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  What is screening ? Screening is looking for cancer before a person has any symptoms. This can help find cancer at an early stage. When abnormal tissue or cancer is found early, it may b...

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Breaking: NHS Retention Program Slashes Staff Departures - 0 views

    The National Health Service (NHS) retention programme has benefitted 23 NHS Trusts since it launched in April 2022, with thousands fewer staff leaving frontline roles. NHS data showed that 14,000 fewer staff left the service in the 12 months up to August 2023 (108,890) compared to 122,970 the year before. In a statement released on Thursday, the NHS England said it is expanding the pilot programme across the country to benefit 42 more NHS trusts. The programme is part of the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan ambition to retain up to 128,000 more staff over the next 15 years in addition to training record numbers of doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals. Under this new initiative, NHS staff are being offered extra flexibility with working hours, clinical 'support squads' have been introduced to help menopausal women at work, and HR 'stay advocates' are designated to identify ways to keep staff on the brink of leaving.

Sudlow Review Recommends National Health Data Service for Enhanced Patient Care - 0 views

    Major health, care and research bodies, including the Department of Health and Social Care and the Office for National Statistics, should establish a national health data service in England to improve patient care and research - an NHS-commissioned review has recommended. Professor Cathie Sudlow's independent review of the UK health data landscape concluded that "complex and inefficient" data systems prevent and delay crucial analysis of health conditions affecting millions of people across the UK. The review - 'Uniting the UK's health data: a huge opportunity for society', published on 8 November 2024 - stressed the need for coordinated action across multiple organisations and stakeholders to ensure the greatest benefits for patients and the public from health-relevant data. They identified several barriers to using health data for public benefit and set our five recommendations for overcoming these barriers and transforming the national health data ecosystem. These include the establishment of a national health data service for England, embedded within existing organisational structures but with accountable senior leadership and a ring-fenced budget. Professor Sudlow said: "We are simply not maximising the benefits to society from the rich abundance of health data in the UK.

NHS Blood-Thinning Drugs Save Thousands: Health Triumphs - 0 views

    The National Health Service (NHS) has said that the roll-out of blood-thinning drugs has helped save thousands of lives. In January 2022, the NHS launched a drive to rapidly expand the use of life-saving direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) in people who are at increased risk of strokes. Since then, more than 24 million prescriptions have been given to such patients and around 460,000 more people have started taking the drugs. This prevented an estimated 17,000 strokes and 4,000 deaths in the last 18 months, as revealed by the new NHS data. Amanda Pritchard, the NHS chief executive, hailed the "lifesaving NHS rollout" at the King's Fund annual conference. It is part of a major NHS drive on "prevention" - to catch more killer conditions earlier and save more lives.

DHSC's Proposed 2.8% Pay Uplift Slammed as 'Insult' by Unite the Union | Pharmacy Biz - 0 views

    The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has proposed a 2.8% pay uplift for NHS Agenda for Change (AfC) staff, including hospital pharmacists, for the 2025/2026 pay round. This recommendation was detailed in the DHSC's submission to the NHS Pay Review Body (NHSPRB), which described the figure as "a reasonable amount to have set aside based on the macroeconomic data and forecasts and taking into account the fiscal and labour market context." NHS England also supported the 2.8% pay increase, stating that its proposal reflects "the likely NHS budget from discussions to date with DHSC and what was set out by HM Treasury in the Autumn Budget 2024." "We propose to set allocations for NHS planning on the basis of a 2.8% pay settlement. Every 0.5% increase above that costs around £700m; which is the equivalent to around 2% of elective activity (greater than 300k completed patient pathways)," it added. However, Unite the Union, representing NHS staff, condemned the DHSC's recommendation, called the proposed increase "an insult."

NHS can improve equality of access to innovative medicines - 0 views

    The NHS Confederation and the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) has published a report that demonstrated the importance of the collaboration between industry and the NHS to improve patient outcomes across the UK. Analysis from the report has shown a significant variation in access to innovative medicines for patients across the UK and showed that uptake of new treatments in these areas continues to be below the average of similar countries in Europe. The report, 'Transforming Lives, Improving Health Outcomes', has highlighted four initiatives where effective partnerships between the NHS, patient organisations and industry have helped to tackle unwarranted variation in the uptake of innovative medicines. Transforming Lives, Improving Health Outcomes also called for a systemwide secondary prevention strategy covering all parts of the health system creating a barrier to wider and consistent uptake of innovative medicine. It also noted that newly created Integrated Care Systems have the potential to improve preventative treatment. The report data also showed a 51% variation of uptake of three types of medicines related to diabetes between NHS Trusts in England.

New CPD-accredited module: Digital Health Academy - 0 views

    The new 'How to Involve and Engage Patients on Digital Health Tech Innovation' learning module has been created specifically to support the development and delivery of patient-centric technologies, at a time of critical digital transformation in the NHS. The foundation level module will be freely available at and on the Health Education England NHS Learning Hub ( No training previously exists on conducting effective patient and public involvement and engagement (PPIE), leading to wasted resource on unsuitable technologies at a time when the healthcare system simply cannot afford it. The module aims to educate innovators who are creating new technology, and the clinicians who are prescribing these solutions. Crucially, the module also provides valuable support to the 500 NHS clinicians who are on the Clinical Entrepreneur Programme. The module is an introduction to the first evidence-based framework for PPIE, launched by the University of Plymouth, the AHSN Network (the national voice of the 15 academic health science networks in England) and Boehringer Ingelheim UK & Ireland. It helps to fast-track learning for the EnACT principles described in the framework, outlining how to involve patients in product innovation and critical issues such as data privacy, intellectual property, inclusivity, reimbursement, useability, and recruitment of patients.

NHS Emeritus: Retired Consultants Rejoin, Slash Waitlists - 0 views

    NHS England has launched a cloud-based platform that links recently-retired consultants, who still hold a licence to practice, with secondary care providers who need additional help with their waiting lists. It has been developed to make it easier and more flexible for retired doctors to return to the health service as part of the Long Term Workforce Plan. NHS chief executive Amanda Pritchard in June 2023 announced the NHS Emeritus pilot scheme, which is expected to help reduce long waits for elective care. Initially, the scheme will run for a year across England, and if successful, it may be expanded to cover other work areas. Health Minister Andrew Stephenson commented: "Returning consultants will bring invaluable experience and knowledge, and the new digital platform will match highly-skilled consultants with the NHS trusts that require their expertise, providing high quality care and alleviating pressures on high demand areas.

NHS Digital Shift 2024 : Public Trust in Data Sharing for AI Yet Hesitant on Care Robots - 0 views

    Transitioning from analogue to digital is one of three major "shifts" the government has deemed essential for the future of the NHS. These shifts, with the other two being the moving from hospital to community care and from sickness to prevention, will also form the foundation of the 10-Year Health Plan. The question is: are the public ready to embrace this digital transformation, which would involve sharing their health data for the development of artificial intelligence (AI) systems within the NHS? Results from a UK-wide poll show that the majority of people (75 per cent) are willing to share some of their health data for AI development. The survey commissioned by the Health Foundation included more than 7,000 members of the public (aged 16 years and older). Nearly 60 per cent expressed willingness to share information about their eye health, with 58 per cent open to sharing details about the medications they are taking, and 57 per cent willing to disclose any long-term illnesses they live with.

3 in 5 Cancer Patients in England Diagnosed at Early Stage - NHS Analysis | - 0 views

    More cancers are being detected earlier in England, thanks to a major drive by the NHS encouraging people, particularly those at higher risk due to hereditary or lifestyle factors, to come forward for potentially life-saving screenings. According to a new NHS analysis, early cancer diagnosis in England has reached its highest level ever. The NHS data of the most common cancers, including breast, prostate, and lung cancer, shows that almost three in five patients are now being diagnosed at stages one or two, when the cancer is more treatable. More than 58 per cent of all common cancers (206,038) diagnosed between September 2023 and August 2024 were identified at an early stage. This marks a 2.7 percentage point improvement compared to pre-pandemic levels, equating to an estimated 7,000 more patients being diagnosed at an early stage. The NHS has introduced initiatives like the Targeted Lung Health Check (TLHC) and Liver Health Programmes to detect cancers earlier.

King's Fund 3 Vital Steps : Revitalizing UK Healthcare: - 0 views

    As the countdown to the next UK election begins, the King's Fund has identified three priorities to improve public health. The national action would be taken by the future government to fix the "NHS and social care" in the country. The health policy think tank said it would prioritise "improving access to out-of-hospital care", making "careers in health and social care" more attractive and tackling the biggest risk factors affecting people's health. It highlighted that workforce crisis is one of the biggest challenges faced by the National Health Service (NHS) and social care services in England while citing "years of poor planning and fragmented responsibilities" as the reason for widespread staff shortages. As per the King's Fund's data, there were more than 125,000 vacancies across the NHS workforce in England in October 2023, not including primary care vacancies such as GPs, and 152,000 vacant posts in the adult social care workforce.

DHSC seek views to tackle major health conditions in England - 0 views

    The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has invited views of healthcare professionals and others to tackle the six major health conditions which drive-ill health and contribute to the burden of disease in England. The six major health conditions - cancer; cardiovascular diseases including stroke and diabetes; chronic respiratory diseases; dementia; mental ill-health and musculoskeletal disorders - affect millions of people in England with data showing that one in four suffer from two or more of these major long-term conditions. Recognising the pressure these conditions are putting on the NHS, the government is seeking views on a new strategy to tackle them that will focus not only on treatment but also on prevention. Government is particularly interested in hearing from those who suffer from, care for or provide treatment to people who suffer from multiple long-term conditions. This is to ensure the Major Conditions Strategy is one that will better prevent, diagnose, manage and treat these conditions. Contributions are also encouraged from those working in NHS bodies, local government, the voluntary and community sector, and wider industry, on how best to tackle suffering from one or more of these major conditions. Particularly, it is seeking perspectives on how government and the NHS can work better together with different organisations and sectors to improve the nation's health.

Barbershop Blood Pressure Checks: NHS Expands Services - 0 views

    Men can now have their blood pressure checked while visiting a barbershop. The NHS is extending its blood pressure screening services to different local venues, including barbershops, mosques, and pharmacies. This initiative aims to address the increasing risk of strokes and heart attacks among men. NHS staff's life-saving actions coincide with recent data indicating that high street pharmacies administered 149,865 blood pressure checks to individuals over 40 in May 2023. This marked a notable increase from the previous year's count of 58,345 in May 2022, the NHS said. "More than 1,300 heart attacks and strokes could be prevented this year thanks to the high street checks." "The total number of blood pressure checks delivered by pharmacy teams in the year to March was more than 1 million (1,053,278)," the NHS added. Furthermore, the government has committed £645 million for a range of added pharmaceutical services. This includes a target of conducting 2.5 million extra blood pressure checks annually at community pharmacies. This effort is estimated to avert over 1,350 cardiovascular events per year - equivalent to averting 113 heart attacks and strokes each month.

New PRSB Chair: Professor Reecha Sofat to Drive Data Standards in Healthcare - 0 views

    The Professional Records Standards Body (PRSB), which develops information standards for health and social care records, has appointed Professor Reecha Sofat as the new Chair. She will assume the role at the end of October 2024, succeeding Professor Maureen Baker CBE, who will step down after seven years as Chair of the PRSB. A Clinical Pharmacologist, Professor Sofat has held many leadership roles across the NHS, academia and scientific societies. Professor Sofat is Breckenridge Chair of Clinical Pharmacology at the University of Liverpool. She practices general internal medicine and is also an Associate Director at the British Heart Foundation (BHF) Data Science Centre (DSC) which is led by Health Data Research UK (HDRUK). With a passion for data science and extensive clinical and research insights, Professor Sofat is focused on embedding research into routine health and social care. She said: "I am passionate about using the rich health data that is already collected across NHS and social care to better understand the causes and consequences of disease and improve health outcomes.

Meet the NHS IG Toolkit Deadline: CPE Guide for Community Pharmacies - 0 views

    Community Pharmacy England (CPE) has reminded community pharmacy owners that the deadline to complete the 2023/24 Data Security and Protection Toolkit to make their information governance (IG) declaration is 30 June 2024. Sometimes referred to as the "NHS IG toolkit", the DSPT is a set of security requirements that companies are required to fulfill to supply goods and services to the health service to ensure the safety and protection of sensitive patient information. To help community pharmacy contractors complete the mandatory questions within the Toolkit, CPE on Monday (12 February) published new guidance, which also contains references to other useful materials. CPE is working with the NHS DSPTK team to keep the workload associated with Toolkit completion manageable whilst ensuring that appropriate data security protections are maintained. Pharmacy owners with three or more pharmacies can complete a single submission for all their premises through the NHS Parent Organisation Code (POC) headquarters (HQ) batch submission feature.

Winter AI Solutions for NHS: Tackling Health Pressures - 0 views

    NHS England is rolling out a range of tech and data solutions, including an artificial intelligence (AI) system, across the health service to tackle winter pressures. The AI system will be used to identify patients at risk of hospital admission so community NHS teams can get to them first and reduce pressures on A&E departments. On a trial basis, four GP practices in Somerset have started using the innovative technology which can highlight registered patients with complex health needs. Health coaches, nurses, or GPs will then reach out to the people most at risk, and provide them with a range of preventive care such as monitoring, food parcels, cleaning, shopping, as well as escalating care to specialist doctors.

Community Pharmacy Contractors Expect More CPCS Rreferrals - 0 views

    Community pharmacy contractors are likely to receive more referrals from NHS 111 for the Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (CPCS) following a review of the NHS Pathway algorithms, NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSE&I) announced on Friday (January 14). The review, conducted by an expert group of Integrated Urgent Care clinicians and pharmacists, led to inclusion of more minor illness symptoms for referral to the CPCS from NHS 111. The reviews based on data from 2021, showed it could generate 275,000 additional referral opportunities annually. With the introduction of changes, three new condition types (scratches and grazes, teething, sinusitis) and general health information requests will be added.

Empowerment in Healthcare: NHS Self-Referral Unleashed - 0 views

    National Health Services (NHS) patients across England are set to experience a significant enhancement in accessing key healthcare services such as community nursing through the expansion of self-referral options that no longer require a GP appointment. The recent announcement is part of the NHS primary care access recovery plan and is set to offer hundreds of thousands more individuals each month the opportunity to refer themselves for essential services such as "incontinence support", "podiatry", or "hearing tests" without GP referrals. This move aims to alleviate the burden on general practitioners through self-referrals for more than 180,000 patients, allowing them to focus their time and resources on patients in need of immediate care and recover the long waiting times. As per the NHS data, approximately 200,000 people per month self-refer themselves which under the new plan will extend to additional critical services tailored to local population needs to "continue modernising GP, expand pharmacy services, and offer patients more choice in how they access care".

Innovative Medicines Fund : £340m NHS fund - 0 views

    The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) launched a new Innovative Medicines Fund on Tuesday (June 7) under which £340 million has been made available to purchase potentially life-saving drugs early. This will allow NHS patients in England to have early access to potentially life-saving and cutting-edge treatments Health secretary Sajid Javid said: "I want NHS patients to be the first in the world to access the most promising and revolutionary treatments that could extend or save their lives. "The launch of the Innovative Medicines Fund delivers another manifesto pledge and will fast-track cutting-edge medicines to adults and children to give people renewed hope for a better future." A total of £680 million has been ringfenced for the Innovative Medicines Fund and Cancer Drugs Fund - £340 million each - to fast-track medicines to NHS patients. DHSC said: "The Innovative Medicines Fund will provide quick access to novel treatments, including potentially lifesaving gene therapies for serious conditions with few treatment options. It often takes longer for pharmaceutical companies to collect data on a medicine's clinical and cost effectiveness for rare diseases due to the smaller patient cohort.
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