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Regulatory changes, including the National Enhanced Service come into effect - 0 views

    Amendments to the NHS (Pharmaceutical and Local Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations 2013 along with introduction of a new type of pharmaceutical service come into effect from Tuesday (December 21) and from January 1, 2022. PSNC will be consulted on the new type of enhanced service - the National Enhanced Service (NES), where NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSE&I) commissions an enhanced service with a service specification that sets standard conditions nationally. Other amendments to the regulations include: Changes in the contractors' terms of service, allowing NHSE&I to introduce a pandemic response programme, by which contractors are required to have various premises and other arrangements for responding to a pandemic. An alternative route to supply pandemic treatments, via a listed prescription items voucher (LPIV). This is a further option for the community pharmacy for supply of treatments or medicines during or in anticipation of pandemic disease;

NHS Online GP Registration: 425k Patients in First Year - 0 views

    The National Health Service said that over 425,000 patients have utilised its new national online service to complete GP registration within its inaugural year. The GP surgery registration service, managed by NHS England, has granted NHS patients efficient and user-friendly access to GP registration since its inception in August 2022. According to the NHS, more than 1,400 GP surgeries, a fifth of the national count, have joined the NHS online registration service as part of a new plan to improve access to primary care. "This aligns with a new strategy to enhance primary care access, with a target of enrolling 2,000 practices in the Register with a GP surgery service by December 2023." Many GP surgeries still use paper forms, requiring patients to visit surgeries to collect paperwork. However, the new online service has been shown to save GP surgery staff up to 15 minutes per registration by helping to reduce paperwork and admin time, the NHS said. The NHS said that this service enables patients to register with a local GP online at any time, eliminating the need for in-person visits and simplifying the process for both patients and GP surgeries.

Sudlow Review Recommends National Health Data Service for Enhanced Patient Care - 0 views

    Major health, care and research bodies, including the Department of Health and Social Care and the Office for National Statistics, should establish a national health data service in England to improve patient care and research - an NHS-commissioned review has recommended. Professor Cathie Sudlow's independent review of the UK health data landscape concluded that "complex and inefficient" data systems prevent and delay crucial analysis of health conditions affecting millions of people across the UK. The review - 'Uniting the UK's health data: a huge opportunity for society', published on 8 November 2024 - stressed the need for coordinated action across multiple organisations and stakeholders to ensure the greatest benefits for patients and the public from health-relevant data. They identified several barriers to using health data for public benefit and set our five recommendations for overcoming these barriers and transforming the national health data ecosystem. These include the establishment of a national health data service for England, embedded within existing organisational structures but with accountable senior leadership and a ring-fenced budget. Professor Sudlow said: "We are simply not maximising the benefits to society from the rich abundance of health data in the UK.

David Webb:Pharmacy teams need to work differently - 0 views

    David Webb, the Chief Pharmaceutical Officer for England, acknowledged that the "pressure in the system is high", but urged everyone to "keep our eye on the design" of the NHS plan, adding that the "the objective is to bring the different parts of primary care together" in the patient interest. Speaking during the opening keynote session at the the National Pharmacy Association (NPA) conference held on Thursday (13 October), he added that the NHS plan intends to bring different parts of primary care together to help patients. He said the new integrated care boards (ICBs) are a key strategic framework as they provide the "potential to form partnerships to deliver integrated services across larger populations". "ICBs will want to work with Local Pharmaceutical Committees to plan for the local population and the new community pharmacy clinical leads in ICBs, who have been funded by NHS England, are there to advise." He explained that once an ICB takes over the commissioning of pharmaceutical services (which they are all due to do by April 2023), it could use its funds to commission a local enhanced service as an add on to an advanced service. For instance, a CVD risk assessment could be added to the blood pressure check service.

Wes Streeting :UK New Health Secretary 2024 - Vision for NHS Reform - 0 views

    Wes Streeting MP has been appointed Secretary of State for Health and Social Care in the new Labour Government. The Ilford North MP will now take on the critical role of overseeing the National Health Service (NHS) and implementing Labour's ambitious health agenda. At the core of the Labour Party's healthcare reform manifesto is enhancing accessibility to primary and community healthcare. This involves implementing a 'Community Pharmacist Prescribing Service,' to empower pharmacists with independent prescribing rights where clinically suitable. This initiative aims to alleviate the strain on GP practices and enhance service accessibility. Additionally, the manifesto proposes piloting Neighbourhood Health Centres, to integrate various healthcare services -such as family doctors, district nurses, and mental health specialists under one roof.

NHS Improvements & Reduced Waiting Times : King Charles III's Speech| UK 2024 - 0 views

    In his address to both Houses of Parliament today (17 July), King Charles III highlighted the new government's commitment to enhancing the National Health Service (NHS), reducing waiting times, focussing on preventive care, and improving mental health services. Marking the first State Opening of Parliament under the Labour government, the King unveiled a raft of bills and draft bills, including the Mental Health Bill and the Tobacco and Vapes Bill. King Charles III said: "My government will improve the National Health Service as a service for all, providing care on the basis of need regardless of the ability to pay. "It will seek to reduce the waiting times, focus on prevention and improve mental health provision for young people." Furthermore, the King stated that mental health would be given the same attention and focus as physical health. He announced the introduction of the Mental Health Bill, which aims to modernise the Mental Health Act to better meet contemporary needs.

Wheelchair : Handicap Products: Types Of Cerebral Palsy - 0 views

    Types of CP Associated With Muscle Tone Cerebral palsy comes in several types, which may be associated with muscle tone or specific body parts. Those associated with muscle tone include: spastic CP, where abnormally high muscle tone causes problems with movement, usually in the legs and hips; ataxia, which is marked by involuntary muscle movements; athetoid, which prevents sufferers from maintaining a fixed muscle position (for example, grasping and holding); and mixed, where symptoms of both spastic and athetoid CP occur. Cerebral Palsy: Hope Through Research: Detailed information from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, including facts on the causes, risk factors, warning signs, and types of CP. Definitions and Accommodations for Cerebral Palsy: Information on the types of CP and how to accommodate and interact with severe sufferers. From Kentucky's Office for the Americans With Disabilities Act. United Cerebral Palsy Association: Nonprofit organization that offers a nationwide network of affiliates aimed at expanding the rights, freedoms, and opportunities of those with cerebral palsy. Health Encyclopedia: Cerebral Palsy: Facts on the types, causes, prevalence, and accommodations related to cerebral palsy. Provided by the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration. Cost of Cerebral Palsy: Information on the human and economic impact of cerebral palsy, presented in the form of an academic report composed by the Environmental Protection Agency. Types of CP Associated With Body Parts Certain types of cerebral palsy are associated with specific body parts rather than with the general condition of the muscular system. These types include: quadriplegia, in which all four limbs suffer severe motor dysfunction and a general inability to work together; hemiplegia, in which the limbs on one side of the body are severely affected, with the impact more pronounced in the digits; and diplegia, which causes problems with mus

Empowerment in Healthcare: NHS Self-Referral Unleashed - 0 views

    National Health Services (NHS) patients across England are set to experience a significant enhancement in accessing key healthcare services such as community nursing through the expansion of self-referral options that no longer require a GP appointment. The recent announcement is part of the NHS primary care access recovery plan and is set to offer hundreds of thousands more individuals each month the opportunity to refer themselves for essential services such as "incontinence support", "podiatry", or "hearing tests" without GP referrals. This move aims to alleviate the burden on general practitioners through self-referrals for more than 180,000 patients, allowing them to focus their time and resources on patients in need of immediate care and recover the long waiting times. As per the NHS data, approximately 200,000 people per month self-refer themselves which under the new plan will extend to additional critical services tailored to local population needs to "continue modernising GP, expand pharmacy services, and offer patients more choice in how they access care".

Enhanced Indemnity Cover For Locum Pharmacists | NPA Insurance 2025 - 0 views

    NPA Insurance, a wholly owned subsidiary of the National Pharmacy Association (NPA), has updated its professional indemnity policy for locum pharmacists to better support their expanding roles in healthcare. The enhanced policy now includes private and NHS prescribing cover for weight loss and other areas of competence, which is available for locums working in pharmacy, general practice and hospital settings. Policyholders will benefit from an extended range of cover, which includes, as standard, the delivery of the NHS Pharmacy First service, the expanded pharmacy contraception service, and the re-launched hypertension case-finding service. Moreover, NPA Insurance has removed charges for vaccine administration, including COVID-19, flu, and travel. Locum pharmacists will also have access to NPA Insurance's award-winning claims team as part of the new policy.

Funding Vital for Scotland's Pharmacy First Expansion 2025 | Numark - 0 views

    Scotland's first minister, John Swinney, has announced the expansion of the NHS Pharmacy First Service as part of the government's strategy to shift more care into communities. However, Numark chairman Harry McQuillan has stressed the need for additional funding to support this expansion effectively. Speaking at the National Robotarium in Edinburgh on 27 January 2025, Swinney outlined the government's plans for enhancing public services and renewing the NHS, promising a significant boost in NHS Scotland's capacity to reduce waiting times. Recognising the importance of identifying new approaches, Swinney underscored the critical role of community pharmacies in easing pressure on GP services. He said: "I want to see the NHS Scotland Pharmacy First Service expand so that community pharmacies can treat a greater number of clinical conditions and prevent the need for a GP visit in the first place." McQuillan welcomed the announcement, stating that this advancement will "empower pharmacists to provide even greater value, leveraging their clinical expertise to deliver comprehensive care directly to patients." However, he noted that the sector should be provided with extra funding to support this expansion.

Sajid Javid shares agenda on healthcare reform - 0 views

    The NHS is facing a range of long term challenges which needs to be countered with prevention, enhance personalised care and sustainable performance, health and social care secretary Sajid Javid said on Tuesday (March 8). In his speech on healthcare reform at the Royal College of Physicians in London, he said: "We face some long-term challenges: how to keep the NHS focused on delivery while futureproofing it for changing demographics and disease; how to meet rising patient expectations and address the injustices of widespread disparities; and how to deal with an unsustainable financial trajectory while backing the brilliant people who work in health and care." Javid emphasised on three key points for healthcare reform - prevention, personalisation and performance. He said, prevention is not just about building a 'national hospital service' but a true 'National Health Service'.

Empower Pharmacist to Prescribe: Exploring Labour Promising Policy 2024 UK - 0 views

    Healthcare reform emerged as a cornerstone of the Labour Party's manifesto leading up to the recent general election. A standout pledge was the establishment of a Community Pharmacist Prescribing Service, aimed at granting pharmacists independent prescribing rights where clinically suitable. This initiative is seen as a positive step in addressing critical challenges within the National Health Service (NHS). Numark Chairman Harry McQuillan praised Labour's recognition of pharmacists' role in patient care through expanded prescribing rights. "Let's be honest, pharmacists are an underutilised resource within the healthcare system. We possess extensive training and expertise, yet our full potential hasn't always been acknowledged. "By harnessing pharmacists expanded prescribing rights, Labour is acknowledging our significant role in patient care. This initiative aims to recognise our skills and enhance patient care, ensuring quicker access to necessary treatments," he said. However, he pointed out that the concept requires further exploration, as the rights to prescribe are already granted through the recent change to undergraduate training that incorporates prescribing.

NPA Chair to COVID-19 Inquiry: 'A resilient pharmacy network' crucial for future pandem... - 0 views

    Nick Kaye, chair of the National Pharmacy Association (NPA), gave evidence to the UK's official COVID-19 Inquiry on Monday (4 November), highlighting the importance of building a "sustainable and resilient community pharmacy network" to enhance preparedness for future pandemics. Kaye also recommended utilising the existing community pharmacy infrastructure for public health initiatives, such as vaccination programmes, and stressed the need to recognise community pharmacists and their teams as integral members of primary care. "Seven pharmacies a week are closing across the four nations, and that is tragic for any future response. So, a resilient community pharmacy network that exists is going to be key," he told the Inquiry. He noted that 90 per cent of most NPA members' income comes from providing NHS services, underscoring the critical role pharmacies play in healthcare delivery. However, Kaye highlighted that pharmacies were often overlooked and underappreciated during the pandemic.

NPA theme 2023 : Meet Your Local Pharmacy Team : - 0 views

    The National Pharmacy Association has announced the theme for this year's 'Ask Your Pharmacist Week' campaign - 'Meet Your Local Pharmacy Team'. The campaign, scheduled for October 30 to November 6, seeks to enhance awareness of pharmacy services and initiate dialogues with local stakeholders, highlighting the role and advantages of community pharmacy, the NPA said in a statement. NPA has organised an array of promotional activities, spanning window displays, social media engagements, partnerships with patient groups, radio and TV interviews, and visits to pharmacies by local dignitaries and politicians during the week. "AYP Week 2023 will acquaint individuals with the pharmacist's skill set and the broader community pharmacy workforce, showcasing their collaborative efforts in delivering a secure and efficient service, encompassing NHS clinical care," said Stephen Fishwick, NPA's Head of Communications. "As always, the NPA will furnish campaign resources for our members and other participants interested in engaging with this enduring initiative."

Dietary supplements is here to stay healthy - 0 views

    Community pharmacists are readily accessible healthcare providers and medicine experts in the community setting and their counsel is often sought by patients and consumers on a number of subjects including the use of dietary supplements. Their role in the sale of and advice regarding natural health and drug alternatives has never been more relevant. The recent National Health Service (NHS) Interim People Plan calls for the NHS to put all staff front and centre of the way it operates and identifies pharmacists as a critical part of multidisciplinary teams, providing care across a wide range of increasingly complex patient needs. Despite existing demand to counsel patients on a vast range of medicines, more and more consumers are looking to their pharmacist to support and enhance their knowledge regarding the relevance of a growing range of supplementary nutrients now available. Nutritional supplementation is increasingly becoming the consumer's first choice for 'drug free' treatment or natural prevention that provides a true sense of taking control, which the prescription process often denies them. Historically the immense benefits provided by the NHS have instilled a general abdication of our personal health control, leaving us to rely on the health service to treat and cure as necessary. As our NHS has become visibly over-stretched we begin to realise what the rest of the world has known for centuries - good health is based primarily upon nutritional robustness. It may be stating the obvious but there is an excellent source of incremental revenue for the pharmacist who is willing to provide space to and advice for nutritional supplements.

Green Party unveils ambitious NHS investment plan ahead of General Election - 0 views

    The Green Party has previewed its upcoming manifesto with a bold proposal for the National Health Service (NHS) and social care system, promising an unprecedented level of investment to restore and enhance these critical services. By 2030, the Greens aim to inject over £50 billion annually into health and social care, accompanied by an additional £20 billion capital investment to modernise healthcare infrastructure. Green Party Co-Leader Adrian Ramsay emphasised the urgency of these reforms, stating, "Our NHS is at breaking point following 14 years of underfunding." "Patients are stuck in hospital corridors, people can't see their GP or NHS dentist when they need to, and staff are severely overstretched." The manifesto highlights a comprehensive approach to revitalising the NHS, including:

Hemant Patel on Health Inequalities - SIGMA 2023 - 0 views

    After struggling with COVID, Hemant Petal is back to good health, and now he is on a mission to reduce "health inequalities". Speaking at the SIGMA Conference 2023, he spoke about his new role as Clinical Lead, Health Inequalities and Population Health Management, SE Essex Alliance, Essex ICB. "So, my new role is outside pharmacy, nothing to do with pharmacy. But it is important, I feel that I share some of my insights about the work that I'm doing that might benefit you," he said. Elaborating on the role of integrated care boards (ICBs), he said that they are designed to enhance coordination and collaboration across different healthcare providers and settings. The representatives from hospitals, community services, retail and social care meet on a monthly basis to "look at where there are issues to be resolved, perhaps what can be done to improve the healthcare services."

Nutritional |Dietary supplementation is here to stay - 0 views

    Community pharmacists are readily accessible healthcare providers and medicine experts in the community setting and their counsel is often sought by patients and consumers on a number of subjects including the use of dietary supplements. Their role in the sale of and advice regarding natural health and drug alternatives has never been more relevant. The recent National Health Service (NHS) Interim People Plan calls for the NHS to put all staff front and centre of the way it operates and identifies pharmacists as a critical part of multidisciplinary teams, providing care across a wide range of increasingly complex patient needs. Despite existing demand to counsel patients on a vast range of medicines, more and more consumers are looking to their pharmacist to support and enhance their knowledge regarding the relevance of a growing range of supplementary nutrients now available. Nutritional supplementation is increasingly becoming the consumer's first choice for 'drug free' treatment or natural prevention that provides a true sense of taking control, which the prescription process often denies them. The vast and growing depository of information on the internet is certainly fuelling this, but as much of this is brand derived content, information, it can often be generic with a 'one size fits all' marketing message.

NHS to cut the red tape to support 50K NHS postgraduate doctors - 0 views

    In a significant move to enhance the working conditions of over 50,000 postgraduate doctors in the National Health Service, NHS England has unveiled a series of measures aimed at providing greater choice and opportunities to the new entrants in the medical profession. With flexible rotas, reducing payroll errors, and easing the financial burden of course fees, the NHS has taken steps to address the issues faced by junior doctors in order to support their well-being. In recent announcement, 83 per cent of senior doctors and dentists accepted the government's pay offer. Alongside the junior doctors who still fighting for fair pay and recognition, the senior medical professionals demanded that the authorities help them tackle issues pertaining underfunding and overworking in the NHS. Junior doctors in training also often face challenges with frequent moves between trusts, leading to short notice changes in work schedules and duplicated inductions when transitioning to new hospitals. As a measure taken by the health serivces, the committee aims to review the minimum legal requirements for statutory and mandatory training, potentially halving the time burden for such training and allowing doctors to spend more time caring for patients as part of the long-term workforce plan.

NHS Expands Virtual Wards to Reduce Hospital Admissions Across England - 0 views

    In a strategic move to enhance healthcare delivery, the NHS has announced plans to intensify the utilisation of virtual wards under the the Urgent and Emergency Care Recovery Plan. The NHS virtual wards are aimed to reduce avoidable hospital admissions across England. This follows a comprehensive analysis revealing significant benefits from virtual wards over the past year. "Virtual wards offer a transformative approach to healthcare delivery, allowing patients to receive medical care from the comfort of their own homes," remarked NHS national director for urgent and emergency care, Sarah-Jane Marsh. "This initiative not only reduces the burden on hospital resources but also ensures that patients receive timely and personalised care."
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