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Contents contributed and discussions participated by kyleemcroberts


5 Key Lessons Learned from Critical Infrastructure Cyber Attacks - 0 views

  • 5 Key Lessons Learned from Critical Infrastructure Cyber Attacks
  • Cyber criminals are highly motivated, creative, and nimble
  • Consider the rise of cryptojacking, which uses mining malware to hijack computers to mine cryptocurrency.
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  • Don't be complacent — limit Internet access points with silos.
  • The attackers were just trying to look for unused processing power that they could use for their benefit."
  • finding the time to consistently audit and always be improving security is critical too
  • Keeping the critical infrastructure efficient and effective is challenging enough.
  • Train your humans.
  • This example underlines the importance of educating employees to always be vigilant and raising awareness of potential threats.
  • Stay current.
  • Concerns that new operating systems or software updates might destabilize crucial infrastructure can inhibit the best practice of always updating.
    There have been many cyber-attacks in many different nations and that is for many different reasons, such as outdated, human error, and all software being in one vulnerable spot. It is important to always update your programs, use cloud computing, and to educate your personal on all cyber-attacks. It is also important for your teams to understand the "why" behind updating and cloud computing and this is to always keep an upper edge on cyber-attacks. Cyber criminals are always changing their ideas and new ways to take over networks and workday and night to find someone to slip up and it can cause the complete down fall of a company or nation.

Going Beyond E-Waste Recycling - Human-I-T - 0 views

  • 25 states have enacted legislation establishing a statewide electronic waste, or E-waste, recycling program.
  • The multitude of state laws can make proper disposal unclear for many who have never recycled old electronics.
  • The confusion can lead to mismanaging E-waste recycling and negatively impact existing programs
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  • California’s Electronic Waste and Recycling Act of 2003 established four main purposes to manage the growing amount of E-waste.
  • facilitate the collection and recycling of covered devices,”
  • intends to eliminate E-waste stockpiles
  • make manufacturers report their efforts to increase the use of recycled materials.
  • end the illegal disposal of covered electronic devices
  • we need to focus more on reusing and donating electronics to a greater cause
  • Only twenty-five states have passed legislation in the last fourteen years.
  • E-waste is changing rapidly and legislation hasn’t kept up with the demand.
  • Encouraging reuse can simultaneously reduce E-waste in landfills and bridge the digital divide in low-income communities
  • Recycling centers don’t always recycle your old devices. It has been well documented (here and here) that most of them ship old electronics to other countries that don’t have strict environmental laws.

What is E-Marketing? Features, Types & Advantages | Marketing Tutor - 0 views

  • Web marketing, digital marketing, internet marketing or online marketing; all of these words are synonymously used for E-Marketing.
  • technologies and media to connect customers
  • e-marketing has become a very important part of the marketing strategy of different companies.
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  • E-marketing is Cheaper than Traditional Marketing
  • Cost-Efficient.
  • how much sales the business has been made as a result of e-marketing.
  • Instant Response
  • Tangible ROI
  • Disadvantages of E-Marketing
  • ability to collect a wide range of data about your customers.
  • feedback from your target market.
  • Personalized Marketing.
  • exposure
  • e-marketing is that it’s accessible from everywhere across the globe.
  • increase the number of visits
  • No risk at all.
  • competition
  • Privacy & Security Issues.
  • Price competition also increases with higher transparency.
  • fast-changing technological environment,
  • cost is very high.
  • Types of E-Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • efficient and effective
  • cheap but also very effective.
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Directly communicating with your customers can increase brand loyalty.
  • dependent on technology
  • Video Marketing
  • Video marketing is very effective if it conveys the right message to the right audience. 

Artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics in travel, hospitality and leisure - PMC - 1 views

  • With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it has become even clearer that tourism is highly dependent on technological solutions.
  • Smart technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics, are creating an important driving force for travel
  • hospitality, and leisure (THL)
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  • paving the way for new business models
  • AI and robotics can provide structured automated services and enhanced experiences.
  • emphasis on sustainability, resilience, and enhanced wellbeing.
  • AI and robotics will have a tremendous impact on customers, businesses, and communities alike
  • the THL domain are increasingly reliant upon technologies that can understand, anticipate, and act upon human needs to improve the personal experience
  • AI enable predictions and accuracy of key tasks and allow individuals, organizations, and governance agencies to respond more flexibly
  • platform-based tools such as recommender systems and chatbots have been developed to provide personalized
  • These tools are becoming increasingly pervasive in commercial applications due to the diffusion of the smartphone and of social media
  • As a result, AI and robotics are rapidly transforming the way businesses operate and engage with their customers,
  • there is an urgency for research on AI and robotics in THL contexts that tackles the issue from multiple perspectives using a wide array of approaches.
  • service robots (cost reduction vs. service enhancement)
  • restaurants are inclined to leverage technologies for service excellence.
    AI has become a very useful tool in the hospitality industry and continues to grow in this community. It has become useful in many different industries such as hotels, restaurants, and even at home on our computers. This study showed AI in many different areas of the world and how people respond to robots and AI helping them with simple tasks such as running food, checking them into their hotel room, and answering questions. The hospitality industry has been developing this type of technology for some time now and it has been getting positive feedback for the most part. Technology can be a very useful tool to this industry when utilized right.

Why Tablets on Restaurant Tables Are Here to Stay - Eater - 0 views

  • tabletops at numerous restaurants, from fast-casual burger chains to pillars of the casual-dining sector like Olive Garden and Chili’s.
  • Putting tablets on tables is intended to speed up service by enabling diners to perform various tasks such as ordering food or paying their check without having to wait for their server to appear. I
  • restaurants to turn tables more quickly and serve more guests
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  • Outback Steakhouse franchisee in the nation operates more than 100 stores, said that the tabletop tablets enable their restaurants to cut labor costs by “one or two percent,” and run fewer servers per night who are each making more money.
  • 15 percent of diners use the tablets to play games during their meal, but all those small transactions add up — and mean that the tablets basically pay for themselves.
  • tablets are a valuable tool in their technology arsenal.
  • There’s been a fair amount of concern that tablets would put human servers out of jobs, but thus far Outback and other casual dining chains say they are using tablets as server’s assistants:
  • Human servers still interact with the tables and lead service, but diners can use them for common requests like ordering drink refills and closing out their tab.
  • tips have stayed steady or even increased, thanks to the ease of tipping via tablet:
  • automatically apply a tip of the industry standard 20 percent, which is easier than manually entering a smaller tip. Tips are likely also higher thanks to diners’ increased satisfaction with service
  • increased check averages when tablets are in use
  • tablets are also serving as a valuable data gathering tool.
  • restaurants with useful feedback on food and service, and in some cases guests who want to provide more specific feedback
    Tablets have become a success in faster casual and casual-dining restaurant and seem to be better for all around service. Customers like how fast they are able to order, servers are happier because they see a trend of getting more tips at the end of the night, and businesses are profitable because less servers on shift and more profit in business pockets. People tend to spend more money with games to play and ability to order more food in less time. There is a benefit for data collecting on experience at the restaurant as well that helps the companies out on what they need to focus on. Tablets are showing great promise and will most likely be on almost all casual dining tables.

Cloud Computing Continues to Transform Hospitality - RTInsights - 1 views

  • Use of cloud computing in hospitality continues to evolve, offering ne
  • w ways to ingest, process, and protect customer data.
  • cloud solutions offer the chance to remove common frustrations and frictions across the entire ecosystem.
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  • cloud services allow a smooth transition with a central line of communication.
  • Cloud services allow hospitality industries to pay only for the services they need.
  • operate from anywhere,
  • Cloud services also provide flexibility
  • provide customized experiences
  • Staff can work from anywhere
  • he cloud adds a layer of protection against minor hiccups in their experience.
  • security is built-in.
  • Cloud computing can offer a seamless experience to customers while reducing obstacles to service from the staff side.
  • personalization right from the beginning.
  • address mistakes right from the beginning or identify missed opportunities. Personalization continues with upsell
  • handle things like predictive maintenance to reduce downtime
  • this type of solution could be a differentiator for success.
  • It has digitized rooms and created a type of mission control for everything from entertainment to ordering room service.
  • reducing wait times.
    Cloud computing is the future whether businesses want it to be or not. With the growth of technology, we need to embrace one tool that is become very developed, cloud computing. It gives more efficiency to businesses who need to know more about their clientele and also can provide information and data that humans could never do. It gives a more personalized experience to each guest while organizing data much faster than on a excel sheet that stuff have to manually update. It improves experience and reduced cost for business as well. It allows information to be reached anywhere and business can be taken home or traveled with. It brings a new level of security to businesses and customers and allows more flexibility in service in the hospitality industry.

Insights | Technology in the hospitality industry - exploring the very latest trends - 2 views

  • Technology is advancing at a faster pace than ever before, and this is changing both the expectations of patrons as well as the way in which the hospitality industry conducts its business.
  • of the trends in industry are leading to great improvements and savings for hospitality industry companies; while some are changing how hotel developers plan their buildings, infrastructure, management structure and staffing require
  • Hotel guests expect to be able to connect to the internet seamlessly and without too many interruptions,
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  • Like many of the other technology trends in the hospitality industry, investing in a check-in/cocierge app requires a small initial investment and can lead to greater efficiency and savings as hotel staff are able to focus on customer service
  • Communication between NFC devices can transfer data at up to 424 kbits/second and the communication is enabled when two devices touch each other,
  • This technology is also ideal for self check-ins by guests at hotels as well as the next trend in this article: smart room keys.
  • Some hotels are already offering more futuristic experiences, with robots delivering any items ordered through room service to a guest’s door
  • nfrared scanners are now also used to minimise disruptions relating to housekeeping (which is a common complaint from customers). Instead of hanging a ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on doors or having cleaning staff wake up traveling guests with knocks and phone calls, hotel staff can take a more innovative approach by using infrared scanners that will detect body heat within a room and tell cleaning staff that they should rather come back later if the room is currently occupied.
  • Hotels will increasingly install smart room access systems that allow guests to unlock their doors by simply swiping their phones across a keyless pad on the door.
  • While hotels want to be able to offer digital content, they don’t necessarily want to invest in IT infrastructure and IT staff, making cloud computing the ideal solution.
  • Many companies in the hospitality industry are already using social media to their advantage as guests check-in on location-based social media apps,
  • Converged LANs to support multiple services
  • Marketing, management and hotel developers can no longer work in silos and these technology trends are giving them the opportunities, tools and solutions they need to create memorable experiences that can lead to positive change
    Technology is growing every day and staying up to date with what customer needs and wants are, are very important to being a successful business. This articles main focus is about the growth of technology in the hotel industry and how hotels are adjusting to new and upcoming technology. Customers expect certain tehcnologies now when staying in a hotel such as high speed wifi or electric key swipes now. Also new Developments such as social media. Businesses have started using mobile apps such as twitter or Facebook to learn about the needs and wants of their customers before they have even walked through the door.
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