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Tero Toivanen

The Open Scholar - 0 views

  • Open Scholars Create Open Scholars Use and Contribute Open Educational Resources Open Scholars Self Archive Open Scholars Apply their research Open Scholars do Open Research Open Scholars Filter and Share With Others Open Scholars support emerging Open Learning alternatives Open Scholars Publish in Open Access Journals Open Scholars Create Open Access Books Open Scholars comment openly on the works of others Open Scholars Build Networks Open Scholars Lobby for Copyright Reform Open Scholars Assign Open Textbooks Open Scholars Induce Open Students Open Scholars support Open Students Open Scholars Teach Open Courses Open Scholars Research Openness Open Scholars are Change Agents Open Scholars Battle with Time Open Scholars are Involved in the Future
  • with Time
    Tästä blogista löytyi määritelmä siitä, mitä voisi olla "avoimet oppijat".
Tero Toivanen

Open education - 0 views

  • a wiki devoted to the discussion and development of ideas about open education (
  • what does it mean to be an open learner in terms of the practicalities of defining learning needs and objectives, finding and evaluating open learning resources, finding and connecting and working with other open learners and sources of expertise and advice; in short, creating an appropriate and effective personalised learning environment and network based on open platforms and applications, open educational resources and open networks of learners and scholars. 
    What does it mean to be an open learner in terms of the practicalities of defining learning needs and objectives?
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