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Microsoft Rolls Out Student Advantage, Giving Students Free Access To Its Office Suite ... - 1 views

    I'm pretty sure GMU subscribes to Office 365, which means that you can get Microsoft Office products for free while you're enrolled here. Quite a deal. Or you could use OpenOffice, the open source alternative.
    I just checked up on this. The FAQ for GMU's Office 365 says the subscription only includes free access to the new Outlook and Calendar. I use OpenOffice on my computer, and apart from some formatting inconsistencies when working with people using Microsoft Office, it works great.

How a grad student trying to build the first botnet brought the Internet to its knees - 0 views

    Turns out yesterday was the 25th anniversary of the worm that Robert Tappan Morris released, so here's another Washington Post article on him. Again, great timing, Britney! Be sure to consult this for your final project.

Med Students Earn Credit by Editing Wikipedia Articles | Inside Higher Ed - 0 views

    Personally I don't think I've ever looked up a health topic on Wikipedia; I use WebMD for that. Which isn't crowdsourced, I don't think -- I think they pay people to write the content on WebMD. Still, nice idea to offer college credit!

Google and Chinese students - 0 views

started by Michael Olivarez on 02 Dec 13 no follow-up yet

Embattled Snowden email provider returns with new Dark Mail encryption service | The Verge - 2 views

    We heard from Mahrokh the other day about Snowden's email provider Lavabit shutting down -- turns out they've come back with a program called "Dark Mail." By the way, did you know that the email state employees (such as faculty like me who work at state-funded universities like GMU) are all technically public records? As long as the email isn't covered by student privacy acts like FERPA, anyone can request to see my GMU email because it's a public record. Technically.
    wow, this is a great a article! I was actually thinking about what they were going to do after Lavabit and Silent Circle both closed their e-mail systems, especially since Zimmerman was not one of those people who seemed to stop coming up with new ideas. Its interesting to see how this new technology plays out.

Open Access Week: The Future of Libraries and Wikipedia - 0 views

    I attended one of the events during Open Access Week about the future of libraries and Wikipedia. Jake Orlowitz, recipient of a Wikimedia Foundation Individual Engagement Grant, spoke about "The Wikipedia Library." The Wikipedia Library was a new project he founded in 2012 for the goal of connecting Wikipedia editors with the reliable information sources they need. In the first part of his presentation, he discussed much of what wikipedia is and how it is run. He basically summed up much of what most people don't know about wikipedia and a lot of assumptions that people make about how unreliable information on wikipedia is. Then he went on to discuss more about the wikipedia library and how it would benefit wikipedia editors with vital current reliable sources that they need to do their work. I thought the presentation given by the presenter was very informative and interesting. I learned more about wikipedia and how its more useful than I thought. The most interesting point he raised during his presentation were the benefits of the Wikipedia Library. The thought of connecting university libraries with the wikipedia library will present students and many others information that is reliable and easy to access. Many scholarly articles and information from databases we usually have to pay for will be available for universities to provide students at a much lower cost.
    Thanks, Rebecca. I'll add 5 points to your Exam 2 grade.

The Internet's Save-the-Date: A Tiny Item in a UCLA Student Newspaper - 1 views

    An item from UCLA's school newspaper from 1969 reporting that "A computer facility here will become the first station in a nation-wide network which, for the first time, will link together computers of different makes and using different machine languages."

The Ultimate Source for Research - 0 views

    The ultimate guide for students who don't want to carry around their text books but still enjoy marking them up. With over 75,000 textbooks, Questia is an explosive host of information for the weary researcher. I really enjoy its easy navigation, ability to add comments in books, and wide range of topics. For an annual price of $100, I cut down on my book expenses and killed some book clutter in my apartment.

Tablets in Schools - 0 views

    Article by CBS news explains how schools in California are replacing textbooks for tablets

Blogging in the Classroom - 0 views

    All about using blogs in the classroom and how it benefits students

Can't find a book by it's title or author? - 0 views

    This is a free website that allows users to search for books not only by the title or author, but by ISBN numbers. I found this helpful for when textbooks are hard to find. Instructors usually provide the ISBN numbers in their syllabi and this is one resource a student could use to locate out-of-stock books.

The Role of Peer Review for Scholarly Journals in the Information Age - 0 views

    Great article that shows exactly how important peer revision is in not only student work but scholarly work as well. This is a question on the test so this article might help out in that sense as well!

Changes to JSTOR - 0 views

    This article is from the perspective of a university instruction coordinator and details concerns about JSTOR and how it is limiting information to students.

George Mason University - 0 views

    During Open Access week, I stopped by the Fenwick Info desk. I was able to get some informational packets and forms on open access week. There were many packets and brochures describing the history of open access and how students and professors could become more involved in the open access movement. I found one packet to be very informative on how I could learn to use open access to my advantage when conducting research.
    Thanks, Lauren -- I'll give you 5 extra points on your Exam 2 grade when I grade them.
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