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Pharmacy Technician Day:PSNI acknowledges - 0 views

    The Council of Pharmaceutical Society NI acknowledged the contribution of pharmacy technicians in Northern Ireland on 'Pharmacy Technician Day' celebrated on 18 October. The society said: "Today we mark Pharmacy Technician Day and wish to acknowledge the significant contribution Pharmacy Technicians and support staff make, as an integral part of the pharmacy team, to patient wellbeing and care in Northern Ireland." In June, Health Minister Robin Swann announced that he has approved work to begin to bring Pharmacy Technicians in Northern Ireland under statutory regulation by the Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland. The public consultation was launched in March 2022 on a proposal to introduce statutory regulation of the Pharmacy Technician workforce in Northern Ireland.

Pharmacy technicians as regulated healthcare professionals - 0 views

    Pharmacy technicians will soon be recognised as fully regulated healthcare professionals in North Ireland. Work has begun to bring pharmacy technicians under statutory regulation by the Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland, health minister Robin Swann has announced. The public consultation was launched in March 2022 on a proposal to introduce statutory regulation of the Pharmacy Technician workforce in Northern Ireland. The minister said: "This will be a key enabler to enhancing the contribution that pharmacy technicians can make to the delivery of healthcare across all settings. It will allow the regulator to strengthen its role in protecting patients and promoting high standards, thereby enhancing the public's confidence and trust in pharmacy practice." He added: "While there are many practical issues to be worked through with stakeholders, and legislative change required, I have now instructed my Department's officials to develop a detailed project plan to bring about the statutory regulation of pharmacy technicians by the Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland".

Professional Standards for Hospital Pharmacy:RPS - 0 views

    The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) has launched a new revised RPS Professional Standards for Hospital Pharmacy Services at its annual conference held on Friday (11 November). RPS developed the standards through an extensive consultation with the profession, multidisciplinary teams and patients. They are relevant for providers of pharmacy services in acute, mental health, private, community service, prison, hospice and ambulance settings. The revised Standards contain two brand new descriptors - research, audit and quality improvement, and inclusion and wellbeing. Updates have been made to the supporting statements to ensure they reflect current practice and are fit for the future. A new assessment tool has been developed to support organisations either self-assess or peer-assess against the Standards. "For the first time the Standards apply UK wide, having gained support from Pharmacy Forum NI, alongside endorsement from The Association of Pharmacy Technicians UK and other professional groups," RPS said.

PSNI freezes pharmacist registration and retention fees - 0 views

    The Pharmaceutical Society NI (PSNI)'s Council has decided to freeze the annual registration fee for the current financial year 2023/24. The annual registration fee is considered each year by the PSNI's council. At its meeting in November 2022, Council members in recognition of the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, the personal and professional impact of the cost of living crisis on pharmacists, and the overall cost of regulation agreed to maintain registration fees at their current level for the next financial year. Pharmaceutical Society NI's Chief Executive Michaela McAleer said: "I am pleased with Council's decision to continue the freeze on registration fees for the 7th successive year. We are acutely aware of the pressures facing the pharmacy profession and hope this can provide some reassurance to the profession as we deal with these financially difficult times.
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