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Alexander Tscheulin

Teacher Recommended iOS Apps | MITS - 1 views

    Use of iOs Apps is on the rise. The number of iOS Apps available coupled with the fast pace at which they are being developed makes it difficult to remain current. Navigating through the sea of iOS Apps knowing which might assist in addressing a particular learner challenge aligned with a content area is nearly impossible. The purpose of this site is to promote sharing amongst educational stakeholders (teachers, students, parents, administrators, etc.) about how various iOS Apps are being used to improve learner outcomes. Help contribute to our growing list and share your favorite iOS app.
Alexander Tscheulin

Apps in Education - 2 views

    One of the hardest thing with using the iPad in the classroom is finding the time to go through all of the apps in the iTunes Store listed under the education banner. We have started to list some of the apps we've found under each of the Key Learning Areas.
Ralf Appelt

5 Free Collaborative Whiteboard Apps For the iPad - 0 views

    mich würde interessieren ob jemand die apps schon mal durchgetetstet hat und eine klare empfehlung aussprechen kann.
Ralf Appelt

Lehren und Lernen mit Sketchnotes (3) - Ausstattung - 1 views

    In Teil 3 unserer Artikelreihe bleibt es praktisch: Welche Ausstattung hilft dabei, Sketchnotes auch in digitaler Form zu erstellen? Welche Apps gibt es für Tablet-Computer zum digitalen Zeichnen oder zum Einscannen? Wo finde ich Anregungen und weitere Tipps für Visualisierungen?
Alexander Tscheulin

StoryKeepers - iPad StoryTelling APPS - 0 views

    Storytelling continues to gain popularity as an educational activity. As it stimulates a deep thinking and basic literacies, it also enhances and enriches the learning experience for student voices. Storytelling is a very powerful way of communicating with our peers and portrays to others who we are and what our own stories are. It also provides an opportunity to connect with a group by creating a shared experience. This is vital in any community but more so in an educational setting where we are nurturing and fostering creativity. 
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