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FAQ.Developing-Countries - 1 views

    • rasheqrahman
      Why is wind better than grid extension
    • rasheqrahman
      Jengging Village example of wind turbines
  • They are better because they are more sustainable and offer a number of other socioeconomic benefits. Wind systems are smaller, modular and have a shorter leadtime than grid extension. For grid extension distances as short as one kilometer a wind system can be a lower cost alternative for small loads. While they cost more initially than diesels they are much better from the users point of view. Donor agencies, for example, typically supply diesels at no cost, but leave operational costs (fuel, maintenance and replacement) to the local people. This requires scarce hard currency and usually results in limited utilization and a shortened life of the diesel because of inadequate maintenance. Many countries must also import their fossil fuels, further magnifying the burden imposed by diesels.
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    • rasheqrahman
      Morocco Village
  • Jengging village, Arunachal Pradesh, which is in the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains, for example, was electrified with wind turbines in 1988. Due to the rugged terrain in the area it is doubtful that utility lines would ever be brought to Jengging.
  • In Morocco the government, with the support of US-AID, is using wind-electric pumping systems to replace diesel powered pumps that are too expensive for the local people to operate. In the Naima Rural Commune, near Oujda in northeast Morocco, two 10 kW wind turbines are supplying four villages with several times the water volume previously pumped by diesels. The villagers prefer the wind turbines both because they deliver more water and because they cost nothing to operate.
  • In China, over 100,000 locally produced small wind turbines, 10 megawatts of nameplate capacity, have been installed in Inner Mongolia in the last seven years
  • Wind power is very competitive with photovoltaics, biomass, and diesel generators, but is usually more expensive than micro-hydro
  • roviding a least cost approach under certain conditions. This expands the scope of potential projects, pointing to the day when decentralized electrification projects will be implemented on the same scale as current grid extension projects
  • A wind turbine can actually be much simpler than a diesel engine. They also require substantially less attention and maintenance. Our turbines, for example, have only three moving parts and do not require any regular maintenance. They can operate for extended periods, five years or more, without any attention. Our latest unit, the 1.5 kW BWC 1500, is designed for Village Level Operation and Maintenance (VLOM), following guidelines established by the World Bank. With training and spare parts, local users can support the wind turbine equipment they use.
  • particularly competitive in cost for sizes above 250 watts
  • kilowatt-hour per day a wind turbine will be less expensive than diesels, grid extension, or photovoltaics for virtually any wind resource above 4 m/s (9 mph). This wind resource is available in most of the developing world. For larger daily load requirements the economics of wind power get progressively better. For a 10 kW wind turbine a wind resource of only 3.5 m/s (7.2 mph) will usually make wind the least cost option. There are not many areas of the world that have average wind speeds below 3.5 m/s (7.2 mph).
  • Thus, much of the available wind resource data from developing countries underestimates the actual resource available in rural areas. Macro-scale data and analytical methods are now available that can be used to check historical data for reasonableness. Accurate wind resource assessment is a major impediment to large scale implementation of wind power in many developing countries.
  • there is a clear benefit to the project from using advanced U.S. environmental technology.  Is this typical of other donor agencies? Many other international donor agencies take a much more pro-active role in introducing renewable energy systems in developing countries and facilitating technology transfer. European countries, in particular, have shown how donor agencies and industry can work together to bring the benefits of renewable energy to the world's poor. This often makes it difficult for U.S. companies to compete in developing country markets even when they have superior technology. Fortunately, the situation at US-AID is changing as environmental concerns increase and US-AID's awareness of modern renewable energy technologies, including small wind turbines, improves. How can I get more information? We would be happy to send you further information on small wind turbines for developing countries or answer any of your questions. Just call or write to Bergey Windpower Co. at the address below. You can also get further information on wind energy and its use in developing countries from the American Wind Energy Association (202-383-2500) or their web site:  You can learn more about the programs of the U.S. Agency for International Development at Windpower Co., 2200 Industrial Blvd., Norman, OK 73069 USA T: 405-364-4212, F: 405-364-2078  BWC was formed in 1977 and has been manufacturing small wind turbines since 1980. BWC wind turbines have been installed in all 50 states and approximately 90 countries.  

30 Under 30 2009 - Humdinger Wind Energy - Shawn Frayne - 1 views

  • "Our belief is that the future of power is going to be more distributed" and will come from a greater number of smaller sources, Frayne says. "Not meaning that there's going to be a wind turbine on every home, but inputs of 10 kilowatts here, 100 kilowatts there, all throughout cities."
  • The company was founded in Honolulu because of some enticing tax credits for start-ups, but Frayne opened the Hong Kong office because of the massive potential market in China, which boasts less red tape. "It can probably move a lot more quickly in the Chinese market than it could into a U.S. market," Frayne says.
  • "Everything about it is new," Frayne says. "The old constraints don't apply."
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  • the Windbelt was conceived with the developing world in mind, and the goal to "make wind power 10 times cheaper in future than it is today."

Technology Acquisition and Innovation in the Developing World: Wind Turbine Development... - 1 views

  • Nevertheless, India and China are both home to firms among the global top-10 leading wind turbine manufacturing companies. India currently leads the developing world in the manufacturing of utility-scale (multikilowatt) wind turbines, and China is close behind. Initiatives by domestic firms, supported by national policies to promote renewable energy development, are at the core of wind power innovation in both countries. This study examines the technology development strategies pursued by Suzlon and Goldwind, respectively India’s and China’s leading wind turbine manufacturers. It examines how these companies acquired the technological know-how and intellectual property rights associated with their respective wind turbine designs; how the domestic and international contexts in which these companies operate shaped their technology development strategies; and whether differences in their respective technology development strategies contributed to differences in the performance of the companies in the marketplace.
  • Energy leapfrogging has been described as a strategy for developing countries to shift away from an energy development path that relies on traditional energy sources, such as fossil fuels, and onto a new path that incorporates the broad utilization of advanced energy technologies—generally those that have been developed within more industrially advanced countries. As a means of climate change mitigation, observers have argued that developing countries need not adopt the dirty technologies of the past—rather, they can “leapfrog” over them, opting instead for modern, clean technologies as an integral part of capacity additions (Goldemberg 1998).

Windbelt, Cheap Generator Alternative, Set to Power Third World - 1 views

  • Frayne hopes to help fund third-world distribution of his Windbelt with revenue from first-world applications—such as replacing the batteries used to power temperature and humidity sensors in buildings.
8More - 0 views

  • Installed global wind generating capacity expanded rapidly from only 10 megawatts (MW) in 1980 to 94,124 MW of installed capacity by the end of 2007 (see Table 1). 2 At the end of 2007, Europe and North America accounted for 80.5% of global wind power capacity.
  • large extent on wind resources, in particular, mean wind speed at hub height, the cost of turbines and related equipment, the proximity to a sufficiently strong transmission grid (i.e. the cost of grid extension and grid reinforcement), and the accessibility of the site. Other factors such as the existing generating mix, system load profiles, connections to grids in other countries/regions, electricity markets, system operating procedures, and land costs also have a significant impact on the costs of wind power generation. A large number of studies compare the costs of wind power with those of other electricity generation technologies (e.g., NEA/IEA, 2005; Kammen and Pacca, 2004; Lazard, 2008; CPUC, 2008; EIA, 2008; ESMAP/WB, 2008). Since electricity generation technologies vary significantly in terms of their investment requirements and operational characteristics, costs are converted to a level or base for comparison purposes, known as the levelized (or bus bar) cost of electricity generation. The levelized cost includes mainly investment or capital costs, operation and maintenance (O&M) costs, and fuel costs. While capital and fixed O&M costs are proportional to installed capacity, variable O&M and fuel costs are functions of electricity output.
  • large extent on wind resources, in particular, mean wind speed at hub height, the cost of turbines and related equipment, the proximity to a sufficiently strong transmission grid (i.e. the cost of grid extension and grid reinforcement), and the accessibility of the site. Other factors such as the existing generating mix, system load profiles, connections to grids in other countries/regions, electricity markets, system operating procedures, and land costs also have a significant impact on the costs of wind power generation. A large number of studies compare the costs of wind power with those of other electricity generation technologies (e.g., NEA/IEA, 2005; Kammen and Pacca, 2004; Lazard, 2008; CPUC, 2008; EIA, 2008; ESMAP/WB, 2008). Since electricity generation technologies vary significantly in terms of their investment requirements and operational characteristics, costs are converted to a level or base for comparison purposes, known as the levelized (or bus bar) cost of electricity generation. The levelized cost includes mainly investment or capital costs, operation and maintenance (O&M) costs, and fuel costs. While capital and fixed O&M costs are proportional to installed capacity, variable O&M and fuel costs are functions of electricity output.
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  • large extent on wind resources, in particular, mean wind speed at hub height, the cost of turbines and related equipment, the proximity to a sufficiently strong transmission grid (i.e. the cost of grid extension and grid reinforcement), and the accessibility of the site. Other factors such as the existing generating mix, system load profiles, connections to grids in other countries/regions, electricity markets, system operating procedures, and land costs also have a significant impact on the costs of wind power generation. A large number of studies compare the costs of wind power with those of other electricity generation technologies (e.g., NEA/IEA, 2005; Kammen and Pacca, 2004; Lazard, 2008; CPUC, 2008; EIA, 2008; ESMAP/WB, 2008). Since electricity generation technologies vary significantly in terms of their investment requirements and operational characteristics, costs are converted to a level or base for comparison purposes, known as the levelized (or bus bar) cost of electricity generation. The levelized cost includes mainly investment or capital costs, operation and maintenance (O&M) costs, and fuel costs. While capital and fixed O&M costs are proportional to installed capacity, variable O&M and fuel costs are functions of electricity output.
  • he cost of turbines and related equipment, the proximity to a sufficiently strong transmission grid (i.e. the cost of grid extension and grid reinforcement), and the accessibility of the site. Other factors such as the existing generating mix, system load profiles, connections to grids in other countries/regions, electricity markets, system operating procedures, and land costs also have a significant impact on the costs of wind power generation. A large number of studies compare the costs of wind power with those of other electricity generation technologies (e.g., NEA/IEA, 2005; Kammen and Pacca, 2004; Lazard, 2008; CPUC, 2008; EIA, 2008; ESMAP/WB, 2008). Since electricity generation technologies vary significantly in terms of their investment requirements and operational characteristics, costs are converted to a level or base for comparison purposes, known as the levelized (or bus bar) cost of electricity generation. The levelized cost includes mainly investment or capital costs, operation and maintenance (O&M) costs, and fuel costs. While capital and fixed O&M costs are proportional to installed capacity, variable O&M and fuel costs are functions of electricity output.
  • he cost of turbines and related equipment, the proximity to a sufficiently strong transmission grid (i.e. the cost of grid extension and grid reinforcement), and the accessibility of the site. Other factors such as the existing generating mix, system load profiles, connections to grids in other countries/regions, electricity markets, system operating procedures, and land costs also have a significant impact on the costs of wind power generation. A large number of studies compare the costs of wind power with those of other electricity generation technologies (e.g., NEA/IEA, 2005; Kammen and Pacca, 2004; Lazard, 2008; CPUC, 2008; EIA, 2008; ESMAP/WB, 2008). Since electricity generation technologies vary significantly in terms of their investment requirements and operational characteristics, costs are converted to a level or base for comparison purposes, known as the levelized (or bus bar) cost of electricity generation. The levelized cost includes mainly investment or capital costs, operation and maintenance (O&M) costs, and fuel costs. While capital and fixed O&M costs are proportional to installed capacity, variable O&M and fuel costs are functions of electricity output.
  • he cost of turbines and related equipment, the proximity to a sufficiently strong transmission grid (i.e. the cost of grid extension and grid reinforcement), and the accessibility of the site. Other factors such as the existing generating mix, system load profiles, connections to grids in other countries/regions, electricity markets, system operating procedures, and land costs also have a significant impact on the costs of wind power generation. A large number of studies compare the costs of wind power with those of other electricity generation technologies (e.g., NEA/IEA, 2005; Kammen and Pacca, 2004; Lazard, 2008; CPUC, 2008; EIA, 2008; ESMAP/WB, 2008). Since electricity generation technologies vary significantly in terms of their investment requirements and operational characteristics, costs are converted to a level or base for comparison purposes, known as the levelized (or bus bar) cost of electricity generation. The levelized cost includes mainly investment or capital costs, operation and maintenance (O&M) costs, and fuel costs. While capital and fixed O&M costs are proportional to installed capacity, variable O&M and fuel costs are functions of electricity output.
    "Installed global wind generating capacity expanded rapidly from only 10 megawatts (MW) in 1980 to 94,124 MW of installed capacity by the end of 2007 (see Table 1). 2 At the end of 2007, Europe and North America accounted for 80.5% of global wind power capacity. "

WindDiesel Systems in Developing Countries - 0 views

  • A solution could be to export these wind turbines to developing countries so that the energy produced could substitute for diesel fuel. This would decrease the dependence of these countries on more and more expensive fuel imports.
    • rasheqrahman
      wind to replace diesel fuel

Renewable energy in developing countries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Renewable energy projects in many developing countries have demonstrated that renewable energy can directly contribute to poverty alleviation by providing the energy needed for creating businesses and employment. Renewable energy technologies can also make indirect contributions to alleviating poverty by providing energy for cooking, space heating, and lighting.[1]
  • In addition, the displacement of traditional fuels reduces the health problems from indoor air pollution produced by burning those fuels.[1
  • China and India, which are leaders in developing decentralized renewable sources such as small hydro, small wind, biogas, and solar water heating.[1] However, with the Kyoto Protocol, there is a program called the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) that allows for industrialized nations to invest in projects that reduce emissions in developing countries as an alternative to more expensive emission reductions in their own countries

Technology Acquisition and Innovation in the Developing World: Wind Turbine Development... - 0 views

    "Although China and India rely on coal to fuel most of their electricity generation, both countries are also home to burgeoning wind power industries. India currently leads the developing world in manufacturing utility-scale wind turbines, and China is close behind. This study examines the technology development strategies that have been pursued by the companies Suzlon and Goldwind, India and China's leading wind turbine manufacturers. While the institutional and other barriers present in large, developing countries such as China and India certainly challenge any simplistic notions of energy leapfrogging, an examination of wind turbine development in these countries has shown that substantial technical advances are possible in a relatively short time. While both Suzlon and Goldwind pursued similar licensing arrangements to acquire basic technical knowledge, Goldwind's technology development model lacks Suzlon's network of strategically positioned global subsidiaries that contribute to its base of industry knowledge and technical capacity. This examination of how two leading developing-country firms have acquired and assimilated advanced technologies provides crucial insights into facilitating international technology transfers, which will be an important component of any technological leapfrogging strategy to achieve lower greenhouse gas emissions in the developing world. "

ScienceDirect - Refocus : Energy for all : : Obstacles and success conditions for RE in... - 0 views

  • There are only a few market actors which often suffer from a lack of capital. On the other hand, the sale of RE systems in rural areas leads to high transaction costs, due to long travel distances, lack of market information, poor infrastructure, difficult access to customers and the lack of skilled personnel.
  • Especially in the field of maintenance, there is a widespread lack of information. In all developing countries, one can find the ruins of RE projects that have fallen into disrepair after they had been installed by foreign donors. This is also often due to a lack of skilled personnel in the field of RE technology. In general, awareness on the advantages and characteristics of RE is still rather scarce. Many households do not consider RE when planning their energy provision. Similarly, governments (as much as many international donors) tend to stick to the large-scale, centralised, conventional energy projects they are accustomed to.
  • First of all, many RE technologies are not yet competitive on a cost-basis with conventional forms of energy. In many cases, the advantage of conventional energy is still increased by subsidies. On the other hand, RE systems and their components are often subject to import duties or other taxes.

Blogging Innovation: Interview with Humdinger Wind Energy's Shawn Fayne - Innovation bl... - 0 views

  • He believes that optimal invention is still limited to small groups of people working together in person. Also for Humdinger to be financially viable he feels they must have some amount of protection around their ideas in wealthy countries. Here are some more of his thoughts:
  • There are 1000 different ways to address a problem, the bigger problem is how do you effectively select what to test. You can't test all the approaches. How do you pull out the right ones to test?"

REN21 - About REN21 - 0 views

    "REN21 is a global policy network that provides a forum for international leadership on renewable energy. Its goal is to bolster policy development for the rapid expansion of renewable energies in developing and industrialised economies. Open to a wide variety of dedicated stakeholders, REN21 connects governments, international institutions, non-governmental organisations, industry associations, and other partnerships and initiatives. Linking the energy, development and environment sectors, REN21 strengthens the influence of the unique renewable energy community that came together at the "renewables 2004" conference in Bonn. REN21 is the network in which ideas are shared and action is encouraged to promote renewable energy worldwide."

Renewable energy options in developing countries - 0 views

  • In 2009 the world energy consumption was 11.3 billion tonnes of oil equivalent (toe). Energy consumption in industrialized countries has basically been stable in the last 10 years, but in the rest of the world it has been growing at approximately 5% per year. At this rate and based on present technologies, the world’s annual energy consumption could reach 20 billion toe by the year 2020.
  • Fortunately, this can be safely achieved by using a wide variety of renewable sources, some of which, such as hydropower and biomass, are already well-developed. Most developing countries are located in tropical areas where the existence of rivers and rain-fed, arable land provide the conditions for these energy sectors to flourish. While competition with food production and multiple water uses are important issues, more often than not the problems may be overestimated, and can be dealt with through appropriate logistical and land-use planning.
  • In this context, developing countries can today take advantage of a great opportunity. Rather than replicating the economic development process of industrialized nations, which went through a phase that was dirty and wasteful, and created an enormous legacy of environmental pollution, developing countries can leapfrog ahead by incorporating currently available, modern, and efficient technologies in the early stages of their development process.

EIA - International Energy Outlook 2009-World Energy Demand and Economic Outlook - 0 views

  • but in 2030 their share falls to 41 percent in the reference case. OECD energy use grows slowly over the projection period, averaging 0.6 percent per year, as compared with 2.3 percent per year for the emerging non-OECD economies (Figure
  • hina and India together accounted for about 10 percent of the world’s total energy consumption in 1990, but in 2006 their combined share was 19 percent. Strong economic growth in both countries continues over the projection period, with their combined energy use increasing nearly twofold and making up 28 percent of world energy consumption in 2030 in the reference case.
  • In contrast to the OECD countries, hydroelectric power is expected to be the predominant source of renewable energy growth in the non-OECD nations. Strong growth of hydroelectric generation, primarily from mid- to large-scale power plants, is expected in China, India, Brazil, Vietnam, and Laos. Growth rates for wind-powered electricity generation also are expected to be high in the non-OECD countries, with the largest increment in China, which accounts for 88 percent of the total increase in non-OECD wind generation. From 2 billion kilowatthours in 2006, generation from wind plants in China increases to 315 billion kilowatthours in 2030. Still, the total increase in China’s wind-powered generation is only about one-half the expected increase in the country’s hydroelectric generation (Figure 18). 
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