The basic idea of PJAX is that you update only the parts of the page that change when the user navigates through your app. However, unlike a normal AJAX app that returns only data (JSON) from the server, a PJAX request actually contains normal HTML that has been generated on the server
In light of the new bunch of unit testing ideas going around, thought this might be interesting.
Note: Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) is a form of TDD that attempts to involve non-technical stakeholders in the development process.
An open-source CSS Authoring Framework. Uses SASS (similar to lesscss) so you can write cleaner CSS. Has tons of built-in mixins and a very nice CSS sprite generator
Paper.js, Processing.js and Raphaël are the leading libraries for drawing on the Web right now.This article covers the advantages and disadvantages of each, and the information you need to make the best choice.
In the red corner, weighing in at just 29Kb (uncompressed), is knockout.js; a pure JavaScript library that simplifies the creation of dynamic user interfaces. Knockout is library agnostic, so it can easily be used with any of the most popular JavaScript libraries already available, but it works particularly well with jQuery, and uses jQuery.tmpl as its default templating engine.
So you have seen all the cool stuff WebGL can do, how do you do it? Well, turns out it is not too hard with Three.js. This short presentation shows how to do cool things with WebGL.