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Contents contributed and discussions participated by lynnsofia


7 - Successful Aging and SOC - 0 views

    Title: A review of successful aging models: Proposing proactive coping as an important additional strategy Author: Carolijn Ouwehand, Denise T.D. de Ridder, Jozien M. Bensing Date Published: Aug. 3, 2006 Why relevant and summary: This is a really great look into aging successfully and what that process entails. It delves into selective optimization with compensation. The authors argue that proactive coping - attempting to prevent potential stressors that are the cause of this decrease in resources - may be a valuable strategy for successful aging. The authors also present this theory as a method of postponing disengagement from daily activities. How this influenced my thinking: I have not given much thought to aging, although I know it is happening and will continue to happen. I've always just kind of viewed the elderly with a distant form of respect coupled with a bit of sorrow. Let's face it, who wants to get old? Yet, this will happen to all of us unless (god forbid) some unforseen tragedy strikes first. Reading about ways to gracefully and successfully age and avoid or postpone disengagement, will go a long way as people enter older adulthood. When I reach older adulthood, I hope to be as active as that 106 year old man who started running marathons in his 80s!

7 - Psychosocial Development in Middle Adulthood - excellent overview - 0 views

    Title: Psychosocial Development in Middle Adulthood Authors: Diane E. Papalia Sally Wendkos Olds Ruth Duskin Feldman Date Published: 2004 Why relevant and summary: This is just a really great outline from a McGraw Hill Human Development Textbook. It is a free, online student resource. It touches on all aspects of life in middle adulthood, and provided a good reference point when interviewing my friend's 57 year old mother for the survey. How this influenced my thinking: No one likes to think about aging, let alone the fact that we will all eventually grow old. When we are in our 20s and 30s, reaching middle adulthood seems far off, but the truth is, time passes by quickly and aging is inevitable. This outline is a starting point for further research, and is good guidance for seeking information on what life in middle adulthood is like for the general population.

6 - Your 50s: body basics - Women's Health - C-Health - 0 views

    Title: Your Body at 50: A Health Guide for Women Author: No Author Date: No Date Why relevant and summary: This is a nice, user friendly overview of changes that women will go through in their 50s. It addresses bodily, mental and emotional changes as well as lifestyle adjustments. How this influenced my thinking: Although our bodies age and change over time, another birthday does not have to mean a loss of fitness or attractiveness. Women who eat clean, healthy diets and exercise regularly, are less likely to age as quickly as women who are sedentary and eat poor diets of processed foods. I have a 53 year old yoga instructor who can pass for 35. I hope I look that good at 50! For most women, her 50s mean menopause. But it is not really a pause at all. Menopause is more like a shift. Your hormone levels shift and change, and your body shifts out of its childbearing years into a new state of balance.

6-7 Tips for a Successful Marriage - 0 views

    Title: 7 Tips for a Successful Marriage Author: Tim Dowling Date: 8 February 2013 Why relevant and summary: This article provides seven solid tips for maintaining a healthy and successful marriage. For example, Dowling says, "go to bed angry if you want to" because you're better off getting a good night's sleep before tackling the conflict again. Another good tip is to remember that every relationship is unique and it is damaging to compare yours to other relationships. I think the other gives some pretty solid, yet basic marriage advice that couples considering marriage should read. How this influenced my thinking: I have been married and divorced, and am in another relationship that is progressing toward marriage. I hope to avoid the mistakes made in my first marriage, so articles like this one apply directly to my personal life. However, no matter how good the advice is, you've got to make sure you're marrying someone you can absolutely be with through thick and thin. This type of advice is for couples that are certain that they are marrying someone they are truly compatible with long-term. Credibility of source: decent. Guardian (UK) article.

7 - Postformal Thinking - Reflective Judgement, argument agains violent video games - 0 views

    Title: Violent Video Games Are a Risk Factor for Criminal Behavior and Aggression Author: Matt Delisi, Craig Anderson, Douglas Gentile, Angie Hunt Date: March 26, 2013 Why relevant and summary: I'll be discussing whether or not violent video games should be banned in this critical thinking assignment, and this is a study that supports my view that violent video games should be banned. How this influenced my thinking: It reinforced what I believe: violent media should be restricted. Violent video games should be banned. Parents need to take responsibility for what they are letting their kids interact with. Did excessive playing of violent video games cause Adam Lanza to massacre 26 innocent souls? It was definitely a significant factor, coupled with serious mental health problems. This article encouraged me to also see that there may be a middle ground between banning the games and free access. Maybe some educational resources for parents need to be made publicly available and easily accessible, so that they have the tools they need to discourage/disallow violent media in the home.

7 - Kohlberg's Theory Moral Development, breakdown of the stages. - 0 views

    Title: Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development Author: No Author Date: No Date Why Relevant and Summary: This is a great break down of the different stages of Kohlberg's theory of moral development. How this influenced my thinking: It was great to read about Kohlberg's theory from sources outside of the textbook. This site breaks it down in a well-organized fashion and offers excellent descriptions and examples. Credibility of source: It appears to be featured on a college webpage, maybe put out by the psych department. Credibility of source: May or may not be credible. Appears to be a college professor's website.

7 - Sex in adolescence, talking to your kids about sex - 0 views

    Title: Sex in Middle School? Author: John Stossel Date Published: Dec. 6, 2012 Why relevant and details: This article discusses the decrease in the percentage of middle schoolers engaging in sexual activity over the last decade and also offers tips for parents on how to talk to their kids about sex. Additionally, the article features a few personal stories from young teens. How this influenced my thinking: As a mother of two young girls, it won't be long until I'll be dealing with talking to my kids about these issues. I was glad to read from several sources, including this one, that the rates of sexual activity among teens and preteens has been declining over the past few years.

7 - Peaceful Coparenting after Divorce - Children's Best Interest - 0 views

    Title: Co-Parenting After Divorce - Sixteen Arguments in Support of Co-Parenting Author: Edward Kruk, Ph.D. Date published: April 16, 2012 Why relevant and summary: In the absence of violence, abuse, etc., the best thing for children in the midst of divorce is to have time with both parents. Shared parenting or Co-Parenting encourages children to maintain meaningful relationships with both parents after a divorce. Although in practice, this can be difficult and the reality is that in many divorces, kids will live primarily with one parent, the point is to set aside our anger and conflicts with the ex spouse and really put the children's needs first. How this influenced my thinking: I recently went through a divorce, and my ex spouse lives on the opposite coast. Co-parenting is quite tricky, but the bottom line is that we both agree that the kids need their father in the picture as much as possible. We have agreed to never, ever use the children as a weapon against each other. We always consult each other in terms of the children's needs, education, etc. Although the kids live 100% of the time with me, I encourage daily contact with their father via Skype/FaceTime, and when they are a bit older, they will be able to travel and spend some school vacations with their dad. Credibility: Psychology Today blog is credible.

Allstride - 0 views

    Author: No author Date published: No date Why relevant and summary: Allstride is an online community and website, started by a friend of mine, that gives families the tools they need to live healthier lifestyles. With dedicated nutritional and fitness experts, this website is a great place to start for parents of overweight children, who are looking for fun, simple ways to make the lifestyle changes necessary for healthy living and losing weight. How this influenced my thinking: I am disheartened when I see families with obese parents and children in the grocery store with carts full of frozen meals and processed junk foods. I wish there was a way to reach out and educate them about what they are putting in their bodies and how what they consume, coupled with minimal physical activity, is putting them at a huge risk of heart disease, cancer, and a plethora of other health complications. Allstride is a great website to direct parents who are ready to start living a healthier lifestyle as a family.

7 - Parenting Styles and Adolescence, Diana Baumrind's Parenting Styles - 1 views

    Title: Parenting Styles and Adolescence Author: Kimberly Kopko Date Published: 2007 Why relevant and summary: This is an excellent overview of Diana Baumrind's parenting styles through Cornell University Department of Policy Analysis and Management. This research provides an overview of the parenting styles presented by Diana Baumrind, and their impact on adolescent development. How this influenced my thinking: These parenting concepts really interest me and inspired me to reflect on the several parenting styles I encountered as a child moving through a variety of foster homes. It also gave me quite a lot to think about in regards to how I parent my own children. Often I question whether or not a child having grown up in such an unstable environment as I did, is able to be a healthy and 'good' parent. However, after reading through these parenting styles, I have realized that my parenting style is natural, healthy and has a good balance of warmth and discipline. Credibility of source: Cornell University research seems credible.

7 - ADHD: a basic, consumer friendly overview of ADHD, causes, treatments, etc. - 0 views

    Title: ADHD Overview Author: Jacob Silverman Date Published: No date Why relevant and summary: This is a comprehensive overview of ADHD, the causes, symptoms, diagnoses, treatments and related disorders. There are also a number of other highly relevant articles that are easily accessible on this site. How this influenced my thinking: There is a lot of information about raising a child with ADHD. I've never had experience with this in regards to my own children, but as a former teacher I have been aware of the 'basics' for many years. There is so much to learn and understand on this topic, especially so that caregivers can be more understanding of individualized needs and be less likely to judge or treat children with ADHD differently. Credibility of source: This is a Discovery Health article. It may not be highly credible in it's own right, but likely pulled it's information from scholarly/medical/research based resources.

7 - What toddlers need for healthy social-emotional development - 0 views

    Title: Social Emotional Development: 24-36 months Author: No author Date Published: 2010 Why Relevant and Summary: This is an accessible guide for parents of two year olds to learn ways to help their toddler understand his feelings, encourage early friendships, letting the child lead in play, and supporting older toddlers' developing skills, as well as helping the child learn to resolve conflict in healthy ways, understand reasons for limits/request, use language to communicate needs. How this influenced my thinking: As a mother of two children (fairly recently out of the toddler stage) this gave me quite a bit to reflect on as far as my own parenting and how I can make improvements going forward should I ever have more children, and it would likely influence any advice I may give out to parents of toddlers. Credibility of Source: National Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families is an organization dedicated to healthy child development, so this publication is likely backed by solid research.

7 - Infants can distinguish mother's voice and native language from stranger's voice an... - 0 views

    Title: Fetal sensitivities to properties of maternal speech and language Author: B.S. Kisilevsky et al Date: 18 May 2008 Why Relevant and Summary: This article summarizes a study that shows that infants are able to distinguish their mother's voice from stranger females and from father's voice. This study also indicated that infants can distinguish between their native language and non-native languages. How this influenced my thinking: We hear a lot of stories of infants immediately calming down or ceasing to cry when they hear a familiar voice, so it seems only natural that infants can recognize mother's voice from other female voices. It is also interesting that infants can distinguish between their native language and foreign languages. Credibility of Source: This study was published in Infant Behavior and Development, a journal. It seems highly credible.

7- Toys which support infant-toddler learning & development (by NAEYCA) - 0 views

    Title: Using Toys to Support Infant-Toddler Learning and Development Author: Gabriel Guyton Date Published: September 2011 Why Relevant and Summary: This article discusses how caregivers can select and even make (using random household materials) age appropriate toys to support and enhance cognitive development. The author encourages finding toys that support development across all domains - cognitive development, fine motor, gross motor, language, etc. How this influenced my thinking: When I first sat down to right the short critical thinking assignment on cognition and toys, it did not even occur to me to write about home-made toys such as a simple first puzzle made out of a muffin tin and some small objects, yet in reality, things found around the house make some of the best toys - ones that really engage babies and toddlers and are truly beneficial to child development. Credibility of source: This article is from the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), thus seems highly credible.

7 - Cosleeping and Biological Imperatives: Why Human Babies Do Not and Should Not Sleep... - 0 views

    Title: Cosleeping and Biological Imperatives: Why Human Babies Do Not and Should Not Sleep Alone Author: By James J. McKenna Ph.D. Edmund P. Joyce C.S.C. Date Published: Dec 21, 2008 Why Relevant and Summary: Where a baby sleeps is not as simple as current medical discourse and recommendations against cosleeping in some western societies want it to be. (McKenna) Cosleeping is often the subject of pediatric controversy, but really it makes sense biologically that it is much healthier for babies to cosleep with parents (unless parents are smoking, drinking heavily or using drugs.) How This Influenced My Thinking: I naturally fell into cosleeping with my babies and still have an open door policy. At 6 and 4, my girls often crawl into my bed during the night. I feel that this promotes bonding and security. Credibility of Source: Neuroanthropology seems credible

7 - Controversial TIME magazine cover featuring mom Jamie Grumet breastfeeding her 3 ye... - 0 views

    (Second resource post) Title: Q & A With Breastfeeding Mom Jamie Lynne Grumet Author: Kate Pickert Date Published: 10 May 2012 Why Relevant and Summary: This particular TIME cover generated much controversy, but the reality is that extended breastfeeding is healthy and encouraged, and is biologically normal. We need to normalize breastfeeding in our society. How This Influenced My Thinking: Breastfeeding long term is biologically normal, but not socially normal. The more we see the benefits and see mothers continuing to breastfeed, the more socially normal it will become. I am proud to call Jamie Grumet a friend of mine. She works hard to normalize breastfeeding and attachment parenting, without trying to start a parenting war. Credibility of Source: This Q & A is direct from the TIME Health and Family

7 - Exclusive Breastfeeding for 6 months best for babies, breastfeeding recommended for... - 0 views

    Title: Exclusive Breastfeeding for 6 Months Best for Babies Everywhere Author: No Author (World Health Organization) Date Published: 15 January 2001 Why Relevant and Summary: This statement from the WHO recommends that babies be exclusively breastfed for 6 months (no supplementation) based on the evidence from a recent 2009 study. The WHO also recommends that infants/toddlers continue to be breastfed for two years or more. The statement also covers some of the benefits of breastfeeding for both mother and baby. How This Influenced My Thinking: Breastfeeding long term is biologically normal, but not socially normal. The more we see the benefits and see mothers continuing to breastfeed, the more socially normal it will become. Credibility of Source: The World Health Organization is credible and bases it's statements off of research findings.

7 - From conception to birth - fantastic photographic book + YouTube Video of the autho... - 1 views

    Title: From Conception to Birth: A Life Unfolds Authors: Alexander Tsiaras and Barry Werth Date Published: Book - 2002, TED talk video - Nov. 14, 2011 Why Relevant and Summary: This amazing book offers beautiful photographic high magnetic resonance scans of a baby from conception through birth. This book begins with the anatomy of the egg and sperm, and the cell division that occurs just after conception. Starting with the first few hours, then moving into the first several days, and finally presenting images of the growing fetus week-by-week, this is an absolutely fascinating book. NOTE: I own a copy and am willing to bring to class if anyone is interested. How this influenced my thinking: Every time I look through this book, I am fascinated and truly moved by the miracle that is the creation and development of us! Credibility of Source: The author, Alexander Tsiaras, is responsible for remarkable achievements in medical imaging technology. Barry Werth is a renowned U.S. science writer. The YouTube video is Alexander Tsiaras presenting on his medical imaging technology as applied in the book. He shows a clip of video as well. Relevant portion starts at 1:40. YouTube url:

6 - Nature vs Nurture - outcome depends where you live - 0 views

    Title: Nature vs Nurture: Outcome Depends on Where You Live Author: Nick Collins Date Published: 12 June 2012 Why Relevant and Summary: This study is actually quite relevant, but I ranked it '6' simply due to the fact that it is based solely on research done in the UK. This article outlines a recent study that compared 6759 pairs of identical and non-identical twins across the UK, in the hopes of determining whether their genes or their environment was more important. The outcome: it depends where you live. Some areas were dubbed 'environemental hotspots' for certain traits, where in other areas the same traits were purely caused by genetics. Be sure to see the video maps at the bottom of the article. How This Influenced My Thinking: I think the nature vs nurture debate is rather subjective. Much of it is based in opinion, but this particular study shows that many things can impact our phenotype. I'm of the opinion that both genetics and environment contribute. For example, I met my biological father for the first time when I was 28 years old. We were surprised to discover that although we were literally strangers, we look very much alike, both have an affinity for foreign languages, both enjoy traveling and adventure, and we enjoy similar types of food. Additionally, I found out that my grandfather was an oral surgeon in Holland during WWII. This was particularly interesting because I've always had a mild fascination with dentistry and oral hygiene! Credibility of Source: The Telegraph is a reputable UK news source.

6 - Applications of Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Theory, How Our Mesosystems and Microsy... - 0 views

    Title: Applications and Utility of Urie Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Theory Author: Brian Lewthwaite (ed.) Date Published: Spring 2011 Why Relevant and Summary: This journal from the Manitoba Education Research Network, summarizes several research studies that apply Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Theory. One of the studies, The Importance of Local Environment for Promoting Student Engagement in Learning by Janet McVittie and Danette Senterre, is particularly interesting and relevant. This is a direct application of how the microsystems outside the classroom affect the microsystem of the classroom, and how the mesosystems and exosystems affect classroom engagement. When children come into the classroom, they bring with them the values and habits of their exosystem and participate in their classroom based on how they are situated in their other microsystems. (McVittie & Senterre) How This Influenced My Thinking: Based on personal experiences, I can understand how our circumstances in our mesosystems and Microsystems can affect our performance in school. At the age of 14, I became and orphan when my only parent died. In retrospect, this event and the subsequent events that resulted from it deeply affected my academic progress. In other words, the tragic events in my family microsystem had a major impact on my school microsystem, as well as on my various mesosystems. Credibility of Source: The University of Manitoba Centre for Research in Youth, Science Teaching and Learning seems like a highly credible source.
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