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Peter E. Rowe

The Next Scene - 80 views

started by Peter E. Rowe on 01 Oct 12
  • Peter E. Rowe
    Post your creative writing assignment. You have written the next scene to a story you have chosen. Post it!


    Creative Writing:
  • Mary Yoder
    A&P by John Updike

    I looked back on the store that I was employed at no more than three minutes ago. I had just quit my job because of some girl I didn't know and now she was nowhere in sight. I walked down the street in the blazing sun towards the beach. People of all shapes, sizes, and colors were playing in the clear water and jumping in and over the waves. "Now where could she be?" I thought to myself. "I just quit my job for a girl I don't even know." I kept repeating that to myself over and over again, my eyes watching my feet walking down the boardwalk.

    "Watch where you are going!" a girl's voice said. I looked up. "Oh. Hi." It was her. The girl I had quit my job for. It was Queenie. "Um, hi." I said. I felt my face burning with embarrassment. "I... I'm sorry." "It's okay." She said with a smile. "So, uh, how are you?" I didn't know what else to say. I felt stupid. "I'm okay. My friends went home, so I'm here alone. Do you want to go down to the water with me?" My heart skipped beat. I never thought I would hear a girl say that. Let alone her. "Yes! I… I mean… Yes. That sounds great."

    We began walking away from the beach as the last bit of the sunset faded away into the now dark horizon. She grabbed my hand and held it tight as we continued walking. I had never felt this good in my life. I was nervous, but I scrounged up the courage and offered to walk her home. "That would be… That would be great." She said with a smile as her face turned red. "That would be great.
  • Brianna Reeves Eliopoulos
    Hills Like White Elephants-Ernest Hemingway

    They boarded onto the train heading to Madrid and say down quietly in their seats. The girl was on the window side of the seat, looking outside.
    "I'm glad you chose to do it." The American said.
    "Do what?", the girl replied, sincerely curious.
    "Not go through with it."
    "I never told you that!" she said furiously. She was truly getting sick of this manipulation.
    He was quiet in the shock of what he just head. He had to process her reaction. She had never stoop up to him like that. NEVER.
    "You're beautiful, you know.", was his response to what she said.
    "You're beautiful and I love you with all I have."
    "I love you much."
    Her voice was lowering. He knew he was succeeding now.
    "I know you do, and you know we couldn't that right now."
    "I know..." the girl said sadly, but submissively.
    And that was that. The girl went back to looking out the window and the American continued to sit quietly with a little smirk on his face.
  • Brian Edwards
    The Lottery
    By: Shirley Jackson
    Theme: Wicked Societies
    A Dark Day for Humanity

    "My gosh!" exclaimed Old Man Warner,"That was the best Lottery yet! We were done with Tessie in the blink of an eye!" Exclaims such as this could be heard all around the town square. The children cried with glee, and the adults clasped each others hands and exchange proud nods and smiles. Only one family looked somber in the square that day, and you could bet who it was. Bill Hutchinson and his kids stood off in a far corner of the town square. Bill hugged his kids and told them how everything would be alright.

    "My condolences to you and your family Bill," Mr. Summers said with a slight nod, and walked off. Mr. Adams and Mrs. Jones stood in the very center of the square, looking down at the dead body of Tessie as it was being covered and taken away. During the excitement, both parties had enjoyed themselves, but now looking down at their dead friend, the realized that maybe having the Lottery wasn't the best of traditions to have.

    "You know, I was telling Old Man Warner about how other in other villages they've stopped having Lotteries all together. Old Man Warner wouldn't hear it, but I think that might not be such a bad idea," said Mr. Adams. Mrs. Jones only shook her head and sighed.

    "You really think they'd stop doing the Lottery Mr. Adams? This has been going on longer than Old Man Warner has been breathing! I don't know whats gotten into your head, but i hope you snap out of it, or you might find yourself in Tessie's shoes sooner or later!" replied Mrs. Jones. It, was Mr. Adams's turn to shake his head.

    "S'pose your right," he sighed.
  • zelin wang
    The Cases of Amontillado
    By Edgar Allan Poe
    After 50 years, Montresor could not inner torment, the truth of the facts available to the public. He repented himself made 50 years ago, the killed their friend and just a little thing. He told it to Montresor's wife, but Montresor's wife forgives him. Montresor reveals that in the 50 years since that night, he has never been caught, and Fortunate's body still hangs from its chains in the niche where he left it. Now, I am very regret, I can only hope: " Requiescat In Pace! "

    Montresor said:" I'm in the 50 years didn't sleep a day of good night. every night at the same dream, now I can't stand. I want to dead." Now a lot of people comfort him said, which is already 50 years ago, Fortunate's wife has forgiven you, you need to open a little. In the end, Montresor can't endure, and finally suicide.
  • Guosheng Sun
    English 11
    The next scene of Araby
    After I back to home, I stayed up whole night, because when I closed eyes I saw her face in
    the dark, and the only thing I can think about is how stupid I am, I decided to forgot about her, then I made it.
    10 years later, I become a business man, everything is on the track, I'm standing in the line of a train station, and waiting for get on the train, "what a long line...." Ii said to myself, then I looking around with annoyed mood, suddenly I saw a girl who standing in the crowd and smiling, she said "are you going to Araby?" a person pass in front of her, actually none is there.
  • zheyu Xu
    English 11
    I wrote a end about
    "The train is coming" The man said.
    "OK, let's get in"
    "After we arrive, I hope you can do the operation"
    "Ummm......" The girl said nothing.
    The train started slowly and after a while the girl said:" I really don't want to do the operation."
    "You should dear!" The man said. "Because I am not read to be a father, I am not sure that I can provide our kid with a better life!"
    "That is not a good excuse, I think you are evading blame!"
    "All right, you always have different idea with me, let's break up!"
    The girl said nothing but silence. After minutes later, the girl open the window and jump off the train.
  • Moustapha Niang
    The House on Mango street

    Few times later Dad played lottery and by the grace of God he won lot of money. "It seems like our dream comes true" i said, that day when dad used to say that "we will move into a house a real house" arrive.
    he starts building a house with everything that a house should have, and i realize nothing is impossible in life whatever your dream is you have to go for it and no matter how hard it takes never give up one day will come where everything will appear easily.
  • Matthew Lupovich
    A&P extra paragraphs
    John Updike

    Theme: Freedom

    I walked down Cherry Wood Lane, my bow-tie was unraveled and hung loose underneath my collar. The soft summer breeze rustled the maple leaves. down every sideblock and every corner, I looked for Queenie and the others. In fact, i looked for any girl in a bathing suit. I yearned to see that beauty once again, the delicate white rose petals that pulled out the dollar bill was stilled etched in my mind; and all i saw were rustling maple leaves that shimmered from the hot July sun.
    I saw my neighbors watering the leaves, trimming the hedges. The same thing that they always do. The same thing; everyday. Now my perspective of them changed, these people were not the same. It's as if someone cleaned the dirt off the window looking into life and i could see the true emotions that were beneath every plaid summer shirt the neighbors would wear, maybe it's even a brand new two-piece green bathing suit.
  • george3
    The House on Mango Street
    By Sandra Cisneros
    I told myself "you must try best to make some changes"It was such a long time that I got my career successful,I wrote the novels.Unlike in the past,I even did not have a house belong to me,I get a big house nowadays.
    One day,I drove the car near Mango Street.Although the last time I came here was 10 years ago,I walked beside the Mango Street.It seemed that the trees ,the tile ,the house were the same as usual.Only thing that changed is the persons used to live here almost left,I guess.
    As time goes by,I am not the girl like several years ago.The point is other family moved here,the house in Mango Street.These estates gave me a feeling of miserable.I look back the life in my life 10 years ago,I just lived in this atmosphere,weak hope for having a big nice house.
    Subtilely,one voice whispered to me:"I must help these people."
  • Talin Rowe
    A and P
    Theme: Youth and Karma
    Sammy looked around, the mother had settled her child down yet Sammy felt a weight in his heart. A cloud covered the sun, and things seemed bleak. The cloud passed and sunlight shone through basing Sammy and the street in a golden glow. Sammy pushed the negative thoughts away, and felt lighter. He strode away from A and P with a confidence to his stride and a limp to his step. It was hot, he was young, so he pimped down to the beach. He kicked his loafers off and stepped unto the blazing white sand. Sammy knew he looked out of place with his Khaki's yet he still sprawled out across the sand enjoying the sight of fine young ladies waddling and swinging past. Sammy closed his eyes and smiled looking up, enjoying the feeling of euphoria coursing through his body, he felt free. A shadow spread across his blinded eyesight and he opened his eyes. Blonde hair and regal there hovered over was Queenie.
  • Joe Stanchina
    Hills Like White Elephants
    Theme: Their inability to communicate

    The express pulled up, and he quickly brought her bags on to the train. They quietly and awkwardly hugged each other, and she stepped on the train, giving only a wave. As the train pulled away, he walked over to the bar, sat down, and finished his drink. He was not thinking about what was about to happen to the girl.

    She sat down on the train as it pulled away, put her head down and started to cry.
  • andrew martz
    Montresor slipped through the front door of his home quietly enough for nobody to hear him. It was late of course, and for him to come home at such a late hour would bring the attention of his servants, which he really did not desire at this time. He unraveled his scarf, kicked off his shoes, crept up the stairs, and went into his room. When he entered his room he felt a cold draft. He quickly lit a candle and noticed a window was open. He mumbled to himself about this strange occurance and then proceeded to close it. He stood still for a brief second and watched the wavy shadow of himself dance in the candlelight. One of the paintings on his wall seemed crooked. He adjusted it to it's proper position then stood back and looked at it. It was a painting of his great grandfather suited up for battle. Montresor cracked a smile. This picture inspired him, made him feel pleased with what he had just done. He pondered on whether or not he should go back to the wine cellar and take apart the wall in which he had entrapped Fortunato, just to see his cold lifeless body laying there. He wished to see the physical outcome of his victory; it would make him feel invincible in a sense. " No, it is far too late," He mumbled to himself, "but it would be quite a sight. Oh well..." He slipped on his coat, shoes, and scarf and overall got bundled up and warm for this long cold journey. He stepped outside. The previous violent snowstorm had tranformed into a quiet, tranquil, snowfall. The moon delicately shone on the ocean of untouched snow before him. He began walking. After an hour or so, he arrived at his destination. He grinned and rubbed his hands together briskly, then proceeded inside. "Just as cold and damp as I left it." He snickered quietly to himself. He quickly walked to the brick wall, and was put in a state of shock from what he saw. The wall itself and the one behind it had been turned inside out. There was broken brick everywhere, chains on the floor, and no sign of Fortunato. Montresor began to panick. He ran out of the wine cellar and into the snow. It was now snowing a great deal harder than before. "Fortunato!" He screamed. He began running around in circles hollering the same thing over and over again. "Fortunato! Fortunato! Come back you coward!" Suddenly he noticed a dark shape in the distance, and a path of snow formed behind it. Montresor ran down the trail, and noticed that this shape was Fortunato, helplessly crawling into the night, desperate for some sort of help. Montresor, both furious and terrified, began to stomp on Fortunato until he was nothing but a lifeless bloody pulp left in the snow. Montresor let out a sigh of relief, and dragged the body back to the wine cellar, leaving a trail of blood behing him.
  • andrew martz
    Oh and the theme is revenge, once again.
    Story is The Cask of Amontillado
  • Xi Wang
    The House On Mango Street
    by Sandra Cisneros
    Theme: Dream

    Since the time we moved to this mango street, I started go back to school. Yes, the school not far away from where I live. I somehow not feeling confortable walk home with my new classmates, because I believe they might will do the same thing as the nun did.

    By the time I see the big wood sign"YES WE ARE OPEN", I realized I am home, at Mango Street. Cross the tiny yard, I push the front door as hard as I could, to open that swollen door. I go up the hallway stairs, no one is there, PaPa and MaMa work late night every day, even some holidaies. I think Nenny, KiKi and Carlos will back soon, because I was the first one left school today, not eveyday.

    "Temporary." seems like a long time for me, but, think back through our movements, it actually was not too long. Maybe just because I usually hear Papa talking about this kind of words. Even I was upset sometimes, I do not want to give up this dream, for all of us.
  • Wyatt Lichtenger
    The Lottery
    by Shirley Jackson
    Theme: Superstitious Communities

    Bill Hutchinson never exprected Tessie to be chosen to win the lottery, but it had happened. As his daughter Nancy and son Bill Jr. stoned his wife, he hardly even flinched. He had become so accustomed to this ritual that it seemed ordinary to watch Tessie be stoned to death in front of the community.

    A sense of relief overtook Bill as he watched Mr. Summers drag Tessie's body over to the river. It was done. All done. No more pain, struggles, or conflicts. Freedom, she's gone.

    The Lottery was finished quicker than most had ever seen. Old Man Warner was impressed with Bill's ability to keep his emotions and how fast the stoning had been. "Well I'll be damned! Never seen a quicker Lottery than that. Sure gone be some heavy corn soon. Ha! And them youngins' was saying to stop the Lottery. Whadda' they know? There's always been a Lottery and always will be. Don't know what we'd do if there weren't." Old Man Warner watched the sun fade beyond the distant hills as the village lights began to alluminate their sides.
  • Shannon Ward
    Shannon Ward

    Right after Montressor builds the wall around Fortunato and finishes his final touches he thinks to himself rest in peace, but what do I do now? He was starting to realize what revenge felt like. He took off his mask of black silk slowly and held it up in front of his face. He had never felt so powerful. He went back and collected all of his delicious wine and built another wall so no one will ever get inside. Montressor was not quite satisfied yet. He decided to go to Fortunato's home and take everything. He still didn't know what to do with himself so he went to get more wine and thought about who else has ever insulted him.
  • Jack Howarth
    The Cask of Amontillado

    ...In pace requiescat!

    It was not until the next morning I realized what I had done. Before then I had relished in my accomplishment. Walking back from the catacomb where I forever entombed my friend, I bellowed a deep, throaty laugh and felt a glow of satisfaction; but upon my awakening the next morning I could feel the guilt weighing down on me... What had I done?

    I spent many sleepless nights. Tossing and turning, hearing my old friend's voice in my head. "Amontillado... Come, Luchesi cannot tell Amontillado from Sherry... Amontillado." I had gone nearly a week without sleeping, afraid to leave my home, jumping at every creaking sound, shrieking at every shadow. Then I heard a thump. Just a meaningless thump from down below my home. He couldn't be alive... There is now way. Thump! I panicked. My reputation would be shattered, my life would be over, the Montresor Family name would be forever tarnished. So I did the unthinkable. I went to the tallest room of the Montresor Family mansion and looked down to my imminent doom.
  • Jenny Morin
    House on Mango Street
    Theme: Shame
    When the nun with the intriging eyes looked horrified before the question I new she was going to ask, I felt tiny and defeated. "You live there?", she asked. "Yes", I said ashamed and with the voice of a small squely child. I didn't know what to say looking up to my broken house with the boarded windows. Now living on Mango Street, I feel just as ashamed. Our house is cold and only with one bedroom for all of us to sleep in, my family. It was then that I realized I needed to change the way I lived.
  • teo meyerhoff
    The Hills Like White Elephants
    Theme: Power, Manipulation, and Reverse Psychology
    The Train was almost empty and the silence was overwhelming. The American and the girl sat side by side in the back of the train his right arm resting cautiously around her slightly hung shoulders. There was so much tension you could have cut it with a knife... "Have you ever wondered why when your on a train its moving so fast, yet it feels like your not moving at all?" the girl asked "Not really" replied the man uninterested. "Your no fun" pouted the girl as she crossed her arms over her chest. "I've got alot on my mind right now, its not time for fun". he slowly removes his arm from around her shoulder and shifts in his seat. "I need another drink" the man says "Would you like one?". "Can't hurt, Its probably going to be dead soon anyways". "Don't say things like that Jig" snapped the man "Also I thought you didn't want to talk about it anymore". Fine" the girl wispers meekly. They sit gain in silence, the only sound is the click-clack of the train against the tracks. They are inches away yet worlds apart. The girls sad glossy blue eyes screaming with emotion, the mans dark sharklike pupils try their best to look upset but cannot conceal their deep satisfaction.
  • Katerina Astri-Marie
    Hills Like White Elephants
    -Ernest Hemingway
    sticking up for yourself.

    ...The train finally comes.
    "The trains here" she says.
    "Yes I know."
    They get on the train and as the train leaves she says
    "The lines still look like white elephants."
    "yeah I guess they do." he said.
    "do you know were we are going?"
    "No I do not."
    They sat in silence while she looked aggrivated. You could feel the pressure between them.
    "I want to keep this baby!" she screams
    Everyone in the trains turns and look at her, while she just sits there without moving, and not talking.
  • Charles Chen
    The Cash of Amontillado
    Charles Chen
    When I got back on the ground, I was nervous, but I left quickly. A couple days later, I still can not take my care, I can not be sure unless I saw his death. I decided to go back. I went back. When I removed the stone, I can't believe my eyes. He was not there anymore. I started question myself and my memory. "Did I really do that?" I asked myself
    many times. I went back on the ground, I did this again and again. Untile I went crazy, I still didn't realized I went to the wrong place.
  • chris moreau
    The Cask of Amontillado
    Edgar Allen Poe

    Montressor went back to the Carnival and was having fun. He visited with his friend Joe. Joe was with his other friends and wanted to impress them so he made fun of Montressor. Montressor laughed and said. "would you like to have some of the world's best wine?"
    Joe replied "absolutely friend."
    Montressor took Joe to the family catacombs and Joe looked up at the coat of arms. Joe had thoughts of what was going to happen, But doubted it. Montressor led Joe through the maze of the catacombs. Soon Joe was lost and realized exactly what was happening. He tried to fight it, but tripped over a pile of bones. He was knocked out and next thing he knew he was chained up in a dark room surrounded by bricks. His final words were "what a sick joke I played on Montressor"
  • Warsame Mohamed
    House on mango street

    theme: big family small house

    one day will get a house that im not ashamed of that the windows won't feel like their getting choked and the is too

    small for people to walk stright up threw, well enough thinking about i must go to sleep i'm really tired goodnight,

    the next morning julie felt ethuiastic about going to school she studied really hard last night and is currently having

    a great breakfast. juile hurry up your gonna be late to school, "k mom" as juile takes the same route to school that

    she always takes she notices something different today she finds a sliver brief case thats looks fancy and

    extreamly important she doen't know what to do with it so she turns it in to the police and they say you can keep it if

    it doesn't get claimed in 3 weeks.

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