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Covid-19 Human Challenge Trial Found Safe - 0 views

    The world's first human challenge trial in which volunteers were deliberately exposed to Covid-19 to advance research into the disease was found to be safe in healthy young adults, one of the companies running the study said on Wednesday. The data supports the safety of this model which could theoretically provide a "plug and play" platform for testing therapies and vaccines using the original Covid-19 strain as well as variants of the virus, Open Orphan, which carried out the study, said in a statement. Open Orphan is running the project, launched a year ago, with Imperial College London, the UK government's vaccines task force and the clinical company  hVIVO. The trial infected 36 healthy male and female volunteers aged 18-29 years with the original SARS-CoV-2 strain of the virus and closely monitored them in a controlled quarantined setting. They will be followed up for 12 months after discharge from the quarantine facility.

Polio found in London sewage, but risk of infection low - 0 views

    Polio has been detected in sewage samples in London, the first sign since the 1980s that the virus could be spreading in the UK, but no cases have been found, authorities said. The risk of infection from the disease, which causes paralysis in children in under one per cent of cases, was also low because of high vaccination rates, the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) said. The agency nevertheless encouraged parents to make sure their children were vaccinated after the discovery of the virus during routine wastewater surveillance - particularly those who may have missed shots during the Covid-19 pandemic. Nationwide vaccination levels are above the 90 per cent needed to prevent outbreaks, but London's coverage rates among the under-twos has dipped below that in recent years. NHS England will begin contacting parents of children under five who are not immunised. Polio, spread mainly through contamination by faecal matter, used to kill and paralyse thousands of children annually worldwide. There is no cure, but vaccination brought the world close to ending the wild, or naturally occurring, form of the disease.

Genomic sequencing:Scientists plan expand from COVID to flu - 0 views

    Genomic sequencing allowed the world to track new coronavirus variants throughout the pandemic. Now British researchers plan to use it to better understand a host of other respiratory pathogens, from influenza to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). The work is aimed at shedding more light on known threats and, potentially, emerging ones, the team at the Wellcome Sanger Institute, working with the UK Health Security Agency, said. The world has never had access to the kind of real-time information for these viruses that scientists obtained on SARS-CoV-2 through sequencing millions of genomes, Ewan Harrison, head of the new Respiratory Virus and Microbiome Initiative, told reporters on Monday. That includes granular detail on how they transmit as well as how they evolve in the face of the human immune response. "We hope that by expanding our ability to sequence these viruses routinely, we can build upon the work that's going on COVID, and hopefully supercharge research efforts to understand the transmission of these viruses, but also to help develop new treatments and vaccines," Harrison said.

Mpox Outbreak Declared Public Health Emergency: UK Risk Remains Low, Says UKHSA - 0 views

    The World Health Organisation (WHO) has officially declared the mpox outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and an increasing number of African countries as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) under the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR). This decision follows the guidance of an IHR Emergency Committee of independent experts who met on Wednesday (14 August 2024) to review data from WHO and affected countries. Considering the potential for the virus to spread further within African countries and potentially to other continents, the experts identified the upsurge of mpox as a PHEIC. A key factor in the declaration was the emergence and rapid spread of a new virus strain, clade 1b, in the DRC last year. While there has been a recent increase in mpox cases in the UK, no Clade 1 mpox cases have been confirmed so far, according to the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA).
srifathul karimah

Cara mengobati hepatitis - 0 views

    Cara mengobati hepatitis - Hepatitis merupakan penyakit yang di sebabkan oleh virus (VHA), dan virus ini biasanya menyerah bagian organ dalam manusia khususnya sel-sel hati sehingga terjadi peradangan. Penyakit hepatitis sendiri bermacam jenisnya seperti hepatitis A,B,C,D dan E virus hepatitis A (VHA) ini 100x lebih cepat penularannya di banding HIV

Swine Flu Precautions at Home - 0 views

    Swine flu is disease caused by H1N1 Virus. Swine flu spread almost all states in India and report from India's Health ministry suggest death of over 1000 people and approximately 20000 cases reported this year. Swine flu is contagious and s ...
    Swine flu is disease caused by H1N1 Virus. Swine flu spread almost all states in India and report from India's Health ministry suggest death of over 1000 people and approximately 20000 cases reported this year. Swine flu is contagious and s ...
Joseph Reynolds

Mesothelioma Treatment | Doctors Seeking Patients for Clinical Trial - 0 views

    Doctors at the Mayo Clinical are seeking mesothelioma cancer patients for a clinical trial to test how the measles virus may be used to help treat mesothelioma.
AceMaxs Gian

Tips Cara Pengobatan Virus Rubella - 1 views

    Tuntaskan Penyakit Rubella Dengan Tips Cara Pengobatan Virus Rubella Dengan Obat Herbal Alami | Hub 081912792273
AceMaxs Gian

Cara Penyembuhan Virus Toxoplasma - 1 views

    Cara Penyembuhan Virus Toxoplasma Dengan Herbal Paling Efektif | Pembayaran Setelah Obat Diterima
AceMaxs Gian

Obat Tradisional Untuk Virus CMV - 1 views

    Obat Tradisional Untuk Menghilangkan Dan Mencegah Penularan Virus CMV Paling Efektif

Nipah Virus Infection: A New Menace to Mankind - 0 views

    As of 28th May 2018, 15 people have been tested positive for NiV in Kozhikode and Malappuram districts, of Kerala.

Dr Jeremy Farrar:Vaccines for all animal influenza strain - 0 views

    Governments should invest in vaccines for all strains of influenza virus that exist in the animal kingdom as an insurance policy in case of an outbreak in humans, the incoming chief scientist at the World Health Organization said on Monday (Feb. 20). Countries ranging from the United States and Britain to France and Japan have suffered record losses of poultry in outbreaks of avian flu in the past year. The recent spread to mammals of H5N1 - commonly known as bird flu - needed to be monitored, but the risk to humans remained low, the WHO said earlier this month. Incoming WHO chief scientist Jeremy Farrar said he would like to see the pharmaceutical industry at least conduct some clinical trials for all influenza strains such that the world would not have to start from scratch to initiate global manufacturing should the need arise. "My concern that we're in slow motion watching something which may never happen," he added in a media briefing. "But if it were to happen, would we look back on what we're doing at the moment and say, why didn't we do more?"

AstraZeneca:New COVID antibody protects against known virus - 0 views

    British drugmaker AstraZeneca says it's confident that its new version of COVID-19 antibody treatment could protect immunocompromised patients against all known virus variants. Laboratory studies show the antibody, called AZD3152, neutralises all known variants of COVID-19 and AstraZeneca has support from regulators to make the treatment available by the end of this year, the company's vaccines head Iskra Reic said on Tuesday (April 18). AstraZeneca plans, pending more positive data and regulatory approval, to make the antibody available by the end of 2023. These types of therapies are most needed for people with compromised immune systems, either because of underlying conditions or because they are undergoing immune suppressing treatments. They account for nearly 2% of the global population. AstraZeneca's AZD3152, it new COVID-19 antibody, was acquired through a $157 million deal last year with British biotech start-up RQ Bio. The British drugmaker will likely make future investments like its current partnerships with RQ Bio but did not have any deals to announce, said Reic, a long-time AstraZeneca executive who has led the company's vaccines and immune therapies unit since it was formed in late 2021, during the pandemic.
srifathul karimah

Pengobatan hepatitis - 0 views

    Pengobatan hepatitis -.Penyakit hepatitis adalah peradangan organ hati (liver) yang disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor, salah satunya adalah virus. Meskipun bisa dibilang penyakit lama, penyakit ini masih menjadi ancaman dunia. Di Indonesia sendiri kasus penyakit hepatitis yang disebabkan oleh infeksi virus masih terhitung besar.
Matti Narkia

Common diabetes drug may 'revolutionize' cancer therapies - 1 views

    Researchers at McGill University and the University of Pennsylvania have discovered that a widely used anti-diabetic drug can boost the immune system and increase the potency of vaccines and cancer treatments. Their findings will be published June 3 in the journal Nature. The discovery was made by Dr. Russell Jones, an assistant professor at McGill's Goodman Cancer Centre and the Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Yongwon Choi, PhD, professor of pathology and laboratory medicine, and postdoctoral fellow Erika Pearce, PhD, of the University of Pennsylvania. They discovered that the widely prescribed diabetes treatment metformin increases the efficiency of the immune system's T-cells, which in turn makes cancer and virus-fighting vaccines more effective.
Anthony Brown

Bird Flu Scare In Hong Kong - 0 views

    Bird Flu virus was identified in a poultry market in Hong Kong, resulting in government officials ordering the slaughter of 17,000 chickens. It has been three years since the last mass culling.
AceMaxs Gian

Pengobatan Penyakit Rubella - 1 views

    Pengobatan Penyakit Rubella Paling Efektif Mematikan Virus Rubella | Hub 081912792273
nguyen huong

Chữa sùi mào gà khi mang thai - Khám Chữa Bệnh Phụ Khoa - 0 views

    Bệnh sùi mào gà là một trong những bệnh lây truyền qua đường tình dục do virus HPV (Human PapillomaVirus) gây ra. Bệnh đặc biệt hay gặp ở những người có quan hệ tình dục không an toàn

Coronavirus: A Complete Guide To COVID-19 - Health Blog - 0 views

    The name coronavirus is derived from the Latin word corona meaning crown, Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that infects the lungs
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