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How Technology Can Improve the Health Sector in Today's Age - 0 views

    Are you looking for ways technology can improve the health sector? Technology has revolutionized every industry imaginable, so it's no surprise that it has also made its mark on the health sector. In this blog post, we will discuss how technology is helping to improve healthcare for everyone. From telemedicine to mobile apps, technology makes it easier than ever for people to get the care they need. Keep reading to learn more. EASILY ACCESSIBLE MEDICAL INFORMATION One of the biggest ways technology improves healthcare is by making medical information more accessible to everyone. In the past, if you had a question about your health, you would have to either make an appointment with a doctor or do some research on your own. However, thanks to the internet, now you can easily find answers to all of your questions with a few clicks of a button. If you are running a medical facility, it is important to ensure that your IT department is up to date on all of the latest advancements in healthcare technology. As highlighted by the team behind Medicus IT, you can hire an IT health expert to manage all aspects of your digital infrastructure so that you can focus on providing quality patient care. This way, you can ensure that your patients are getting the best possible care.

Healthcare Technology : An Easy Guide To Understand - 0 views

    Healthcare has a strong relationship with technology. The modern structure of hospitals and medical facilities cannot function without the progress of technology. It is important to acknowledge the impact of technology to ensure that priority is given to the constant maintenance of innovation. Here are a few ways to understand how healthcare and technology operate together. TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS KEEPING UP WITH MEDICAL DEMANDS Healthcare has become increasingly dependent upon technology throughout the years. There is an almost infinite amount of equipment and machinery that is used on a day-to-day basis to help facilitate the care of patients. One aspect that needs to be acknowledged is the prevalence of smart technology within the hospital and healthcare spaces. Technology is being innovated, and it is only a matter of time until hospitals see such advancements be applied more often, as funding increases alongside the development of new machinery and equipment. These include the inclusion of artificial intelligence in order to assist and supplement healthcare professionals to do a better and more efficient job, providing better care for patients. Of course, such technology will need to follow trends of other industries first to ensure its safe use and application when dealing with patients.

Wheelchair : Handicap Products: How Information Technology Help Disability Person - 0 views

    Advanced technology is its flexibility. wheelchair provide some technologies can be used at home like power wheelchair,hearing aids,moped in the workplace, and in school, expanding the ability of the user to participate in various spheres of daily life. Augmentative and alternative communication technology is one such area of IT progress.where we use of hearing aids for communication and It includes inventions such as speech-generating devices, Teletypewriter devices, adaptive pointing devices to replace computer mouse devices, and many others. The following impairments are some of the disabilities that affect communications and technology access, as well as many other life activities: communication disorders: hearing impairments: visual impairments: mobility impairments: a learning disability or impairment in mental functioning. Each kind of disability requires a different kind of accommodation like dumb person use hearing aids and this may require analysis by a medical specialist and in medical,hospital we can see that disable person use health care product, an educational specialist or a job analysis when the impairment requires accommodation. Assistive technology is the creation of a new device that assists a person in completing a task that would otherwise be impossible,we take some example if some one not walk but now days they can do by use of power wheelchair,basic wheelchair,commode wheelchair. Some examples include new computer software programs, and inventions such as assistive listening devices, including hearing aids, and traffic lights with a standard color code that enables colorblind individuals to understand the correct signal,mode also useful for wondering in one way to another way. now we talk about adaptive technology so adaptive technology is the adaptation,modification, of existing devices, methods, or the creation of new uses for existing devices, to enable a person to complete a task. Examples include the use of remote control

New CPD-accredited module: Digital Health Academy - 0 views

    The new 'How to Involve and Engage Patients on Digital Health Tech Innovation' learning module has been created specifically to support the development and delivery of patient-centric technologies, at a time of critical digital transformation in the NHS. The foundation level module will be freely available at and on the Health Education England NHS Learning Hub ( No training previously exists on conducting effective patient and public involvement and engagement (PPIE), leading to wasted resource on unsuitable technologies at a time when the healthcare system simply cannot afford it. The module aims to educate innovators who are creating new technology, and the clinicians who are prescribing these solutions. Crucially, the module also provides valuable support to the 500 NHS clinicians who are on the Clinical Entrepreneur Programme. The module is an introduction to the first evidence-based framework for PPIE, launched by the University of Plymouth, the AHSN Network (the national voice of the 15 academic health science networks in England) and Boehringer Ingelheim UK & Ireland. It helps to fast-track learning for the EnACT principles described in the framework, outlining how to involve patients in product innovation and critical issues such as data privacy, intellectual property, inclusivity, reimbursement, useability, and recruitment of patients.

Mental health: Business ideas for developing a career - 0 views

    Following centuries of stigma, the importance of mental wellness is finally matching that of physical healthcare. Conditions such as depression have become common topics in the media, particularly in the last few years as celebrities and experts warned against the pressures of social media. The bouts of isolation connected with the Covid-19 pandemic exacerbated the issue, with the British Medical Association declaring a UK mental health crisis at the end of 2022. This media attention has led to acknowledgement of the realities of mental health problems from the government and medical sector, and a recognition that these need to be approached differently to physical ailments when it comes to providing treatment. If you are motivated to be involved in this rapidly changing industry, consider these rewarding business ideas for developing a career in mental health. Become a counsellor Counselling is a broad term, but essentially it is the practice of having impartial conversation with patients about their life experiences with a view to overcoming emotional obstacles and trauma. Training can take three to five years depending on whether you are getting a degree or diploma, and there are many opportunities to specialise both during and after your education. Psychotherapy is a similar field, but this is a more academically focused course that tends to be concerned with long-term or particularly complex mental health issues. You will need a post-graduate qualification and several years of training to become certified.
Prakruti Ayurvedic Health Resort

Healthy Lifestyle Habits For Healthy Child by Ayurveda Experts - 0 views

In today's competitive world kids are the one who are facing lots of challenges in their daily routine. It's time to check the stress they face. There are lots of activities they have to go through...

Ayurveda programme for school children Healthy Habits for child Healthy Children Healthy Child Healthy Kids

started by Prakruti Ayurvedic Health Resort on 06 Sep 16 no follow-up yet

NHS Digital Shift 2024 : Public Trust in Data Sharing for AI Yet Hesitant on Care Robots - 0 views

    Transitioning from analogue to digital is one of three major "shifts" the government has deemed essential for the future of the NHS. These shifts, with the other two being the moving from hospital to community care and from sickness to prevention, will also form the foundation of the 10-Year Health Plan. The question is: are the public ready to embrace this digital transformation, which would involve sharing their health data for the development of artificial intelligence (AI) systems within the NHS? Results from a UK-wide poll show that the majority of people (75 per cent) are willing to share some of their health data for AI development. The survey commissioned by the Health Foundation included more than 7,000 members of the public (aged 16 years and older). Nearly 60 per cent expressed willingness to share information about their eye health, with 58 per cent open to sharing details about the medications they are taking, and 57 per cent willing to disclose any long-term illnesses they live with.

Top 20 Healthcare Solution Providers - Insightscare - 0 views

    Insights Care is honored to present "The 20 Leading Healthcare Solution Providers 2017" which are adapting novel technologies to meet and exceed the health care standard. We have, on our cover, Validic - a cloud-based platform and the market leader in health data connectivity that provides healthcare organizations access to personal health data, gathered from FDA-listed in-home medical devices, wearables and healthcare apps. Led by company's CEO and co-founder, Drew Schiller, Validic serves as a technical partner and strategic advisor, guiding its clients through digital health data integration and innovation. At Validic, Drew leads corporate strategy, drives key initiatives and works closely with senior executives at partner organizations to stay ahead of the technology curve. He believes that digital health will reshape healthcare.

eMAR:Invatech Health sold eMAR medication system to PCS - 0 views

    Health technology pioneer Invatech Health has sold its care homes electronic medication administration record (eMAR) system Atlas to care home management specialists Person Centred Software (PCS). Following the transition of Atlas to new ownership, Bristol-based Invatech Health will concentrate solely on further growth of Titan, its cutting-edge software for pharmacy management. Invatech Health CEO Tariq Muhammad, a pharmacist who started working on care homes back in 2002, first conceived the concept of electronic medicines system for care homes in 2006. Muhammad said he was proud to see his purpose-driven business given an opportunity for further progress. "It's a bit like being at a child's graduation," he said, after the completion of the acquisition which marked the end of a 20 year journey for him with Atlas. "I set up Atlas to tackle a dire need in the care homes sector for a system which could prevent incorrect dosing, mismanagement of prescriptions and administration errors of important medication.

Devices & Tools Archives - Insights care - 0 views

    The growth in technology seems unlimited. Technology has exceeded e-commerce products, education and gaming apps to dive into the health world. There is almost nothing in health that cannot be of aid using the technology products. The area of technology influence, especially in health industries includes; drug production, surgery, medical record keeping, birth facilities and also for managing diuretic dosage in heart failure ailment.
jacob logan

ESMO 2019: Seven promising digital health intervention companies participating in ESMO - 1 views

    Digital health interventions (DHIs) are fast emerging as vital tools to promote personal health and provide essential services. DHIs can be accessed through mobile phones, tablets and computers, as well as serve as effective support systems to improve personal health.
    Digital health interventions (DHIs) are fast emerging as vital tools to promote personal health and provide essential services. DHIs can be accessed through mobile phones, tablets and computers, as well as serve as effective support systems to improve personal health.

Layla Moran Elected Chair of Health and Social Care Committee 2024 - Tackling UK Health... - 0 views

    Layla Moran, Liberal Democrat MP for Oxford West and Abingdon, has been elected unopposed as the new Chair of the Health and Social Care Committee in the new Parliament. The announcement was made by the Speaker in the House of Commons on Monday 9 September. Moran, who has been serving as an MP since June 2017, also holds the roles of Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and International Development, as well as Science, Innovation, and Technology. Taking on her new role, Moran expressed her enthusiasm, stating, "I am delighted to be taking on the role of Chair of the Health and Social Care Committee, to constructively challenge Ministers and the Department to deliver. She highlighted the urgency of tackling the growing challenges within health and social care, including long waiting lists, workforce shortages, and delays in care plans for the elderly.

Contact Lens : How Has Technology Changed - 0 views

    Technological innovation has touched our lives in immeasurable ways, from city infrastructure to personal entertainment and beyond. Even our health and conditions have been improved by the right tech innovations; contact lenses were one such innovation, having been safely pioneered as recently as the 19th century. But there are more recent developments which could change the lives of contact lens users forever; what are they? Smart Touch Contact Lenses While Smart Touch lenses are a relatively simple innovation, it is often the simple innovations that have the most fundamental impact on contact lens users. Smart Touch lenses are a new type of contact lens produced with a breathable material to promote eye health throughout the day. The key innovation lies in the packaging; Smart Touch contact lenses are provided in a bespoke blister packaging solution that delivers the lenses face-up. This ensures that the user never needs to touch the inner surface of the lens, keeping it hygienic and allowing for quick, unobtrusive application. These contact lenses provide innovative solutions for lens-wearers, and represent the power of slight technological improvements to existing products.

Biotechnology Archives - Insights care - 0 views

    Science and technology help for the better lifestyles. It has transformed human life more efficiently. We must agree with this as not even a single field is there where we don't use technology. But still, research is ongoing for finding some new technologies by using previously available knowledge and techniques. If we think from the health point of view, is every person having better health? No, a lot of people are having various health problems. Some have serious diseases while some have dysfunction of the organs.

Otrivine : World First Air Purifying 'Air Bubble' - 0 views

    Otrivine brings the world's first air-purifying "Air Bubble" to Glasgow in a bid to raise awareness of the devastating effect of air pollution on children's health. Air pollution is considered the world's largest environmental health threat, with 93 per cent of children breathing polluted air every day according to the World Health Organisation (WHO). The Air Bubble, launched to help bring this invisible crisis to the top of the agenda, is an educational architecture, using biotechnology to purify the air. The nose is one of our first lines of defence when it comes to filtering out particle pollutants from the air we breathe. As a world leader in nasal health, Otrivine is demonstrating how innovative nature-based technology can expand the functionality of our nose to 'clean' the air we breathe in polluted urban environments.

Boots expands ties with Deliveroo to deliver health products - 0 views

    Boots has expanded its partnership with Deliveroo to cover 125 stores in the UK, offering delivery of a wide range of health and beauty products up and down the country. The company announced last year that it had entered into an exclusive partnership with Deliveroo to provide 400 plus health and beauty products to consumers at their doorsteps. The pharmacy multiple has been delivering over-the-counter cough, cold and flu symptom relief products, paracetamol, vitamins and digital thermometers through Deliveroo. The partnership has been part of the business' continued investment in digital technology to provide customers with a more convenient and personal shopping experience. Popular and new products available on Deliveroo include cough, cold and flu symptom relief products, paracetamol, vitamins, digital thermometers, period and sexual wellbeing products including sanitary towels, condoms and pregnancy tests among other health and beauty products. Boots is now available via Deliveroo for the first time to customers in major cities including Manchester, Glasgow, Belfast, Bristol, Sheffield, Coventry, Plymouth, Exeter, Middlesbrough, York, Aberdeen and Inverness.

Winter AI Solutions for NHS: Tackling Health Pressures - 0 views

    NHS England is rolling out a range of tech and data solutions, including an artificial intelligence (AI) system, across the health service to tackle winter pressures. The AI system will be used to identify patients at risk of hospital admission so community NHS teams can get to them first and reduce pressures on A&E departments. On a trial basis, four GP practices in Somerset have started using the innovative technology which can highlight registered patients with complex health needs. Health coaches, nurses, or GPs will then reach out to the people most at risk, and provide them with a range of preventive care such as monitoring, food parcels, cleaning, shopping, as well as escalating care to specialist doctors.

NHS Patient Care : Steve Barclay Announces £30m Plan - 0 views

    The Health and Social Care Secretary Steve Barclay has proposed a new £30 million fund to speed up the adoption of innovative medical technology in the NHS. He confirmed the plan today at the Conservative Party Conference 2023 in Manchester. Mr Barclay said that virtual wards will help healthcare professionals embrace new technology to improve patient care. He said: "It is vital that clinicians have access to the latest technology to save staff time, deliver high-quality care and help cut waiting lists - one of the government's top five priorities. "This investment will see the latest tech innovations rolled out across the NHS. From virtual ward beds to wearable medical devices, patients will be better supported, and we will ease pressures on hospitals this winter. "We're preparing for this winter earlier than ever before including delivering thousands more hospital beds and hundreds of new ambulances."

ReNsure Health Care Pvt Ltd - 0 views

    ReNsure provides a complete approach to the day to day health care challenges. We focus on a shift to bring health, wellness, science, technology, and innovation together to solve challenges of global health.

Psychiatry and Mental Health Webinar Live Stream 2023 | eMedEvents - 0 views

    The webinar provides a global platform to discuss the present and future challenges in Psychiatry and Mental Health and covers the new technologies in Mental Health and Wellness.
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