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Treatment for Gallstones: Symptoms, Causes, Risks, and Options - Southlake General Surgery - 0 views

    Treatment for gallstones usually depends on the severity of the symptoms and the overall health of the patient. Gallstones can be a painful and frustrating condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Let's explore more:

Surgical Options for Ruptured Gallbladder - Southlake General Surgery - 0 views

    A ruptured gallbladder, also known as gallbladder perforation, occurs when there is a tear or hole in the gallbladder wall. This can lead to the leakage of bile, digestive fluids, and sometimes even gallstones into the abdominal cavity. Let's explore more:

Pilonidal Cyst Treatment - Dr. Valeria Simone MD - Southlake General Surgery - 0 views

    Unusual skin growth is a kind of cyst at the lower part of the tailbone or coccyx that contains skin, hair, and pus known as pilonidal cyst. Once this cyst is infected, medically it is known as "pilonidal abscess,". It resembles a large pimple that can be painful and generally occur in youngsters. Individuals who sit a lot are more likely to develop this problem. Your doctor can treat the pilonidal cyst by draining it or take it out through a surgical procedure.

Porcelain Gallbladder: Patient Management Tips - Southlake General Surgery - 0 views

    A porcelain gallbladder, a rare condition characterized by the calcification of the gallbladder wall, poses significant health risks if left untreated. Understanding the implications of this condition is crucial for early detection and prompt intervention. Let's explore more:

Bowel Blockage Operation: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment Guide - Southlake General Surgery - 0 views

    Understanding bowel blockage is crucial for timely intervention. If not treated, this condition can result in serious complications. Bowel obstruction occurs when there is a blockage preventing the normal flow of food, liquids, or gas through the intestines. This blockage can result from various factors, such as tumors, adhesions, or muscle disorders. Let's explore more:
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