Contents contributed and discussions participated by Christina VanderGriend
Deep Thoughts Assignment - 37 views
Diigo seems like a really cool way to organize and keep track of resources you've used. At first, I thought it was just like Delicious or similar bookmarking websites but Diigo has a lot to offer. In particular, I love the fact that you can highlight and make notes on the screen and then share those notes with other users. This would be a great tool for a teacher who wants to draw students' attention to a particular item on a webpage or in a section of text.
I looked at Sabrina's puppet-making group because I, too, am super stoked for the upcoming Muppet movie. She asked that we find a puppet-making tutorial online and make some note or suggestion on it. With that in mind, I found this site:
The tutorial I found is a how-to video for making marionettes out of dolls. I suggested making this a two-part project by first making your own doll from a simple pattern so that the marionette was entirely hand-made.
To be honest, I didn't have a hard time getting Diigo to work for me but it seems to be optimized for Chrome, which is my preferred browser. When I switched to Safari, I had to adjust a little because some of the features were only available for premium users on Safari. I also have experience on quite a few other bookmarking sites so I was already familiar with the concept here, which I'm sure helped me to navigate the process with less confusion than I would have felt if I were unfamiliar with this type of service.
Groovy Groups Assignment Fall 2011 - 69 views
Hello people,
For my group, I created a cooking class website that can be found here:
It must be because I've been experimenting more in the kitchen lately so I've got the culinary arts on the brain. In the group, there are two assignments and links to a few of my favorite recipe websites to get students started. Hope you enjoy!
Cybils - 0 views
Powerful Poems Assignment Fall 2011 - 90 views
I found Morning Song by Sylvia Plath on and annotated it here:
I chose this poem because I have always loved Plath. She's a fascinating figure in American literary history and I've tried to read as much of her work as I can. This poem celebrates the birth of a child. It's a perfect example of the vivid imagery and keen analogies Plath used so often.
Morning Song- - Poetry, Poems, Bios & More - 1 views
A far sea moves in my ear
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Like most people here, I made a list called "experiments" for the purposes of this assignment. Most of the sites I posted to this list are things use nearly daily and it's good to have one place to go for all of them. However, I don't know how much I'll use this feature in my everyday life since I already have system for organizing and accessing my bookmarks. I follow blogs via Google reader and get email updates from several of the other sites I bookmarked. This does make it much easier to share those bookmarks, though, so I can see the usefulness of bookmarking this way for the sake of sharing in a class or collaborative setting.