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Free Mental Health Course & 4 More for Pharmacy Professionals | University of Bath - 0 views

    The University of Bath's Department of Life Sciences has introduced a series of five new online short courses for pharmacy professionals. These courses aim to support pharmacists and pharmacy technicians in the UK and worldwide in meeting their compulsory Continuous Professional Development (CPD) requirements and staying current and competent in their professional practice. This initiative follows the successful accreditation of the University's Advanced Clinical Pharmacy Practice MSc by NHS England. Fully online, the new courses cover a diverse range of areas within pharmacy practice, such as mental health, pharmaceutical public health, answering queries about medicines, polypharmacy, and interpreting key blood test results. Looking ahead, the department plans to expand this series with additional courses in relevant and emerging areas, with the potential for the framework to be used across the University to deliver more online short courses for professional development. The mental health course, which aims to enable pharmacy professionals to understand how they can play a role in supporting the mental health of their patients, is offered free of charge.
anna lidman

Reiki 3 Master Level Course in Dublin an Attunement to the Reiki Master Symbol - 0 views

    Reiki 3 course in Dublin the final level of Reiki training is for people who wish to have the Reiki Master Symbol for their own use. Following Reiki 3 course you will be able to use Reiki Master symbol on yourself and on your Reiki clients. Angela offers a six month part time Reiki Master/teacher training programme and Reiki 3 weekend course for people who wish to learn Reiki 3 course.

6 MCAT Strategies That Will Help You Pass It Successfully - 0 views

    Are you feeling overwhelmed about the MCAT? You're not alone! The MCAT is a challenging test that can feel daunting for even the best students. But don't worry, this article is here to help. This blog post will discuss six clever strategies that will help you pass the MCAT successfully. Follow these tips and you'll be on your way to achieving your dream score. ENROLL IN A PREP COURSE One of the first things you should do when preparing for the MCAT is to enroll in a prep course. Keep in mind that the right MCAT prep course will provide you with the resources and support you need to succeed. Additionally, it can help to take practice tests under simulated testing conditions. This will help you get used to the format of the test and reduce your anxiety on test day. In choosing a prep course, make sure to pick one that is reputable and has a good track record. You should also make sure that the course is affordable and offers a schedule that fits your needs. If possible, you can also take practice tests that are offered by the course. This way, you can get an idea of the type of questions that will be on the test. JOIN A STUDY GROUP Many people find that studying in a group is more effective than studying alone. When you join a study group, you'll have the opportunity to discuss difficult concepts with your peers. Additionally, you'll be able to hold each other accountable and stay on track with your studies. If you're not sure where to find a study group, ask your friends or classmates if they're interested in forming one. You can also check online forums or look for groups that have already been established.

HEE :New Independent Prescriber Courses For Pharmacists - 0 views

    Health Education England (HEE) has announced launch of a new funded Independent Prescriber courses for pharmacists to be made available before March 2022. Places are available for both Independent Prescribing (IP) and Clinically Enhanced Independent Prescribing (CEPIP), and eligible pharmacists are encouraged to apply to the course providers directly. These courses will be allocated on a first come, first served basis, and a further round of funded Independent Prescriber training will be made available from Autumn 2022. The independent prescriber guide offers practical guidance and support on the prescriber role, such as how to become an independent prescriber, applying for an IP course, or expanding the scope of practice.

FIP Advocates Life-Course Vaccination: A New Policy Approach - 0 views

    The International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) has issued a new policy statement which encourages a "life-course" approach to vaccination by pharmacists. In the statement, published on September 27, FIP backed expansion of vaccine schedules and strategies so that patients of all age groups could be vaccinated throughout their entire lifespan, from infancy to old age. A life-course approach in public health and healthcare focuses on an individual's health and well-being, including vaccination, administered throughout their entire lifespan, from infancy to old age. FIP urged governments and policymakers to eliminate regulatory barriers, enabling pharmacists to prescribe and administer all relevant vaccines throughout the life-course. Additionally, FIP recommended that policymakers develop remuneration models for pharmacies to deliver sustainable life-course vaccination services within the private and public sectors.

Independent prescribing courses:New guidance from 1st Oct'22 - 0 views

    The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) has announced that the new requirement for independent prescribing courses will be applicable from 1st of October 2022. Pharmacists currently taking independent prescribing courses and those who apply before 1 October won't be affected by the changes. The new guidance was agreed at the council meeting on 8 September and went to the initial education and training Advisory Group on 22 September where it was well received, the GPhC said. "The guidance is now being finalised to reflect the discussions at the Council meeting and the initial education and training advisory group and will be published in October." The new guidance is relevant for both course providers and applicants and gives some specific suggestions and examples of what we may expect. It will support consistency in the way education providers applied the new standards and will help individual pharmacists to understand the relevant experience they would need before enrolling on a course.

Emergency Medicine & Pediatric Emergency Medicine Courses Bundle for Kentucky Physician... - 0 views

    Kentucky Physicians State Board required Courses and Emergency Medicine & Pediatric Emergency Medicine Courses Bundle is organized by eMedEd, Inc. and will be held from Apr 04, 2022 - Aug 30, 2024. It encompasses a total of sixteen courses, addressing one mandatory topics specified by the Kentucky Physicians State Board and twelve courses specifically relevant to their respective specialties.

Paramedic Paediatric Emergency Medicine Course | eMedEvents - 0 views

    PARA PEM Course is organized by PEM Courses and will be held from Feb 03 - 05, 2025, in Queensland, Australia. This Course is intended for Pediatrics and Nurses. The first two days (PEM Course) includes multiple sessions to discuss the best practice approach for the assessment and management of Children and Neonate.

UK Orders Millions More Antivirals To Help Fight Omicron - 0 views

    With growing concerns over the spread of Omicron variant, the UK has signed two contracts with drug majors Pfizer Inc. and Merck & Co to buy 4.25 million courses of antivirals for the NHS patients. The move is aimed at reducing hospitalisations and easing pressures on the NHS. The two new contracts are for 1.75 million additional courses of Merck Sharp and Dohme's (MSD) molnupiravir (Lagevrio®) and 2.5 million additional courses of PF-07321332/ritonavir (Paxlovid™) from Pfizer. The ordered drugs will be available from early next year and both are expected to be effective against Omicron. The recent order is in addition to the 480,000 courses of molnupiravir and 250,000 courses of PF-07321332/ritonavir procurement announced in October.

UKCPA critical care course eligible for HEE funding - 0 views

    The Health Education England (HEE) has allocated £440,000 to help upskill pharmacists working in adult critical care across England. UK Clinical Pharmacy Association (UKCPA) has confirmed with HEE that UKCPA critical care courses meet the criteria for this funding, for courses that complete before 31 March 2023. "The funding is expected to exceed demand and so it is likely that bids for these UKCPA courses will be approved by HEE, as they meet the learning outcomes in the new RPS/UKCPA/FICM specialist critical care curricula (in development)," said UKCPA.

CME Courses Bundle for Kentucky Primary Care Physicians & Internists - 0 views

    Enhance your medical knowledge and earn CME credits with our comprehensive Kentucky Primary Care Physicians & Internists CME Courses Bundle. It encompasses seventeen courses, addressing one mandatory topic specified by the Kentucky Physicians State Board, and thirteen courses specifically relevant to their respective specialties.

PDA:2 year post qualification eligibility criteria IP course - 0 views

    The Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA) says the pharmacy regulator should maintain a two-year post qualification eligibility criteria, in addition to the qualitative measures being introduced which would be in the best interest of patient safety, before a pharmacist is allowed to commence an IP course. The association was responding to an announcement by the GPhC's move to scrap the two year requirement for Independent Prescribing (IP) course. "The PDA accepts that the qualitative approach could mean greater individual consideration of potential IP course candidates and the two-year measure could have sometimes been a blunt tool. However, the PDA is already seeing cases of patient harm and allegations around fitness to practice arising from IP," the association said. The association also said that it supports individual pharmacists with near misses, as well as actual incidents, giving the organisation possibly the most comprehensive understanding of risk. Frontline pharmacists also recognise these issues and in a survey of over 1,000 pharmacists undertaken by the PDA in late 2021, of those who had 2+ years' experience of practice and who were already independent prescribers, 90 per cent said the qualifying period should be two years or more.

GPhC : Scrap 2 year register requirement prescribing course - 0 views

    Pharmacists with 'relevant experience in a pharmacy setting' can enroll for accredited independent prescribing course, as the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) has decided to scrap the requirement of spending at least two years on the register and having previous experience in a specified clinical or therapeutic area before enrolling for the course. The GPhC Council meeting held on Thursday instead proposed that applicants must have "relevant experience in a pharmacy setting and be able to recognise, understand and articulate the skills and attributes required by a prescriber." This experience and awareness will act as the basis of their prescribing practice whilst training. The regulator noted that the majority of stakeholder organisations, including the Chief Pharmaceutical Officers, the Royal Pharmaceutical Society and the statutory education bodies, were in favour of removing the requirement in a consultation on the topic. They highlighted that a specific two-year period was not in itself a robust indication of whether an individual was ready to become a prescriber. They also highlighted that the rapidly developing roles in the profession meant more pharmacists were likely to gain the necessary experience more quickly than in the past. A smaller number of organisations and a larger minority of individuals were opposed, citing that a specific two-year period gave pharmacists the time they needed to develop experience and confidence before being ready to enrol on a course.

PAGB expands eLearning offer to non-members - Latest Pharmacy News | Business | Magazin... - 0 views

    PAGB, the consumer healthcare association, has launched a new eLearning platform, open to both members and non-members, offering a comprehensive range of online training and development resources for the consumer healthcare industry. Launched at the end of 2024, the eLearning platform was initially exclusive to PAGB members. It has now been expanded to include non-members, along with the addition of new content and courses. Fully integrated with PAGB's website, the eLearning platform provides a variety of on-demand training courses and webinar recordings, complementing the association's year-round schedule of workshops and events. From Essentials courses that cover foundational topics such as UK medicines regulations, to Deep Dive courses offering in-depth knowledge on specific areas like CBD and novel food, the eLearning content is designed to support users' professional development and expertise. Additionally, the platform offers a collection of webinar recordings from past events, offering insights into various areas of consumer healthcare and PAGB membership. These recordings are currently exclusive to PAGB members.
anna lidman

Make your Life Better with Reiki 1, Reiki 2 and Reiki Master Courses in Dublin - 0 views

    With Reiki 1, Reiki 2 and Reiki Master Courses in Dublin hundreds of people change their lives. Reiki helped them elevate their minds and emotional states and as a result their lives started to unfold differently.

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh - 0 views

    If you want to become a Yoga Teacher Training expert, then this is the ideal course for you. Within our 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India, you will develop your physical, mental as well as spiritual skills. Completing the course will holistically prepare you for your future Yoga endeavors. Join our 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh. Yoga Adi is going to give you insights on different styles of Yoga, Pranayama, Kriya, and Meditation along with the in-depth study of subjects like Yoga philosophy, anatomy, and physiology. The course will not only focus on improving your Yoga teaching skills but will also work towards detoxification of your body, cleansing your mind, and rejuvenation of the energy.
    Amazing Yoga Teacher Training School in Rishikesh

HEE:Independent prescribing courses for community pharmacist - 0 views

    Health Education England (HEE) has developed funded training offers for community pharmacists, including locums aiming to become independent prescribers. Almost 3000 independent prescribing training places will be available to pharmacists from March 2023. This training enables pharmacists to support patients from diagnosis to prescribing, and to provide advice and follow-up - while also helping them to feel confident and prepared for the new challenges of their role. Courses will be available between April 2023 and March 2024, with several universities offering multiple dates for cohort intakes. Start dates will depend on the university provider. Training will enable the provision of new models of care: supporting patients from diagnosis to prescribing, providing advice and follow-up, and preparing pharmacists to provide clinical care, as pharmacy services become more widespread within emerging clinical pathways.

NHS-funded course on clinical skills : HEE - 0 views

    A new NHS-funded training course on clinical examination skills has been announced by Health Education England (HEE) for 10,000 community pharmacists. The training will be provided by CliniSkills and be coordinated by HEE with the Pharmacy Integration Programme at NHS England. With pre-registration now open to all community pharmacists, the programme will be available from 17th April 2023 and will until March 2024. It will be delivered online, with optional face-to-face attendance for pharmacists who would find this beneficial. Pharmacists will be required to complete a module on history taking and identification of serious conditions and can then choose from four optional modules, which cover the following themes: dermatology; cardiology; paediatrics; and ear, nose and throat. The training is designed to be complementary to the independent prescribing training and can be completed prior to or after an independent prescribing training course. It is open to all community pharmacists including those that work part time and locums.

New Pharmacy Managers Course : Boost Team Wellbeing - 0 views

    Pharmacist Support, a charity centred on bolstering pharmacist well-being, has launched a new course to help pharmacy professionals to foster a positive and supportive workplace culture. The 'Embracing a Workplace Wellbeing Culture' course is specially designed for pharmacy managers and leaders, and aims to address the unique challenges faced by them in cultivating a healthy environment for their teams. During the course, they will be empowered with practical strategies that can be implemented immediately, which can contribute to improved team wellbeing and performance. Workforce Wellbeing surveys conducted by the firm with the RPS have shown that the pressures on the pharmacy workforce continue to negatively impact on mental health and wellbeing, Pharmacist Support Chief Executive, Danielle Hunt said.
anna lidman

Reiki 1 Courses Attended by People Empower lives - 0 views

    Reiki 1 courses and Reiki classes in dublin is attended by people of all age group, religions, income group, women, men and children to empower their lives with Reiki energy.
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