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GSK:Elusive vaccine for common respiratory virus - 0 views

    Pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline aims to get its respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine to regulators for review later this year, after interim data showed the vaccine was effective in a keenly-watched late-stage study involving older adults. RSV is a leading cause of pneumonia in toddlers and the elderly, but the complex molecular structure of the virus and safety concerns have stymied efforts to develop a vaccine since the virus was first discovered in 1956. Companies including Pfizer, J&J, Sanofi, Moderna and AstraZeneca are also racing to get an RSV therapy or vaccine approved. The latest GSK trial is the first to show statistically significant efficacy for RSV in adults aged 60 years and older, the British drugmaker said of the ongoing study on Friday (June 10). If approved, the RSV vaccine is expected to generate billions for GSK, which is already the world's biggest vaccine maker by sales but has faced pressure from activist investors such as Elliott Management who have urged the London-based company to shore up its drug pipeline.

Britain:1st country to approve Covid-19 vaccine - 0 views

    Britain has become the first country to approve a Codiv-19 vaccine that targets both the original and Omicron variant of the virus. Medicines regulator MHRA approved the so-called bivalent vaccine made by US drug company Moderna as a booster for adults. The agency's decision was based on clinical trial data that showed the booster triggered "a strong immune response" against both Omicron (BA.1) and the original 2020 virus, it said. The MHRA also cited an exploratory analysis in which the shot was also found to generate a good immune response against the currently dominant Omicron offshoots BA.4 and BA.5. "The first generation of Covid-19 vaccines being used in the UK continue to provide important protection against the disease and save lives," MHRA chief executive June Raine said in a statement. "What this bivalent vaccine gives us is a sharpened tool in our armoury to help protect us against this disease as the virus continues to evolve."

Critical Alert: Hospital Admissions Soar as Winter Viruses Grip the Nation - 0 views

    Frontline doctors have sounded the alarm over the rising pressure on emergency departments in hospitals across the country as winter virus cases are "creeping up". An average of 234 people were in hospital with flu every day last week, a 53 per cent increase compared to the week before, according to new NHS data. Hospital norovirus cases increased by 15 per cent last week, with an average 406 people hospitalised each day, a 28 per cent increase from the same week last year. Measures to stop the spread of norovirus to other patients led to the closure of an average of 92 beds were closed each day last week.

Hepatitis C : UKHSA reports 35 per cent fall in deaths - 0 views

    Deaths caused by hepatitis C has declined by 35 per cent in England between 2015 and 2020, latest data from the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) revealed. It showed that estimated prevalence of chronic hepatitis C in England has continued to fall to around 81,000 in 2020 from 129,000 in 2015, showing a considerable progress has been made towards eliminating the virus as a public health problem by 2030 in England. Commenting on the data release, health and social care secretary Sajid Javid, said: "It is fantastic to see the significant progress that has been made in eliminating hepatitis C in England. Deaths and prevalence of the virus have fallen consistently thanks to improvements in diagnosis, access to treatments and the hard work of the NHS. "This is another example of the UK being at the forefront of tackling serious diseases. We are on track to eliminate this virus by 2030 and I urge anyone who may be at risk to get tested as soon as possible."

NHS to commission pharmacies for nationwide RSV vaccination initiative - 0 views

    In a collaborative effort, the National Health Services England (NHSE) is set to deliver the RSV(respiratory syncytial virus) vaccination programme where pharmacists alongside other healthcare professionals will play a crucial role in administering the vaccine. The UK Health Security Agency has announced the launch of the new vaccination programme targeting the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), set to begin on 1 September 2024. Along with GPs, NHS England (NHSE) will "commission a number of community pharmacies to deliver the programme", ensuring broad accessibility and coverage to protect two high-risk groups: older adults and pregnant women. RSV is an RNA virus related to mumps, measles, and human parainfluenza viruses. It commonly causes coughs and colds in winter, transmitted through droplets and secretions from close contact with infected individuals. While most RSV infections are mild, infants under six months and the elderly are particularly susceptible to severe diseases like bronchiolitis and pneumonia, which can lead to hospitalisation.
srifathul karimah

Cara mengobati hepatitis - 0 views

    Cara mengobati hepatitis >> Hepatitis adalah salah satu penyakit yang menyerang organ dalam tubuh manusia yaitu Hati, terjadinya penyakit ini dikarenakan adanya infeksi pada hati yang di sebabkan oleh virus A,B,C,D,E,F & G. Selain oleh virus tersebut, hepatitis juga bisa saja terjadi akibat virus lain seperti mononukleosis infeksiosa , infeksi sitomegalovirus, dan karena adanya zat-zat kimia bisa saja tertelan, oleh masyarakat indonesia sering di sebut juga sebagai penyakit kuning. Pada kondisi normal virus-virus tersebut dapat di atasi sendiri oleh tubuh,akan tetapi jika kondisi badat tidak sehat atau kekebalan tubuh menurun
Status of Health

Why You Should Be Aware Of Ebola Virus Disease? | Status Of Health - 0 views

    We all know about Ebola virus disease outbreak in West Africa. Without any doubt, the news has scared all of us. And this brings us to the question of awareness

UKHSA & Pirbright Collab to Combat Henipavirus - 0 views

    The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) and The Pirbright Institute have launched a new collaboration to develop vaccines against henipavirus, a genus of viruses that includes Nipah virus. Funded by the Medical Research Council, this research aims to develop a vaccine that provides cross protection against the whole genus, addressing the threat of outbreaks from new or emerging henipaviruses and strengthening epidemic preparedness. Scientists at UKHSA will evaluate the protective efficacy of vaccines developed by The Pirbright Institute by using use a model of Nipah virus disease, which mimics the infection in humans. Professor Isabel Oliver, chief scientific officer at UKHSA, stated that the study would improve understanding of henipaviruses and enhance efforts to protect health from this "current and future global health threat." "The work will also make a vital contribution to the 100 Days Mission - an important initiative to make sure the world is better prepared for the next pandemic by accelerating the development of diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccines," he added.
Nancy Keene

Condoms for protect you self from HIV/AIDS - 0 views

    HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. It is the virus that causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome or AIDS. Blog is an online condom retailer. Buy online major condom brands including Trojan, Durex, Lifestyles, Crown and Kimono. We sell large condoms small condoms flavored condoms and provide free discreet shipping.
AceMaxs Gian

Cara Mengobati Virus Polio | Cara Mengobati Virus Polio Dengan Ramuan Komposisi Bahan A... - 0 views

    Cara Mengobati Virus Polio Dengan Ramuan Komposisi Bahan Alami Berkhasiat Yang Aman Tanpa Efek Samping
AceMaxs Gian

Cara Alami Mengobati Herpes Zoster | Cara Cepat Dan Alami Mengobati Penyakit Herpes Zos... - 0 views

    Cara Cepat Dan Alami Mengobati Penyakit Herpes Zoster Dan Mematikan Virus Dari Dalam Tanpa Efek Samping

The First-ever Case Of The Marburg Virus In Guinea - 1 views

    The first-ever dangerous marburg virus, which if not contained as aoon as it is detected is expected lead to another pandemic. Read to learn about the virus in detail.

Valneva : UK approves easy-to-store Covid shot - 0 views

    Britain has approved a new coronavirus vaccine by the Austrian-French drugmaker Valneva. "An approval has been granted after the Valneva Covid-19 vaccine was found to meet the required safety, quality and effectiveness standards," the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency said in a statement on Thursday (April 14), adding: "It is also the first, whole-virus inactivated Covid-19 vaccine to gain regulatory approval in the UK." In vaccines such as Valneva's VLA2001, the virus is grown in a lab and then made completely inactive so that it cannot infect cells or replicate in the body but can still trigger an immune response. It is seen by some as having the potential to win over people wary of some which use new mRNA technology. Valneva CEO Thomas Lingelbach said that "this authorisation could pave the way for the availability of an alternative vaccine solution for the UK population."

HIV vaccine trial : Johnson & Johnson to discontinue - 0 views

    Johnson & Johnson said on Wednesday (January 18) that it was pulling the plug on a late-stage global trial of an HIV vaccine after the shot was found ineffective at preventing infections. The failure of the trial marks yet another setback in the search for a vaccine against a virus known to mutate rapidly and find unique ways to evade the immune system, and comes more than a year after another of J&J's HIV vaccine failed a study. "It's not the outcome we had hoped for, unfortunately," said a spokesperson for the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, a J&J partner in the trial. "The development of a safe and effective HIV vaccine has been a considerable scientific challenge, but we will learn from this study and continue forward." The trial involved administering two different types of a shot, which uses a cold-causing virus to deliver the genetic code of HIV, spread over four vaccination visits in a year. J&J used similar technology for its COVID-19 vaccine. The study, which began in 2019, was conducted at over 50 sites and included about 3,900 gay men and transgender people - groups that are considered vulnerable to the infection.

Polio vaccine:Children aged 1 to 9 in London to be offered - 0 views

    A polio vaccine booster campaign is being launched for almost a million children in London aged between 1 and 9 after confirmation that poliovirus is spreading in the capital for the first time since the 1980s. The UK Health Security Agency has identified 116 polioviruses from 19 sewage samples this year in London, after first sending an alert about finding the virus in June. The levels of poliovirus found and genetic diversity indicated that transmission was taking place in a number of London boroughs, the agency said on Wednesday (Aug 10). Health secretary Steve Barclay said: "I recognise parents and guardians will be concerned about the detection of polio in London, however I want to reassure people that nobody has been diagnosed with the virus and the risk to the wider population is low… "Vaccines offer the best defence to children, and those around them, so I would encourage families to ensure they are up to date with their routine jabs, and to come forward for the polio booster as soon as they are contacted by the NHS."

BioNTech, Pfizer to start testing pan-coronavirus shots - 0 views

    BioNTech and Pfizer are to start tests on humans of next-generation vaccines that protect against a wide variety of coronaviruses in the second half of the year. Their experimental work on shots that go beyond the current approach include T-cell-enhancing shots, designed to primarily protect against severe disease if the virus becomes more dangerous, and pan-coronavirus shots that protect against the broader family of viruses and its mutations. In presentation slides posted on BioNTech's website for its investor day, the German biotech firm said its aim was to "provide durable variant protection". The two companies are currently discussing with regulators enhanced versions of their established shot to better protect against the Omicron variant and its sublineages. The virus' persistent mutation into new variants that more easily evade vaccine protection, as well as waning human immune memory, have added urgency to the search by companies, governments and health bodies for more reliable tools of protection. As part of a push to further boost its infectious disease business, BioNTech said it was independently working on precision antibiotics that kill superbugs that have grown resistant to currently available anti-infectives.

Covid-19 booster vaccine : MHRA approves second bivalent - 0 views

    The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has approved a second "bivalent" vaccine as a Covid-19 booster. The updated booster vaccine made by Pfizer/BioNTech, targeting two coronavirus variants, has been approved for use in individuals aged 12 years and above. In each dose of the booster vaccine, 'Comirnaty bivalent Original/Omicron', half of the vaccine (15 micrograms) targets the original virus strain and the other half (15 micrograms) targets Omicron (BA.1). Dr June Raine, MHRA chief executive said: "I am pleased to announce that we now have a second approved vaccine for the UK Autumn booster programme. The clinical trial of the Pfizer/BioNTech bivalent vaccine showed a strong immune response against the Omicron BA.1 variant as well as the original strain. Bivalent vaccines are helping us to meet the challenge of an ever-evolving virus, to help protect people against Covid-19 variants. We have in place a comprehensive safety surveillance strategy for all UK-approved Covid-19 vaccines, and this will include the updated booster we approved today."

Winter Pressures Grip NHS: Norovirus Surge Sparks Concerns - 0 views

    Winter pressures are already mounting on NHS staff ahead of December, with high levels of demand in hospitals due to a significant increase in cases of norovirus infection. Norovirus is a highly contagious virus which spreads through contaminated food, water or surfaces and causes vomiting and diarrhea. New NHS figures revealed that an average of 351 people were hospitalised with diarrhoea and vomiting symptoms every day last week in England, almost triple the number during the same period last winter, which was 126. The number of children in hospital with the virus was also higher last week (13) compared the same week last year (an average of just three), according to the weekly winter update published by the health service on 30 November.

Monkeypox : UK records 37 more cases , taking total to 57 - 0 views

    A total of 37 more cases of monkeypox have been detected in England and Scotland, public health officials said on Monday, taking the total to 57. Thirty-six confirmed cases were found in England, and one north of the border, the UK Health Security Agency and Public Health Scotland said. The UKHSA said it was now advising high-risk contact cases of confirmed cases who have not tested positive or developed symptoms to isolate for up to 21 days. It has also bought supplies of smallpox vaccine, which is being offered to close contacts to reduce the risk of symptomatic infection and severe illness. Chief medical adviser Susan Hopkins said contact tracing was helping to limit the close-contact spread of the virus, which causes a chickenpox-like rash. "Because the virus spreads through close contact, we are urging everyone to be aware of any unusual rashes or lesions and to contact a sexual health service if they have any symptoms," she added in a statement.

Monkeypox presents moderate risk to public health - 0 views

    The World Health Organization said on Sunday (May 29) that monkey pox constitutes a "moderate risk" to overall public health at global level after cases were reported in countries where the disease is not typically found. "The public health risk could become high if this virus exploits the opportunity to establish itself as a human pathogen and spreads to groups at higher risk of severe disease such as young children and immunosuppressed persons," WHO said. As of May 26, a total of 257 confirmed cases and 120 suspected cases have been reported from 23 member states that are not endemic for the virus, the health agency said in a statement. There has been no reported fatalities so far. WHO also said that the sudden appearance of monkeypox at once in several non-endemic countries suggests undetected transmission for some time and recent amplifying events. The agency added that it expects more cases to be reported as surveillance in endemic and non-endemic countries expands. Monkeypox is an infectious disease that is usually mild, and is endemic in parts of west and central Africa. It is spread by close contact, so it can be relatively easily contained through measures such as self-isolation and hygiene.
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