Health Effects of Smoking for Women - - 0 views
for both men and women who smoked, the risk of death from lung cancer was 25 times greater than for nonsmokers,
19 percent in 2010. Yet smoking still results in nearly 200,000 deaths a year among people 35 to 69 years old in the United States.
The use of perforated filters, tobacco blends that are less irritating, and paper that is more porous made it easier to inhale smoke and encouraged deeper inhalation to achieve satisfying blood levels of nicotine.
Citation Brody, Jane E. "Smokingâs Gender Gap Closes." Well Smokings Gender Gap Closes Comments. The New York Times, 18 Feb. 2013. Web. 27 Feb. 2013. Summary This was a report published last month in The New England Journal of Medicine. Half a century ago, the risk of death from lung cancer among men who smoked was five times higher than among women smokers. But now the risk equalized and the risk is 25 times greater than non smokers. Some of the data showed that today, women smokers face 17 times greater risk of dying of lung cancer than women who do not smoke. On average, your life expectancy is 10 years shorter if you smoke daily. Smoking doesn't only cause lung cancer, bu also hear disease, stroke, cancer including breast cancer. Also changes in the way cigarettes are made, increased the amount of nicotine going into your body. But in US, the percent of adults smoking have decreased dramatically. In 1970, 42% smoked but now it is down to 19%. They found that raising taxes help decrease the number of smokers. The state with the highest prevalence of smoking have the lowest tax on cigarettes.
I chose this article, one because I think that it fit well to what we are going to learn in health class. But also because I was surprised that before, it was said that there is higher risk on men. Also I was surprised how the percent of smokers have decreased by about 20% i 50 years. I think that countries all over the world should try to decrease the number of smokers.