The American Colonists Library - Revised and Updated Edition | The Best Schools - 6 views
Reporting the Revolution - 10 views
Coming of the American Revolution - 27 views
This is an interactive website from the Massachusetts Historical Society.
What a great site Bob. Thank you for sharing. I am certain I can use this site for ideas in the classroom!
I worked on it this summer. I especially recommend the docs for "non-consumption and non-importation" (the word boycott did not exist yet!). They are very student friendly and can be used in a U.S. history or world history class and can easily connect with boycotts today. Overall, this site could be used as an exemplar for other historical societies to follow: Intro to the whole site, intro to each topic, intro to each subtopic with questions, intro to each document with questions, a facsimile of each document, and a transcription. Fyi and fwiw, the Mass Historical Society will be hosting a Landmarks Institute this summer through NEH so U.S. teachers might want to apply:
History Now. Interactive History - 18 views
The Founders' Constitution - 10 views
YouTube - YaleCourses's Channel - 15 views
It's Too Late- A Decleration- YouTube video - 18 views
This youtube video gives students a great perspective on reasons for the American Revolution. It is a parody of the song "Its Too Late." I think your students will love this video! The song is presented by Soomo Publishing, a company that specializes in interviews and documentaries.
That is fantastic! As my students might say, epic lolz.
Free Technology for Teachers: Happy Patriots' Day - 7 Revolutionary War Resources - 17 views
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