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Double standards:Dangerous for patients and can't acceptable - 0 views

    The recent announcement that Royal Mail will be partnering with distance selling pharmacy (DSP) giant pharmacy2U highlights how standards of regulatory enforcement are being ignored to accommodate the DSP model. The brunt of these double standards hinges around the levelling down of temperature enforcement standards by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) which demands mapping must be audited from the point of dispensing to the patient. The MHRA has a well recognised duty to ensure medicines reach patients in a safe condition. The current anomaly appears to turn a blind eye to this step in the supply chain at the point the wholesaler releases goods to the pharmacy hub. Equally the training on delivering medicines safely and effectively direct to patients should apply fully to all hubs including DSPs. Why is it that DSPs are being treated differently to bricks and mortar pharmacies? It's essentially the same patients receiving the same medicines from the same wholesalers. A further regulatory disparity exists around how parcels must be "tracked and signed for" to be reasonably certain medicines are delivered into the hand of the intended recipient, as per existing regulations. Clearly an untracked, unsigned package cannot be guaranteed to finish in the hands of the intended recipient. There is a very real possibility that such omission could lead to community pharmacy closures which will, in turn, lead to unemployment and a reduction in the care services. At a time when integrated care systems have just gone live, the removal of vital support services leading to further inequalities is the wrong message for both providers and patients alike.

Pharmacy teams: Access to up-to-date records information - 0 views

    In its response to the Health and Social Care Committee inquiry into 'Digital Transformation in the NHS', the Community Pharmacy IT Group (CP ITG) has highlighted issues concerning the NHS community pharmacy. CP ITG, of which PSNC is a member, has urged that pharmacy teams should have access to up-to-date records information, e.g. from Shared Care Records, GP Connect and Summary Care Records with Additional Information. It has also stated that the Booking and Referral Standards (BaRS) should be extended so that future referrals into and from pharmacy can be communicated seamlessly. In its written response, CP ITG said: "Ensure that BaRS is expanded and aligns with other referral IT standards such as GP Connect referrals. Ensure it is used across community pharmacy, the GP sector, other health care sectors and across the NHS, and by all health IT suppliers, so that messages and referrals can flow smoothly within and across sectors and patients can have a seamless experience and safe care." The group has asked the Health and Social Care Committee to create a framework for the development of pharmacy IT to ensure IT suppliers are better equipped to support pharmacy teams and their delivery of services.

Pharmacy Guild: Empowering Workers for Safe Patient Care - 0 views

    IAM Healthcare and pharmacy labour activists have initiated a new worker empowerment project to help pharmacies unionise over unsafe staffing levels and increasing workloads. The campaign is coined "The Pharmacy Guild" to establish higher standards of practice in pharmacies to protect patients. The union issued a mission statement on Wednesday (8 November) highlighting three major demands and goals. They demanded that "staffing and workload standards should be set up to ensure safe patient care." There should be "representation and collective bargaining for pharmacy professionals in workplaces across the country."

RPS to refresh professional standards for homecare services - 0 views

    The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) is refreshing its Professional Standards for Homecare Services and will be shared for consultation in August to allow comment and input on the updated content. The final version is expected to be completed in the autumn. The standards were originally published in 2013 and are a framework to support teams providing and commissioning homecare services. Homecare medicines services deliver medication, and any necessary associated care, direct to the patient's home with their consent. The standards help patients experience a consistent quality of homecare services, irrespective of provider, will protect them from avoidable incidents and help them get the best outcomes from their medicines. Jennifer Allen, The Chief Pharmaceutical Officer's Clinical Fellow leading the refresh at RPS said: "It has been 10 years since the first set of Homecare Standards were published, so it is important that they are reviewed and brought up to date to reflect current service design, medicine pathways and delivery models to ensure patients receive safe and effective medication supply and associated care."

NHS booking and referral standard:PSNC,NHS digital seek view - 0 views

    Community pharmacy teams are urged to share their views relating to the new NHS Booking and Referral Standard (BaRS). "This will ensure that the tool supports the needs of pharmacy team members and their patients," said the Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC). BaRS is an interoperability standard for healthcare IT systems which should enable booking and referral information to be sent to or from care providers, such as community pharmacies, quickly, safely and in a format useful to clinicians. "The intentions are that the BaRS IT standard will eventually be available in all care settings. The way the standard could be used in pharmacies is currently being considered, including the potential for use for referrals from NHS 111 to community pharmacy." The BaRS team are conducting interviews (usually lasting 30-45 minutes) to hear more the current experiences and the future preferences regarding sending and receiving referral messages.

GPhC consults on equality guidance for pharmacies - 0 views

    The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) has launched a new draft 'Equality Guidance' for pharmacies to tackle discrimination and make sure that everyone can access safe and effective person-centred pharmacy care. GPhC's consultation is seeking views on "the structure and language of the guidance, if anything is missing and the impacts on patients and members of the public, pharmacy staff, pharmacy owners, and individuals or groups sharing any of the protected characteristics." The regulator said the draft guidance is designed to support pharmacy owners to: demonstrate that they are meeting our standards for registered pharmacies fulfil their legal and regulatory duties in relation to equality help protect the rights of individuals advance equal opportunities for staff, patients and the wider public help improve the experience and healthcare outcomes of patients and members of the public.

FIP supports PDA's Safer Pharmacies Charter - 0 views

    The International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) has announced its support for the Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA)'s Safer Pharmacies Charter, which aims to improve safety and care for patients, through better working conditions in UK pharmacy practice. The Charter establishes basic standards to ensure safe practices across all pharmacy settings. It outlines seven commitments that, according to the PDA, "must be standard practice whenever and wherever pharmacy work is carried out." Dr Catherine Duggan, FIP CEO, said: "We are pleased to support the PDA's Safer Pharmacies Charter which defines basic standards to ensure safe practice wherever pharmacists work. "The overall objectives of the Charter align with FIP's development goals and overall mission." FIP, the global body representing pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences, plans to distribute the Charter among its members and share it with its Community Pharmacy Section for information purposes.

Consultation on draft standards for hospital chief pharmacists expected by early 2024,'... - 0 views

    Duncan Rudkin, the CEO of the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhc) has highlighted the importance of strengthening pharmacy governance to provide clarity around how pharmacies are organised and managed. This will ensure that patients and the public continue to receive safe and effective pharmacy care, he said while speaking at the annual Sigma Conference in London on Sunday (5 November). According to him, there could be rules that outlined the essential roles and responsibilities of responsible pharmacists, and professional standards for responsible pharmacists, superintended pharmacists and chief pharmacists. He also announced that the GPhC will be shortly launching a consultation to integrate a new set of standards for the statutory role of hospital chief pharmacists "which up until recently has never been recognised in law." It is expected to be launched by early January 2024. However, Duncan, emphasised that they cannot start the work on standards for responsible and superintendent pharmacists until they know the government plans in relation to supervision. "Because of course, the responsible pharmacists' regime, and the supervision regime are in many ways intertwined, and can't certainly be looked at separately.

How to Prevent Workplace Injury at Your Pharmacy - 0 views

    Pharmacies are the lifeblood of community healthcare, being a vital pathway to care and support in every borough of the UK. There are 11,600 pharmacies across the country, amongst which yours stands proudly. Pharmacies obviously have a duty of care to their patients and customers, and rigorous safety practices surrounding the safe storage and dispensation of medicine - but that duty of care also extends to fellow staff. This is to say that health and safety is a paramount concern for any pharmacy or pharmacist, and that great care should always be taken to uphold the highest possible standards with regard to health and safety. With this in mind, what follows is a refresher on some of the key hazards that could give way to workplace injury in your pharmacy - and how to mitigate the risk of injury. Biological Hazards Biological hazards are ever-present, and prescient in the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic. Though the COVID-19 virus was eventually shown not to be particularly resilient on surfaces, good practice was still to regularly disinfect surfaces and handles where possible - something which should still be a part of regular routine in your pharmacy. Likewise, face masks are a solid way to reduce the risk of infection or contamination, particularly where the handing over of biological samples is concerned.

Achieving Carbon Net Zero: GPhC Bold Action Plan for Sustainable Pharmacy Care UK 2024 - 0 views

    The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) has unveiled its Carbon Net Zero Action Plan for sustainable pharmacy regulation, aiming to achieve carbon net zero by 2040. The action plan focuses on three main elements: setting an example, incorporating sustainability into regulatory standards, and fostering collaboration for sustainable pharmacy care. Roz Gittins, Chief Pharmacy Officer at the GPhC, emphasised the urgent need for pharmacy sector to embrace sustainable healthcare practices. "Climate change is a global emergency and has been declared the biggest threat to public health," she said, adding that it not only poses health risks but also amplifies existing health inequalities, with immediate consequences for patients, the public and health services. She highlighted that the GPhC is actively engaged in addressing climate change, both as an employer and regulator. "Our aim is to positively influence the pharmacy sector to embrace climate action and sustainable healthcare principles in line with our vision to have safe and effective pharmacy care at the heart of healthier communities," Gittins said.

GPhC & CPhO Thank Pharmacy Heroes:Gratitude Amid Challenges - 0 views

    The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) and the Chief Pharmaceutical Officer for England have written a letter to pharmacy professionals thanking them for providing the best possible services to patients and the public, despite experiencing high and sustained demands and pressures. GPhC Chief Executive Duncan Rudkin and CPhO David Webb indicated that there will be further challenges over the coming weeks and months due to the ongoing industrial action, and staff shortages due to sickness or caring responsibilities. They expressed concerned that increased pressure will have a significant and potentially prolonged impact on pharmacy teams both personally and professionally. Acknowledging that pharmacy professionals may have to make some difficult decisions as they deal with the pressures they face, the leaders have urged those working in pharmacy to use "your professional judgement to assess and mitigate risk, and to deliver safe and effective care for your patients within your scope of practice."

Omnicell and Gollmann Join Forces to Revolutionize Pharmacy Automation - 0 views

    Omnicell UK & Ireland, a leading provider of pharmacy and nursing care automation solutions, has announced a strategic partnership with Gollmann to integrate the German manufacturers' advanced robotic storage and dispensing technology into its retail and central pharmacy solutions portfolio. This collaboration aims to address the increasing pressure on community pharmacies and hospitals to enhance patient safety and meet strict regulatory standards while improving operational efficiency. By combining Omnicell's extensive expertise with Gollmann's innovative technology, the partnership intends to streamline real-time medication dispensing and loading activities, thereby delivering improved workflows and outcomes. Nnamdi Njoku, executive vice president and chief operating officer of Omnicell, highlighted the company's commitment to providing software and automation solutions to ensure "safe, efficient medication and supply management across the healthcare continuum." "Through strategic relationships with technology leaders like Gollmann, and others announced earlier this month with TrackTraceRX, LSPedia, and Follett, we are growing our solutions portfolio as we seek to meet the evolving needs of our global customers, while being focused on driving greater efficiency and working to improve patient safety across hospital and retail settings," he said.

PDA raises concerns over PSNI consultation staffing levels - 0 views

    The Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA) has raised concerns over "certain elements" of the Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland (PSNI)'s consultation on pharmacy staffing levels. PSNI recently consulted on its draft guidance for pharmacy staffing levels which sets out to explain what pharmacy owners and superintendents must do to ensure that each pharmacy has enough skilled and qualified staff. This includes having an appropriate skill mix, to provide safe and effective pharmacy services which comply with the standards. PDA said that the role of the 'responsible pharmacist' has not been "fully acknowledged" and that more clarification is needed. The association has made a few recommendations to PSNI that includes: the guidance must explicitly recognise the statutory role of the responsible pharmacist and their authority in securing the safe operations within the pharmacy. "The guidance should specify that pharmacy owners and superintendents must ensure that they do not set incentives or targets which may compromise the professional judgement of staff." It also recommended that unregistered staff (including unregistered managers) are accountable firstly to the responsible pharmacist for any activity involving the clinical care of patients (for example unregistered managers must not interfere in diary bookings for vaccinations).

GPhC to Enhance Pharmacy Inspections with Targeted, Flexible Approach - 0 views

    The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) has announced plans to update the pharmacy inspection process by adopting a more targeted and flexible approach. The GPhC inspects registered pharmacies in Great Britain to ensure they meet required standards, assuring patients and the public of safe, effective care. During its Council meeting today (12), the pharmacy regulator outlined plans to improve its inspection approach, including the introduction of shorter, more focused inspections alongside the existing full inspections, to increase efficiency and enable more inspection activity. Inspectors can switch to a full inspection if they believe it is necessary or beneficial. Pharmacies being inspected for the first time will automatically undergo a full inspection. In addition to focused and full inspections, other types, such as re-inspections, intelligence-led inspections, and themed inspections, will also continue.
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