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Aneet Kapoor :How Review Steering Group proposals will help - 0 views

    When I was asked by fellow independent contractors to join the Review Steering Group (RSG) back in late 2020, I said yes, because I wanted, fundamentally, to look for some ways to improve both LPCs and PSNC. Through my experiences with Greater Manchester LPC I had seen the sorts of changes that LPCs could make and the positive impact that those had on local engagement and in allowing us to do more to support contractors: I wanted to help share what we had learned with the rest of the country. I was pretty sure that the national negotiator could make some positive changes as well. It took longer than I had hoped. And it was a lot harder than I had imagined - not least because of the extent of some of the divisions within our sector - but after 15 months of hard work, I'm pleased with where we have got to, and I believe the 37 changes being proposed will help all contractors. Consensus is not a sexy word. It is not something that fires up our imaginations or that we put on our list of key work objectives for the year. It is also not something that might come naturally to us as independent contractors. But consensus is something that matters. It is the thing that allows us, as a vibrant and diverse group of businesses, to see beyond our differences and to fight together for outcomes that benefit every single one of us. Consensus is also the thing that the RSG has been relentlessly focused on throughout its work, and it's at the heart of what will give our LPCs and PSNC a stronger voice for community pharmacy in the future.

Raj Aggarwal:Recollections of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II - 0 views

    It was my great privilege be appointed by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II to serve as her representative in South Glamorgan as Deputy Lord Lieutenant and also as Honorary Captain in the Royal Navy. During that time I was incredibly lucky to have met her on a number of occasions, including the state opening of Parliament, the Buckingham Palace Summer Garden Party, the Commonwealth reception and at various culture celebrations. I remember clearly the first time I met her at Buckingham Palace in 2010. Her Majesty looked at my name badge and saw that I had an OBE, and said: "Oh, did I do that one?" I replied: "No Ma'am that was bestowed by the Prince of Wales." She looked at me kindly, smiled and said: "That's a shame, I missed out on that one." I replied, slightly cheekily: "It was a shame for me too."

Why Community Pharmacy Must Embrace Private Services - 0 views

    We know remuneration influences behaviour. If I have a construction company and I pay a bricklayer a fee per brick to supply and fit, I suspect he will source them from the cheapest supplier and lay as many bricks as he possibly can. If one day, I reduce the fee such that it barely covers the cost of the brick, at a time when bricks are in short supply and labour costs have gone up, oh and I take some money off him for the profit he made on bricks he supplied the previous year, I suspect he will tell me to stick my job where the sun doesn't shine. It may be a crude analogy, but it is pretty much what's happened in community pharmacy over the last 20 years. The remuneration we get for dispensing does not cover the cost of providing the service. The reimbursement for the drugs does not cover the cost of the drugs. In fact, we make a loss on many items given all the clawbacks and supply shortages. Wages have gone up. And then each year the government claws back profit they say we've made, apparently! Yet, despite all this, we continue providing the service under this archaic system, allowing our paymaster to repeat the injustice because they know they can and, unlike the bricklayer, we will just suck it up and take it. So, what makes us carry on like this? Is it our conscience towards patient care? Is it that we don't know what else to do and the fear of the unknown? Or is it like the boiling frog story, where the temperature has increased gradually around us that we haven't noticed the government heat slowly killing community pharmacy. I suspect the answer is a mixture of all these factors. The pain is somewhat masked when we see fee paying services

GUEST COLUMN: Changing landscape of community pharmacy - Latest Pharmacy News | Busines... - 0 views

    As we transition in England through yet another NHS organisational change, I ask myself what does this mean for community pharmacy? I would like to think that this change will bring about opportunity and a chance for community pharmacy to showcase and continue the excellent work that was carried out during the height of the pandemic and is still ongoing today. I hope that it allows community pharmacy to be regarded as part of the NHS rather than sitting on the side lines. This change has to lead to better funding for community pharmacy, without sufficient funding we will see more pharmacies close. We are hearing a lot about winter pressures but this year it feels like all year round pressure. What I have seen, whilst the NHS is under such pressure, is North East London (NEL) CCG transitioning to an integrated care board (ICB) almost seamlessly. I have seen people transitioning into new roles, whilst working hard to ensure that all plates are still spinning, which at the moment is no mean feat. I spent a day out recently visiting pharmacies with the chief medical officer of NHS NEL, Dr Paul Gilluley. The visits were positive, we felt listened to and understood. The feedback was great, it was recognised that community pharmacy is often the informal front door to the NHS and that we have so much to offer in terms of ill health prevention. Community pharmacy can offer a total solution as long as we have the tools to do so, which can save so much time and money. An example is the GP CPCS service, which has launched well across NEL.

Haleon exclusive: Cross-selling creates more loyal customers - 0 views

    The primary responsibility of community pharmacists is taking care of their patients but to do that they also need to learn how to run the business. It is one thing to be au fait with profit and loss statements, reimbursement models, budgets analysis, business planning and so much more but quite another when one is hard pressed on everything - time, resources and cash flow. Bas Vorsteveld - the new vice president and general manager in Great Britain & Ireland for Haleon, a new company 100 per cent focussed on consumer healthcare - has witnessed first-hand how "time poor" pharmacists usually are and is committed to helping ease their burden wherever possible. "They can be drowning in work at all times throughout the day. If I happen to spot a community pharmacy while I am out shopping with the family, I almost always pop into the store, with obviously a lot of questions in my head. If the pharmacist has the time, I ask them a few questions and once we start the conversation and they find out that I'm the general manager for a company that provides them with some of their big brand products, I often get a look of total surprise on their face, especially as I've come to visit their store and take the time to speak with them personally. I've really seen first-hand what a busy bunch they are! "I often want to know how the shop front is presented? What does the pharmacy look like from inside? Is there a big queue? What kind of advertisement the pharmacy has in place? How are our products merchandised?

Pharmacy Staff's Advice Helps Save Patient's Life - 0 views

    Asda Ramsgate pharmacy worker Claire Twyman saved life of a regular patient Rose Doyle by giving her a timely advice to visit A&E after spotting a blood clot on her leg. Doyle (75) spent five days in Margate Hospital, and after recovering she called in at the store to thank Twyman for her quick-thinking actions. She handed her a thank-you note which read: "Thank you for making me go to A&E. You may have saved my life, so thank you once again I am really grateful." Twyman, who has worked at the store for nine years, said: "I was just happy that I was able to help her and give her that advice, which made a difference. It could have been a lot worse if she'd left it. I'm so glad she's okay. "Rose came over to the pharmacy for advice on her leg. I looked down and told her it was really swollen, and then asked to look at her foot. I thought straightaway that it was a thrombosis, a blood clot. Her toes were very white, but I didn't want to alarm her."
Edgar Anderson

Gaining Back My Good Health - 1 views

Due to my very hectic schedule at work there were several times that I skipped some meals and ate mostly canned foods or those that have preservatives. I thought it would not affect my health beca...


started by Edgar Anderson on 30 Aug 13 no follow-up yet
Meredith Blige

Aid For Snoring Problem - 1 views

My wife would always complain about my snoring a lot. Before, I thought it was just because I was exhausted from work, but as time goes by, I am already afraid my snoring is getting worse, that eve...

how can I stop snoring

started by Meredith Blige on 22 Jul 11 no follow-up yet

Hvorfor Crazy Time Live Casino er et must-prøve for online gamblere? - 3 views

Jeg spiller også, men mest i helgene. Jeg valgte et nettsted, se mer info, og det virker for meg som om det er for få spill i helgene. Og jeg vil øke dette hver dag og spille oftere. Jeg tror at de...


Shilpa Shah: 'Show me the light' | Pharmacy Business - 0 views

    I have always been passionate about Community Pharmacy and am proud of the way that the sector navigated itself through Covid-19 and is currently navigating itself through all the changes in the NHS landscape. When I started my role in Sep 2019 as the CEO of Kent LPC, I used to say that community pharmacy has changed more in the last five years than the 15 before that, however, I now believe community pharmacy has changed more in the last two years than the 20 before. The year 2019 saw the start of the five-year Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework which set out how community pharmacy would support delivery of the NHS long term plan. What PSNC (or any of us) when negotiating this deal had not envisaged was the Covid-19 pandemic. Whilst the world turned upside down, we saw high street shops close their doors and immense pressure flood the NHS. Community pharmacy did what they always do, they adapted, teams came together, worked through, and showed resilience in the face of adversity. In Kent, I saw us integrate into primary are and into the NHS structure very quickly, in the first few weeks after Covid-19. All the usual red tape was removed, we all worked together to implement services to help patients in a matter of weeks when they would have normally taken months.

Collaboration in Healthcare: Building Trust for Better Care 2025 - 0 views

    May I be one of the last people to wish you a 'Happy New Year' The new year is traditionally a time to reflect on the year past and look forward to the new year and all the joys and challenges it will bring, possibly by making a resolution. However, the statistics do not bode well for your resolution lasting. Whether it is to improve your health/lose weight (the no.1 resolution) or performing better at work (3%), the Forbes Health/One Poll survey found that the average resolution lasts just 3.74 months. Only 8% of respondents tend to stick with their goals for one month, while 22% last two months, 22% last three months and 13% last four months. So that's nearly 2/3 gone by 4 months. I only mention this because at the tail end of 2024, I thought Pharmacy, or more specifically Pharmacy Representative bodies had taken an early resolution and decided to get along. I am passionate about Collaboration and am a member of the Institute for Collaborative Working (ICW) and have spoken on the topic at conferences, the Pharmacy Show, etc, and also written in this very magazine on the subject (see Volume 20 March 2024). I have also been pretty dismayed at the lack of collaboration at a representation level leading to headlines such as "Don't underestimate the power of unity" and "Sector disagreement over call for unity" coupled with some 99% of participating pharmacy owners saying they were willing to limit their services unless funding is improved.
Day Spa Adelaide

Premiere Day Spa Service - 1 views

I have been working straight for a year now and yet I have not given myself the chance to relax and unwind. My friend told me about Shantai Wellness Spa, a day spa in Adelaide that is using only na...

started by Day Spa Adelaide on 16 Oct 12 no follow-up yet
Stretch Marks

Prevention Cream For Stretch Marks - 1 views

I was really afraid to get pregnant because I knew then that my skin will be prone to stretch marks. That is why I have researched on How to get rid of stretch marks to prevent it from appearing o...

skin care how to get rid of stretch marks

started by Stretch Marks on 28 Feb 12 no follow-up yet
felipp windsor

Thank You The Dental Co. - 1 views

I really got worried when I found out that I got some tooth problems. For one thing, I have low tolerance to pain and I do not want to lose any of my teeth. That is why I looked for the best dentis...

teeth whitening windsor

started by felipp windsor on 03 Dec 13 no follow-up yet
Barbara Smith

The Health Service That You Truly Deserve - 1 views

I have been suffering from my migraine for several years already. The medicines which I used only gave me temporary relief but did not really solve my problem. I was already hopeless thinking that ...

started by Barbara Smith on 10 Oct 12 no follow-up yet
Edgar Anderson

Losing Weight The Healthy Way - 1 views

started by Edgar Anderson on 28 Nov 12 no follow-up yet
Justin Stone

Effective Stretch Mark Remedy - 1 views

I gave birth six months ago. What bothers me are these stretch marks that are found in my belly. I could not wear my swim wear attire whenever my family would decide to stay at the beach to swim. I...

stretch mark cream

started by Justin Stone on 29 Feb 12 no follow-up yet
Sonny Cher

Energy Pills for Extra Energy - 1 views

I am always tired after working for the whole day. And my boyfriend is already mad at me because he felt neglected. I do not have time for him to go out on a date because I do not have the energy t...

legal highs holistic health health cancer herbs signs

started by Sonny Cher on 30 May 11 no follow-up yet
Hachan A

The Right Answer to the "How Can I Stop Snoring?" Question - 1 views

Last year, I underwent a sleep apnea test and found out that I am really suffering from sleep apnea. As my doctor recommended, I started to use CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) but it was...

started by Hachan A on 13 Apr 11 no follow-up yet

Why This Physician Isn't Burned Out | - 0 views

    I am an emergency physician. I provide care to abusive patients via a clunky EMR. I work nights, weekends and holidays. Because of unnecessary bureaucratic tasks, simple aspects of my job are cumbersome and take longer than they should.  And I am not burned out. ...
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