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Wheelchair : Handicap Products: International Disability Day Schemes and Programmes - 0 views

    International day for persons with disabilities on 3rd December - Note on schemes for the welfare of persons with disabilities and concessions available to them. The Government of India is committed for the realization of full participation, protection of rights, and equal opportunities to all including persons with disabilities. India is a country where most of the population lives in the rural areas and accessing the health and rehabilitation services has always been a challenge. In a Backgrounder issued yesterday, a brief summary of the major steps initiated by the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment in this direction were given. Following is the Background Note on the legislative and Institutional framework along with the major schemes of the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment for the welfare of the People with Disabilities (PwDs). The Note also contains information on facilities and concessions available to PwDs under other central schemes which are being run by other Union Ministries. OFFER ON INTERNATIONAL DISABILITY DAY Wheelchair @ 4499 INR Tricycle @ 6500 INR Legislative Framework: There are four important legislations dealing on disabilities issues- The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995, has laid the foundation of recognition of rights for Persons with Disabilities and has facilitated development of specific programmes for their education, rehabilitation, employment, non-discrimination and social security. The Rehabilitation Council of India Act, 1992 regulates and monitors training of rehabilitation professionals and personnel. The National Trust for the welfare of Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities Act, 1999, aims at enabling and empowering persons with disabilities to live independently as fully as possible in their community. Mental Health Act, 1987, address to the specific needs of persons with ment
rabia rmili

Why You Should Not Try To Isolate Muscle Groups When Weight Training - 0 views

    Working as a fitness professional, there is one type of question I get all the time that shows that many people are missing the big picture regarding the benefits of strength training. This popular question usually goes something like this: Why You Should Not Try To Isolate Muscle Groups When Weight Training (Read the full article)
Charles Smith

Fitness Yaletown - Uservoice - 0 views

    Join a group or organize a group of friends for a boot camp in Vancouver. Best Gyms training & fitness trainer In Gastown, New Westminster West End.
Charles Smith

Fitness Yaletown - wattpad - 0 views

    Join a group or organize a group of friends for a boot camp in Vancouver. Best Gyms training & fitness trainer In Gastown, New Westminster West End.

Self-Care Strategy Group Urges Expansion of Prescribing Rights to Build a Future-Ready NHS - 0 views

    The Self-Care Strategy Group (SCSG), comprising of leading pharmacy groups, professional organisations, trade associations and charities committed to self-care, has written to Wes Streeting MP, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, urging the government to fully realise the benefits of self-care and work collaboratively to build an NHS fit for the future. In its letter, the SCSG has outlined several key proposals including: Expansion of prescribing rights. Optimisation of digital health tools such as the NHS App. Enabling direct referrals between primary, diagnostic and specialist care services Widening access to self-care medicines in pharmacies. Training Primary Care Network (PCN) staff to support patients in navigating the care system. Promoting credible health information on self-care and expanding public awareness campaigns Dr Graham Jackson, a GP and Chair of SCSG, expressed concerns over the unprecedented pressures on the NHS and primary care, cautioning that these challenges are likely to increase without urgent action.

Storability Portability With Lightweight Wheelchair - 0 views

    Travel Wheelchair is also known as Transport Wheelchair or ultra lightweight aluminium wheelchair. Travel wheelchair are great for road trips or travel tours, you can go anywhere with a Travel chair, the frame is so light and easy to fold and store, this type of wheelchair fits easily into the trunk of your car or if you are traveling by plane, bus or train. Travel Wheelchair are easy to carry and fold it is so ultra lightweight that can be folded into small bag for easy transportation and storage. Travel wheelchair utilizing small caster wheel and lightweight materials and can tip the scale at as little as 14.5 kg. Travel chairs are geared towards storability and portability but they are even more convenient for those on-the-go. Travel Wheelchair feature four smaller wheels, rather than the large rear-mounted wheels that characterize standard wheelchairs and their design ensures that they are always foldable and convenient to carry, whether it's a family vacation, or a good fashioned road trip, Travel wheelchair are best. Travel wheelchair is a lightweight Folding Wheelchairs with manual drive having compact size, easy to carry with its foldable nature. Travel wheelchair is ideal for both outdoor and indoor usage and mostly used while travelling and it has a fold-down back and swing-away footrests for easy storage and transport. Transport Wheelchair features comfortable padded arm rests, adjustable seatbelt and a cup holder in a convenient location for the user. Seat Widths and Depths- Most models of wheelchair in the Ultra Lightweight Wheelchairs category offer standard sizes from 12" to 20" in 1" increments a some will even allow for custom orders for in between sizes of seat width. Seat Heights- Seat to floor heights of this category can be anywhere from 14" to 22" and will often be up to 2" lower at the back of the seat to create what is known as "dump". Armrests- Armrests on Travel wheelchair depending on the model and can be exactly the sa
rabia rmili

Completely different Exercises To Get A Flat Stomach - 0 views

    There are a lot of completely different workouts to get a flat stomach. Some require machines or special equipment; others simply require a flooring to lie on and slightly motivation and determination. There are some that are carried out whereas also exercising other groups of muscle mass resembling in Pilate's strikes, the place every train will work the abdomen muscle mass even if the focus is the legs, arms or other space of the body.
    There are a lot of completely different workouts to get a flat stomach. Some require machines or special equipment; others simply require a flooring to lie on and slightly motivation and determination. There are some that are carried out whereas also exercising other groups of muscle mass resembling in Pilate's strikes, the place every train will work the abdomen muscle mass even if the focus is the legs, arms or other space of the body.
Richard Turner

Must-Try Core Strength Exercises with a Fitness Ball - 0 views

    Having a strong core is more than having six pack. Practically every movement involves the core, and if one part of the core is weak or injured, a person's ability to perform even basic tasks may be severely compromised. An exercise ball is great way to give an added challenge to the bigger and smaller muscle groups of the core, and effectively keeps the muscles aligned, which helps prevent slouching. Also, Check out some core strength exercises on the exercise ball you're probably not doing. This fitness equipment from DynaPro Direct is a great way to strengthen your core muscles. Available in black, blue, grey and pink variants at unbeatable prices.
Alicia Busa

Find amazing discounts on health and beauty in Hilliard, OH - 0 views

    Catch the latest health and beauty offers and deals available in your city Hilliard, OH. Stay healthy while saving on exercise with summer special offers of paying $89 for 3 month and bring your friend for only $58, or join special premier at sawmill athletic club this July and receive 3 Months FREE health club membership. Don't miss out on these special offers, for complete information visit at Save Local Now.
Richard Turner

10 Best Mini Band Exercises to Tone up the Complete Body - 0 views

    If you are looking for an inexpensive, convenient strengthening workout that you can perform almost anywhere, consider incorporating DynaPro Direct's mini band exercises into your workout routine. These exercises will target your muscle groups, including your core, and maximize strength-training results. These bands are perfect for stabilizing shoulder muscles and executing lateral movements and leg extensions. You can also use the bands for stretching - it's a win-win fitness tool! Check out these moves that you can do anywhere with your mini resistance bands.
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