Internet Marketing and Distribution Trends Impacting the Hospitality Industry from 2007... - 0 views
Not only creating mobile friendly hotel websites, but sending marketing messages via mobile technology is becoming more and more important in hospitality. 1 billion mobile devices were shipped in 2006. The majority of these new devices provide broadband Internet access. The ability to instantly identify a user's geographic location allows marketers to provide a highly personalized marketing message and experience.
this is a old article but there is a good view for future marketing of hotel. that is mobile marketing. with more and more people using the smartphone, the apps for marketing will be a great way to expand your markets. airilines already use this technology to provide travel alerts concerning weather changes and flight schedules. why hotel can not provide such apps for customer. we can see that ther are several third part apps for booking and resevation already popular. so, how about a hotel creat their own apps for customers for the renovation and promotions. i think it will attrack more people to focus on you and bring more business for the hotel.