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Wheelchair : Handicap Products: Wheelchair Safety With Power Wheelchairs - 0 views

    Folding Lightweight Wheelchairs For indoor wheelchair safety the folding power wheelchair models that are lightweight have front casters which turn easily, making them ideal for use in small apartments. Having the casters in front makes this a dangerous chair to use outdoors as the front wheels can turn sharply if encountering a crack in the sidewalk, incline, or rocks.Wheelchair india is manufacturer, supplier, distributor and dealer of Karma KP 10-2 Power Wheelchair for disabled and handicapped in india. They usually have one or two removable batteries and have a similar appearance as the manual wheelchair. They can be controlled with a joystick or a sip and puff method. Lightweight Power Assisted Wheelchairs These chairs can be propelled in a similar manner as the manual wheelchair or use a battery. You may want this type if you want to keep fit and get some exercise but need some power when going up an incline or when traveling a distance. They are smaller and lighter weight than the folding wheelchair and have smaller batteries and motors. Dual Purpose Power Wheelchairs These chairs generally are good for either indoor or outdoor use. You need to have larger wheels in front for outdoors as this is a safety feature. It is better to have six wheels for stability when traveling outdoors. These indoor/outdoor power chairs compromise wheelchair safety and perform poorly when you do not have enough room to turn indoors and you need to travel over rough ground and uneven surfaces. Their optimum performance indoors is when you have wider doors and hallways in assisted living facilities, nursing homes, or homes/apartments. Ideal outdoor surfaces in urban and suburban areas would include sidewalks and paved areas. Outdoor Power Wheelchairs These chairs weigh as much as 400-500 pounds, add the weight of the user up to 250 pounds and the total weight is approximately 650 pounds. They are very efficient outdoors with their rear wheels they can sa

Breast Cancer Survivors Face Second Cancer Crisis - 0 views

    A groundbreaking study analysing data from nearly 600,000 cancer patients in England has shed light on the increased risk of second cancers among breast cancer survivors. The research conducted by University of Cambridge in association with the Lancet Regional Health-Europe studied data from over 580,000 female and over 3,500 male breast cancer survivors diagnosed between 1995 and 2019 using the National Cancer Registration Dataset. The findings suggest that survivors of breast cancer, the most prevalent cancer in the UK, face a substantially higher risk of developing second primary cancers. According to the research, female survivors exhibited a twofold increase in the risk of contralateral breast cancer compared to the general population. The data highlighted an 87 per cent greater risk of endometrial cancer, a 58 per cent greater risk of myeloid leukemia, and a 25 per cent greater risk of ovarian cancer in female survivors.
Desmond Morris

Breast Exam In Relation To the Early Detection of Breast Cancer - 0 views

    It is estimated that one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their life time because they are at life time risk of breast cancer and the risk becomes lower and higher in relation to the certain risk factors, but there is not a single woman in any corner of the world that is risk free so every woman regardless of her age should be vigilant about the health of breasts and the risk factors so they need to maintain a contact with breasts on regular basis.

New BMJ Study 2024 Reveals NSAID Prescribing Risks: RPS Calls for Enhanced Safety Measures - 0 views

    Following the publication of a new study by the British Medical Journal (BMJ) that estimates the economic impact and prevelance of hazardous NSAID prescribing in England, the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) has underscored the pressing need for enhanced safety measures in medication management. The study, led by RPS Fellow Rachel Elliott, reveals significant health and financial costs associated with the high-risk prescribing of oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) among vulnerable populations. James Davies, Director for England at the RPS, emphasised the critical findings of the research. "Improving the safety of NSAID prescribing requires a multi-pronged approach, that educates and supports prescribers on the risk, as well as uses the skills of pharmacists in the primary care team to help identify higher risk patients and prescribing scenarios," Davies remarked. The study highlights that NSAIDs, while effective in managing pain and inflammation, are associated with serious adverse events, including gastrointestinal bleeding, renal dysfunction, and cardiovascular issues.
Desmond Morris

Modify Your Life Style for Reduced Breast Cancer Risk - 0 views

    Breast cancer is associated with several life style factors as various studies have suggested that life style has a strong impact to health and influences breast cancer risk. Life style is a personal choice so can be changed easily by women to reduce the risk of breast cancer. Life style factors that need to be changed for reducing the risk of cancer are given below

Womb Cancer | Excess weight doubles risk : Researchers - 0 views

    New research shows that lifelong excess weight almost doubles a woman's risk of developing womb cancer. The findings of the study were published in 'BMC Medicine'. The study from the University of Bristol is one of the first to find that for every fiver extra BMI units, a woman's risk of womb (endometrial) cancer is almost doubled (an increase of 88 per cent). This is higher than most previous studies have suggested and reflects lifelong weight status rather than a snapshot in time like most other studies. Five BMI units is the difference between the overweight category and the obese category, or of a 5'5 adult woman being two stones heavier. The international study looked at genetic samples from around 120,000 women from Australia, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Sweden, the UK, and the USA of which around 13,000 had womb cancer. This large statistical analysis is one of the first studies of its kind to look at the effect of lifelong greater BMI on womb cancer risk.

Autumn covid-19 booster 2023 for higher risk patients: JCVI - 0 views

    The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) has advised booster vaccination to be offered this autumn (2023) for those at higher risk of severe Covid-19 in its interim advice to government on the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination programme for 2023. The JCVI also advised that for a smaller group of people, such as those who are older and those who are immunosuppressed, an extra booster vaccine dose in the spring should also be planned for. Professor Wei Shen Lim, Chair of Covid-19 vaccination on the JCVI, said: "The Covid-19 vaccination programme continues to reduce severe disease across the population, while helping to protect the NHS. That is why we have advised planning for further booster vaccines for persons at higher risk of serious illness through an autumn booster programme later this year. We will very shortly also provide final advice on a spring booster programme for those at greatest risk."

Good cholesterol level:Predictive value varies by race - 0 views

    The widely-held concept that levels of "good" cholesterol in the blood can indicate heart disease risk is not equally true for Blacks and whites, and the measure itself may be of less value than previously thought, according to a U.S. study published on Monday (November 21). Various types of cholesterol are thought to have either healthy or unhealthy effects. Low levels of so-called "good" high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol were linked with higher odds for developing cardiac problems in the long-term study - but only in white participants, the study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found. In contradiction to what has generally been assumed, low HDL levels did not confer any higher risk of heart disease in Black people, researchers said. Among white people, however, those with HDL levels below 40 milligrams per deciliter had a 22% higher risk for coronary heart disease compared with those whose HDL levels were higher. High HDL levels (above 60 mg/dL), which are thought to be protective, were not linked with lower coronary heart disease risks in either race, researchers found.

Monkeypox presents moderate risk to public health - 0 views

    The World Health Organization said on Sunday (May 29) that monkey pox constitutes a "moderate risk" to overall public health at global level after cases were reported in countries where the disease is not typically found. "The public health risk could become high if this virus exploits the opportunity to establish itself as a human pathogen and spreads to groups at higher risk of severe disease such as young children and immunosuppressed persons," WHO said. As of May 26, a total of 257 confirmed cases and 120 suspected cases have been reported from 23 member states that are not endemic for the virus, the health agency said in a statement. There has been no reported fatalities so far. WHO also said that the sudden appearance of monkeypox at once in several non-endemic countries suggests undetected transmission for some time and recent amplifying events. The agency added that it expects more cases to be reported as surveillance in endemic and non-endemic countries expands. Monkeypox is an infectious disease that is usually mild, and is endemic in parts of west and central Africa. It is spread by close contact, so it can be relatively easily contained through measures such as self-isolation and hygiene.

Teva UK launches generic version of Apixaban - 0 views

    Recently launched generic version of Apixaban by Teva UK is said to bring savings to the NHS drug bill while making sure patients get the medicine they need. The generic apixaban is available for the prevention of stroke and systemic embolism in adult patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF), with one or more risk factors, such as prior stroke or transient ischaemic attack (TIA) and treatment of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE), and prevention of recurrent DVT and PE in adults. Previously there was only a 'branded' product available, but Castleford-based Teva UK succeeded in invalidating the apixaban patent and SPC (supplementary protection certificate) in the UK High Court and so is now able to launch its own 'generic' version - which will bring savings for the NHS while making sure patients get the medicine they need. "We've always said that we stand up for the patient", said Kim Innes, General Manager of Teva UK and Ireland. "The launch of generic apixaban emphasises Teva's commitment to doing the right thing by putting patients at the heart of everything we do by giving them and the NHS access to affordable treatments." Apixaban is an anticoagulant which directly inhibits factor X (factor Xa), inhibiting thrombin formation and the development of thrombi (blood clots). For at-risk patients, such as those with, or at risk for DVT, or NVAF, the risk of stroke related to blood clots forming in the body and traveling to the brain is a serious concern. Each year, DVT affects around 1 person in every 1,000 in the UK and if left untreated, about 1 in 10 people with a DVT will develop a PE.

NICE recommends new treatment to prevent heart attacks, strokes in people with raised b... - 0 views

    The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has recommended icosapent ethyl also called Vazkepa manufactured by Amarin for adults who have cardiovascular disease with controlled LDL-C levels taking a statin. It's final draft guidance is expected to be available on the July 20. Nearly half a million people are expected to benefit from the first licensed treatment shown to reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes in people with controlled low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C - sometimes called "bad" cholesterol) who are taking a statin and who have raised levels of triglycerides. NICE said: "Clinical trial evidence suggests that for people with raised triglycerides who have LDL-C levels controlled by statins, and who have cardiovascular disease, icosapent ethyl reduces their risk of cardiovascular events by over a quarter compared with placebo. Helen Knight, interim director of medicines evaluation at NICE, said: "Icosapent ethyl is the first licensed treatment of its kind for people who are at risk of heart attacks and strokes despite well controlled LDL cholesterol because they have raised blood fats. And although lifestyle changes, including diet and exercise, can help to reduce their risk, these may not work for everyone.

RPS Wellbeing survey:Community pharmacy at high risk burnout - 0 views

    Ninety-six per cent of community pharmacists surveyed in the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) Workforce Wellbeing survey said they were at 'risk of burnout'. A higher number of respondents working in community pharmacy (20%) reported not being offered breaks compared to all other sectors (8%) and were more likely to experience verbal or physical abuse from patients and the public (69% vs an average 44%). The annual Workforce Wellbeing survey also revealed that 88 per cent of pharmacists surveyed are at high risk of burnout due to winter pressure. Therefore, RPS is calling for workforce planning for pharmacy to address skill mix and staffing levels so that workloads can be effectively managed. Top factors causing poor mental health and wellbeing revealed by the survey include inadequate staffing (70%), lack of work/life balance (53%), lack of protected learning time (48%) and lack of colleague/senior support (47%). This is the fourth survey RPS has run in partnership with the charity Pharmacist Support on the state of mental health and wellbeing in pharmacy. The findings demonstrate continued pressure on pharmacists and trainees across the workforce, especially in community pharmacy where 96% of those surveyed said they were at risk of burnout.

Valproate Alert: Men's Fertility Risks Revealed - MHRA Caution - 0 views

    The Medicine and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has cautioned men on valproate to talk to their healthcare professional about their treatment, if they want to start a family in the next year. The warning came after a new study, commissioned by the European Medicines Agency, suggested that children fathered by men who took the anti-seizure medicine in the three months prior to conception may be at higher risk of developing neurodevelopmental disorders. Around five in 100 children born to fathers treated with valproate around conception were diagnosed with a neurodevelopmental disorder, compared to three in 100 children whose fathers were taking other antiseizure medicines (lamotrigine or levetiracetam). However, the risk is believed to be much smaller than the risk associated with valproate in pregnancy.
Matti Narkia

Low Vitamin D Hurts Teenagers' Hearts - 0 views

    March 11, 2009 -- Low vitamin D levels greatly increase a teenager's risk of diabetes and heart disease, Johns Hopkins researchers find. It is becoming clear that adults who get too little vitamin D are at higher risk for diabetes and heart disease. Now, it appears vitamin D levels also affect these risks earlier in life, say Johns Hopkins researchers Jared P. Reis, PhD, and colleagues.
Mary Nickerson

Best secured Suicide Risk Assessment App - 0 views

    Get reliable suicide risk assessment app MSE&RISK ASSESSr and generate unlimited clinically supported reports in just minutes for free. It is compatible with iPhones and iPads only. For details visit our site.

MHRA Warning: Beware Counterfeit Anti-Choking Devices - 0 views

    The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has advised the public to exercise caution when buying anti-choking devices online, ensuring these products are purchased from reputable sellers. As estimated by the regulator, more than 10,000 counterfeit or unbranded anti-choking devices have been purchased by the public within the last two years through listings on online marketplaces such as Amazon and eBay, as well as drop-shipping websites. People are cautioned that the use of such products poses a substantial risk of failure in clearing blockages and could exacerbate the situation by pushing obstructions further down into the airway passage. Dr Alison Cave, MHRA Chief Safety Officer, said: "Buying anti-choking devices that do not have a valid UKCA or CE mark increases the risk of receiving a product which does not include appropriate instructions and is either fake or does not meet the UK's regulatory requirements. "These products do not meet our strict quality standards and may put your health and safety at significant risk by failing to resolve or even worsening choking incidents."

Topiramate Prescription Advisory for Women in the UK: MHRA's New Safety Guidelines - 0 views

    Healthcare professionals in the UK are being advised to avoid prescribing the migraine and antiseizure medication topiramate, commonly known by the brand name Topamax, to women and girls unless they fulfil the requirements of a Pregnancy Prevention Programme. This guidance follows new safety measures introduced by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) following a major safety review, which highlighted a potential increased risk of neurodevelopmental disabilities in children exposed to topiramate during pregnancy. The Commission on Human Medicines (CHM) evaluated studies that examined the risks associated with using topiramate during pregnancy. These studies indicated that children born to mothers who took topiramate during pregnancy had an approximately 2 to 3 times higher risk of intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorders, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Based on CHM's recommendations, the MHRA now advises that topiramate should not be prescribed for treating epilepsy during pregnancy unless there is no suitable alternative.
Desmond Morris

Why to Perform Self Breast Exam? - 0 views

    Women occupying this earth are at life time risk of developing breast cancer and there is nothing to diminish the riskself breast examination completely, however the risk can be reduced by taking certain precautionary measures. The risk to develop the breast cancer can be reduced as well as it can be controlled and successfully treated in case of early detection.
Angelina Princess

Effects of Genetic Markers on Testosterone Level - 0 views

    A study was carried out in which genomes of more than 1400 men were examined. Changes were found with the genes that had low levels of testosterone levels in the blood. These changes were named as "risk markers." Men having three or more of these risk markers have chances of 6.5 times low testosterone level than in men having no risk markers. Genetic markers have strong effect on testosterone levels along with some other factors that cause low testosterone levels in men; it includes smoking, age, and body weight.

First New Treatment 'Romosozumab' For Osteoporosis:NICE - 0 views

    The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has recommended first new treatment - 'romosozumab' for osteoporosis for over a decade. Thousands of people in England and Wales with severe osteoporosis who are at high risk of fracture are set to benefit from a new treatment - romosozumab - after NICE published the final draft guidance. Over 20,000 people could be eligible for the treatment according to the company. Clinical trial evidence showed that romosozumab (also known as EVENITY and made by UCB) followed by alendronic acid is more effective at reducing the risk of fractures than alendronic acid alone. Osteoporosis is a disease that causes bones to become thin and fragile. Many people with osteoporosis show no symptoms, but they may be at increased risk of fracture. Osteoporosis leads to nearly 9 million fractures around the world each year, and over 300,000 people per year attend hospitals in the UK with fractures caused by osteoporosis.
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