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K Epps

The Medieval Understandings of Participation - 0 views

    "Richard Cross, Rev. John A. O'Brien Chair in Philosophy (UND), and Stephen Gersh, Professor of Medieval Studies (UND), present on "The Medieval Understandings of Participation" at a Templeton Colloquium at the NDIAS on "Participation in God: Reassessing an Ancient Philosophical Idea and Its Contemporary Relevance." This colloquium took place March 18-20, 2014 at the University of Notre Dame and was conceived by Douglas Hedley, Templeton Fellow at the NDIAS and Reader in Hermeneutics and Metaphysics at the University of Cambridge."
International School of Central Switzerland

ORB -- Medieval Women and Music - 0 views

    Women's involvement with medieval music took a variety of forms; they served at times as audience, as participant, as sponsor, and as creator. The evidence for their roles, like that for their male contemporaries, is sporadic at best. Many musical sources have been lost, and those sources that do survive only occasionally provide composer attributions. Information on specific performances is virtually non-existent, and the references to musical performances gleaned from literary allusions must be read critically. Similarly, an art-work portraying a women musician may be representational or symbolic--or both. Yet despite these handicaps, modern scholarship reveals many ways in which medieval women were engaged with--and enriched by--the music that flourished around them.
International School of Central Switzerland

Full text of "The first crusade; the accounts of eyewitnesses and participants" - 0 views

    Final assault and capture. (July 15, 1099.) (Gesta.) At length, our leaders decided to beleaguer the city with siege machines, so that we might enter and worship the Saviour at the Holy Sepulchre. They constructed wooden towers and many other siege machines.
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