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Future of community pharmacy vision : Nuffield seeks views - 0 views

    Nuffield Trust and The King's Fund are seeking feedback from community pharmacy on their proposals for the future of community pharmacy and they are seeking feedback from community pharmacy stakeholders. The online survey is the latest opportunity for pharmacy owners, LPCs and others in the sector to engage with the project to develop a Vision for Community Pharmacy. Nuffield Trust and The King's Fund want to hear their views on their proposals, ahead of the publication of the final report later this year. The vision is critically important, as it will be used to develop the future strategy for the sector and lay the groundwork for the next Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF) negotiations. The survey is asking for thoughts on key aspects of the vision and its recommendations. The vision has been developed by Nuffield Trust and The King's Fund following an extensive programme of research, interviews and meetings of the vision Steering Group, Advisory Panel, and Working Groups, all of which have contractors, LPCs and other representatives of the sector at their heart. The vision project team are looking forward to hearing views from across the sector on their proposals and what will need to happen to make them a reality.

Pharmacy Trends 2023: Shifts, Challenges, and Solutions - 0 views

    In its response to a Freedom of Information Request (FOI), the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) has confirmed a net decrease of 101 pharmacies in England - with 371 closures and 270 new contracts. Meanwhile, the General Pharmaceutical Council data projected a drop of 43 registered pharmacies in England, Wales, and Scotland for the year ending March 31, 2023, compared to the preceding period. The data, released by business advisor Christie & Co in its annual pharmacy market review on Sept. 5, revealed a total of 14,328 pharmacies across all four UK country regions as of March 31, 2023, indicating a 0.3 per cent decrease from the previous year. Corporate operators experienced a net reduction of 249 pharmacies, while the total number of independent operators remained consistent with 2022. According to the study, the corporate sector saw the most substantial shift, with a 13.7 per cent reduction in businesses operating 300 or more pharmacies. Following closely, groups managing 11 to 15 pharmacies experienced a 5.6 per cent decrease. Christie & Co attributed this shift in group size to operators acquiring additional pharmacies through corporate disposal opportunities throughout the year.

RPS seeks views on 'future of pharmacy practice' - 0 views

    The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) has been on the lookout for innovative ideas and suggestions that could transform the future of pharmacy practice in England over the next decade. The society's new project with the King's Fund to transform the future of pharmacy practice in England is at a consultation phase, seeking views and opinions of pharmacy teams from all areas of practice including primary, secondary, social and community care to ensure that the system gets the best out of pharmacy and the public receives seamless, joined-up care. "We want to build a vision that sets out the role of and value of pharmacists and pharmacy teams working across systems, providing patient care and NHS services," said RPS in a statement. "Transforming the future of pharmacy practice recognises the urgent need to build on new ways of working established across health and care systems during the pandemic to meet the increasingly complex health needs of people and improve patient outcomes."

Community Pharmacies In Planning Public Health Emergencies - 0 views

    Community pharmacies must be involved in future planning for public health emergencies, especially in cases where a quick response is needed such as the Covid-19 pandemic, a European-wide research has recommended. The project, co-led by the University of Huddersfield professor Zaheer-Ud-Din Babar in medicines and healthcare, focuses on how community pharmacies dealt with the pandemic, covering 31 pharmacy interventions on Covid-19 in 32 countries in Europe. The interventions include prevention, response, and recovery measures. It also covers improved access to medicines, expanded powers granted to pharmacies, rapid antigen testing, along with Covid-19 vaccination. Community pharmacists in the US, Canada, and Australia have been engaged in pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response strategic guidance after the 2009 flu pandemic. The aim of the research is to map the current reported practice and trends and review the pharmacies' intervention in Europe.

Pharmacy technicians as regulated healthcare professionals - 0 views

    Pharmacy technicians will soon be recognised as fully regulated healthcare professionals in North Ireland. Work has begun to bring pharmacy technicians under statutory regulation by the Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland, health minister Robin Swann has announced. The public consultation was launched in March 2022 on a proposal to introduce statutory regulation of the Pharmacy Technician workforce in Northern Ireland. The minister said: "This will be a key enabler to enhancing the contribution that pharmacy technicians can make to the delivery of healthcare across all settings. It will allow the regulator to strengthen its role in protecting patients and promoting high standards, thereby enhancing the public's confidence and trust in pharmacy practice." He added: "While there are many practical issues to be worked through with stakeholders, and legislative change required, I have now instructed my Department's officials to develop a detailed project plan to bring about the statutory regulation of pharmacy technicians by the Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland".

Ask Your Pharmacist Week 2022:NPA announced date - 0 views

    The public awareness campaign for community pharmacy, 'Ask Your Pharmacist Week' this year will be on 31 October - 7 November, the National Pharmacy Association (NPA) has announced. Every year AYP Week is held across the UK, with an aim to raise awareness of pharmacy services and to prompt conversations with key stakeholders at a local level about community pharmacy's role and benefits. Activities in previous years have ranged from public exhibitions and window posters to social media campaigns, projects with patient groups and visits to pharmacies from local dignitaries and politicians. NPA Head of Communications, Stephen Fishwick, said, "AYP Week is an important fixture in the pharmacy calendar, as it creates a space for focused public awareness activities to help customers, patients and stakeholders understand more fully the community pharmacy offer. We want people to be more aware of long-standing and new NHS services plus the skills and expertise on offer in pharmacies across the UK. AYP also aims to cultivate a richer dialogue with key stakeholders, which in England now includes leaders in Integrated Care Systems."

300% Surge in Inhaler Returns: NHS Lothian Pharmacy Project Reduces Carbon Footprint - 0 views

    To reduce greenhouse gas emissions from improperly disposed inhalers, patients are being encouraged to return their used or expired inhalers to designated community pharmacies. A community pharmacy initiative in NHS Lothian has resulted in an impressive 300 per cent surge in the number of inhalers returned to community pharmacies for sustainable disposal. The initiative involved placing stickers on dispensing bags, encouraging patients to bring back their used inhalers to the pharmacy. Between February and May 2024, five community pharmacies in and around Edinburgh participated in this sustainability project and provided data. The data showed a significant increase in inhaler returns, with 20 inhalers being returned in the two weeks before the stickers were introduced, compared to 80 in the two weeks after the project concluded-a 300 per cent increase over the 10-week period.

Nuffield Trust and The King's Fund:New vision for pharmacy - 0 views

    The Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC) has commissioned Nuffield Trust and The King's Fund to develop a new vision and strategic options for community pharmacy. The report is expected to be published in early summer next year, to underpin the future strategy for the sector. It will also support negotiations between PSNC and policymakers as the current five-year Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF) comes to an end. Those negotiations will decide what happens after April 2024, and they will be critical to the future of the sector. The development of a compelling vision and an effective strategy for community pharmacy was a key recommendation from the Pharmacy Representation Review Steering Group (RSG). It forms one of the workstreams of the Transforming Pharmacy Representation Programme (TAPR) currently being undertaken by PSNC. But it is also a project that PSNC wants to undertake anyway to help lay the foundations for those crucial upcoming negotiations.

Sarah Passmore:HubRx appoints as superintendent pharmacist - 0 views

    HubRx has appointed Dr Sarah Passmore as superintendent pharmacist ahead of launching what the company called "the UK's first state-of-the-art automated pharmacy hub". Dr Passmore brings more than 20 years of pharmacy experience - having held key regulatory roles with Rowlands Pharmacy over a 11-year tenure, which also saw her involved in a number of pharmacy automation projects. Commenting on her appointment, Dr Passmore said: "As a pharmacist, who has spent more than 10 years working within community pharmacy, I'm excited by what a hub and spoke model for prescription dispensing can bring. "Pharmacists are highly trained in delivering clinical services to patients - and like me - it's often a part of their job that they thoroughly enjoy. The option of using hub and spoke to support dispensing prescriptions will give community pharmacists the gift of more time that can be spent helping patients. "I'm excited to join HubRx and for it to become the first state-of-the-art automated pharmacy hub designed for independent community pharmacists to launch in the UK."

Community-Pharmacy Partnership programme receives funding - 0 views

    The 1000th Building the Community-Pharmacy Partnership (BCPP) programme in Centred Soul, Newry received funding from the Department of Health in Northern Ireland to improve the health and wellbeing of women in the local community. BCPP programme is led by Community Development and Health Network (CDHN) in Northern Ireland and is funded by the Department of Health. It supports communities and community pharmacists to address locally defined needs so that people make connections, listen to and understand each other better and work together to address the social determinants of health and health inequalities Department of Health's Chief Pharmaceutical Officer, Cathy Harrison said: "I am delighted to mark the 1000th project to receive funding to improve health inequalities in the Newry area. "Since 2001 we have invested over £7 million in local community groups and pharmacy partnerships across Northern Ireland, to work together on a specific, local health need. "The Centred Soul project is a great example of how BCPP Programme contributes to tackling inequality and improving community health and wellbeing locally.

Historic Victorian Building Transformed into Brock Street Pharmacy & Healthcare Hub in ... - 0 views

    The former Bensons for Beds store on Brock Street, which has been closed for over a decade, is set to be transformed into a new healthcare hub and pharmacy for the local community. Husband-and-wife team Tariq and Nabila Malik, practising pharmacists in Lancaster for over 20 years, have confirmed that they are relocating and expanding their services from their two existing city centre pharmacies to the historic Oddfellows Hall, built in 1844. The couple currently operate two pharmacies-one on Dalton Square and the other on King Street. Their new venture, Brock Street Pharmacy (Health and Travel Clinic), is scheduled to open on November 4, with the entire team from both closing pharmacies making the move. Extensive renovation and building work have been carried out to save and restore the heritage Victorian building in recent months. "It's the biggest project we've ever been involved in, but the whole team are really excited about bringing this heritage building back to life, making more services even more easily accessible to our community," said Nabila.

Antimicrobial Stewardship Project Launched :UWE Bristol and Bedminster Pharmacy - 0 views

    In a collaborative effort to combat the escalating threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), UWE Bristol and Bedminster Pharmacy have secured grant funding from the UKRI Regional Innovation Fund (RIF) for a groundbreaking 4-month project. This initiative aims to revolutionise antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) practices at the community pharmacy level, addressing the pressing need for evidence-based approaches in tackling AMR. With antibiotic misuse contributing significantly to the rise of AMR, the project underscores the vital role of community pharmacies in promoting responsible antibiotic use. Mr Ade Williams, Superintendent Pharmacist at Bedminster Pharmacy, emphasised the significance of this endeavour, stating:

LSHTM Evaluates Impact of Pharmacy First - 0 views

    Researchers from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) have been tasked to evaluate the impact, safety and effectiveness of the Pharmacy First service, which was launched across England in January 2024. They have been awarded £2.4million by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) to generate evidence on the new service that allows pharmacies to provide advice and treatment for seven common conditions without the need for a GP appointment. After consultation, if necessary, a community pharmacist can supply some prescription-only medicines to treat earache, sore throat, sinusitis, impetigo, shingles, infected insect bites or uncomplicated urinary tract infections in women. The LSHTM researcher team will be working together with experts at the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) and the Universities of Oxford, Manchester and Nottingham on the project. Dr Rebecca Glover, assistant professor in Antimicrobial Resistance at LSHTM, who will lead the three-year project, said they will evaluate "Pharmacy First's impact on GPs and the wider NHS, pharmacy services and patients."

Pharmacy vision project:PSNC first consultation within - 0 views

    The Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC) has invited pharmacy contractors, LPCs and others in the sector to share their views on an open consultation on the "future of community pharmacy". "The consultation - which takes the form of an online survey - is the first opportunity within PSNC's vision project for individuals and organisations to share their thoughts with Nuffield Trust and The King's Fund," said PSNC. The survey is happening in addition to an extensive programme of research, interviews and initial meetings of the vision Steering Group, Advisory Panel, and Working Groups, all of which have contractors, LPCs and other representatives of the sector at their heart. The online survey, asks five questions on topics such as Future policy goals; Why previous reviews and policies may not have fully achieved their objectives; Design principles that should underpin the service offer made by community pharmacy; and Blocks and enablers for change.

BCPP Funding :8 community pharmacy projects benefits - 0 views

    Community Development and Health Network (CDHN) in Northern Ireland has announced that eight applicants were selected in the latest round of Level One funding for the Building the Community-Pharmacy Partnership (BCPP) programme. Funded by Northern Ireland's Health and Social Care Board, BCCP supports communities and community pharmacists to work in partnership to address the social determinants of health and health inequalities. "The projects will engage across the life course working with new parents, young men and older people to empower them to take control of issues affecting their health and wellbeing. Covid recovery remains a common theme across all applications, as communities focus on addressing the impact of the pandemic on social isolation, physical and mental health." Applications for the Level Two funding of the BCCP's Round 42 will close on 24 March 2022. For information on the programme or for some support with your application, please contact a member of the BCPP team on 028 3026 4606.

Transformative Medicines Optimisation | PPP Report - 0 views

    A recently published report on medicines optimisation highlights the urgent need for transformative changes across all pharmacies to unlock their full potential in delivering integrated care. The report by Public Policy Projects (PPP) is first of the four in the series that emphasises the significant benefits that medicines optimisation can bring to integrated care systems (ICSs). This includes reducing health inequalities and improving population health. Pointing to the "untapped opportunity" that medicines optimisation presents for ICSs facing financial challenges, the report underscores the vital role of pharmacies in enhancing patient outcomes. The launch of the Pharmacy First services has already demonstrated the essential contribution of pharmacies to the health and care system. With "medicines being the second highest cost to the NHS," the report recommends ways "to achieve better value for money while improving patient outcomes".

Transforming Diabetes Care: Community Pharmacy Screening Could Save NHS £50M ... - 0 views

    A new report from the Company Chemists' Association (CCA) is calling on NHS England to commission a community pharmacy-based national Type 2 diabetes screening service, which could save the NHS £50m each year. The CCA report, titled 'Increasing Access to Diabetes Screening and Prevention Through Community Pharmacy', highlights the urgent need for a national patient pathway for diabetes detection and management. It outlines how NHS-commissioned diabetes screening in community pharmacies across England could deliver numerous health benefits each year, including: Screening 1.5 million adults and identifying 180,000 prediabetics; Detecting 45,000 undiagnosed cases of diabetes and preventing them from developing serious complications Preventing nearly 7,000 heart attacks and strokes, and thus improving patients' quality of life Avoiding severe sight loss in around 15,000 people over their lifetime Saving the NHS £50 million annually by reducing diabetes-related costs. Type 2 diabetes and its complications are currently estimated to account for 10 per cent of the NHS annual budget, and this figure is projected to rise to 17 per cent by 2035/36.

PDA Aston University Innovative Healthcare Initiative in Dudley UK - 0 views

    In a bid to amplify the role of pharmacists in clinical services and vaccination programs, the Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA) has embarked on a groundbreaking collaboration with Aston University. This initiative, funded by Innovate UK Business Connect, aims to explore the feasibility and impact of integrating additional healthcare interventions within community pharmacies. "The Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) research project represents an exciting opportunity to advance the role of pharmacists in patient care," remarked Alison Jones, Director of Policy at PDA. "This project will be an important part of that evolution, supporting individual pharmacists to have more opportunities to practice and so develop more fulfilling careers." Led by the PDA and Aston University, the project will commence imminently, focusing on the Priory Community Pharmacy in Dudley.

NHSBSA publishes category M price list for July - 0 views

    The NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) has published the Drug Tariff Category M price list for July which reflects an increase in reimbursement level of approximately £5m per quarter. An adjustment of -£23.8m was announced, in light of the results of the margin survey (latest result up until end of December 2022), and the phasing down of the additional £100m agreed across years 4 and 5 as part of the Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework and uplifts for underlying market prices (between January - March 2023). Community Pharmacy England has agreed the adjustments based on the analysis of margin delivery and on current projections for 2023/24. It said: "The objectives are to ensure full delivery of agreed margin and smooth delivery as much as possible. As always, the impact on individual pharmacies will vary depending on dispensing mix."

RPS launches campaign to challenge barriers for pharmacists with disabilities - Latest ... - 0 views

    As part of its inclusion and diversity strategy, the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) has launched a campaign to challenge barriers to working in pharmacy for those with disabilities. A profession-wide survey on the subject conducted by the RPS, identified disability as the biggest barrier to working in pharmacy, highlighting the area of work to support pharmacists. The campaign will focus on reducing barriers to enter the profession, developing more accessible working environments and encouraging employers to collect data on disability in the workplace. The campaign, based on inputs from the RPS Ability Group volunteers with visible and non-visible disabilities, will run until the end of March. Following recommendation of the RPS Ability Group, RPS has written to the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) the Higher Education Occupational Practitioners (HEOPS) to update the guidance on standards of medical fitness for pharmacy students.
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