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Peter E. Rowe

The Bumblebee Girl - 43 views

Blind Melon No Rain Bumblebee belong identity rebellion spirit unique

started by Peter E. Rowe on 14 May 13
  • Peter E. Rowe
    What was the journey and struggle of the Bumblebee Girl in Blind Melon's "No Rain"? Listen to the lyrics of the song. Is she similar to the characters we have read about in English 11? Have you ever felt alienated from society or struggled to fit in? What do you think the songwriter's are saying about our plight in this world?
  • Sonya Kobayashi
    I think everyone is like the Bumblebee girl, whether they be characters in the literature we have read or in real life. Some part of each one of us wants to fit in with the others. In present day, it is something that is pushed as most important. Our media and advertising preys on this insecurity - if we buy a certain makeup people will like us or if we listen to this music people will like us. The songwriter is addressing this issue.
  • andrew martz
    The girl was booed off stage, and felt horrible about herself. She wandered around feeling lost, alone and unwanted until she stumbled upon people that were like her. She is similar to Akaky and Gimpel in the way that she was ridiculed, lonely, and unwanted. The songwriters are saying that everyone feels lost and alone in this world until they find where they belong.
  • Darvin Anderson Jr
    I feel that like the bumblebee girl everyone has struggled at one point to fit in and that everyone has felt alone and insecure. Like Estelle in No Exit who is very insecure about her image, everyone has something that makes them feel insecure or bad about themselves. On a personal level I know fitting in was hard for me growing up because I was one of the few black students within the school system. My interpretation of the songwriters message of the song is that sometimes we might feel alone and alienated but when we open up and be ourselves and feel confident about who we are we find that we are not as alone as we think we are. Although we might not be accepted by the usual group of people it doesn't mean we wont be accepted by another group. Be yourself and accept your flaws, your flaws are what make you beautiful.
  • Eve Amato
    The bumblebee girl is seen in everyone in the short stories we have read. She is seen in the little girl in The House on Mango Street. The girl who is made to be ashamed of where she and her family come from. Personally I know I have felt like the bumblebee girl one time or another. Growing up in Vermont with not much racial diversity I was struggling to find love for myself and my skin color. Trying to find a way to fit into the group of my closests best friends who are all white. It was hard and I know that I wanted many times to just give up and accept that I was different (in a bad way). I feel that the artist was trying to portray the differences of people in a positive way and saying how judgmental some people can be at first glance of a person.
  • Wyatt Lichtenger
    The bumblebee girl is booed off stage and feels like a crappy person. She keeps on wondering around a city feeling lonely and not fitting in until she runs into a group of bumblebee people all dressed and dancing just like her. The girl is similar to Akakiy and Gimpel because she was very unwanted, criticized, and lonely. I can relate to the bumblebee girl because there have been times when I haven't been accepted and I've been made fun of for what I truly believe in and enjoy. Also, I eventually started to feel proud of myself and found people that really cared about me and were just like me. Similar to the group of bee people the girl finds.
  • Shannon Ward
    The Bumblebee girl starts out in front of a group of people and gets brought down by them all. She struggles with fitting in and getting made fun of. At the end of the song the same girl is dancing and jumping around with people she does fit in with. For me I am like the Bumblebee girl whenever I'm new somewhere. I am really shy at first and a lot of people give up on trying to get to know me but in the end I see how well I do fit in.
  • Talin Rowe
    The girl is mocked and laughed at by the crowd, where she then sets out on a journey to be accepted and she fails in front of different group until finding a group like herself where she can dance and play, the little girl is like Bartleby and akakiy akakiyavitch both who didnt fit in, yes i have, and the band is saying that society rewards you for being like others and if you dont fit in you will be alienated.
  • george3
    The bumblebee girl is a typical person in 21th century under pressure which come from society. It means everyone is trying to live comfortably certainly will lose their emotional-control. Obviously what happened at the beginning of the video, the audience laughed at the bumblebee girl which is slashing. As it happens, the bumblebee have a feeling of inferiority. I think the bumblebee like the character in The House on Mango Street. They both have a status of inferiority.
    I has once alienated by academic which was struggled with being decided by good students and bad students. I was fragile when I got a bad grade on maths some classmates showed me aloof unless I got highest grade on Chinese. That was the period I was so confused what is gave me the gray influence on academic.
  • Warsame Mohamed
    i think The bumblebee girl is in everyone, we all have insecurities, we all want to fit in. when were laughed at for being different it makes are self esteem go down, just like the bumblee girl we all have feelings, i struggle with academics and feel embrassed when my in my ap us history class at the beging of the year. the songwriter is tryna let kids know dont run away and give up if the bumble girl can do it, so can we!
  • justin shulman
    the bumbelbee girl is probobly the most talked about topic in society today. she is a girl that doesnt fit in and is depressed and everybody makes fun of her. she is being "bullied". she then goes on and keeps fighting instead of just sitting and stopping and finds where she belongs. i have felt alienated when i was the only kid in private school a 12 person grade strugeling academically and not doing well. everybody else was able to ever such good grades and i was failing. the songwriters are saying that everybody has their struggles and you just have to work to fit in.
  • Ben Fusco
    Just Like Sonya said, each one of us has been the bumblebee girl. We all have our own struggles that define us as people, in our cruel society. Both Gregor Samsa and Akaki Akakiavich were alienated from society because they were quiet and did what they were supposed to do. not that they found a group of people they could be with in the end, but i made that connection
  • teo meyerhoff
    I agree with Ben. In modern day society it is basically conform or be alienated. Sadly being different is unwanted by society as a whole, little boxes all the same. Somewhere along the way however all the people ostricized by the community form a counter culture. This is what happened to Bumblebee, I am happy she found her place.
  • Matthew Lupovich
    I think a lot of the characters from our short stories can relate to the bumblebee girl. They are all out of place in society. However, none of them give up or change the way they are for somebody else for the most part. They all feel down on themselves until they realize that they aren't alone in the world. Someone else has their same qualities. For example in A & P, Sammy knows he doesn't fit in with society, however he doesn't actually act upon it until he sees the girls walk into the super market. At that moment he knows that he isn't alone and that he doesn't have to conform with the rest of society.
  • omar harris
    Throughout the characters in all of the short stories we have read it seems to me like all of them relate to this strong emotional songs and lyrics. I personally think the charatcers in all the stories we read give up easily and dont realize other people are out there to help them get by in life. Gimple the fool i can relate to the most and it relates to the Bubblebee in my perception.
    #YANII stancioff
    #YANI stancioff
    =YANI stancioff
  • Charles Chen
    I think that the bumblebee girl's struggle is she can not find people that is same to her. She's trying to show the beat she can to others, but others do not understand. She did not give up, finally she found what she want.
  • Jack Howarth
    the girl had an issue with self confidence due to being booed off stage. However, she had the determination it took to pursue her dream and, in the end, found a group of people just like her that helped her even further. The story has a very happy ending.
  • Olivia Griffing
    The struggle that the Bumblebee Girl faces is loneliness. She realizes that she's not sure where she fits in; whether she is an outsider or different than "normal" people. Throughout this journey or searching, she finally realizes that her different qualities are simply unique traits that make her the genuine person that she is. She discovers other people who are just like her, and she realizes that she was never alone.
    I have felt this way at times, too, and I think that we all end up stuck at times. We get stuck in the middle of people who are different than us; who think differently than us. In turn, we feel neglected, excluded, or "different". Once we return to our comfortable state of friend groups, with people just like us, we feel complete. The author is saying that we all find our true happiness with the people who we can share our similarities with. However, we must cope with situations we are put in, with the people that we are different than.
  • Brianna Reeves Eliopoulos
    Bumblebee Girl struggle is the fear of rejection-which she received. She gained the courage to do something that not many people would have, and got laughed right off stage. It hurt her, so at first she ran off. As most people do. Whether we admit it or not, we care what others think of us. But eventually, she gains to courage to find her own "kind" of people who accept her skills for what they are and slowly gains the courage back to do what she loves. Dancing. We all have insecurities, but that does not mean we should thrive on them or let them represent who we are and Bumblebee Girl finally realized that at the end of her journey. She learned to love what she had and realized that she does not need to please everyone in order to make it far in life.
  • Katerina Astri-Marie
    the bumblebee girl struggled with many fears. fears of rejection and courage. she would gain courge by doing things others would not have. she isn't quit sure were she could fit into. finally she realizes her differenes can make her speacial/ unique. I have felt this way because i am very quit at first and its hard for me to finally let myself go and be outgoing so people shy away from me becasue of that.
  • Sabrina Wang
    I think the Bumblebee girl is struggling that she wants to find a place where she can fit in. She is lonely and little girl. She must feel hurt when she walk off the stage because the people laughed at her. I can feel It's hard for her to take courage performing in front of people, but she is trying to find someone who can be able to understand her dancing. Finally, she found that garden, she felt so happy and belong to somewhere. She felt she is not lonely anymore. This Bumblebee girl is similar to the story of The House On Mango Street because these two girls are looking for somewhere where they can belong to or settle on forever. However, I know what kind of feeling the Bumblebee girl has because I also experienced it. I felt so lonely when I was my middle school, but I got over it. I became open-going and talk to more people. It just need time and courage. I think the songwriter is saying that everyone has a period of time that nobody helps you and understand you. We must work it out by ourselves. We have to encourage ourselves to do it, and we will experience a lot of difficulties, but after we get over it, there will be sunshine shine into our life.
  • Xi Wang
    The bumblebee girl struggling to find a place that she can fit in. After her performence was being laughed by the people, she was really sad...she tried so hard on the dance but the people just won't like it. But she didn't gave up, she started to looking for places and meeting people. Alots of time...with failure, it was truly painful, but she kept on seeking. Finally she found the place up on a mountain, with all the other bees. The struggls people has when they wanted people who understance them and tried to fit in.
  • Joe Stanchina
    The bumblebee girl could not fine anywhere to fit in and was laughed off stage. She kept going looking for people and eventually found people like her. Most people go through this in their lives either early on or some throughout their lives. The bumblebee girl shows people how we need to not give up and we will find people we fit with eventually.

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