Puerto Princesa resort named Asean 'Green Hotel' | Sun.Star - 0 views
PALAWAN hideaway, Daluyon Beach and Mountain Resort in Puerto Princesa, was recognized as one of the recipients of the 2012-2014 Asean Green Hotel award in Manado, Sulawesi, Indonesia during the 2012 Asean Tourism Forum
The resort was constructed using eco-ethical materials
The following criteria were considered in choosing the recipients of the award: environmental policy and activities for hotel operation; use of green products; collaboration with the communities and local organizations; human resources development; solid waste management; energy efficiency; water efficiency; air quality management (indoor and outdoor); noise pollution control; waste water treatment and management; and toxic and chemical substance disposal management.
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This article discusses the "Green Hotel" award that is presented every two years to Asean resorts. The purpose of this award is to bring awareness to hotels about the importance of being eco-friendly and preserving our environment. Thousands of hotels compete for this award based on criteria including water efficiency, air quality management, collaboration with local organizations and external communities. I personally love that collaborating with external communities is a criteria for this award because I find that to be very important. Well-known resorts should help smaller organizations and team up with them to show they care about those around them. Once of the recipients, Daluyon Beach and Mountain Resort, focused on protecting and sustaining the rich ecosystem surrounding their resort by constructing their resort using eco-ethical materials and placing priority in sustaining its environment-friendly atmosphere. The hope is for these awards to be an incentive to improve the tourism industry and to provide awareness to the hospitality industry regarding global warming and other important natural effects hotels are having on our environment. While it promotes healthy competition in the tourism industry, it also improves the quality of the hotels in Asean countries which in turn will lead to more tourism and financials for the country.