • Kat Whatley
      Shows economies of scale: Coles can sell cheaper because as a chain they can source from farmers directly. This lowers their costs of production and thus lowers consumer prices.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • The strategy focused on improving the quality of Target's products and in-store services.
    • Kat Whatley
      Target is one of a few very large clothing stores in Australia. Like an oligopolistic market, Westerfarmers must use non price determinant factors to get more consumers.
  • The division has boosted food and liquor sales from $21 billion to an estimated $26.5 billion this year.
    • Kat Whatley
      Large gains in profit due to cheaper costs and more sales.
  • Several economists said the weak data strengthened the case for further interest rate cuts, following the ANZ forecast of another 0.75 percentage points in cuts by the end of the year.
    • Kat Whatley
      This is amid low growth rates for Australia. Suggests monetary policy as a solution.

Kenya inflation slows to 12.2 pct in May | Reuters - 5 views

    • Adam Seldis
      This nicely allows some evaluation, as we can speculate on to what evaluate the government should change interest rates
    • Adam Seldis
      I could use this to introduce the relationship between interest rates and exchange rates. However that's more international economics so I might just ignore it. 
    • Adam Seldis
      This is a nice article that allows me to explain what inflation is and how Kenya has cost-push disinflation. I can easily show this in a diagram. What's more it also talks about monetary policy, so I can explain how the government has helped create this - the impact of interest rates on costs. There are also some really good evaluation opportunities, particularly as the article suggests the Kenyan government itself doesn't know what to do with interest rates. I can ignore exchange rates but instead focus on the possible impact on employment and general GDP growth, whilst not ignoring the ominous signs mentioned about future world commodity prices.

Kenya inflation slows to 12.2 pct in May | Reuters - 3 views

  • inflation slows to 12.2 pct in May
  • fall in
    • Adam Seldis
      This response will be about falling inflation. So I'm hoping to find some information on perhaps why it is falling, to what extent the government played a part, and what might the consequences be?
  • ...6 more annotations...
    • Adam Seldis
      This explains why there was the fall. So it is a cost-push disinflation. I can explain this using a diagram.
    • Adam Seldis
      I can now bring in monetary policy and explain not only why a government may wish to lower interest rates (to boost AD) but also how a lowering of inflation might allow this situation.
    • Adam Seldis
      I can use this data in my diagrams
    • Adam Seldis
      So I can use this to explain how the government has been using interest rates to lower inflation and what the relationship is between them.
    • Adam Seldis
      Could also do some evaluation to suggest that cost-push disinflation is better to have than demand-pull disinflation, as with cost-push disinflation you still get GDP growth.
    • Adam Seldis
      I can use this to explain what might happen in the future. What might be the impact of high international commodity prices.

BBC News - Who what why: Why is there more oilseed rape being grown? - 31 views

  • Why is there more oilseed rape being grown?
    • Adam Seldis
      This looks like it might a supply issue - so microeconomics supply and demand
  • more than ever before
    • Adam Seldis
      So there has been a shift outwards in supply. I can show this on a diagram. However I need to explain why it has shifted.
  • rocketing prices as it becomes more desirable for food
    • Adam Seldis
      So the only way this can be explained is that demand has increased more than the increase in supply, therefore leading to a 'rocketing' in prices. Again, would be good if I could explain why.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • £388 per tonne, which compares to £240 in 2010
    • Adam Seldis
      I can use these numbers on my diagram. 240GBP was the original equilibrium price, 388GBP the new equilibrium.
  • 698,000 hectares in England and Wales and around 37,000 hectares in Scotland have been sown with oilseed rape this year, up about 6% on last year
    • Adam Seldis
      Again, I can use these figures in my diagram on the Quantity axis.
  • rapeseed oil is actually one of the highest quality vegetable oils, and it has gained a certain culinary respectability over recent years.
    • Adam Seldis
      This explains the shift in demand
  • "It's being used as mayonnaise, in margarine, salads, anywhere vegetables are used. It has a good health profile, has low saturated fat, is high in omega-3, and some claim it is better than sunflower oil," he say
    • Adam Seldis
      As does this.
  • The UK's "consistently high yields" of rapeseed have made the crop a success, according to Gagen.
    • Adam Seldis
      This partly explains the shift in supply
  • Other places like Germany, Poland and Ukraine have had a dreadful winter, the crops were exposed to severe cold temperatures, I suspect the French suffered as well.
    • Adam Seldis
      I can bring in here the concept of substitute goods - that German etc rape crops are a substitute good. That their fall in supply will have lead to an increase in the price for them, leading to a fall in demand. This will have lead to an increase in demand for UK rape crops. Could show this diagrammatically if needed.
  • and they are 45% oil - and the other 55% is high protein animal feed - they are an amazing piece of nature," he says. Burnett says oilseed rape is also being used for biodiesel, while a very small amount has specialist industrial uses, for instance as lubricants.
    • Adam Seldis
      Again, this explains the surge in demand. It has a number of different uses. (Called composite demand).
  • Burnett says oilseed rape has probably been more visible this year because it has flowered for almost twice its normal length of time - eight weeks, instead of four - as a cold and wet April and May stopped flowers developing and dying at their normal rate.
    • Adam Seldis
      We could start to use this as some kind of evaluation - the fact that there might not have been a shift in supply at all.
    • Adam Seldis
      So, overall, I could write a commentary about how a small shift in supply and a large shift in demand has led to an increase in the price for rape seed. I can easily show this with a diagram and explain the factors behind each movement. I would need to show the shift in supply being less than the shift in demand. For evaluation I could start to look at the impacts of PED and PES. Might they be inelastic or elastic and how might this impact the price mechanism. I could also speculate a little about what might happen in the future, based on the information in the article, and its impact on the price of rape seed in the UK
    This is the article I would like you to read first. You may not use this one in the future.
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