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Pharmacists Call For 10% Protected Learning Time | GHP Campaign - 0 views

    The Guild of Healthcare Pharmacists (GHP) has launched a national campaign advocating for pharmacists working in the NHS to have a minimum of 10% of their contracted hours protected for supporting professional activities (SPA). In a statement published on 7 February 2025, the GHP emphasised that this protected time "should be recognized by employers and embedded in job plans." The organisation highlighted the existing inconsistency across the UK regarding the amount of SPA time allocated to pharmacists and stressed the need for a consistent amount of development to "allow pharmacists to be able to be safe practitioners, to meet the demands of service development, and to be able to safely mentor and supervise more junior colleagues." The GHP raised concerns that many pharmacists end up doing "unpaid work" to catch up with the required training or completing self-learning in their own time. "This pressure is unfair and unsustainable, potentially contributing to burnout and in combination with all the other pressures, leads to pharmacists leaving the NHS," it stated. The GHP asserted that a minimum of 10% of contracted hours for SPA is "a strongly justifiable argument."

RPS responds to Guild Council's inquiry on Royal College proposal - 0 views

    The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) has responded to the concerns raised by the Guild of Healthcare Pharmacists (GHP) about their proposals to become a Royal College. On behalf of the Guild Council, Rob Connah, president of GHP, recently wrote an open letter to the RPS seeking clarity on the potential impacts of this transition on career progression, time commitments, and other relevant considerations. In response to the Guild Council's inquiries regarding credentialing, RPS chief executive Paul Bennett emphasised that the key purpose of credentialing is to "protect the public and the integrity of the pharmacy profession through assuring patient-focused pharmacists working at advancing levels of post-registration practice." "Defining and assuring post-registration professional standards is a fundamental activity for a royal college and thus fully aligned with our proposals for change," he added. The RPS highlighted the benefits that credentialing can provide both pharmacists and the system.

Guild:Not to take up extra work during junior doctors strike - 0 views

    Even as junior doctors in England are set to take industrial action for three days next month in a 72-hour walkout from Monday 13 March, the Guild of Healthcare Pharmacists (GHP) has been discouraging its members from taking any additional work during the strike. "GPH members are advised to only carry out work they are qualified, competent and safe to undertake that is contained within their job description," it said in a statement. It noted that given the current staffing level within hospital pharmacy, it was unlikely that any additional capacity will be available perform the tasks usually undertaken by junior doctors.

United Pharmacy Bodies Condemn Racism Amid UK Riots 2024 | Stand Together for Equality - 0 views

    The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPHC), Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS), Company Chemists Association (CCA), Association of Pharmacy Technicians UK (APTUK), National Pharmacy Association (NPA), Guild of Healthcare Pharmacists, Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA), and Independent Pharmacies Association (IPA) have released a joint statement in response to the far-right riots across the UK. They emphasised their united stance, declaring zero tolerance for racism towards colleagues or the public in any form. The joint statement reads: "We are shocked and saddened by the violent public disorder events in recent days. "We acknowledge how all sectors of the pharmacy profession may be impacted and recognise the challenges that this level of overt aggression can have on people's ability or willingness to live their daily lives. "The pharmacy workforce deserves peace and safety, not fear and harm. We stand united in having a zero tolerance of racism towards our colleagues or the public in whatever form it takes." Meanwhile, Community Pharmacy England (CPE) has expressed concerns that protests and violent disorder in various towns and cities across England may impact the ability of community pharmacies to operate.

Pharmacy teams urged to sign up to 'bold action' on climate change - 0 views

    The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) and Pharmacy Declares are inviting pharmacy teams from around the world to sign up and commit to taking "bold action" on climate change as mentioned in a climate change charter which was published on Monday (June 13). The charter asks pharmacy teams to commit to understanding how human health and the systems which underpin it are "reliant on the state of our natural environment" and actively explore ways to make pharmacy practice and medicine use more sustainable. It also asks to collaborate and share best practice to improve sustainability in pharmacy and healthcare; demonstrate leadership on sustainability or being a champion for sustainability at work; and assist patients to optimise their medicine use to increase both health outcomes and environmental sustainability. The individuals can also commit to a personal action on climate change of their own choosing. The Charter is being supported by a strong coalition of organisations from across pharmacy including the Centre for Postgraduate Pharmacy Education, the Clinical Pharmacy Association, College of Mental Health Pharmacy and Guild of Healthcare Pharmacists.

Evergreen Sustainable Supplier Assessment: NHS Mandate - 0 views

    Starting from January 2024, it will be compulsory for medicine suppliers in the NHS supply chain in England to submit an Evergreen Sustainable Supplier Assessment each year. Suppliers who fail to submit the sustainability assessment will not be placed on medicines contracts, said NHS England. The NHS has taken this move as part of its ambition to reach carbon net zero by 2045. The Evergreen Sustainable Supplier Assessment is a self-assessment and reporting tool for suppliers to share sustainability information with the NHS. Chris McAleer, medicines net zero project delivery manager at NHS England, announced this new rule at the Guild of Healthcare Pharmacists' Procurement and Distribution Interest Group Autumn Symposium held in Birmingham on 2 November 2023.
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