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SaveOurPharmacies :To discuss community pharmacies crisis - 0 views

    The 'SaveOurPharmacies' roundtable held on Tuesday (21 March) to discuss severe challenges faced by the community pharmacies in England witnessed the support of 15 MPs. Janet Morrison, Chief Executive, Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC); Andrew Lane, independent pharmacy owner and Chairman, National Pharmacy Association (NPA) and Ian Strachan, independent pharmacy owner and Board Member, Association of Independent Multiple Pharmacies (AIM) attended the summit, which was chaired by Stephen Hammond MP, to brief MPs on the severe challenges facing the sector. MPs in attendance were Stephen Hammond, Sally-Ann Hart, Peter Aldous, Anna Firth, Taiwo Owatemi, Bob Seely, Derek Thomas, David Rutley, Lilian Greenwood, Tulip Siddiq, Hillary Benn, Sarah Olney, Christian Wakeford, Daisy Cooper (researcher) and Victoria Atkins (researcher) The title of the event 'Community pharmacy's role in the Primary Care Recovery Plan' which is expected imminently, is set to include a variety of measures aimed at helping primary care to recover from the impact of the pandemic. PSNC has been pressing for the plan to include a fully-funded national Pharmacy First service as this is the best chance for getting significant additional funds into community pharmacies.

Community pharmacy inclusive environment for professionals - 0 views

    NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSE&I), in association with the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) and the Association of Pharmacy Technicians UK (APTUK), has published its first inclusive pharmacy practice (IPP) bulletin, with an overarching ambition "to make community pharmacy a more inclusive environment for all pharmacy professionals". The IPP programme will take practical steps to improve the awareness and understanding at all levels of different cultural beliefs and attitudes, according to the Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC). As a member of the IPP Improving Practice and Engagement Group, PSNC has contributed to this issue of the Bulletin, which focuses on how pharmacy professionals can help to reduce health inequalities via the detection and prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The IPP programme, of which the Bulletin forms a part, aims to engage with local communities to help improve their health and reduce inequalities in care - particularly among those from ethnically diverse and disadvantaged backgrounds.

Pharmacy First Strategy:Will England embrace it? - 0 views

    Recently, the English Health Secretary has talked about introducing a 'Pharmacy First' model similar to that which exists in Scotland. This would be a win-win outcome providing people with better access to essential healthcare support, advice and treatment whilst relieving strain on other parts of the NHS, not least GPs and A&E. It is a no-brainer and yet despite a few media headlines there are still no firm proposals on the table to make this a reality. It surely cannot be right that you can receive a broad range of patient care services in Scotland which are not available in England. It works well in Scotland, Wales is keen to develop more pharmacy-based services and Northern Ireland, leaving aside the current funding dispute, has had a minor ailments service for many years. If the English Health Secretary is sincere in his interest in adopting an English version of the Scottish model, then there are critical aspects he needs to consider. Firstly, start with the patient journey through the healthcare ecosystem from illness prevention through to long-term condition management. What is the role of community pharmacy and how do we guide people to seek support from the most appropriate healthcare professional? What is the vision for community pharmacy delivering patient care in the next decade? The lesson from Scotland is that the government needs to sit down with the sector and map that out together. There are no quick fix overnight solutions. This needs to be a long-term commitment backed by adequate funding. Supervision regulations need to change and there needs to be a thought through workforce strategy which avoids community pharmacy shortages as that does nothing to deliver improved patient outcomes.

NPA seeks future PM's support for community pharmacies - 0 views

    The National Pharmacy Association (NPA) has called the future prime minister to deliver on the commitments made by the previous health secretaries to reform primary care through a 'pharmacy first' approach and fairly fund community pharmacies to avoid closures. In an open letter, the NPA has urged Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss, the two leadership contenders of the Conservative Party and prime ministerial candidates, to think radically about the role of England's 11,000 pharmacies, which are on the frontline of healthcare across the country. NPA also highlighted how pharmacies could help clear the NHS backlog, free up millions more GP appointments, dramatically improve access to primary health care and do more to prevent ill health and support people with long term medical conditions. "Because of our unparalleled presence in deprived areas, we also have great potential to level up access to healthcare and address health inequalities. We set these ideas out in How We Can Help, which is an improvement plan already welcomed by many of your colleagues."

Community Pharmacies In Planning Public Health Emergencies - 0 views

    Community pharmacies must be involved in future planning for public health emergencies, especially in cases where a quick response is needed such as the Covid-19 pandemic, a European-wide research has recommended. The project, co-led by the University of Huddersfield professor Zaheer-Ud-Din Babar in medicines and healthcare, focuses on how community pharmacies dealt with the pandemic, covering 31 pharmacy interventions on Covid-19 in 32 countries in Europe. The interventions include prevention, response, and recovery measures. It also covers improved access to medicines, expanded powers granted to pharmacies, rapid antigen testing, along with Covid-19 vaccination. Community pharmacists in the US, Canada, and Australia have been engaged in pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response strategic guidance after the 2009 flu pandemic. The aim of the research is to map the current reported practice and trends and review the pharmacies' intervention in Europe.

Community-Pharmacy Partnership programme receives funding - 0 views

    The 1000th Building the Community-Pharmacy Partnership (BCPP) programme in Centred Soul, Newry received funding from the Department of Health in Northern Ireland to improve the health and wellbeing of women in the local community. BCPP programme is led by Community Development and Health Network (CDHN) in Northern Ireland and is funded by the Department of Health. It supports communities and community pharmacists to address locally defined needs so that people make connections, listen to and understand each other better and work together to address the social determinants of health and health inequalities Department of Health's Chief Pharmaceutical Officer, Cathy Harrison said: "I am delighted to mark the 1000th project to receive funding to improve health inequalities in the Newry area. "Since 2001 we have invested over £7 million in local community groups and pharmacy partnerships across Northern Ireland, to work together on a specific, local health need. "The Centred Soul project is a great example of how BCPP Programme contributes to tackling inequality and improving community health and wellbeing locally.

CPE Addresses MPs on Critical Medicines Supply Issues - 0 views

    Community Pharmacy England (CPE) has explained MPs on instability that puts operational pressures on pharmacies, financial pressures on businesses at a Parliamentary drop-in event held on Monday (10 July). The association has been in Parliament today alongside patient representatives and others to highlight our ongoing concerns about medicines supply to MPs. It said: "Medicines supply remains a critical issue for community pharmacies with disruption causing problems both accessing medicines and procuring them cost effectively." In CPE's recent sector polling, community pharmacy owners rated medicines supply instability as being the most severe pressure facing their businesses. This echoed the results of CPE's Pressures Survey which found 97% of pharmacy owners survey are facing significant increases in wholesaler and medicine supply issues, with 71% saying this was leading to delays in prescriptions being issued. During the Parliamentary drop-in event, CPE talked MPs through the issues and set out what it believe needs to happen to resolve them, calling for- Reform of Serious Shortage Protocols; Allowing generic substitution; An overhaul of the concessions system; and a strategic Government review of medicine supply and pricing with a shift to focusing on how to improve the functioning of the supply chain rather than solely on the drive to depress prices and margins.

Fuller 'blueprint' backs community pharmacy - 0 views

    NHS England and NHS Improvement published on May 26 the findings of the Fuller 'stocktake' - setting out how primary care can work with partners across health and care to best meet the needs of their local communities. Dr Claire Fuller's report lays emphasis on the essential role of primary care and the potential of integrated neighbourhood teams in reducing the burden of ill health and tackling health inequities. It commends community pharmacy for keeping "its doors open to the public throughout" the pandemic whilst being "among the most recognisable of a multitude of dedicated staff delivering care around the clock in every neighbourhood in the country". The report highlights "recruitment and retention challenges across the wider primary care workforce" including in community pharmacy. Stressing the importance of community pharmacy teams in urgent care and prevention, including early diagnosis of cancers, the report points out that pharmacists could play "a more active role in signposting eligible people to screening and supporting early diagnosis, building on a number of successful pilots such as those from the Accelerate, Coordinate, Evaluate (ACE) programme".

Gisela Abbam succeeds Nigel Clarke as chair of GPhC - 0 views

    Gisela Abbam today (March 14) officially succeeded Nigel Clarke as new chair of the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC). She was appointed in mid-Feruary. The council paid tribute to its outgoing chair for his major contribution to pharmacy regulation and his focus on patient safety for the past eight years on the role. During his tenure Clarke has overseen significant changes to how the GPhC regulates pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and pharmacies to help drive improvements in professional practice and protect patient safety. Chief executive of the GPhC, Duncan Rudkin, said: "I would like to pay tribute to Nigel for everything he has done to support continuous improvement and assure the quality and safety of pharmacy for the benefit of patients and the public.

James Davies : RPS appoints as Director of England - 0 views

    The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) has appointed James Davies as Director of England. Davies will be joining RPS in January 2023 to drive professional leadership for the pharmacy profession in England, working with and for RPS members. He'll lead on national policy development, professional advocacy and member engagement across England, in partnership with the English Pharmacy Board. Davies said: "It's a privilege to take up this position within the RPS, the professional home of pharmacy. I have been a member of the RPS throughout my pharmacy career, and that has helped me to continually drive excellence in pharmacy practice. I'm excited about delivering the current RPS strategy to ensure that pharmacy is, and continues to be, at the forefront of healthcare. I'm eager to work as part of the team and with the Board, leading and developing opportunities for the profession that improve the lives of patients and the public.

Haleon : Raising the bar for patient care - 0 views

    Global consumer healthcare company Haleon has launched a new centre of excellence for a global leader in consumer health which will bring together world leading academics in human behaviour and frontline healthcare professionals including community pharmacists. Unveiled at the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Congress in 'sunny' Seville, Spain on September 20, the Centre will operate as a community of healthcare professionals and specialists in behavioural science, health psychology and the social sciences to solve some of the most pressing everyday health challenges. Named the Centre for Human Sciences (CHS) the initiative will be the first major programme for healthcare professionals since the Haleon's launch on July 18 as an independent, global leader in consumer health. The Centre's mission is to support practising health professionals - pharmacists, pharmacy assistants and dental professionals - in serving their patients and communities. Combining science with deep human understanding, CHS will bring expertise in physiology together with human sciences to deliver real world-solutions and tangible interventions, resulting in measurable improvements in health outcomes through sustained behavioural change. The Centre is facilitated by Robert Horne, professor of Behavioural Medicine at UCL School of Pharmacy, who started his career as a practising pharmacist but later chose to become a behavioural scientist when he saw an opportunity to address issues around psycho-social factors that acted as a hindrance in pharmacy practice. Speaking to me in an exclusive three-way conversation alongside Tess Player, the global head of healthcare professional & health influencer marketing at Haleon, on the sidelines of the FIP Congress 2022, Prof Horne expanded on what the Centre was all about and how it would work. "We've got some good ideas, but it's not a pre-filled prescription that we're going to deliver at scale from the start. What Haleon is t

Community pharmacy funding:Talk is cheap, money buys houses - 0 views

    Anyone who has studied the finances of an independent pharmacy business knows that money is tight. In many cases, they are perilously close to failure. It's easy to assume they are retail businesses, cashing in on the higher public profile the sector has enjoyed during the pandemic years. But those have been mere words. Certainly, the pandemic represented a halcyon period for the profession. We engendered a feeling of normality, dependable and accessible to society. We played a substantive role in keeping people out of hospitals and giving the vulnerable the ability to live independently from their own homes for longer. We mobilised to smash flu vaccination records and deliver covid jabs. But despite the warm words of a new service based future and the incessant expressions of gratitude contractors desperately need the headroom to prepare, plan and invest. Platitudes, press releases and assurances of a bright clinical future are small comfort to what is needed and that's cash on the table. As the adage goes: "Talk is cheap, money buys houses." Cashflow crisis Since 2016, we have witnessed almost 650 pharmacies fall by the wayside. Some may have merged; the majority, however, have perished due to the relentless need for an increasing cashflow. It is cash, or rather the lack of it, which is killing independent pharmacies.

Transforming Diabetes Care: Community Pharmacy Screening Could Save NHS £50M ... - 0 views

    A new report from the Company Chemists' Association (CCA) is calling on NHS England to commission a community pharmacy-based national Type 2 diabetes screening service, which could save the NHS £50m each year. The CCA report, titled 'Increasing Access to Diabetes Screening and Prevention Through Community Pharmacy', highlights the urgent need for a national patient pathway for diabetes detection and management. It outlines how NHS-commissioned diabetes screening in community pharmacies across England could deliver numerous health benefits each year, including: Screening 1.5 million adults and identifying 180,000 prediabetics; Detecting 45,000 undiagnosed cases of diabetes and preventing them from developing serious complications Preventing nearly 7,000 heart attacks and strokes, and thus improving patients' quality of life Avoiding severe sight loss in around 15,000 people over their lifetime Saving the NHS £50 million annually by reducing diabetes-related costs. Type 2 diabetes and its complications are currently estimated to account for 10 per cent of the NHS annual budget, and this figure is projected to rise to 17 per cent by 2035/36.
pharmacybiz - 0 views

    Gut microbiome is the combined genetic material (genomes) of the microorganisms residing in the gut. The term microbiota is used to describe the community of microorganisms themselves. Lower microbiota diversity indicates a microbial imbalance within the gut, and is often found in people with autoimmune diseases, obesity and cardiometabolic conditions. Studies have found that while there is a heritable component to gut microbiota, the role of environmental factors such as diet, drugs and anthropometric measures play a key role in one's microbiota composition. Pharmacy teams are best placed to advise their patients on ways to improve their gut heath. Popular media suggests the key to solving all health problems is to nurture the gut through drinking kombucha and avoiding gluten. But how true is this really? Ask your patients to consider implementing the following five tips, informed by scientific literature, into their diet and lifestyle, to improve the microbiota diversity.

Join Steve Brine NHS Prevention Inquiry:Submit Proposals Now - 0 views

    Chair of the Health and Social Care Committee Steve Brine MP has called on community pharmacy contractors to join a newly launched a parliamentary 'call for evidence' which will look into 'prevention' as a key to the future of the NHS. A former pharmacy minister and keen supporter of the sector, Mr Brine has called on all community pharmacists to "make their contribution count" by taking part in a major inquiry which will remain open for submission until Wednesday 8 February 2023 and will also involve general practitioners, nurses and other health professionals. Community pharmacists can submit their proposals written under 750 words, outlining what they think are the issues around prevention the parliamentary body should explore, why these issues deserve the Commons Select Committee's attention, and how government policy could be developed or improved to address them. The submissions will then be used to help the committee decide where it should focus its attention in the later stages of the inquiry on prevention, which is a vital part of the NHS Long Term Plan.

RPS:Survey aimed at increasing member participation - 0 views

    The Royal Pharmaceutical Society has opened a survey which asks its members how they would want to take part in and learn about decisions made by the RPS. The RPS said the survey was a core part of the independent review of member participation and communications led by communications consultancy Luther Pendragon. It said: "We will be asking our members to join focus groups to give their opinions on how participation can be developed and strengthened, and how RPS communications about decisions it has taken on behalf of the profession through its governance boards can be improved. We will also be asking our elected members and key external stakeholders for their views over the coming weeks." The Luther team will then build a series of recommendations for RPS and develop a corporate communications strategy which will include action plans to enable greater participation. RPS president Claire Anderson said: "We want to hear from as many of you as possible through our survey to inform how the organisation works with and engages with you, our members.

MHRA reviews with healthcare professionals on medicines - 0 views

    Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has urged the healthcare professionals to share their views on the consultation on 'how MHRA communicate with healthcare professionals to improve medicines and medical devices' safety'. Through this consultation the agency wants to review its approach to engagement with healthcare professionals to improve the safety of medicines and medical devices. "We want to ensure that healthcare professionals are receiving actionable information and guidance on safe use of medicines and medical devices that they can take into their working practice, providing timely advice to patients," said MHRA. "We need to improve the way we communicate with healthcare professionals. We want to hear from you to enable us to transform how we communicate with you and how we work together on our common goal of greater patient safety."

Boots offers free health MOT for over 40s - 0 views

    Boots UK to offer a free health MOT for over 40s in England between 1st April until 30th June to help eligible patients identify and take the right steps to address high blood pressure and the potential for increased risk of other health conditions. The Free Health MOT will give over 40s the information needed for them to take actions to support their overall health. It consists of a 15-minute appointment with a Boots pharmacist, during which they will receive- the NHS Blood Pressure Check Service, with GP referral if needed; optional BMI (Body Mass Index) and waist circumference measurement; lifestyle guidance on exercise, nutrition, sleep, mental wellbeing and stopping smoking; and personalised advice and recommendations . At the end of their appointment, patients will receive a booklet containing information about how to lead a healthy lifestyle and a section with the results of their MOT recorded. Claire Nevinson, Superintendent Pharmacist at Boots, said: "The Free Health MOT at Boots is intended to help people gain greater insight into their health and take the steps they need to improve it. As we get older, we become more vulnerable to conditions like high blood pressure, so it's important that we take steps to help stay healthy. The checks done during the MOT and the advice provided not only helps individual patients lead healthier lives but also reduces pressure on the NHS by offering accessible care in pharmacies at the heart of communities." The availability of appointments for a Free Health MOT at Boots comes at a time when new research indicates people want to lead healthier lives.

DHSC seek views to tackle major health conditions in England - 0 views

    The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has invited views of healthcare professionals and others to tackle the six major health conditions which drive-ill health and contribute to the burden of disease in England. The six major health conditions - cancer; cardiovascular diseases including stroke and diabetes; chronic respiratory diseases; dementia; mental ill-health and musculoskeletal disorders - affect millions of people in England with data showing that one in four suffer from two or more of these major long-term conditions. Recognising the pressure these conditions are putting on the NHS, the government is seeking views on a new strategy to tackle them that will focus not only on treatment but also on prevention. Government is particularly interested in hearing from those who suffer from, care for or provide treatment to people who suffer from multiple long-term conditions. This is to ensure the Major Conditions Strategy is one that will better prevent, diagnose, manage and treat these conditions. Contributions are also encouraged from those working in NHS bodies, local government, the voluntary and community sector, and wider industry, on how best to tackle suffering from one or more of these major conditions. Particularly, it is seeking perspectives on how government and the NHS can work better together with different organisations and sectors to improve the nation's health.

Aneet Kapoor :How Review Steering Group proposals will help - 0 views

    When I was asked by fellow independent contractors to join the Review Steering Group (RSG) back in late 2020, I said yes, because I wanted, fundamentally, to look for some ways to improve both LPCs and PSNC. Through my experiences with Greater Manchester LPC I had seen the sorts of changes that LPCs could make and the positive impact that those had on local engagement and in allowing us to do more to support contractors: I wanted to help share what we had learned with the rest of the country. I was pretty sure that the national negotiator could make some positive changes as well. It took longer than I had hoped. And it was a lot harder than I had imagined - not least because of the extent of some of the divisions within our sector - but after 15 months of hard work, I'm pleased with where we have got to, and I believe the 37 changes being proposed will help all contractors. Consensus is not a sexy word. It is not something that fires up our imaginations or that we put on our list of key work objectives for the year. It is also not something that might come naturally to us as independent contractors. But consensus is something that matters. It is the thing that allows us, as a vibrant and diverse group of businesses, to see beyond our differences and to fight together for outcomes that benefit every single one of us. Consensus is also the thing that the RSG has been relentlessly focused on throughout its work, and it's at the heart of what will give our LPCs and PSNC a stronger voice for community pharmacy in the future.
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