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LloydsPharmacy Liquidation: Debts, Deals, and the Future - 0 views

    After a year-long divestment spree, LloydsPharmacy has entered into liquidation and appointed Turpin Barker Armstrong Accountants to handle the process. In its statement of affairs report, the liquidators confirmed that the pharmacy group owes £293m to 514 creditors. This includes £228m owed to the group's former owner Admenta UK and £50m to Aurelius Crocodile - a holding company that was used to control the pharmacy business. However, creditors are set to lose out on approximately £255m as only about £8.2m can be recovered for preferential creditors and £800,000 for its unsecured creditors, the liquidators said. The healthcare chain was acquired by Aurelius when the investment firm took over its parent company, McKesson UK in 2022 for £477m.

NHS Alert: Life-Saving Drug Shortag - 0 views

    The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and NHS England last month issued a "safety critical" national patient safety alert, warning about the UK-wide shortage of a life-saving drug used to treat patients with chronic breathing issues. NHS trusts, health authorities, ambulance services, GP practices, private healthcare providers, and community pharmacy contractors were informed that salbutamol 2.5mg and 5mg nebuliser liquid unit dose vials are in short supply, with the latter likely to remain "out of stock" until mid-April 2024. As per the alert, the shortage of the drug resulted from a combination of manufacturing issues, leading to heightened demand for alternative suppliers. It was mentioned that while terbutaline, salbutamol with ipratropium, and ipratropium nebuliser liquids remained available, they could't meet the increased demand.

Essential Pharma Sells Oral Liquid Portfolio To Rosemont - 0 views

    An international specialty pharmaceutical group, Essential Pharma has announced the completion of two transactions with fellow UK-based Rosemont Pharmaceuticals. The company completed the divestment of its oral liquid portfolio to Rosemont, and acquired a series of attractive, niche products with "geographic expansion potential." Commenting on the announcement, Essential Pharma chief executive Steen Vangsgaard said: "The Rosemont products bring additional niche products into our portfolio with international expansion potential. "The divestiture of our UK oral liquid products streamlines our portfolio, allowing us to focus and accelerate our strategic growth ambition of building a leading international specialty pharma platform." Under the divestment deal, Rosemont Pharmaceuticals will acquire the product portfolio of licences, registrations and trademarks, as well as related commercial rights, to a number of oral generic products which are used to treat a range of conditions in various therapeutic areas.
jacob logan

ESMO 2019: Seven promising liquid biopsy companies at ESMO Congress - 1 views

    Research and development (R&D) in liquid biopsy is increasingly being funded by both public and private sectors due to its promising features such as early detection of cancer tumour, new lesion characterisation and identification of cancer drug target.
    Liquid biopsy, a minimally invasive cancer diagnostic tool, has gained momentum in the last five years due to its advantages over the archaic painful procedure of solid tumour biopsy.

The Most Effective Vape Juice Wholesale Distributors in the UNITED STATES - 1 views With many individuals opting to vape, there are many vaping industries. They have a collection of various vape juices marketed in wholesale. This way, yo...

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started by baingan on 05 Dec 19 no follow-up yet
Willow O'Donnell

Different Criteria to Classify Infusion Pumps By - Scribd - 0 views

    Infusion pumps can deliver all kinds of liquids. They cannot provide semisolid or solid substances. While they can be used to deliver small amounts of liquids too, they are mostly used for long infusions. All these elements are used to support the body against a deficiency.
Willow O'Donnell

Different criteria to classify infusion pumps by - Slideshare - 0 views

    Infusion pumps can deliver all kinds of liquids. They cannot provide semisolid or solid substances. While they can be used to deliver small amounts of liquids too, they are mostly used for long infusions. All these elements are used to support the body against a deficiency. For example, patients who are not conscious will actually be fed with infusion pumps.
Fishy Oil

Liquid Cod Liver Oil - 2 views

    Are you also amongst the ones suffering from asthma, psychiatrist disorder, arthritis or heart diseases? No need to worry at all! Order liquid cod liver oil from Fishy Oil and get rid of all these.
    Do you have heart disease, asthma, psoriasis, arthritis, or a psychiatric disorder? Evidence gathered by selective research facilities has theorized that cod liver oil has effective defensive properties to reduce the occurrence of these diseases. The defensive properties include Vitamin D, A, E, and loads of Omega-3 fatty acids.

Laboratory Centrifuge Market by Product, Application & End User - 2020 | MarketsandMarkets - 0 views

    Laboratory centrifuge are used for various applications by different end users. A centrifuge is a type of equipment with an inbuilt motor, and is used for spinning the liquid samples at a high speed. This is aimed at separating the various components comprising the liquid. This equipment is widely used in laboratories for various research purposes in the areas of chemistry, biology, and biochemistry.
Open TeleShop

Hair Building Fiber Oil in Pakistan,Lahore,Karachi,Islamabad,Quetta | Online Shop In Al... - 0 views

    PRODUCT DESCRIPTION HAIR BUILDING FIBERS IN PAKISTAN|OPENTELESHOP.COM Hair Building Fiber in Pakistan Openteleshop - Hair Building Fiber Oil Pakistan Are Made Of All Natural Organic Keratin Protein, The Same Protein That Hair Is Made Of. The Fibers In Hair Are Charged With Static Electricity So They Intertwine With Our Own Hair And Bond Securely. Just Shake On The Hair Fibers in Pakistan, They Stay In All Day,all Night. Its The Secret Weapon Used By Millions Of Men And Women Around The World For Deep Nourishing The Hair Roots And Hair Follicles,helping To Reduce Excessive Hair Fall And Strengthing The Hair in Openteleshop Pakistan. HAIR BUILING FIBER 100% WORKING |OPENTELESHOP Addditional Fiber Giving Effects Of Natural Hair Hair Building Fiber Are Made Of All Natural Organic Keratin Protein, The Same Protein That Hair Is Made Of. The Fibers In Hair Are Charged With Static Electricity So They Intertwine With Your Own Hair And Bond Securely. - See More At Hair Building Fiber Oil Pakistan Openteleshop Nutrition For Germinal Follicles And Strong Hair Roots This Product Is Rich In Cacumen Platycladi Extract Ginseng Extract, Ginger Extract And Other Nutritional Essence For Deep Nourishing The Hair Roots And Hair Follicles,helping To Reduce Excessive Hair Fall And Strengthing The Hair. HOW TO USE HAIR BUILDING FIBER|OPENTELESHOP You Apply Hair Fiber By Simply Holding Container Over Your Thinning Hair Areas, And Shaking It Gently .in Seconds Thousands Of Hair Fiber Will Interwine Your Hair in Openteleshop. How To Apply Hair Building Oil Pakistan Openteleshop Use About 2 Ml. For 2 Times A Day At The Areas Where There Is A Hair Loss Doing Gentle Light Massage With Your Fingers, To Facilitate Liquid Penetration. HAIR BUILDING FIBER OIL IN PAKISTAN|OPENTELESHOP This Product For External Use Only Do Not Intake And If It Accidently Enter The Eyes Then Please Rinse With Cold Water Immediately And Consult Your Physician If Required. Keep Out Of Reach Of Children. Store

Aletritone liquid 2x200 ml - Women's Tonic - Indofrench Labs - 0 views

    ALETRITONE WOMEN's TONIC: Aletritone liquid is formulated for women to normalise irregular menstruation, abdominal cramps, PCOD, Periods Problems , Women's Health care Syrup PERFECT TONIC for WOMEN: An ayurvedic health uterine tonic syrup for women INGREDIENTS: This syrup for women contains active ingredients such as ashokchhal, lodhra, shatavari, Naruval, Olakambol, Jatamansi, Sarpagandha, Parasikava, Yavani, Aswagandha, Yashdimadhu and Gokshura.

Bildim Liquid 2x100 ml - Indofrench Labs - 0 views

    Bildim liquid is a formulation probiotic which provides maintenance of normal intestinal flora and aids proper digestion without regurgitation in children and strengthens immunity Strengthens immunity Helps normal digestion Prevents regurgitation Helps maintain normal intestinal flora Prevents nausea vomiting in children Delicious banana orange flavour

BlueIron : Lanes Health acquires distribution rights - 0 views

    With a trusted army of loyal fans on social media, the Nordic liquid iron supplement, BlueIron, is set for a refreshed look and big ambitions under a new distribution agreement. Lanes Health, the family-owned business known for its passion and expertise in manufacturing and supplying natural and herbal remedies, has acquired the distribution rights for the Finnish brand. As part of the deal, Lanes Health has been working to refresh the packaging and website, as well as developing a robust marketing campaign involving advertising, digital, social media, PR and influencer relations. A liquid iron supplement formulated with Nordic blueberries, BlueIron provides iron which is highly bioavailable and fast working. With the added benefit of a patented micro-encapsulated form of iron, it is easily absorbed and gentle on the stomach. Iron is an essential mineral used by our bodies for many health benefits, it is important for making red blood cells, transporting oxygen around the body, supporting energy metabolism, maintaining cognitive function and reducing tiredness and fatigue.

Breast cancer: Innovative technology to check-NICE - 0 views

    The National Institute of Health and Care Excellence has recommended that surgeons working in hospitals with limited or no access to a radiopharmacy department could now use Magtrace and Sentimag as an option to locate sentinel lymph nodes in people with breast cancer. The recommendation in draft NICE medical technology guidance could see a change in NHS standard care for the first time in years. The technology could also mitigate the reliance on radioactive isotope tracers shipped in from outside Great Britain. The magnetic liquid tracer - Magtrace - is a non-radioactive dark brown liquid. It is both a magnetic marker and a visual dye. The Magtrace is injected into the tissue around a tumour. The particles are then absorbed into the lymphatic system, following the route that cancer cells are most likely to take when they spread from the primary tumour and become trapped in sentinel lymph nodes. The Sentimag probe moves over the skin emitting sounds of different pitches as it passes over the Magtrace tracer, in a similar way to a metal detector locating metal in the ground. The nodes often appear dark brown or black in colour, which also helps with identification.
jacob logan

US researchers use liquid biopsy to predict glioblastoma prognosis - 1 views

    Researchers from the Abramson Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania have found that liquid biopsy can help to predict the prognosis of glioblastoma(GBM), the most aggressive and common brain cancer in adults.
Med Coolman

10 reasons why drinking water will help you lose weight - 0 views

    When you think of water, most commonly it is something you drink whenever you feel very thirsty. In fact it's the best liquid you could ever drink. Because it can be hard to drink water the whole day, you choose to drink other liquids with flavor like Soda. But it may be way better from a health standpoint to change a couple of sugary drinks with water every day. This will reduce your calorie intake and allow your body functions efficiently. So, how does drinking water help you lose weight ? And why water can be a good way to lose weight ?

Uses Of Angel Wheelchair - 0 views

    Angel Wheelchair Description A Full motorized Standing Wheelchair with Battery- Blue is meticulously crafted to fulfill patients need. Toughness and durability are built in so they can expect comfort and flawless performance on a daily basis. The Standing Wheelchair is a very unique piece of equipment. It allows someone who is normally confined to a seated position in a traditional wheelchair to stand up and stretch out with ease and safety, at any time, in any place. In addition to the standard features, it will be personally manufactured to include optional items (rear bumper etc). The Standing Wheelchair not just a chair off the rack. Rather, it is a precise-built wheelchair that can help you to become healthier and stronger through repeated standing. Wheelchair india is manufacturer, supplier, distributor and dealer of Angel Wheelchair for disabled and handicapped in india, Buy Angel Wheelchair, Angel Wheelchair Online Shopping, Angel Wheelchair Price, Angel Wheelchair For Sale, Angel Wheelchair For handicap Angel Wheelchair Specifications and Measurements Electric standing wheelchair Standing up, driving function by power. Head and signal light (controlled by joystick). Adjustable headrest. Adjustable footplate. Detachable backrest Rigid steel framework W/liquid coating Flip-backward armrest Max speed: 9.15KM/H Front castor: 2.80/2.50-4 pneumatic castor (9") Rear wheels: 3.00-8 pneumatic tire (14") Available seat width: A (46 cm), D (42 cm) Max loading: A size: 135 kg Net weight w/o battery: 62.7 kg Price 350000 INR
Ear Doc

Woman Using the Eardoc for Treating Ear Infections - 0 views

    A woman using the eardoc does the eardoc work? About 75% of children up to age four suffer from earache caused by the accumulation of liquids and air in the middle ear. Swimmers, divers and air travelers also suffer from the same problem. The EARDOC is an efficient & proved non-invasive device that reduces the ear pain by treating the problem rather than the symptom.
Sehat Online

Benefits of drinking Sugarcane Juice this Summer | Sehat - 0 views

    Summers are moving toward soon and it is time that you ought to be prepared to prop the same with full arrangements. Episodes of lack of hydration are on the ascent amid this season as sweating prompts to loss of liquids from the framework. Alongside lack of hydration, odds of sun strokes are likewise high, especially when you work in the outside under the singing sun. Keeping your body cool and properly hydrated is very suggested amid this time. What's more, this can be accomplished effectively with sugarcane juice. You won't not know about the multitudinous advantages of sugarcane juice.

كريم كيو في فوائده و أنواعه وطريقة الحصول عليه - العناية بالبشرة - 0 views

    تتميز منتجات كيو في بالجودة العالية بالاضافة الى التنوع في مجالات الاستخدام فسوف نجد الكريمات المناسبة لكل أنواع البشرة ولوشن للجسم وغيرهم من الأنواع، وتعتمد منتجات كيو في على مجموعة من المواد الفعالة والتي تعمل على الترطيب بدرجة عالية مثل الجليسرين glycerin و البرافين soft white paraffin+light liquid paraffin ، مما عزز قدرة هذا النوع من الكريمات على تصدر قائمة منتجات العناية بالبشرة في الآونة الأخيرة.
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