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International School of Central Switzerland

trivia - 0 views

    Harold was fighting on foot in the centre of his army. Unfortunately what he gain in moral he lost in control. All the Saxons had to do was hold their position and keep their shieldwall intact. If they could do that, William would be defeated. As the Bretons ran, the Fyrd on Harold's right followed with hoots of victory. They raced down the hill and hunted their enemy all the way behind the original Norman lines. Here they found themselves in the marshy bottom of the valley. Cut off from their fellows and without the protection of the shieldwall, William saw his chance. He brought his cavalry across the battlefield and hit the isolated Saxons in the rear who were slaughtered to a man. Realising that he had the advantage of better discipline, William engineered several fake "retreats" with similar results. Despite this tactic the shieldwall remained.
International School of Central Switzerland

History - William I (William the Conqueror) - 0 views

    The two armies met at Senlac Hill outside of Hastings with William setting out his army with the archers at the front, then the infantry and the cavalry at the rear. Harold meanwhile had taken up a position on higher ground on a narrow 800 yard long ridge but this was a bad mistake as it restricted his troops movement and made it almost easy for an experienced campaigner like William.
K Epps

The Norman Conquest of England: The Alternative Histories - 0 views

    "The story of the Norman Conquest was told by more than a few medieval chroniclers, including William of Jumièges, William of Poitiers, Orderic Vitalis, William of Malmesbury and John of Worcester. For a more visual account, one can turn to the Bayeux Tapestry to see how the events of 1066 were depicted. Historians trying to reconstruct the events of the invasion of England and the Battle of Hastings generally make use of these sources. However, there are other lesser-known accounts of the Norman Conquest. Here we present two of these works, both written over a hundred years after the Battle of Hastings."
K Epps

Herleva of Falaise, Mother of William the Conqueror - 0 views

    "Legends states the young Duke Robert I of Normandy was on the walkway of his castle at Falaise looking down at the river and discovered a beautiful young girl washing clothes. He asked to see her and she became his mistress. She would become the mother of William the Conqueror."
International School of Central Switzerland

Royal Women: Joan of England, Queen of Sicily - 0 views

    In 1176 a delegation from Sicily came to the English court, asking for Joan's hand in marriage on behalf of William II of Sicily. Joan's parents agreed to the proposal, and the betrothal was confirmed. On the 27th of August, Joan, together with a large group of people consisting of ladies-in-waiting, knights, clergy and various retainers, laid out to sail for Sicily. The trip began with the short stretch from Winchester to Southampton, escorted by the archbishops of Canterbury and Rouen, the bishop of Evreux and her father's brother Hamelane. Then Prince Henry, her oldest brother, accompanied her across the Channel and into France to Poitiers. There she was met by another brother, Richard, who escorted her through the Duchy of Aquitaine, across the allied County of Toulouse to Saint Gilles Port, where Bishop Richard Palmer welcomed her in the name of the King of Sicily. Twenty-five Sicilian ships awaited the young princess to sail her to her husband-to-be. The last part of the journey left Joan seasick, but she finally arrived at the end of January and married William at Palermo Cathedral on the 13th of February 1177 at the tender age of eleven while her husband was twenty-three! She was crowned, and was now queen consort.
International School of Central Switzerland

The Harrying of the North: a Great Medieval Massacre, 1069. - 0 views

    "In his anger at the English barons, William commanded that all crops and herds, chattels and foods should be burned to ashes, so that the whole of the North be stripped of all means of survival. So terrible a famine fell upon the people, that more than 100,000 young and old starved to death. My writings have often praised William, but for this act I can only condemn him." Orderic Vitalis
International School of Central Switzerland

Why did Harold Godwinson Lose The Battle Of Hastings - 0 views

    Harold lost the battle of Hastings for many reasons some say it's because of his men as William had hundreds of TRAINED men with armor and swords and with all the front line of the soldiers being on horse back while Harold had farmers with pitch forks and anything they could get there hands on (and all were on foot so this gave William an advantage of being able to swoop down and kill those below them).
International School of Central Switzerland

ORB: The Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies - 0 views

    The Conqueror and His Sons For the next four lectures, I will diverge from my usual chronological plan. I will be talking about the policies of William and the two sons who followed him as king of England in a topical manner. The first of these lectures concerns the relations that obtained between England and Normandy under these Norman kings.
International School of Central Switzerland

BBC - Radio 4 The Long View - The Search for Hereward the Wake. - 0 views

    "The Conqueror's men were frustrated in their efforts to capture 'Hereward the Wake' for over a year. In 1070 he and his men made a daring raid on the monastery at Peterborough which marked him as a dangerous and effective resistance leader. William and his army gradually closed on Hereward until he withdrew to the Isle of Ely where he lived in comfortably - out of reach of the invading force."
International School of Central Switzerland

Feudal System, An Overview of Feudalism - 0 views

    Feudalism,  A general Overview Author:     Stubbs, William  Feudalism: Its Frankish Birth And English Development
International School of Central Switzerland

BBC - BBC Radio 4 Programmes - Woman's Hour, 04/10/2010, The Early Queens of England - 0 views

    Helen Castor and The Women Who Ruled England Before Elizabeth. This segment of the BBC 4's Women's Hour radio program was broadcast on 4 October 2010. In Chapter 4 of the program, Jane Garvey interviews Dr. Helen Castor, Fellow in History at Sidney Sussex College, University of Cambridge, about her new book, She-Wolves. From the synopsis by the publisher, Faber 6 Faber: "In 1553, England was about to experience the 'monstrous regiment' - the unnatural rule - of a woman. But female rule in England also had a past. Four hundred years before Edward's death, Matilda, daughter of Henry I and granddaughter of William the Conquerer, came tantalisingly close to securing her hold on the power of the crown. And between the 12th and the 15th centuries three more exceptional women - Eleanor of Aquitaine, Isabella of France, and Margaret of Anjou - discovered, as queens consort and dowager, how much was possible if the presumptions of male rule were not confronted so explicitly."
International School of Central Switzerland

Scorched earth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    In the Harrying of the North, William the Conqueror's brutal conquest and subjugation of the North of England, William's men burnt whole villages from the Humber to Tees, and slaughtered the inhabitants. Foodstores and livestock were destroyed so that anyone surviving the initial massacre would soon succumb to starvation over the winter. The survivors were reduced to cannibalism,[4] with one report stating that the skulls of the dead were cracked open so that the brains could be eaten. Between 100,000 and 150,000 perished and the area took centuries to recover from the damage.
International School of Central Switzerland

Motte and Bailey Castles - 0 views

    William was furious and decided to lay waste the north of England - the so-called "Harrying of the North". Norman soldiers destroyed anything that might have been of use to those who lived in the north. It is thought that as many as 100,000 people died of starvation.
International School of Central Switzerland

Harrying of the North - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    The Harrying (or Harrowing) of the North was a series of campaigns waged by William the Conqueror[1] in the winter of 1069-1070 to subjugate Northern England, and is part of the Norman conquest of England. It effectively ended the quasi-independence of the region through large-scale destruction that resulted in the relative "pacification" of the local population and the replacement of local Anglo-Danish lords with Normans. The death toll is believed to be over 100,000, with substantial social, cultural, and economic damage.[2][3] Because of the scorched earth policy, much of the land was laid waste and depopulated, a fact to which Domesday Book, written almost two decades later, readily attests.[4]
International School of Central Switzerland

Anglo-Norman History - 0 views

    ETHNIC CLEANSING OF THE ENGLISH 'THE HARRYING OF THE NORTH'   The previous article talked of the ethnic cleansing of the English known as the Harrying of the North, and how much of the northern counties of England was laid waste*. The Normans seemed to combine up to date military skill and tactics, with their own violent Scandinavian Viking heritage. They had many vengeful Bretons with them. They were the Romano-Brythons (who some mistakenly call Celts,) who had fled the English / Saxon onslaught in 458 AD to Brittany in northwestern France and sought some weird revenge. French mercenaries accompanied them. Later English retaliation on northern France was furious. In their blood lust the Normans killed 150,000 English. The Harrying of the North was a brutal act that wouldn't have been worthy of an English King, but was certainly worthy of the usurper William Duke of Normandy. His 'harrying' not only affected Northumberland and Cumberland, and Yorkshire, but also large tracts of Cheshire, Shropshire, Staffordshire and Derbyshire.
International School of Central Switzerland

Norman Conquest - 0 views

    After an hour of battle, the Norman army suffered heavy casualties. Seeing this, the undisciplined English army were tempted to pursue the enemy. They broke their formations and dispersed. As they were no longer protected by the shield wall, the Norman invaders led by William, could easily attack and kill the Englishmen. By the time, the English army realised that it was counter-attacked, it was too late.
International School of Central Switzerland

Regia Anglorum - The Battle of Hastings - 0 views

    The fight for Senlac Ridge on October 14th 1066 is probably the only battle date that most Englishmen can be expected to remember. Nearly a thousand years after the event, the memory of the resounding defeat of the last native Saxon King and his army rings down the centuries. But why did the battle take place? Why did William the Bastard, Duke of Normandy, think that he had a claim to the English throne in the first place. Or was it just an adventure; an enormous gamble that paid off and changed the course of world history in the course of an autumn day?
K Epps

Magna Carta Website is Now Live - Medieval manuscripts blog - 0 views

    "We're delighted to announce that our dedicated Magna Carta website is now live. It features a whole wealth of Magna Carta-related material, including: articles by distinguished contributors such as Shami Chakrabarti, Dan Jones, Geoffrey Robertson, and Joshua Rozenberg illustrated descriptions of the items on display in Magna Carta: Law, Liberty, Legacy a range of teaching resources for use in primary and secondary schools a series of videos, including talking heads such as William Hague and two animations narrated by Terry Jones"
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