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Necrotizing Fasciitis (Flesh-Eating Bacteria) - SSTI - Southlake General Surgery - 0 views

    Necrotizing fasciitis, also known as flesh-eating bacteria, is a group of bacteria that cause severe Skin and Soft Tissue Infections (SSTI). The bacteria cause tissue to die, which causes large areas of skin to become discoloured and to become painful, red, and swollen. Let's explore more:

Cellulitis: Causes, Treatments, and Recovery - Southlake General Surgery - 0 views

    "Cellulitis" - a word that might sound foreign to many, until a harmless scrape on your leg from a casual walk turns into a red, swollen, and painful nightmare. Let's explore more:

Skin And Soft Tissue Infections- Diagnosis and Treatment - Southlake General Surgery - 0 views

    Skin and soft-tissue infections (SSTIs) incorporate infections of skin, fascia, and muscle, subcutaneous tissue, including a broad spectrum of medical introductions, running from straightforward cellulitis to quickly dynamic necrotizing fasciitis. Let's explore more:

Skin Infection and their Treatment at Home: Dr. Valeria Simone - 0 views

    For skin infection and their treatment at home, you just need a few common medications. If the infection is severe, treating it at home may not be enough and a trip to the doctor will be required. Bandages, alcohol, iodine, and hydrogen peroxide are some of the most fundamental medical materials for treating skin infections at home. To disinfect and sterilize the wound, apply hydrogen peroxide. Let's explore more:
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