From the library of The City University of New York on the importance of peer review, features of a peer-reviewed article, and how to find peer-reviewed articles.
This is a list of open access journals which do not meet the standards to which scholarly journals must be held, including, but not limited to, undergoing peer review. This list also contains a link to criteria scholarly journals must meet.
Great article that shows exactly how important peer revision is in not only student work but scholarly work as well. This is a question on the test so this article might help out in that sense as well!
The idea of open access to scholarly journals seems to be a big debate and this article talks about how publishers make millions of dollars off of research and peer reviews that are done for free. It also talks about Aaron Swartz who led the movement for allowing access to journals by basically "stealing" them and sharing them.
Open access ( OA) is the practice of providing unrestricted access via the Internet to peer-reviewed scholarly research. It is most commonly applied to scholarly journal articles, but it is also increasingly being provided to theses, book chapters, and scholarly monographs.