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Anatoliy Simeonov

Hereditary Male Pattern Baldness Taboos You Should Break | All blogroll - 0 views

    Hereditary male pattern baldness, or androgenetic alopecia, is a condition that occurs in 4 out of 7 males. Genetics is believed to play large part however
Diet pills

Fast weight loss pills - 0 views

    If your family members are not slim and it is your genetic hereditary to be on the plus side, then also it will be a little difficult. In both the cases you will require help of the physician and fast weight loss pills.
Mike Jobs

Hair Transplantation Surgery - How Does The Treatment Actually Work? - 0 views

    hen you notice a receding hairline in the mirror, it's pretty simple to disregard the condition and try to act as if nothing happened. However, there comes a point in life when ignorance is no longer an option, and you start worrying about your societal status. For a lot of men as well as women, baldness is a setback to their confidence level - something that heavily affects their social, personal and professional life. Most individuals think that baldness is a hereditary issue and there's no solution to it. Thankfully, medical technology has introduced a magical relief to all your hair loss issues - hair transplant surgery.
Mike Jobs

Modern Hair Transplantation Surgery: What It Is All About? - 0 views

    Hair transplantation is a minimally invasive surgical intervention that requires removal of hair follicles from one region of the body and placing them on hair-deficient areas. It is a widely-used technique in U.S for treating hereditary-patterned baldness, especially in males. Aside scalp hair loss, it is possible to revive the lost hair on eyebrows, chest and eyelashes.
abia amir

How Do I Tell If My Hairline Is Receding? | Hair Transplant Dubai Clinic - 0 views

    Looking in the mirror and knowing that your hair is slightly disappearing from the forehead, may leave you with puzzling surprise. That's nothing else but a receding hairline, as a result of hair loss. When your hairline starts to recede, it changes the way you look. Such a hair loss is mostly an indication of a hereditary condition known as Androgenic Alopecia.

Breast Cancer Prevention : 6 Things You Need To Know - 0 views

    Statistics show that 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer at some point in their lives. While this disease can be deadly, it is also preventable. This blog post will discuss six things you need to know about breast cancer prevention. Knowledge is power when it comes to fighting cancer, so read on and learn how you can protect yourself. UNDERGO ROUTINE CHECKUPS One of the first things you can do to prevent breast cancer is to undergo routine checkups. This means going for mammograms and clinical breast exams regularly. In this case, your doctor may even recommend using ultrasound technology to get a clear picture of the breast tissue. Rest assured that your doctor will be able to detect any changes in your breasts and will be able to determine if there is anything to worry about. The earlier you catch any abnormalities, the better your chances of beating cancer. BE AWARE OF YOUR FAMILY HISTORY Another important factor to consider is your family history. If you have close relatives who have been diagnosed with breast cancer, your risk may be higher. This is because some forms of breast cancer can be hereditary. As such, it is important to be aware of your family history and to let your doctor know if there is a history of breast cancer in your family. From there, you should discuss your options with your doctor and make sure to get regular screenings. More often than not, early detection is key when it comes to surviving breast cancer which is why family history is so important.

3 in 5 Cancer Patients in England Diagnosed at Early Stage - NHS Analysis | - 0 views

    More cancers are being detected earlier in England, thanks to a major drive by the NHS encouraging people, particularly those at higher risk due to hereditary or lifestyle factors, to come forward for potentially life-saving screenings. According to a new NHS analysis, early cancer diagnosis in England has reached its highest level ever. The NHS data of the most common cancers, including breast, prostate, and lung cancer, shows that almost three in five patients are now being diagnosed at stages one or two, when the cancer is more treatable. More than 58 per cent of all common cancers (206,038) diagnosed between September 2023 and August 2024 were identified at an early stage. This marks a 2.7 percentage point improvement compared to pre-pandemic levels, equating to an estimated 7,000 more patients being diagnosed at an early stage. The NHS has introduced initiatives like the Targeted Lung Health Check (TLHC) and Liver Health Programmes to detect cancers earlier.
Dofollow Blog

How to Cancer Prevention - 1 views

Cancer Prevention - Cancer is the number two killer disease Worldwide, 12.5 percent of deaths caused by cancer, exceeding the number of deaths from HIV-AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. Research show...

health information how To cancer prevention

started by Dofollow Blog on 06 Jun 13 no follow-up yet

Haemophilia Awareness Really Matters! - 0 views

    Haemophilia is a medical condition that stops a person`s blood from clotting or reduces the ability of the blood to form clots. When blood stops clotting or blood clotting in an individual is decreased due to haemophilia, the patient bleeds excessively even from a minor injury.

Cancer of cervix | - 0 views

    USG (Abdomen and Pelvis) Cervix replaced by 4-5cms growth with a left adenexal mass and left parametrial thickening in its medial portion.
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