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Meeting dispensing needs and how to support GP surgeries - 0 views

    Despite being relatively new to the dispensing doctor market as a short-liner, Bestway Medhub is seeing exponential growth in the market in addition to the 3,500 independent pharmacies that we service and deliver to. We have however been servicing the dispensing doctor market for well over 40 years through our dispensing appliance contractor (DAC) Wardles. Wardles service and supply more than 55% of all dispensing sites with dressings, bandages, appliances, ostomy, wound care and hosiery. Graham Burford-Row To meet the needs of dispensing practices and surgeries we carry a large range of more than 10,000 Generics, PI's and OTC products. We offer net pricing so the practice can see straight away what price they are paying for their products - with no hidden fees. We offer all our practices 24-hour online ordering via our Bestway Medhub ordering portal and our recently launched Wardles FP Portal. Additionally, we have the backup of a telesales department with personal service from myself and a dedicated Internal Dispensing Dr Account Manager. We offer daily, weekly or monthly calls to those customers wishing to hear our special offers. Our deliveries are done daily via our third party full-line logistics partner for efficient deliveries, which no other short-line wholesaler offers. Bestway Medhub understands that dispensing practices are not only in the business of offering superior care to their patients and community, but they also offer numerous other services like clinics, nursing and referrals. By enabling practices to cost save, the funds could be used elsewhere instead.

Community Pharmacies Dispense Over 99% of Items in 2022/23 - 0 views

    Community pharmacies were responsible for dispensing over 99 per cent of items in 2022/23, revealed General Pharmaceutical Services for Northern Ireland, Annual Statistics 2022/23 published on Thursday (29 June). While the remaining one per cent dispensed by appliance contractors and dispensing doctors. According to the statistics, on average, each community pharmacy dispensed over 84,000 items in 2022/23, witnessing a growth of over 3 per cent on the previous year to 44.6 million in 2022/23, which is the highest level of dispensing recorded. This equated to BSO processing 2.1 million prescription forms per month, on average, throughout the year, representing a 4 per cent increase on the just over 2.0m processed each month last year. The total ingredient cost over the year was £486.9 million. This was an increase of approaching 7 per cent on the previous year, which was around double the percentage increase in the number of items dispensed. The annual ingredient cost total has fluctuated since the beginning of the series but was over 18 per cent higher in 2022/23 than in 2013/14.

Private Prescription Dispensing Changes This Autumn |UK News - 0 views

    The regulatory amendments proposed will enable pharmacists to dispense medicines in their original packaging for private prescriptions starting this Autumn, according to the Department of Health and Social Care. In the recently published draft OPD regulations, the DHSC has indicated that the alterations, permitting pharmacists to vary the dispensed quantity by up to 10 per cent to avoid splitting medicine packs, will be implemented for private prescriptions 'immediately upon the enforcement of the Human Medicines Amendment Regulations in the autumn,' as highlighted in a briefing by Community Pharmacy England. CPE stated that the regulations related to NHS prescriptions will come into effect when the pharmaceutical terms of service regulations expressly apply the OPD amendments. Moreover, new directive mandating the dispensing of sodium valproate products solely in their original packaging (except when an assessment of risk necessitates an alternative approach) will align with the rollout of the private prescription regulations during the autumn. CPE further noted that these regulations are currently in draft, indicating that they are not currently in effect and may undergo revisions prior to their implementation.

Dispensing:Community pharmacy witnesses highest in 2021/2022 - 0 views

    Dispensing activity by community pharmacy in England has witnessed a 4.2 per cent increase across the year 2021 till March 2022, the Pharmacy Market Review 2022 report revealed. The report launched by Christie & Co, said: "All pharmacy settings saw improvements in dispensing numbers, with standard community settings seeing the highest increase of 4.2 per cent, with the average moving to 7,173 items, albeit still below the combined average." "The independent sector fared better than corporate pharmacy, with a combined average increase of 3.5 per cent versus a 1.8 per cent increase in corporate dispensing. Despite some improvement, integrated pharmacies remained the lowest at 1.9 per cent, in part due to the continued restrictions on patient access." Dispensing activity for England across the year to March 2022 increased by 4.5 per cent to an average of 7,765 items per month, reversing the decline witnessed in 2021.

Hub and spoke dispensing must benefit patient care - 0 views

    While responding to the consultation on hub and spoke dispensing, trade unions for pharmacists have emphasised that the patient safety and care must be the priority in hub and spoke dispensing. The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) has welcomed the opportunity provided by a change in legislation to enable community pharmacies to make use of hub and spoke dispensing but reaffirmed that patient care must be at the heart of future changes. With regards to patient safety, the Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC) considers that only Model 1 is appropriate, with manageable risks related to patient safety, and is a model that has the potential to allow the whole sector to benefit fairly. In its response to the consultation on Hub and Spoke dispensing, PSNC highlighted that Model 2 in the consultation, a hub direct to patient supply of dispensed medicines, raises patient safety issues and it cannot be supported. RPS President Professor Claire Anderson said: "In all models, patients need to continue to have access to a pharmacist at the time of supply of medicines so they have the opportunity to discuss, ask questions or raise concerns, and receive appropriate information with counselling and advice.

Paydens Pharmacy Group hub and spoke model - 0 views

    Paydens Pharmacy Group, one of the first multiple pharmacies to adopt hub and spoke model last year, revealed that the move has resulted in significant time savings in store. Centralising dispensing of repeat prescriptions relieves pressure in pharmacy branches and releases time to deliver revenue generating services, the group said. The group created a hub in Maidstone, Kent, to service its highest dispensing branches. The hub uses Centred Solution's FLOWRx Hub Auto to dispense their original pack repeat prescriptions. The group put in the first FLOWRx Hub production line in spring 2022 and then added in a second line in the autumn as they increased production and moved more stores to the hub and spoke model. The innovative solution interfaces with EMIS PMR, Omnicell's Robotic Dispensing System and Universal Logistics Management software as well as Victoria OS ordering software. The hub operation runs during the day Monday to Friday and produces an average of 33,289 packs per week for just under 9,000 patients, leaving plenty of scope to ramp up. The hub is currently dispensing 79.7% of repeat prescription original packs requested by the group's busiest stores.

Titan PMR receives NHS accreditation to provide EPS - 0 views

    Titan PMR has been accredited by the NHS to provide electronic prescription services (EPS) to dispensing doctors. Over 1,000 of these doctors, who provide a vital service to almost 10 million people in rural communities, can now offer their patients the same level of benefits and efficiencies that electronic prescriptions and Titan PMR have brought to pharmacies around the UK. These features will also increase efficiency for dispensing doctors, who will reduce dispensing errors and improve organisation, increasing their capacity while enjoying the ability to integrate with other technologies. After a full year of testing, including six months of compliance testing at a practice in Cumbria, the new accreditation for Titan also has potential to help the NHS fulfil its target of all prescriptions being issued electronically. Currently written paper prescriptions from dispensing doctors account for around seven per cent of the total prescriptions in England - around 6.5 million each month. "Until now dispensing doctor surgeries have basically been in the digital dark ages when it comes to dispensing medicines," said Tariq Muhammad, a tech entrepreneur and CEO of Bristol-based Invatech Health, which developed Titan PMR.

Hub and Spoke Dispensing Model: Unlock 81% Payroll Savings & ROI in 2 Years | Centred S... - 0 views

    A new report has suggested that adopting hub and spoke dispensing model could be a realistic and affordable option for many pharmacies across the UK, not just a select few. The report released by Centred Solutions highlighted several evidence-based benefits of this model, including a return on investment (ROI) within two years for an average pharmacy, debunking the skepticism that has long surrounded the model. Analysis by the software and technology company found that the ROI, from setting up a hub and all operational costs (excluding transport), can be achieved through either re-directing time saved into delivering services, improving resource efficiencies, or a combination of both. One of the key findings is the 81 per cent reduction in payroll costs per item-from 99p in a pharmacy to just 19p in a hub. The report also revealed that by shifting to a hub and spoke model, pharmacies could offload 50 per cent of total dispensing volumes (70-80 per cent of repeat dispensing) from their branches, creating much-needed capacity. The report also projected an average stock reduction of 50 per cent in the first year for pharmacy branches moving to this model of dispensing.

Urgent: Rural Patients Urged to Seek GP Dispensing Services Amid Pharmacy Closures - 0 views

    The Dispensing Doctors' Association (DDA) is advising patients left deserted due to pharmacy closures in rural areas to consult their general practice about accessing the GP dispensing service. This recommendation comes in response to concerns that England's rural areas are increasingly becoming pharmacy 'deserts', posing challenges for residents to access essential medications and healthcare services. DDA chairman Dr Richard West said: "The GP dispensing service is designed to ensure NHS medicine supply in areas where people have little or no access to a pharmacy service. "People in rural areas who now live more than a mile from a pharmacy should speak to their GP about whether they can receive the NHS GP dispensing service."

Kinnock Confirms Medicine Margin Review In Pharmacy Contract - 0 views

    The 2025/26 pharmacy contract consultation will include a review of the medicine margin and reimbursement arrangements, health and care minister Stephen Kinnock has confirmed. Kinnock made this statement in response to a written question from Nick Timothy, Conservative MP for West Suffolk, who asked the secretary of state for health and social care, if he will review the reimbursement system for pharmacies and GP practices dispensing medicines. Kinnock stated that consultation with Community Pharmacy England (CPE) for the 2025/26 Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF) has started and will include "reviewing the allowance for medicine margin as part of funding, and any further changes to the reimbursement arrangements." However, he clarified that there are currently no plans to review the reimbursement system for general practices (GPs) dispensing medicines. Kinnock said: "Dispensing practices receive a dispensing fee, approximately £2.00 to £2.30 per item, which is intended to cover dispensing costs. "This fee is calculated based on forecasted volumes of prescriptions to be dispensed and the size of the funding envelope, according to a methodology agreed by the Department, the General Practitioners Committee (GPC), NHS Employers, and the Welsh Government."

DHSC:Allow Pharmacists To Dispense Medicine In Original Pack - 0 views

    The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has commenced a consultation on allowing pharmacists to dispense prescription medicines in original packaging. The consultation, closing on December 13, 2021, proposes changes to the Human Medicines Regulations (HMRs). It would allow pharmacists to dispense more or less than the 10 per cent of the prescribed quantity in original packs, except where this would affect the patient's clinical treatment. The change would not apply to controlled drugs. The second proposed change is to supply sodium valproate in original packaging regardless of the conditions set around Original Pack Dispensing (OPD). Currently, contractors have to supply the exact quantity prescribed, unless certain exceptions apply.

PSNC: Enable Original Pack Dispensing By Pharmacists - 0 views

    Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC) has expressed its support for alterations in the Human Medicines Regulations 2012 to enable original pack dispensing (OPD) and supply of medicines containing sodium valproate by pharmacists. PSNC's support for changes was in response to the consultation on OPD, initiated by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC). The consultation had proposed regulatory changes to allow pharmacists to dispense (up to 10 per cent) more or less than the prescribed quantity of a given medicine in the manufacturer's original packs. Key aims of the proposal are to "support increased patient safety by ensuring patients receive the necessary information that is included in the original manufacturer's packaging about the safe and effective use of a product," DHSC said.

Atorvastatin named most dispensed drug in England in 2021/22 - 0 views

    Atorvastatin was the most dispensed drug in England in 2021/22 with 53.4 million items, revealed the annual Prescription Cost Analysis (PCA) published by NHS Business Services Authority. According to the official statistics, Apixaban (an anticoagulant) was the drug with the highest cost of £401 million. The statistics revealed that the cost of prescription items dispensed in the community in England was £9.69 billion, a 0.87 per cent increase of £83.7 million from £9.61 billion in 2020/21. "The number of prescription items dispensed in the community in England was 1.14 billion, a 2.58 per cent increase of 28.7 million items from 1.11 billion in 2020/21." FreeStyle Libre 2 Sensor kit (a glucose monitoring system) was the presentation with the largest absolute increase in cost between 2020/21 and 2021/22 of £69.8 million, from £2.84 million to £72.6 million.

RPS Unveils Flexible Prescribing & Dispensing Guidelines - 0 views

    Recognising the changing practices in healthcare, the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) has revised and updated its position on the separation of prescribing and dispensing or administration of a medicine by the same healthcare professional. It's previous guidance, published in March 2020, restricted prescribing and dispensing by the same healthcare professional only in exceptional circumstances. The new guidance, jointly developed with the Royal College of Nursing (RCN), has made prescribing and dispensing of medicines more flexible. It clarifies that "where there is a risk assessment in place and in the best interests of the patient, the same healthcare professional can be responsible for the prescribing and dispensing / supply / administration of medicines." The change in the position statement follows an extensive year-long engagement exercise with medical associations, members, fellows, expert advisory groups, patient groups and the RPS Country Boards.

CMA:Regulation to curb potential competition risk - 0 views

    The Competition and Market Authority (CMA) has suggested regulatory levers to curb "potential competition risk" from hub and spoke dispensing. In its response to the hub and spoke dispensing consultation, led by the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) last week, the competition watchdog said that a pro-active approach to monitoring the effect of hub and spoke dispensing and subsequent early consideration of any competition concerns was likely to be more effective and potentially less costly than any "ex-post enforcement any ex-post enforcement or unpicking of subsequently embedded competition issues". The competition watchdog has made a few suggestions to identify and remove the barriers to competition that might emerge with the new business models entering the market. It has asked the department to enable a "more level playing field". "Smaller independent pharmacies should, have improved access to automation and new dispensing models," it said.

Model One Hub and Spoke: Time to Push Ahead with Legislation 2025 - 0 views

    Centred Solutions has been at the forefront of the pharmacy hub and spoke dispensing in England over the last few years. We have already demonstrated that hub and spoke dispensing is a realistic model of dispensing for pharmacy groups of all sizes. We've seen the massive difference that hub and spoke can make to community pharmacy. With pharmacies struggling to survive, the time has come to stop delaying and to now push ahead with model one of hub and spoke dispensing. In our experience, there is no risk with moving ahead with model one of hub and spoke legislation which would allow medicines to be returned from the hub to the pharmacy ready to be dispensed to the patient. We do however understand the need for more policy discussion around the second model of hub and spoke, where the hub sends the medication directly to the patient. This should not delay the implementation of model one. This model would immediately level the playing field for smaller and independent pharmacies, allowing them to use a hub and spoke model of their choice now to create capacity for clinical services. We feel strongly about this issue and that's why we are working alongside HubRx and PillTime to raise awareness.

CCA calls for evidence-based approach to proposed changes - 0 views

    The Company Chemists' Association (CCA) has called for an evidence-based approach to hub and spoke dispensing proposals, stating that it is vital to back the changes based on robust data and lived experience of pharmacy businesses. Community pharmacy contractors need to to respond to a Department of Health and Social Care initiated consultation on the hub-and-spoke dispensing models by June 8. Malcolm Harrison, CEO of the CCA, said: "I am very concerned by both the number and scale of the assumptions contained within the impact assessment, which are unlikely to come to fruition. "The impact Assessment also makes predictions on a yet un-born market, stretching 10 years into the future. Hub and spoke technologies do have the potential to enable new dispensing models in the future if new commissioning can support a change in operations. I would caution against firm predictions about likely benefits without stronger commitments to enablers of change."

Hub and Spoke Model : Peer-to-peer dispensing - 0 views

    Talk of hub and spoke models has been rumbling on for as long as I can remember. The topic has once again hit the headlines as the government announced a fresh consultation for its proposed changes, calling on all interested parties to submit their views by 8th June. The argument for hub and spoke is to allow independents to have the same level playing field as the larger groups who have been operating this model for some time. The government also sees significant efficiency gains in centralisation, arguing this will free pharmacists time away from dispensing to focus on clinical services. The latest consultation advocates two models being created. In the first model, the dispensed medication is sent back to the spoke. In the second model, the completed medication can be sent out directly to the patient. The latter is a new concept which could open up new opportunities in how services are delivered. Pharmacies could effectively outsource the entire dispensing and delivery to housebound patients and care homes allowing pharmacies to take on new business without having to worry about logistics and geography.

Original Pack Dispensing for NHS Prescriptions Begins January 2025 - New Rules for Phar... - 0 views

    Pharmacies in England will soon be allowed to dispense up to 10 per cent more or less than the quantity prescribed for NHS prescriptions, thanks to the introduction of new original pack dispensing (OPD) rules. These changes are part of regulatory amendments laid on Tuesday, 3 September, and will come into effect over the coming months. The amendments are being made to the National Health Service (Pharmaceutical and Local Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations 2024 (PLPS). Starting 1 January 2025, pharmacies will have the option to adjust the prescribed quantity by up to 10 per cent for NHS prescriptions so medicines can be supplied in their original manufacturer's pack. Earlier in October 2023, changes to the Human Medicines Regulations (HMRs) permitted pharmacies to dispense up to 10 per cent more or less than the prescribed quantity for private prescriptions of Prescription Only Medicines (POMs).

Pharmacist Suspended for Workplace Misconduct: GPhC Case - 0 views

    The Fitness-to-Practise Committee of the General Pharmaceutical Council has issued a three-month suspension to Mohammed Roohul Haque (Reg No: 2226084), a locum pharmacist, due to incidents of workplace sexual misconduct. According to the determination document issued by the regulatory body, Haque undertook the position of a locum pharmacist at Hollowood Chemists on July 12. It was during this period that he encountered the dispenser (referred to as the "complainant"), a 40-year-old co-worker at the pharmacy, for the first instance. Following this initial meeting, he proceeded to engage in making explicit sexual comments. During the lunch break of the pharmacy's second dispenser, Haque asked the dispenser, who had lodged the complaint, to review photographs displayed on his mobile phone, depicting renovations being carried out at his residence. The initial images focused on the ongoing renovation activities. However, he later switched to displaying a full-screen photograph of his erect penis, the document said. Despite the fact that the dispenser promptly distanced herself, Haque persisted in discussing the photograph with her. He went so far as to apologise, and even asked if she had managed to closely observe the picture.
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