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Ransomware Attack on Synnovis Disrupts NHS Blood Testing Services in South East London - 0 views

    On June 3, Synnovis, a pathology laboratory serving several NHS organisations in South East London, was targeted by a ransomware attack. This cyber incident has disrupted vital blood testing services, crucial for a range of medical treatments, and raised significant concerns over data security. NHS England confirmed that a cybercriminal group, Qilin, published data online, claiming it was stolen from Synnovis. The National Crime Agency (NCA) and the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) are currently working to authenticate the data and understand its contents. A helpline has been established to address patient concerns, and NHS England urges patients to attend their appointments unless otherwise directed. The attack has rendered some of the NHS's blood testing systems inoperable, causing substantial disruption to medical services in South East London.
Sam Sayer

Driving Anxiety Solved by Dealing with Anxiety Effectively - 0 views

    Anxiety attacks can manifest at any moment and you need to know the most effective way in dealing with anxiety. Anxiety attacks and panic disorders can differ from person to person. One of the most distinct kind is anxiety while driving. It directly limits the person's activities of daily living that involves driving a car or any kind of vehicle. We want to avoid the worst case scenario of having an attack while driving behind the wheel. You need to have full control over your emotions and fears so you can finally start living your life.

Barbershop Blood Pressure Checks: NHS Expands Services - 0 views

    Men can now have their blood pressure checked while visiting a barbershop. The NHS is extending its blood pressure screening services to different local venues, including barbershops, mosques, and pharmacies. This initiative aims to address the increasing risk of strokes and heart attacks among men. NHS staff's life-saving actions coincide with recent data indicating that high street pharmacies administered 149,865 blood pressure checks to individuals over 40 in May 2023. This marked a notable increase from the previous year's count of 58,345 in May 2022, the NHS said. "More than 1,300 heart attacks and strokes could be prevented this year thanks to the high street checks." "The total number of blood pressure checks delivered by pharmacy teams in the year to March was more than 1 million (1,053,278)," the NHS added. Furthermore, the government has committed £645 million for a range of added pharmaceutical services. This includes a target of conducting 2.5 million extra blood pressure checks annually at community pharmacies. This effort is estimated to avert over 1,350 cardiovascular events per year - equivalent to averting 113 heart attacks and strokes each month.

6 Symptoms of Heart attack in Women - 0 views

    The thrush of heart attack is not same in women as in men. Women are not prone to the same symptoms of heart attack as men, such as severe chest pain that exudes along one arm. The common symptoms of heart attack can appear in women, but they may experience vague or hidden symptoms which are not very prominent.

NIR health minister condemns attack on Belfast pharmacist - 0 views

    Northern Ireland's health minister Robin Swann has condemned the act of violence experienced by pharmacy teams, stating such acts "will not be tolerated." His statement follows an ugly incident that took place on Saturday (March 5) at the Teagues Pharmacy, Antrim Road in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Conor McAreavey from Teagues Pharmacy told the BBC that on Saturday a man entered the shop at about 17:30 GMT and used a hammer to break through a Covid protection screen, and stabbed him in hand before fleeing the premises. He added that such attacks on pharmacists had become a "trend". Condemning the attack, Swann said: "Abuse or assaults of any kind on health and social care staff will not be tolerated. I was appalled to hear of the assault on the community pharmacist at the weekend.

NICE recommends new treatment to prevent heart attacks, strokes in people with raised b... - 0 views

    The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has recommended icosapent ethyl also called Vazkepa manufactured by Amarin for adults who have cardiovascular disease with controlled LDL-C levels taking a statin. It's final draft guidance is expected to be available on the July 20. Nearly half a million people are expected to benefit from the first licensed treatment shown to reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes in people with controlled low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C - sometimes called "bad" cholesterol) who are taking a statin and who have raised levels of triglycerides. NICE said: "Clinical trial evidence suggests that for people with raised triglycerides who have LDL-C levels controlled by statins, and who have cardiovascular disease, icosapent ethyl reduces their risk of cardiovascular events by over a quarter compared with placebo. Helen Knight, interim director of medicines evaluation at NICE, said: "Icosapent ethyl is the first licensed treatment of its kind for people who are at risk of heart attacks and strokes despite well controlled LDL cholesterol because they have raised blood fats. And although lifestyle changes, including diet and exercise, can help to reduce their risk, these may not work for everyone.

Know Your Numbers Week 2024 - Get a Free Blood Pressure Check at Your Local Pharmacy - 0 views

    As Know Your Numbers! Week (2-8 September) kicks off, the NHS England is encouraging people in the East Midlands to get their blood pressure checked to prevent heart attacks and strokes. The residents can get their blood pressure checked at several places, including their local pharmacies. The initiative, part of a global campaign, highlights the crucial role of monitoring blood pressure, especially for those aged 40 and over. It is recommended that all adults aged 40 or over have their blood pressure tested at least every five years. High blood pressure or hypertension affects about a third of adults in the UK and is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD), which is one of the leading causes of death in England. This condition often has no noticeable symptoms, but if untreated, it can result in serious health problems such as heart attacks and strokes. Local pharmacies play a crucial role in this health campaign, enabling individuals to monitor their risk of cardiovascular disease without needing an appointment. The NHS community pharmacy blood pressure check service has delivered more than a million checks nationally in the past year.
Clara Advices

panic-disorder-symptoms - 0 views

    Learn more about Panic attack symptoms
Anthony Brown

How soon is sex safe after a heart attack? - 0 views

    For a patient recovering from a heart attack, it can be one of the most difficult questions to ask a doctor: When is it safe to resume a normal sex life? For the first time, the American Heart Association tried to answer those questions Thursday with a new set of guidelines. CBS News medical correspondent Dr. Jon LaPook tells us what they mean.

Community Pharmacy : Role in Preventing CVD Deaths - 0 views

    Community pharmacies are well placed to play a role in preventing deaths from cardiovascular disease (CVD) said Director of NHS Services. The recent analysis by the British Heart Foundation (BHF) revealed that nearly 100,000 more people with cardiovascular disease than expected have died since the start of the pandemic in England. Latest figures show that the number of people waiting for time-sensitive cardiac care was at a record high of nearly 390,000 at the end of April in England. Average ambulance response times for heart attacks and strokes have consistently been above 30 minutes since the beginning of 2022, and in December 2022 they even breached 90 minutes. The target is 18 minutes, though the Government has set a new average target of 30 minutes over 2023/24. Director of NHS Services, Alastair Buxton, said: "It is concerning to hear that there have been tens of thousands of preventable deaths from cardiovascular disease (CVD) since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. We share BHF's desire to see more action on preventing the causes of CVD and, subject to appropriate funding being in place, community pharmacy teams are well placed to play a role in this.

PDA brutal attack for compromising on patient safety - 0 views

    The Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA) has launched a brutal attack on some large pharmacy chains for full or part-day closures of some of their shops throughout the UK. It published an Open Letter on Tuesday (July 19) demanding urgent action "to protect patients by ensuring that essential community pharmacy services are provided safely and consistently". PDA chair Mark Koizol, who wrote the letter, went on to allege that many of those closure were "being orchestrated". He wrote that the "pharmacist shortage" narrative cited as a reason for these closures was "very different" from "the reality experienced by our members", including both employed and locum pharmacists. "We have evidence to show that these closures are being announced up to four weeks in advance," Koizol claimed. He gave examples of how a large company attempted to reduce the pre-agreed rate of locums and where this was not accepted, the shift was cancelled, resulting in the pharmacy being closed for part or full day.

Cardiometabolic clinic:LTHT setup with Boehringer Ingelheim - 0 views

    In partnership with the pharmaceutical company Boehringer Ingelheim, Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust (LTHT) has recently established an innovative cardiometabolic clinic. The clinic focuses on reducing cardiovascular risk in people with diabetes who have recently been discharged from LTHT following a heart attack. It is delivered jointly by the cardiology department at Leeds General Infirmary and the diabetes services at the Trust. This is a patient-centred approach to reducing that risk, with pharmacist-delivered clinics scheduled for six to eight weeks after the heart attack. Stephen Wheatcroft, Professor of Cardiometabolic Medicine and Consultant Cardiologist at LTHT, said: "This is an exciting and innovative development, one of the first in the country. Previously, Type 2 diabetic patients presenting with heart issues would have been treated by two separate specialty teams. This is the first time there has been a specific clinic combining the cardiac and diabetes team working together. "We aim to reduce the risk for patients, with earlier multidisciplinary hospital care, to help discharged patients achieve better diabetes control, through improved medication support and optimisation, reducing the need for further treatment and future hospital stays. Overall, it will mean a better patient experience, with improved monitoring and information about treatment options, along with a reduction in waiting times for review in a specialist clinic."

Pharmacists Lead Genotype Testing for Stroke Patients - NICE Guidance 2024 - 0 views

    The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has published a new diagnostic guidance to enhance CYP2C19 genotype testing to guide clopidogrel use for patients who have suffered an ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack. Published in July, the diagnostic guidance also emphasised the vital role of pharmacists and pharmacies in the implementation of CYP2C19 genotype testing used to guide prescribed antiplatelet medication. According to the NICE guidance, pharmacists with their expertise in pharmacogenomics and patient medication management, will be integral in interpreting test results and recommending appropriate antiplatelet therapy. It also highlighted the need for close collaboration with other healthcare professionals to ensure effective implementation across various care settings for stroke patients. The diagnostics advisory committee, a standing advisory committee of NICE, agreed that it should be possible to gather samples for genotype testing at a location that is convenient for the person having the test and highlighted the role of pharmacies as accessible locations for CYP2C19 genotype testing.The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has published a new diagnostic guidance to enhance CYP2C19 genotype testing to guide clopidogrel use for patients who have suffered an ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack. Published in July, the diagnostic guidance also emphasised the vital role of pharmacists and pharmacies in the implementation of CYP2C19 genotype testing used to guide prescribed antiplatelet medication. According to the NICE guidance, pharmacists with their expertise in pharmacogenomics and patient medication management, will be integral in interpreting test results and recommending appropriate antiplatelet therapy. It also highlighted the need for close collaboration with other healthcare professionals to ensure effective implementation across various care settings for stroke patients. The d

panic attack - 0 views

    panic attack
Lily Craig

Testosterone Drugs Raise Risk of Heart Attack - 0 views

    You may have seen the promotions on TV as of late. They indicate men in their 50's doing a wide range of outside exercises like drifting, and playing ball. The reason is that they found themselves unable to do these things until they began utilizing testosterone boosting drugs.

#KnowTheDisease: Everything you need to know about cardiovascular diseases - 0 views

    Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the types of diseases that affect heart and blood vessels, causing heart attacks, stroke, congenital heart disease, and peripheral artery disease. Tobacco use, unhealthy diet, alcohol, and physical inactivity trigger CVDs. Here's all you need to know about CVDs.

NHS Launches Nationwide Hunt for Silent Killers - 0 views

    The National Health Service (NHS) on Monday launched a new national campaign to find the 'missing millions' who could be living with undiagnosed high blood pressure, often described as a 'silent killer'. People are being warned that the condition rarely has any symptoms and it can lead to fatal heart attacks, strokes, kidney disease and vascular dementia, if left untreated. According to the NHS, high blood pressure affects an estimated 32 per cent of adults and approximately three in 10 of these remain undiagnosed, equating to 4.2 million people in England. The NHS has expanded blood pressure checks in community pharmacies to include 2.5 million more tests as part of the Pharmacy First programme. With the 'Get Your Blood Pressure Checked' campaign, the health service is encouraging those aged 40 years and over to get a free blood pressure test at a participating pharmacy, for which they don't need to be booked in advance. Health Minister Andrea Leadsom expressed confidence that this new drive will help to prevent the potentially "fatal consequences" of untreated high blood pressure. She urged people to go to their local pharmacy to get their blood pressure checked, stating that it could be a "lifesaving trip."

Benefits of Cardiac Surgery. #shortvideo - YouTube - 0 views

    Cardiac surgery offers several benefits, especially for individuals with severe heart conditions that cannot be managed effectively with medication or lifestyle changes. Here are some key benefits: 1. Improved Blood Flow: 2. Enhanced Quality of Life 3. Better Heart Function 4. Reduced Risk of Heart Attack 5. Psychological Benefits
daterape drugtest

Drink Safe Technologies - 0 views

    Somewhere in America, a women is raped every two minutes, according to the U.S. Department of Justice. One in four women are victims of rape or attempted rape, 84% of those women knew their attacker, 57% of the rapes have happened while on dates.
    Somewhere in America, a women is raped every two minutes, according to the U.S. Department of Justice. One in four women are victims of rape or attempted rape, 84% of those women knew their attacker, 57% of the rapes have happened while on dates.
    Drink Safe Technologies offers you the opportunity to safe guard your own drink by using our Drink Safe Coaster or Test Kit.
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