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Timothy Collins

Powerful Poem - Spoon - 2 views

started by Timothy Collins on 10 Dec 11
  • Timothy Collins
    Hello Class,

    I hope I am okay in going a different direction. There are plenty of poems that I have relatedto, but I think that song can be a powerful form of poetry as well. Well, lyrics in a song, that is. So, I decided to take a look at "Spoon" byDave Matthews of the Dave Matthews Band. My Bookmark can be found here:

    Years ago, before I knew much about the Dave MatthewsBand, this song came on while I was waiting for my wife (then girlfriend) toget done with a course at Purdue. Istruggle with religion. I was raisedChristian, taught that there was a right and wrong, and that no matter what,other religions were wrong. Obviously,as I have grown, my mind has expanded as well. It doesn't make sense to me. Aone size fits all? That can't be. If you don't believe in Christianity, you can'tgo to Heaven? Tribes in Africa have noidea what Christianity is. If you areraised in an Islamic family, you are going to believe in Islam. So, it bothersme. And, people's denial of evolutionalso is troubling for me. The theory ofevolution? Opponents argue about theword "theory" in that phrase. But, dothese people know what a scientific theory is? We still have the theory of gravity. Do people argue this?

    I consider myself agnostic. I don't know the deeper things in life. I have no issue with those who practice areligion as long as they don't pass judgment on those who don't. I won't pretend to know the answers to thecomplex universe. Is there a higherbeing? Who am I to say. But, who am I to say that there isn't? There might be 13 different dimensions thatwe don't even know about. I can't beginto wrap my mind around that. And, thatis why I love the words in this song. They aren't criticizing, necessarily. Rather, they are questioning. Ithink we, as humans, always need to question. Faith is great. However, it isnot for everyone.

    I love the setting in the song to. I just picture an individual, sipping a cupof coffee in a coffee shop and thinking, reflecting, and questioning. In the end, the individual gets up and has nomore answers than he/she came in with. Isn't this life?

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