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How to Tone Your Body at Home Without Equipment - MedPlusMart - 0 views

    "How can I tone my body at home when I don't have time?" While gym equipment might be great, nobody has enough time to go to the gym every day, these days. It is the digital era; or you could say the era of DIY, (do it yourself), memes and GIFs. Busy schedules have led to increased demand for online and in-home services. Urban Clap, Swiggy, Zomato, Uber Eats, are few popular examples of such. The latest trend is the no-equipment home workout. So how to get a perfectly toned body at home? Read on to know how to tone up loose skin, how to tone your muscles and overall, how to tone your body at home. But First, What is Body Toning? Body toning is basically a fine-tuning fitter and a better physique with primary emphasis on the musculature. Few may want to tone to simply look better, some may be fitness enthusiasts, some may just wish to carve their bodies for a defined, muscular shape. Toning also helps to tighten loose skin, reduce stretch marks after weight loss or weight gain. Though sometimes used interchangeably with "gymming", toning is also associated with simpler, external forms of a workout than hardcore workouts. How Long Does it Take to See Results from Workout? An average person takes about 6-8 weeks to begin noticing significant results. However, a regular and intense practitioner may begin to notice changes by 4-5 weeks. And for the body types that show slow results, it might take about 12 weeks to view significant positive changes. Diet plays a very crucial role in the entire process and can have a drastic impact on the results. Another factor that affects the results is the original weight of the person. Needless to mention, the more the weight, the more time it will take, and vice versa. DIY: How Do I Tone My Body - With This Simple 10 Min Workout For any of the below exercises, the maximum space you would require is to be able to take 4-5 long steps. A good warm-up session is crucial before an actual workout. Then switch to these eas

Wheelchair : Handicap Products: Types Of Cerebral Palsy - 0 views

    Types of CP Associated With Muscle Tone Cerebral palsy comes in several types, which may be associated with muscle tone or specific body parts. Those associated with muscle tone include: spastic CP, where abnormally high muscle tone causes problems with movement, usually in the legs and hips; ataxia, which is marked by involuntary muscle movements; athetoid, which prevents sufferers from maintaining a fixed muscle position (for example, grasping and holding); and mixed, where symptoms of both spastic and athetoid CP occur. Cerebral Palsy: Hope Through Research: Detailed information from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, including facts on the causes, risk factors, warning signs, and types of CP. Definitions and Accommodations for Cerebral Palsy: Information on the types of CP and how to accommodate and interact with severe sufferers. From Kentucky's Office for the Americans With Disabilities Act. United Cerebral Palsy Association: Nonprofit organization that offers a nationwide network of affiliates aimed at expanding the rights, freedoms, and opportunities of those with cerebral palsy. Health Encyclopedia: Cerebral Palsy: Facts on the types, causes, prevalence, and accommodations related to cerebral palsy. Provided by the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration. Cost of Cerebral Palsy: Information on the human and economic impact of cerebral palsy, presented in the form of an academic report composed by the Environmental Protection Agency. Types of CP Associated With Body Parts Certain types of cerebral palsy are associated with specific body parts rather than with the general condition of the muscular system. These types include: quadriplegia, in which all four limbs suffer severe motor dysfunction and a general inability to work together; hemiplegia, in which the limbs on one side of the body are severely affected, with the impact more pronounced in the digits; and diplegia, which causes problems with mus

Child Care with Cerebral Palsy - 0 views

    Cerebral palsy-also known as CP-is a condition caused by injury to the parts of the brain that control our ability to use our muscles and bodies. Cerebral means having to do with the brain. Palsy means weakness or problems with using the muscles. Often the injury happens before birth, sometimes during delivery, or soon after being born. Physical symptoms typically appear in the first few years of life. Cerebral Palsy are frequently slow to reach developmental milestones such as learning to roll over, sit, crawl, smile, or walk. Cerebral Palsy occurs in 1 in every 300 children (Source: Center for Disease Control). Cerebral Palsy is a condition that effects the brain and nervous system and can cause many different symptoms ranging from extremely mild to extremely severe. There are different kinds of CP: spastic, dyskinetic, ataxic, hypotonic, and mixed. We believe Sadie is spastic. Cerebral palsy (CP) children can also have learning problems, speech, problems with hearing or seeing (called sensory problems), intellectual differences, and behavioral or emotional challenges. Cerebral palsy does not always cause serious disabilities. Usually, the greater the injury to the brain, the more severe the CP. Cerebral Palsy (CP) can be mild, moderate, or severe. Mild CP may mean a child is clumsy. Moderate CP may mean the child walks with a limp. He or she may need a special leg brace or a cane. More severe CP can affect all parts of a child's physical abilities.Child with moderate or severe CP may have to use a wheelchair and other special equipment. Cerebral palsy is caused by damage or abnormal development to parts of the brain responsible for controlling muscles and movement. The damage or abnormal growth usually occurs before, during or shortly after birth. Cerebral palsy is a non-progressive but ever changing condition; children with cerebral palsy will have high, low or fluctuating tone in their muscles depending on the level and extent of damage t

Child Care with Cerebral Palsy - 0 views

    Cerebral palsy-also known as CP-is a condition caused by injury to the parts of the brain that control our ability to use our muscles and bodies. Cerebral means having to do with the brain. Palsy means weakness or problems with using the muscles. Often the injury happens before birth, sometimes during delivery, or soon after being born. Physical symptoms typically appear in the first few years of life. Cerebral Palsy are frequently slow to reach developmental milestones such as learning to roll over, sit, crawl, smile, or walk. Cerebral Palsy occurs in 1 in every 300 children (Source: Center for Disease Control). Cerebral Palsy is a condition that effects the brain and nervous system and can cause many different symptoms ranging from extremely mild to extremely severe. There are different kinds of CP: spastic, dyskinetic, ataxic, hypotonic, and mixed. We believe Sadie is spastic. Cerebral palsy (CP) children can also have learning problems, speech, problems with hearing or seeing (called sensory problems), intellectual differences, and behavioral or emotional challenges. Cerebral palsy does not always cause serious disabilities. Usually, the greater the injury to the brain, the more severe the CP. Cerebral Palsy (CP) can be mild, moderate, or severe. Mild CP may mean a child is clumsy. Moderate CP may mean the child walks with a limp. He or she may need a special leg brace or a cane. More severe CP can affect all parts of a child's physical abilities.Child with moderate or severe CP may have to use a wheelchair and other special equipment. Cerebral palsy is caused by damage or abnormal development to parts of the brain responsible for controlling muscles and movement. The damage or abnormal growth usually occurs before, during or shortly after birth. Cerebral palsy is a non-progressive but ever changing condition; children with cerebral palsy will have high, low or fluctuating tone in their muscles depending on the level and extent of damage to

Child Care with Cerebral Palsy - 0 views

    Cerebral palsy-also known as CP-is a condition caused by injury to the parts of the brain that control our ability to use our muscles and bodies. Cerebral means having to do with the brain. Palsy means weakness or problems with using the muscles. Often the injury happens before birth, sometimes during delivery, or soon after being born. Physical symptoms typically appear in the first few years of life. Cerebral Palsy are frequently slow to reach developmental milestones such as learning to roll over, sit, crawl, smile, or walk. Cerebral Palsy occurs in 1 in every 300 children (Source: Center for Disease Control). Cerebral Palsy is a condition that effects the brain and nervous system and can cause many different symptoms ranging from extremely mild to extremely severe. There are different kinds of CP: spastic, dyskinetic, ataxic, hypotonic, and mixed. We believe Sadie is spastic. Cerebral palsy (CP) children can also have learning problems, speech, problems with hearing or seeing (called sensory problems), intellectual differences, and behavioral or emotional challenges. Cerebral palsy does not always cause serious disabilities. Usually, the greater the injury to the brain, the more severe the CP. Cerebral Palsy (CP) can be mild, moderate, or severe. Mild CP may mean a child is clumsy. Moderate CP may mean the child walks with a limp. He or she may need a special leg brace or a cane. More severe CP can affect all parts of a child's physical abilities.Child with moderate or severe CP may have to use a wheelchair and other special equipment. Cerebral palsy is caused by damage or abnormal development to parts of the brain responsible for controlling muscles and movement. The damage or abnormal growth usually occurs before, during or shortly after birth. Cerebral palsy is a non-progressive but ever changing condition; children with cerebral palsy will have high, low or fluctuating tone in their muscles depending on the level and extent of damage to
achraf mejgou

get muscle mass fast - 0 views

    So you want to build big muscles? Simple isn't it? Just join a gym and hit those weights regularly and viola, in a couple of months, you will gain so much muscle mass that you are ready to take on any bodybuilding contest. Is it really that simple to build big muscles? Well, to gain muscle mass, there is much more than just hitting the gym regularly. Here are some muscle mass gaining tips :-

10 Essential Nutrition Tips for A Lean Body - 0 views

    Are you attempting to eat healthy in order to prepare for your summer beach body? When it comes to achieving optimal body composition, following a healthy diet can be challenging. It's very easy to eat too many calories while eating foods that society considers to be healthy. It's important to remember that calorie counting isn't the only way to lose weight, and it won't be a long-term strategy either. So, here are some practical suggestions for maintaining a healthy weight while also toning your muscles. 1. LEARN ABOUT THE PROCESS OF PROTEIN-RICH FOODS Protein-rich foods are the most effective at curbing hunger and are essential for maintaining a healthy weight and body composition. An added benefit of caloric restriction is that it triggers the body's catabolic process, which results in the loss of both lean muscle and fat. Having a lower metabolic rate is one of the main causes of rebound fat gain when you lose a lot of muscle. Taking in a lot of protein throughout the day has been shown to help counteract some muscle loss and keep your metabolism going strong. As a bonus, high-quality protein can help control blood sugar and insulin levels, reducing the desire for sweets.

Wheelchair : Handicap Products: Benefit Of Ergonomic Wheelchair - 0 views

    Ergonomics: Benefits of Active Sitting for the Able-bodied The field of ergonomics, in particular that of office furniture, now offers various active sitting products that enable different kinds of movement: forward and backward, lateral (side to side), 360 degree wobble, etc. It is important to note that the ergonomic research also indicates that - although movement is necessary - it is not enough. All movements are not the same; there are movements to be avoided. For example, movement that alternates between different awkward sitting postures that repeatedly load the same joints will provide little benefit.Buy online Ergonomic Wheelchair for handicapped and disabled at lowest price and cheap cost in india from wheelchair india online shopping store of Ergonomic Wheelchair manufacturer, distributor, dealer and supplier of variety of karma Ergonomic Wheelchair at low price in india The benefits of active sitting are understood to occur with movements through a graded range of centered and symmetrical postures. The active and controlled postural positions in sitting are believed to activate and strengthen muscles in the back and core area,to relieve the static loads acting on joints, ligaments, and tendons, and to promote circulation for elimination of waste products. Thus, a dynamic, ergonomic sitting position is believed to lead to improved posture, core stability, and circulation. Wheelchair at low price in india for handicapped and disability product like Karma S Ergo 305 Wheelchair, Karma S Ergo 125 Wheelchair, Karma S-Ergo 115 Wheelchair, Karma Ergo Lite 2501 Wheelchair, Karma S Ergo 106 Wheelchair, Karma S Ergo 105 Wheelchair, along with that we offer huge discount and promo code when you purchase ERGONOMIC WHEELCHAIR from our online shopping store of Ergonomic Wheelchair. Although extensive research in the field of ergonomics and active sitting is yet to become widely available, the logical benefits are easily extrapolated. The pelvis is tilte

What Causes Muscle Spasm in Back, Neck, Stomach, Shoulder? - 0 views

    The Muscle spasms, often referred to as cramps, can be a sudden and unwelcome visitor, causing pain and discomfort in various body parts like the Back, Neck, Stomach, And Shoulder. While seemingly random, these spasms often have identifiable triggers. Here's a breakdown of potential culprits for each area: Back: Muscle strain or overuse: Repetitive activities like heavy lifting, poor posture, or strenuous exercise can overload back muscles, leading to spasms. Stress: Tension and anxiety can tighten muscles, making them more susceptible to spasms. Neck: Poor posture: Slouching, hunching, or cradling a phone against your ear for extended periods can strain neck muscles, leading to spasms. Stress: Similar to the back, neck muscles can tense up in response to stress, triggering spasms. Stomach: Dehydration: Electrolyte imbalance due to insufficient water intake can affect stomach muscle function and trigger spasms. Diet: Certain foods, like caffeine or carbonated drinks, can irritate the stomach and contribute to spasms. Shoulder: Rotator cuff injury: Damage to the tendons and muscles surrounding the shoulder joint can cause pain and muscle spasms. Overuse injuries: Repetitive motions like throwing, swimming, or weightlifting can overload shoulder muscles, leading to spasms.

Cerebral Palsy Child Care - 0 views

    Chair For Cerebral Palsy Child Cerebral palsy is a condition, not a disease.Child with cerebral palsy has a range of chronic movement and posture disorders as the direct result of brain damage within the areas that control movement.It isn't easy raising and caring for a child with cerebral palsy, but that doesn't mean they are helpless. It can be child's best advocate in the months and years to come, ensuring that it gets the care that's needed. Cerebral means brain-centred while palsy is a lack of muscle control.Cerebral palsy is abbreviated to CP.Cerebral palsy (CP) is a term used to identify a number of neurological impairments typically appearing in infancy or early childhood, according to researchers at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.Child with cerebral palsy have permanent mobility problems caused by brain damage. There is no cure for cerebral palsy, and many children, adolescents and adults can be treated successfully with adaptations, which can improve their capabilities. Characteristics of cerebral palsy in children are: Lack of muscle coordination when performing voluntary movements Stiff muscles and exaggerated reflexes Abnormal walking with one foot or leg dragging Excessive drooling or difficulties swallowing, sucking or speaking Uncontrolled shaking of the body Difficulty with precise motions, such as writing, tying shoe laces or buttoning a shirt Inability to walk and need for a walker or wheelchair Need for extensive, lifelong care Seizures Cerebral palsy has many causes. A brain that has not formed normally. A combination of low blood flow and/or low oxygen to the brain. Bleeding in the brain around the time of birth. Genetic, meaning it is linked to other members of the family. Meningitis, which causes inflammation of the covering of the brain. Brain injury before the age of 2. Premature birth. Chair For CP Child Chair For CP Child can range from very mild where a child learns to w

Runner's Knee Treatment - 0 views

    KNEE & CALF Your knee is where your thigh-bone and shin-bone meet up. The patella (your knee cap) is made up of bone and sits in the front of the knee. The knee joint is supported by a ligament capsule and contains the synovial fluid that lubricates the joint. Two round knobs rest on a plateau like area between your thigh and shin bone holding it in place as well as enabling movement. The calf muscle is one placed at the back of the lower leg. When we walk, run or jump it helps pull the heel up to allow forward movement. Vissco Elastic Knee Support Muscle or Ligament strains can be really bothersome, especially at the knee joint. We often over-work our knees in strenuous physical activities and then suffer from inflammations or strains. You might want to pick up our elastic tubular knee cap. It provides compression, warmth and improves blood flow to the soft tissue areas surrounding the joint. Its lightweight, breathable and comfortable ensuring it's worn more often, thus improving its therapeutic results. The cotton knitted fabric releases sweat and permit airflow, which its ergonomic design ensures a two way stretch. WHEN TO USE Osteoarthritis Knee Overuse due to physical activities Post-surgery or post-arthroscopy Muscle and Ligament Strains Bursitis Vissco Elastic Knee Support Features Skin Friendly Easy Breathe Soft Support 4 Way Stretch Anti-Fungal ANKLE The ankle might look like a simple joint but acts like a hinge and is quite complex as it is made up of several important structures. The Creator designed the ankle to be a highly stable joint as after all, it had to withstand 1.5 times your body weight when you walk and up to 8 times your body weight when you run. The muscles, ligaments and tendons that support the ankle joint work in sync when you move your body or walk seemingly effortlessly. You are able to wear the tape for rehabilitative exercises and physical therapy, as well as general protection every day. The tape

Foot Care Products for Elderly & Senior Citizens - 0 views

    Foot Care Products for Elderly & Senior Citizens Elastic Knee Caps Muscle or Ligament strains can be really bothersome, especially at the knee joint. We often over-work our knees in strenuous physical activities and then suffer from inflammations or strains. You might want to pick up our Elastic Knee Cap. It provides compression, warmth and improves blood flow to the soft tissue areas surrounding the joint. Its lightweight, breathable and comfortable ensuring it's worn more often, thus improving its therapeutic results. The cotton knitted fabric releases sweat and permit airflow, which its ergonomic design ensures a two way stretch. USE KNEE TAPE TO PROTECT YOUR KNEES AGAINST INJURY Vissco Elastic Tubular Knee Caps Net Price:Rs 210 Before undertaking strenuous activities where you will be bending your knees, it is worthwhile to protect your knees using knee tape. This special type of tape is designed to provide added support to the muscles to help lower the likelihood of sustaining an injury, compared to not using any taping product. In addition, the tape helps protect people who have already had a previous knee injury, as well as those recovering from a current injury. The knee tape integrates with the body so that you do not realize it is there. The weave pattern of the tape is uniquely designed to provide elasticity and move as your knee and leg moves. As a result, it replicates the same elasticity and thickness of your skin, while supporting and stabilizing the area, without adversely affecting your normal range of motion. Besides protecting your knees, you can apply the same type of tape to multiple regions on your body. With many precut designs available, it is possible to increase support for your ankles, elbows, wrists, shoulder, neck, back, groin, and other muscle groups. Go ahead and tape your entire body when you want complete protection for all of your muscle groups. Our Price:Rs214 Net Price:Rs210 ( Apply Coupon Code 'MSW2365' G
achraf mejgou

Show Off Your Six Pack Abs Abdominal building muscle fast - 0 views

    Why you do not have "killer abs" or that "6 pack" Abdominal Muscles? Ask any woman what is the most attractive part of a male body and most of the time, they will tell you it's the six pack abs meaning that your abdominal muscles showing up with beautiful definition. The abs is considered by many as a sexy muscle and is a symbol of a fit and healthy man. Women are instinctively drawn towards a man brimming with health and fitness because it is a primitive indication that the man is strong enough to protect her and her brood. A rippling six pack abs is one such indication. So is it any wonder that in every gym, you will see men of all ages doing crunches, leg raisers and sit ups religiously in the hope of obtaining the much coveted killer abs? Unfortunately, most men will never get to see their abdominal muscle in its glorious splendor. Why? The following fitness tip will show you why.

Weight Cuff - 0 views

    Tynor Weight Cuff Tynor Weight cuffs are used to exercise ailing joints to build strength and aid recovery. Tynor Weight Cuff is flexible and cushion, so it does not injure. Recommended for use to improve muscle tone, muscle mass, strength and stamina. Tynor Weight Cuff Features Offers 1 kg resistance when wrapped around Weight is wrapped in comfortable and soft fabric Used to build muscles, flexibility or to lose weight Can be secured easily around to prevent injuries or accidents Cuff is safe to be used during everyday activities as well Tynor Weight Cuff Measurements Sizes Available: 1/2 Kg / 1Kg / 2 Kg

Physiotherapist in Gurgaon - 0 views

    Since its establishment in the year 2011, Krshna Physio Plus is aimed to provide patients with comprehensive, high quality and professional physiotherapy treatments and rehabilitation to people in need. The efficient team of three, Dr. Ravi Sahauta - A very well-known complex trauma surgeon and Orthopaedician, Dr. Dharm Pal Sharma - an ex-Air force Physio trainer and Dr. Parmila Sharma - an experienced and talented physio expert, Krshna Physio Plus is counted among the well-known Physiotherapy clinic in Gurgaon and Delhi/NCR regions.  This clinic is one of the oldest organizations which was started with a vision to help people suffering from diverse dysfunctionalities with proper guidance and treatment which encompasses mainly physical, psychological, emotional, and social well being. With 8 centers in Delhi/NCR and Bihar, we are aimed at setting over 300 centers across Asia by 2020 and become the Physiotherapy clinic in Gurgaon.  Moreover, KRSNA Physio Plus is well equipped with various advanced facilities and equipment used to treat people to assure patient satisfaction and fast recovery. We have with us Top Physiotherapist in Gurgaon and Delhi/NCR regions with us who are specialized in offering treatment in physiotherapy dealing with Orthopedic, Neurological, Pediatric, Cardio-pulmonary, and Sports Injury, etc. All the experts here put their best for providing the best results.  Our experienced team of doctors and physiotherapists in Gurgaon who would be better able to diagnose what might be making it impossible for you to crane your neck, or pick articles off the floor, or simply kneel before your deity. Sports-Related Injuries Could Happen to Anyone It could be just that badminton match on a winter evening, or an office football match. Before you realize what is happening you've pulled a back muscle or your hamstring. Playing tug-of-war in colleges and office parties is fraught with the risk of a rotator cuff injury. Cricketers diving to save th
Richard Turner

5 Most Effective Stretching Techniques to Ease Muscle Soreness - 0 views

    Are you seeking relief for sore muscles after an intense workout? Look no further. Dynapro provides top 5 stretches and exercises to cope up with post-workout soreness and make your sore muscles feel good. These gentle stretches will alleviate the discomfort as well. A combination of rest and light stretches will allow the body to recover and be ready for future exercise sessions. Learn how to ease your muscle soreness with these effective stretches.
achraf mejgou

burn fat gain muscle - 0 views

    Burn fat and gain muscle - it isn't as hard as you might think. You can train your body to burn excess calories instead of storing them as fat, and you can exercise to build up your muscles. With the right techniques, it is easy, so here we show you the best ways to burn fat and build muscle.

Treatment of Ankle and Knee Pain - 0 views

    Vissco Elastic Tubular Anklet Having an ankle injury or sprain can really render you immobile. The Vissco Elastic Tubular anklet provides compression, warmth and increase blood flow offering optimal support to the ankle joint. It is a seamless product with an open toe and open heel that ensure movement stays easy. It is made from skin friendly material and has a ventilating effect as the cotton knitted elastic releases sweat making the support breathable. Treatment of ankle conditions and pain Working as a coordinated team, our orthopedic/sports medicine specialists, surgeons and physical therapists use the most highly advanced, innovative techniques available to correct damage and reduce pain in the complex ankle joint, customized to each patient's individual needs. Ranging from conservative to interventional surgery, these treatment options include: Ankle arthroscopy/arthroscopic surgery Brostrom procedure for recurrent ankle sprains/instability Decompression of ankle impingement Drilling cartilage injury (OCD of talus) Orthisis Physical therapy and rehabilitation Removal of loose bodies WHEN TO USE Ligament sprain Soft tissue injury Swelling of ankle joint Vissco Elastic Tubular Anklet Features Skin Friendly Easy Breathe Soft Support Anti-Fungal Vissco Elastic Tubular Knee Caps Muscle or Ligament strains can be really bothersome, especially at the knee joint. We often over-work our knees in strenuous physical activities and then suffer from inflammations or strains. You might want to pick up our elastic tubular knee cap. It provides compression, warmth and improves blood flow to the soft tissue areas surrounding the joint. Its lightweight, breathable and comfortable ensuring it's worn more often, thus improving its therapeutic results. The cotton knitted fabric releases sweat and permit airflow, which its ergonomic design ensures a two way stretch. CALF & KNEE Your knee is where your thigh-bone and shin-bone m
chi johnson

Nutrition and Muscle Building diet - 0 views

    It provides the information of "Nutrition and Muscle Building diet" and "the tips of exercise about Muscle Building" for you.
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