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Titan PMR receives NHS accreditation to provide EPS - 0 views

    Titan PMR has been accredited by the NHS to provide electronic prescription services (EPS) to dispensing doctors. Over 1,000 of these doctors, who provide a vital service to almost 10 million people in rural communities, can now offer their patients the same level of benefits and efficiencies that electronic prescriptions and Titan PMR have brought to pharmacies around the UK. These features will also increase efficiency for dispensing doctors, who will reduce dispensing errors and improve organisation, increasing their capacity while enjoying the ability to integrate with other technologies. After a full year of testing, including six months of compliance testing at a practice in Cumbria, the new accreditation for Titan also has potential to help the NHS fulfil its target of all prescriptions being issued electronically. Currently written paper prescriptions from dispensing doctors account for around seven per cent of the total prescriptions in England - around 6.5 million each month. "Until now dispensing doctor surgeries have basically been in the digital dark ages when it comes to dispensing medicines," said Tariq Muhammad, a tech entrepreneur and CEO of Bristol-based Invatech Health, which developed Titan PMR.

7 UK Universities Seek MPharm Accreditation Amid Staffing Concerns - 0 views

    The Pharmacy Schools Council (PhSC) has issued a statement urging a cautious approach to the significant expansion of additional UK universities seeking accreditation for new Master of Pharmacy (MPharm) programmes. At least seven more UK universities are seeking accreditation for new Master of Pharmacy (MPharm) programmes, but existing pharmacy school heads are warning that severe staffing shortages could threaten the quality of education. While the council welcomes the increasing interest in the pharmacy profession, it has warned that the "growth is managed not only in the workplace but within the education sector." In a meeting held in April 2024, the council members expressed that while this expansion would increase the number of undergraduate places available for pharmacy students, heads of existing pharmacy schools raised serious concerns about the challenges in recruiting suitably qualified staff to run these programmes. The PhSC highlighted the difficulties in attracting candidates for academic positions, particularly those requiring clinical expertise.

Bristol Myers Squibb:1st pharma company menopause friendly - 0 views

    Pharmaceutical giant Bristol Myers Squibb has become the first pharmaceutical company in the UK to be accredited as a 'menopause friendly workplace'. The accreditation, awarded by an independent panel of judges, recognises employers who put diversity, inclusion and wellbeing at the centre stage of their business. Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS) said it rung in the changes in recognition of the fact that nearly eight of 10 menopausal women are in work and that this is the fastest growing demographic in the workforce. Panel members described BMS UK&I's application as "outstanding" and acknowledged "the huge strides they have made to help normalise the menopause" by fostering an inclusive culture.

ACTs : Expanding the Role of Accredited Checking Technicians in UK Pharmacy - 0 views

    As the pharmacy profession continues to evolve, the role of Accredited Checking Technicians (ACTs) is becoming increasingly vital. Anne Ausden, the Deputy Manager of Jephsons Pharmacy, embodies this shift. With over 18 months in her current role, Anne oversees the pharmacy's daily operations, optimises medication use, and ensures high-quality patient care. Her work extends beyond the dispensary, offering blood tests, blood pressure monitoring, flu vaccines, and health education sessions. Anne, a 2023 Pharmacy Business Awards winner, shares her insights on the expanding role of ACTs with Pharmacy Business reporter Rudra Mulmule, particularly in light of recent legislative changes that allow pharmacy technicians to now administer medicines under a Patient Group Direction (PGD) and with the introduction of the Accuracy Checking Pharmacy Technician (ACPT) programme.
Ask Wilhelm

Diagnostic imaging accreditation: what patients should know - Ask Wilhelm - 0 views

    "There are several limitations to the accreditation process in diagnostic imaging. These problems reduce the effectiveness of the process and create gaps that jeopardize patient safety."

How to become a nutritionist UK:Requirements and Experience - 0 views

    Are you interested in a career helping others improve their overall health and wellbeing through nutrition? Becoming a nutritionist is an excellent way to make a positive impact on the lives of your patients. Nutritionists are experts in understanding how food affects our bodies, so they can provide advice on healthy eating habits, dietary requirements for certain medical conditions, and more. However, it takes more than just interest to become a successful nutritionist - there are specific qualifications and experience that you need to have before you can practice as one. In this blog post, we will look at what it entails so that you can start planning your journey toward becoming a certified professional nutritionist. We'll cover the education needed for certification, any licensing or registration requirements necessary for practicing in different states or countries, what kind of skillset potential employers might be looking for when hiring nutritional professionals, and finally some tips on gaining practical experience while working towards full accreditation. So if you are serious about becoming a nutritionist, let's get started! FORMAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS The first step towards becoming a certified professional nutritionist is often completing an accredited program in either dietetics or nutrition. A Bachelor's degree in Nutrition Science, Food Science, and Human Nutrition or Dietetics would be the minimum qualification for entry-level positions as a nutritionist. However, there are many advanced courses available that can take you further in this field such as Master of Nutrition programs and postgraduate degrees.

NHS commissions RPS to develop sustainability guidance - 0 views

    NHS England has commissioned the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) to develop guidance that helps community and hospital pharmacy teams across Britain to reduce the impact of pharmacy services, pharmaceutical care and medicines on the environment. The RPS said the Greener Pharmacy Guidance will enable pharmacies to self-assess their impact against the standards, benchmark and improve through evidence-based activities and actions. "I'm delighted our strong commitment to helping pharmacy reduce its environmental impact can now be taken to the next level through developing guidance and accreditation for pharmacy teams," RPS president Professor Claire Anderson said. "Medicines account for 25 per cent of carbon emissions within the NHS and this initiative underscores our commitment to promoting sustainable healthcare and supporting the NHS's goal of achieving 'net zero' emissions by 2040." Peter Morgan, medicines assistant director at NHS England, commented: "Pharmacy staff are involved in the purchasing and dispensing of almost every medicine used in the NHS and the new Greener Pharmacy Guidance and Self-accreditation scheme will provide support for pharmacy professionals by outlining clear actions to deliver more environmentally sustainable pharmacy practices." The RPS said the guidance and digital self-assessment toolkit will integrate with carbon calculator tools to help pharmacy teams to measure their carbon footprint, action plan to reduce use of carbon and improve sustainability.

How To Become A Pharmacist in UK|Pharmacist Career - 0 views

    The modern-day alchemist is a pharmacist, unbeknownst to many. This career path has long been associated with science and chemistry, but the role of pharmacists today is much more than just preparing potions or drugs. If you have an interest in the science of medicine, and a desire to help people better manage their health, becoming a pharmacist could be the perfect career choice for you. In this article, we'll discuss what it takes to become a pharmacist, as well as the rewards that come along with the job. 1. ASSESS EDUCATIONAL REQUIREMENTS Since a career as a pharmacist requires post-secondary education, the first step in becoming a qualified pharmacist is to assess the educational requirements. This includes researching what courses are necessary, at what level of education they must be taken, and which universities offer these courses. And, as pharmacists must be licensed before they can legally practice, prospective professionals should also research the regulations associated with becoming a pharmacist. 2. CHOOSE A PHARMACY SCHOOL When deciding which pharmacy school to attend, it is important to consider the school's curriculum, accreditation, and reputation. Researching schools that have strong faculty and offer internships is also an important consideration. Also, have in mind that whether you want to know how to become a pharmacy tech in California for instance, or anywhere else for that matter, you can find useful information on the internet. As a rule of thumb, as an aspiring pharmacist, you should aim to attend an accredited school that offers specialized courses in pharmacology, toxicology, biochemistry, and other related areas.

Lifeline Laboratory - 0 views

Best Pathology Lab in Delhi NCR, Lifeline Laboratory is NABL accredited and provides a test for the whole body including a blood test, Vitamin Levels, Thyroid test lab, Blood-iron, Kidneys, full bo...

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started by lifelinelab on 10 Oct 18 no follow-up yet

RPS Fellowships and Consultant Pharmacists in Focus - 0 views

    Six pharmacists based in Scotland were acknowledged by the profession this week during a celebratory event held at the home of Scottish pharmacy, the RPS building on Melville Street, Edinburgh. Four pharmacists have been officially conferred with Fellowships of RPS for their significant contributions to the practice of pharmacy. The recipients are: Richard Lowrie Lynn Morrison Deborah Steven Audrey Thompson Two pharmacists, Katherine Davidson and Emily Kennedy, have attained accreditation as consultant pharmacists. This designation is granted in recognition of their demonstrated expertise at a senior level, spanning clinical practice, leadership, research, and education, RPS said in a statement.
Tom Fields

Engaging Patients as Observers Represents Low-Cost, Accurate Way to Monitor a... - 0 views

    The program led to modest improvements in already high rates of adherence to appropriate hand hygiene procedures and to more departments meeting the 90-percent adherence goal; using patients as observers also proved to be a low-cost, accurate means of monitoring hand hygiene (a requirement for any organization accredited by The Joint Commission).

Cghs Approved Labs in Delhi, Quality Pathology lab in Delhi, north delhi diagnostic cen... - 0 views

    Lifeline Laboratory is best path lab in Delhi NCR with NABL accreditation. We provide home collection service in Delhi NCR with accurate report within a day
    If you are looking for health checkup done visit thier website and book youre test online

Health Economics Archives - Insights care - 0 views

    "National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers" placed guidelines to those patients enrolled into Central and State government hospitals as well as the patients in Ayurvedic hospitals will be eligible for the health coverage. Such policies will help to attract more people towards the ancient Ayurvedic healthcare practices.

PDA:pharmacy schools to communicate in-person exams - 0 views

    The Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA) has raised the issue faced by the pharmacy students on returning to in-person assessments while urging the universities to take an empathetic approach in transition of online to in-person exams. It was highlighted by the association that many student members were apprehensive about the return to in-person assessments. This is due to their continuing worry of Covid-19 transmissions and anxiety caused by changing exam formats and procedures. However, with the ease of Covid restrictions, now pharmacy schools are able to decide how exams are conducted but the PDA believes that they should communicate the process to students in advance. "A return to normal university life is considered to be beneficial to student health and well-being. In-person exams are an important part of preparing for students' future trainee assessment examinations, GPhC accreditation for pharmacy schools, and ensuring the integrity of exam results. As future healthcare professionals, face-to-face interaction is also an integral part of the role," said the PDA.

Pharmacy Registration Assessment Test: 77% Pass Rate in 2023 - 0 views

    Out of the 2,805 students who sat for the common registration assessment test for pharmacists this June, approximately 2,150 have passed the exam, according to the General Pharmaceutical Council. It assesses pharmacy graduates' knowledge and skills to ensure safe and effective practice as pharmacists. This year, the pass rate was 77 per cent, slightly lower than the 80 per cent pass rate in June 2022, where 2,147 out of 2,697 candidates cleared the assessment, GPhC data showed. The exam comprises a written assessment testing pharmaceutical science and pharmacy practice knowledge and a practical assessment evaluating clinical skills and patient-facing competencies. Eligible candidates must complete an accredited pharmacy degree program and meet GPhC requirements. The assessment is conducted jointly by the General Pharmaceutical Council and the Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland. "The assessment is a primary method for testing trainees' ability to apply knowledge and make professional judgments in pharmacy practice," said Mark Voce, Director of Education and Standards, GPhC. "This is crucial in assuring patients and the public that they are in safe hands."

PDA:Pharmacist engage in Future of Professional Leadership - 0 views

    The Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA) has submitted a 17-page contribution to the commission on the future of pharmacy professional leadership and encourages pharmacists to engage in the overall discussion. The association wants to ensure that the voice of its members is heard in the discussions about the future of professional leadership, which has been initiated by the four government Chief Pharmaceutical Officers. The PDA has published its first formal contribution to the commission, in its response it raised concern on the current exercise is being rushed and a call for the review to be conducted in a more sensible timeframe, one which enables the engagement of the whole profession. It has urged on being supportive of the creation of a Royal College of Pharmacists to take custodianship of the training and education for pharmacists and to set the requisite standards, whilst still relying upon the profession's regulators to undertake the accreditation role.

Boots invest £3.5m to train its pharmacists in UK stores - 0 views

    Boots is planning to invest more than £3.5 million to accelerate its capacity to offer prescribing services in its stores across England. The company is inviting 500 of its pharmacists to apply for a bursary which will cover the cost of pharmacist independent prescriber (PIP) courses starting this September. The value of the bursary is up to £7,000 per pharmacist, and it will enable time off work for those who need it to complete the training. The move by Boots will support its current pharmacists to gain this qualification via courses accredited by the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC). From 2026, all qualified pharmacists will be able to prescribe as part of new curricula for pharmacy degrees. Under current GPhC guidelines and with an independent prescribing qualification, pharmacists can prescribe autonomously for any condition within their clinical competence. Marc Donovan, the chief pharmacist at Boots, said the ambition of the company was "to have a pharmacist prescriber available at every store".

Make It In The World Of Dentistry By These Pieces Of Advice - 0 views

    Dentistry is one of the most important yet underappreciated professions in the world. Without dental professionals, our teeth would fall out, we wouldn't be able to eat correctly, and our overall health would suffer. That's why ensuring you're doing everything possible to succeed in dentistry is crucial. And one of the best ways to do that is to listen to the advice of those who have come before you. If you are looking for some great tips on how to make it in the world of dentistry, then you have come to the right place. Here are four pieces of advice that will help you succeed. ATTEND A REPUTABLE DENTISTRY SCHOOL To be a great dentist, you must start with an excellent education. And that means attending a reputable dentistry school. There are many different schools, so it's essential to do your research and find one that is right for you, and this article gives an example of a dentistry course program overview. Consider things like accreditation, curriculum, clinical experience, and more when deciding. Additionally, it's important to note that you don't necessarily need to attend the most expensive school to get an excellent education. There are many affordable schools out there that can provide you with everything you need to succeed.

State Continuing Medical Education (CME) Requirements & Courses - eMedEvents | Global C... - 0 views

    Learn more about Hawaii State Board Licensure CME requirements for Physicians and browse a wide range of accredited mandatory courses to fulfill your required CME Credits.

State Continuing Medical Education (CME) Requirements & Courses - eMedEvents | Global C... - 0 views

    Learn more about South Carolina State Board Licensure CME requirements for Physicians and browse a wide range of accredited mandatory courses to fulfill your required CME Credits. Navigate through specialized state course bundles, enrich your professional insights, and accrue vital CME credits. Stay compliant, stay informed, and empower your medical practice today.
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