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Overhydration: Is It Possible to Drink Too Much Water? - Shape Magazine - 0 views

  • . In fact, overhydrating can be just as dangerous as being extremely dehydrated.
  • Clinically called hyponatremia, it's a condition in which the level of sodium — an electrolyte that helps regulate water levels in the fluid in and around your cells — in your blood is abnormally low.
  • With warmer temperatures on the horizon, it's important to know the signs and symptoms of this dangerous condition and how to prevent it.
    "Is It Possible to Drink Too Much Water?" Shape Magazine. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2013. We are always told to drink lots of water but not many people know that you can actually drink too much water. Being over hydrated can be just as detrimental as being dehydrated. Know as hyponatremia, over hydrating can lead to a drop in sodium levels and rise in water levels. This leads to the swelling of your cells and, in some cases, can lead to death.It is good to be aware of this danger and avoid over hydration.

Gaps Seen in Therapy for Suicidal Teenagers - - 0 views

    Citation Carey, Benedict. "Study Questions Effectiveness of Therapy for Suicidal Teenagers." The New York Times. The New York Times, 09 Jan. 2013. Web. 13 Feb. 2013. Summary According to the journal JAMA Psychiatry, 55% of suicidal teenagers have already received some therapy before they thought about suicide, planned it or tried to kill themselves. About one in eighth teenagers had persistent suicidal thought at some point and a third of those who had the thought attempted within a year of having the idea. The study also suggests that access to treatment of depression in fact doesn't make a big difference and help prevent suicides.  In 2010, just between the ages 13 to 18, 1386 people committed suicide. Also they researched 6,483 adolescents and found 9% of male and 15% of female experienced some stretch of having persistent suicidal thoughts. They found out that suicidal behavior was often complex combination of depression, eating disorders, drug abuse.  Alice McConnell is a 17year old girl who committed suicide and her mom claims "there might have been some carelessness in the way the treatment was done." It turns out that Alice was not taking treatment regularly although her mom trusted her that she could take care of her medication. Ms.McConnell claimed " I think therapy does help alot of people, if it's handled right" 
    I chose this article because I thought that this was a very relatable article and talks about suicides of our age. I was very surprised by all the facts and made me realize once again that suicide is a big problem and not a rare thing. I found it interesting that therapies and medication doesn't always help and could worsen suicidal thoughts. I agree with Ms.McConnel and I think there needs to be better ways of therapy and medication and many more people need to know the right way to handle people with suicidal thoughts.

6 Modern Age Health Problems - 0 views

    Social Anxiety Disorder Sick Building Syndrome Orthorexia Nervosa E-Thrombosis Earbud related hearing loss Computer Vision Syndrome These are the six modern disorders or syndrome that affect our daily life today. Some of these are caused by some of the modern inventions.

A Son 'Cuts,' and a Father Struggles - - 0 views

  • scars on my son’s forearm
  • cutting
  • It is shockingly common, seen in 12 to 23 percent of adolescents from 11 to 15 years old.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • no treatments designed and evaluated specifically for cutting
  • need to understand the stories
  • first asked
  • series of bloody dashes
  • it was nothing
  • his protector
  • want to understand what’s behind each scar
    Citation: "A Son ‘Cuts,’ and a Father Struggles." Motherlode A Son Cuts and a Father Struggles Comments. New York Times, 5 Feb. 2013. Web. 13 Feb. 2013. Summary: A father is trying to find out the meaning that lies under the scars of his son's cuts.  When he first noticed the cut, he believed his son when he told him that he got it when, he fell, but he was shocked when his daughter texted him that he was cutting himself.  This was hard for him as he has always made a conscious effort to protect his son.  The writer argues that tattoos are similar to cutting because you are piercing ur skin and tissue, but it is considered "socially sanctioned" self harm.  It is also apparent that there are more anonymous posts about teens cutting themselves rather than eating disorders or depression.  Some teens cut to share the pain or relate the pain with someone they know, or their celebrities that they look up to.  The writer thinks that it is more important to understand the stories than sending his son to traditional therapy which is recommended.
    It is always sad when there are cases of teens causing self inflicted harm to themselves. Rather it is because they are being bullied, having family problems, depression, or whatever, it is never pleasant to hear abou these cases. The hard thing about trying to prevent this from happening, is that the teens will often not tell anyone doing this, and there is no real cure to this.

Concerns About A.D.H.D. Practices and Amphetamine Addiction - - 0 views

  • Richard, visited a doctor and received prescriptions for Adderall, an amphetamine-based medication for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
  • received prescriptions for 90 more days of Adderall. He hanged himself in his bedroom closet two weeks after they expired.
  • led growing numbers of teenagers and young adults to fake symptoms to obtain steady prescriptions for highly addictive medications that carry serious psychological dangers.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Any step along the way, someone could have helped him — they were just handing out drugs
    Schwarz, Alan. "Drowned in a Stream of Prescriptions." The New York Times. The New York Times, 03 Feb. 2013. Web. 13 Feb. 2013. Richard Fee, aged 24, committed suicide after failing to renew a prescription for a drug called Adderall. Aderall is a medication for those affected by A.D.H.D, but it helps people acquire tunnel-like focus, thus leading to growing numbers of students or people who think they need help to fake systems to get this drug. He was an athletic, college class president, and aspiring medical student who faked having symptoms to his doctor. His doctor continued to supply him with the drug until his parents told the doctor to stop. Richard continued to receive a prescriptions. After becoming delusional and violent, and spending a week in a psychiatric hospital, Richard received 90 more days of his prescription. He hanged himself two weeks after it expired.
    The fact that people have to pretend to have a disorder just to get a drug is both wrong and inhumane. I feel like they aren't educated enough to know what they're putting into their bodies. Although Richard was a medical student, maybe he didn't know what addiction felt like, and once he was under the influence of drugs, he couldn't control himself. One thing that I think should come under question is the manner in which people decide if someone has a disorder or not. It's not a good thing that someone was able to fool an educated doctor. Now I know there probably isn't any concrete way to prove to someone that you have a disorder unless the symptoms are physical, however, there should probably be some more screening or testing for these people to make sure that they have what they say they have. Other than that, this is just another sad story, and it's unfortunate that such a successful young man with a long road ahead of him would kill himself like this.

CBC News Indepth: David Reimer - 0 views

    "CBC News Indepth: David Reimer." CBCnews. CBC/Radio Canada, 10 May 2004. Web. 13 Feb. 2013. . This article is about a boy named Bruce who at was being circumcised at the age of 6 months old. The doctor's decided to use an unconventional method to circumcise Bruce and his twin brother which involved burning instead of cutting. The circumcision went very wrong and resulted in Bruce no longer being a male at all. The parent's decided that if they tried to raise their son as a girl, then he might just act as a girl since he doesn't know any differently. They pay to have doctor's give their son a full sex change and put him on hormones to help him with his transformation. So, Bruce became Brenda and was raised as that. All throughout Brenda's childhood she was bullied and called names like "caveman" and "it." At the age of 12, Brenda was finally told by her parents that she wasn't actually a girl. After being told the full story, Brenda/Bruce changed his name to David and had 4 rounds of reconstructive surgery to physically make him a male again. In may of 2004, David was still grieving the loss of his twin brother, lost his job, and divorced his wife. On May 4, 2004 David Reimer committed suicide at the age of 38.

People With Mental Illness More Likely to Be Smokers, Study Finds - - 0 views

    Belluck, Pam. "People With Mental Illness More Likely to Be Smokers, Study Finds." The New York Times. The New York Times, 06 Feb. 2013. Web. 13 Feb. 2013. Found from the Center for Disease Control and prevention and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, people with mental illnesses are 70% more likely to smoke cigarettes than people without mental illnesses. As there are nearly 46 million adults with mental issues in the United States, most of them smoke more cigarrets per month and are less likely to quit than people without mental issues. For patients with mental issues, the marketing by the tobacco industries and the historical use of cigarettes as an incentive to improve behavior in psychiatric hospitals cause them to have substance abuses. At the same time, the nicotine in the cigarettes mask some of the negative effects of mental illnesses. The continuous substance abuse of cigarettes result in making medications less effective. As the patients experience the "positive" affects of cigarettes on their mental issue, they realize that smoking helps them cope with the stressful symptoms of their illness.  
    I believe that this issue can lead to large negative consequences for the patients and the health industries that take care of these patients. Even though the tobacco industries benefit from this current issue, as it is receiving a lot of profit, the patients' health is deteriorating. Even though their mental illness is already causing pain and trouble in their lives, if they start abusing cigarette substances, their mental and physical health will cause large consequences. If both their mental and physical health is damaged, their lives will be in great danger. The nicotine in the cigarettes may make the pain deteriorate for a little while, however, the long term effects of nicotine will not only damage their physical health, but will also slow down the process of recovering their mental illness. For the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration and the doctors that deal with these types of patients, they should further research about the substance abuse occurred with the patients with mental illnesses, and should securitize the patients by making them not have access to any drugs that could slow down their recovery process.
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